Sunday, February 17, 2019

Prescription Strength Three Strain Soil Based Probiotic - Primal Earth Probiotic from The Myers Way Protocol - Promotes Normal Bowel Pattern, Replenishes Healthy GI Microflora – Dietary Supplement

Bifidobacterium Lactis: The Healthy Benefits of Probiotics

Are you aware of the huge list of healthy benefits that probiotics can offer to the human body? Bifidobacterium lactis, or B. lactis , is just one of the many bacterial strains that have been shown to help care for health and well-being in general. Whether to help digestion, increase immune health or relieve anxiety, this powerful probiotic is essential if you want to enjoy good health. You will definitely want to know more about the family of lactic acid bacteria.

The healthy benefits of Bifidobacterium lactis

Although there are more than a dozen probiotic strains, Bifidobacterium lactis is one of the most versatile and works best in the human body. Similar to other strains, this lactic acid bacteria can help fight lactose intolerance and boost the immune system. [ 1 ] In addition to these benefits, B. lactis can also promote healthy cholesterol levels, alleviate ulcerative colitis and even combat the effects of celiac disease. [ 2 ] With benefits like these, you're probably motivated to include it in your diet, more than ever. Fortunately, you can find B. lactis in dairy and fermented vegetables.

Prescription Strength Three Strain Soil Based Probiotic - Primal Earth Probiotic from The Myers Way Protocol - Promotes Normal Bowel Pattern, Replenishes Healthy GI Microflora – Dietary Supplement
Prescription Strength Three Strain Soil Based Probiotic - Primal Earth Probiotic from The Myers Way Protocol - Promotes Normal Bowel Pattern, Replenishes Healthy GI Microflora – Dietary Supplement

Not only Bifidobacterium lactis can help to digest lactose, but also offers a comprehensive help with the digestion of all sugars, fibers and macronutrients. In addition to these benefits, B. lactis can also help reduce the occurrence of diarrhea associated with the use of antibiotics. This can be of great help in case of emergency, when antibiotics may be necessary. A study also describes the benefits of B. lactis against respiratory diseases and infections. [ 3 ] In addition, it is important to highlight its important role in the health of the intestine. In fact, in combination with other probiotic strains, as well as prebiotics, B. lactis could be useful in helping to produce adequate bowel movements and to take care of the general health of the intestine. [ 4 ]

Maintain a proactive attitude when it comes to your health

Many people focus on what they should not eat, but they do not realize that it is just as important to keep in mind what should be consumed daily. By incorporating probiotics into your diet, you can add additional help to your health. Make sure you also consume prebiotics, in addition to probiotics, and reduce your exposure to toxic chemicals, such as pesticides, which can interfere with the proper development of probiotics. If necessary, try probiotic supplements to make sure you receive a sufficient amount.

Do Antibiotics Cause You Diarrhea? Use Probiotics

One of the most common (and unpleasant) side effects that many patients complain about when they take prescription antibiotics is antibiotic-associated diarrhea (AAD). [ 1 ] One possible countermeasure to this long-lasting and potentially serious problem may be the use of probiotics . While it may sound like a common sense solution for natural and holistic health experts, much of the conventional medical community is barely catching up with this idea. [ 2 ]

Probiotics: a Potential Therapy for AAD

An innovative meta-analysis presented at the 76th Annual Scientific Meeting of the American College of Gastroenterology in Washington DC compared the results of 22 independent medical studies focused on the use of probiotic bacteria in patients diagnosed with IBS or AAD. [ 3 ]

Comparing more than 3,000 participants, researchers across the United States have been able to uncover even more data suggesting that dietary supplementation with readily available strains of probiotic bacteria, such as Lactobacillus, can relieve intestinal sensitivity and soft stools associated with the disease. use of antibiotics. What's more, the same beneficial properties that help probiotics counteract the irritation caused by antibiotic medications has also been shown to alleviate the discomfort often experienced with IBS - irritable bowel syndrome.

For patients facing a long-term illness that requires the regular use of antibiotics, AAD can pose a very real, sometimes fatal, threat. The same goes for people with severe cases of IBD . Both conditions result in highly susceptible intestinal environments that are prone to constant discomfort. Because of the abnormal ease in which irritation occurs, there is usually not enough time to completely recover between attacks. Over time, this can cause permanent damage to the inner lining of the small and large intestines which, in turn, compromises the body's ability to properly absorb vitamins and other essential nutrients.

How to proceed

Many patients with IBS and AAD are continuously at risk of malnutrition, anemia and other serious deficiencies. In some extreme cases, your intestinal lining can become so damaged that you essentially starve, no matter how much food you eat. [ 4 ] While the collective results of these scientific studies help to better understand the curative potential of probiotic supplementation in relation to irritable bowel syndrome and diarrhea associated with antibiotics, many unanswered questions remain.

First and foremost, how to select the most effective probiotic supplement? With all the attention focused on the benefits of these useful microorganisms, there is no shortage of questionable products that are flooding the market and it is important that you do your homework before investing in one. Latero-Flora ™ is one of the best-supported probiotic supplements available anywhere in the world and, unlike most probiotic strains of laboratory culture, it is truly 100% natural and easy for your body to absorb and use.