Monday, February 25, 2019

Grafco 1821 Inflatable Rubber Invalid Ring, 16"" Diameter

Prevention and natural treatment of hemorrhoids

It is a very common condition. Generically, the result of increased pressure in the anus.

Hemorrhoids originate due to a swelling developed in the veins of the anus , or the lower part of the rectum. It is a very common condition. Generically, the result of increased pressure in the anus.

It may arise more frequently during pregnancy, as well as during childbirth or due to constipation. The swelling in the veins and anal tissues originates due to an excess of pressure. This tissue can bleed, usually during bowel movements.

Hemorrhoids tend to appear more easily after age 40. Similarly, as mentioned above, they are also common in pregnant women.

Grafco 1821 Inflatable Rubber Invalid Ring, 16"" Diameter
Grafco 1821 Inflatable Rubber Invalid Ring, 16

The specialist doctor, the coloproctologist, is the best person to give a diagnosis and indicate the best treatment. Also, medical treatments can be complemented with simple and highly effective natural therapies.

If you have hemorrhoids

What are your causes?

Hemorrhoidal veins are normal to dilate. This is how they fulfill their function of closing the year. The problem is caused, as explained, they swell.

Its appearance is considered easy to warn. It is usually accompanied by a burning sensation in the rectum, a sharp pain, a continuous discomfort is felt in the anus. You also have to take into account the possibility of some bleeding when you evacuate.

The main causes that give rise to the appearance of hemorrhoids are the following;

  •     Poor nutrition or hereditary factors.
  •     Maintain a sedentary lifestyle
  •     Habitual constipation or diarrhea.
  •     Make a lot of pressure or spend a lot of time sitting on the toilet.
  •     During pregnancy or because of obesity .
  •     Lift a lot of weight.

How to prevent hemorrhoids?

First, it is advisable to avoid sedentary lifestyle. Walk one hour a day, practice some exercise that promotes your circulation. In the same way, it is a good option to make the effort to maintain an adequate body weight.

Also, it will be advisable to drink at least 2 liters of water a day . Thus, avoid very seasoned, spicy and fatty foods. Increase in your diet the consumption of fiber , fruits, vegetables, wholemeal bread.

In addition, experts recommend going to the bathroom when the body asks for it . It is not good to withstand the desire, nor force the situation too much. Finally, avoid spending too much time sitting in the cup.

How to treat my hemorrhoids to live better?

In addition to having a treatment indicated by a specialist, it is possible to combine the same with some natural remedies . Among others, we recommend the following.

External treatment

To relieve your stinging it is advisable to take cold water baths in the bidet for 10 or 15 minutes, especially after evacuating.

In addition, it is possible to make a product called Castaño de Indias. This is ideal to stop small bleeds and reduce inflammation, helps improve circulation. It is obtained in suppositories in pharmacies or through an infusion, which later, we will apply to a compress. To take three or four leaves of the horse chestnut, boil them in water and moisten the compress to apply a few minutes in the rectal area.

Similarly, blueberries are a very good option to help improve circulation and reduce inflammation. Simply cook 70 grams of blueberries per liter of water. We let it cool and apply it also to a compress. We will see the relief immediately.

It may interest you: How to overcome constipation if you already follow a healthy diet

External treatment

To carry out a treatment of external characteristics, the following options can be taken into account.

  •     Plantain. One of the best plants to help treat hemorrhoids.
  •     Lima: It has vitamin C, which along with its flavonoids acts on the arteries to improve its elasticity and prevent spills of veins and capillaries. Drinking your juice once a day improves your treatment and helps prevent.
  •     Alfalfa: Contains vitamin K, which also helps prevent bleeding. To take it we can take a cup of alfalfa sprouts, very clean, and mix them with half chopped cucumber to take them after the blender.

Hemorrhoids are a common condition that should not cause serious consequences in the person. Anyway, it is important to go to a specialist to get a specific diagnosis and recommend the best solution for each person.