Friday, February 22, 2019

HEMORRHOID Formula Blend of Horse Chestnut and Micronized Diosmin - Created by a Board Certified Surgeon.

Prevention of hemorrhoids

We solve the most frequent doubts about this uncomfortable condition, and we explain what are the risk factors that predispose to the appearance of hemorrhoids, and the best ways to alleviate the discomfort they cause.

To prevent your discomfort, it is best to avoid the appearance of hemorrhoids correcting, as far as possible, the causes that originate them:

HEMORRHOID Formula Blend of Horse Chestnut and Micronized Diosmin - Created by a Board Certified Surgeon.
HEMORRHOID Formula Blend of Horse Chestnut and Micronized Diosmin - Created by a Board Certified Surgeon.


It is very important to substitute an inadequate diet for another one rich in fiber , fruits, vegetables and vegetables, as well as to consume between a liter and a half and two liters of water a day to avoid constipation . The fiber has the quality to absorb water and increase the volume of feces, whose consistency is softer and, therefore, facilitates its evacuation. It is convenient to reduce the consumption of salt , because it favors the retention of liquids and, therefore, causes venous congestion. The ingestion of alcohol, on the other hand, impairs blood circulation, hinders digestion and irritates the stomach and intestines.

You should also moderate the consumption of certain foods and irritants, such as: chili, spices, mustard, vinegar, garlic , onion , fat and coffee.


Practice soft sports on a regular basis, such as walking or swimming, tone muscles, activate circulation and help improve intestinal transit, reducing the possibility of hemorrhoids. However, certain sports such as cycling, horse riding and motorcycling are not advisable. Neither are those that involve great efforts (to increase the pressure on the anorectal area), and those that involve excessive weight loads (such as weightlifting).


Try not to stand or sit for long periods of time.


Efforts should be avoided when defecating and using soft toilet paper, wet wipes or baths with warm water to clean the anus. Many people feel pain when evacuating when they have constipation and avoid or delay going to the bathroom, which produces more constipation and worsens the hemorrhoidal picture. Neither should the time to go to the bathroom be delayed when the need arises, nor should you spend a lot of time sitting on the toilet.


Excess weight, especially if the fat is concentrated in the abdomen, compresses the hemorrhoidal veins.


Do not wear tight clothing.


Making great efforts, such as lifting heavy objects frequently, can facilitate the appearance of hemorrhoids.

Treatment of hemorrhoids

These are some recurrent guidelines in the treatment of hemorrhoids to relieve their annoying symptoms:

  •     Take sitz baths with warm-cool water (3-4 a day) for 10-15 minutes.
  •     Apply cryocompresses or ice to the affected area to relieve symptoms such as pain, itching and inflammation.
  •     Antihemorrhoidal cream, which works as a local analgesic and improves symptoms immediately. With these ointments up to 80% of uncomplicated hemorrhoids can get better associated with the other measures described.
  •     Analgesics orally to eliminate pain.
  •     You can use natural natural remedies, making an infusion with plants, such as chamomiles , burdock , calendula and horse chestnut, which promote venous circulation, and take baths with this preparation.
  •     Use sanitary towels for hemorrhoids instead of toilet paper, which moisturize, relieve itching, and prevent possible infections in the area.

Treatment for bloody hemorrhoids

If it is bleeding internal hemorrhoids, or very annoying (itching and significant pain and continued, abundant mucous secretion), you can use certain methods to eliminate them, such as:

  •     Place some elastic bands at the base of the hemorrhoid , strangulating it until it falls off after a few days . At first, the patient may feel discomfort and have some slight blood loss.
  •     The coagulation , with laser or infrared light, that applies heat on the affected tissue in order to coagulate the veins on the hemorrhoid, which shrinks and disappears. Electrocoagulation also interrupts the blood supply to the hemorrhoid. This technique causes discomfort and bleeding for a few days.
  •     Cryotherapy Liquid nitrogen is used to freeze the hemorrhoid and destroy it. The disadvantage is that swelling of the anus usually occurs and healing is slow.
  •     Sclerosing injections . Substances are injected into hemorrhoids, which cause their healing, decreasing symptoms.

Surgery to treat hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoidectomy (surgical removal of hemorrhoids) is usually used for large, uncomfortable internal hemorrhoids that have not responded to other treatments. It is considered as the most effective method to treat internal hemorrhoids although, like all surgery, it carries risks and inconveniences. A risk derived from hemorrhoidal surgery is the formation of blood clots in the legs. These clots can occur days after the intervention and cause acute swelling and pain.

Another specific risk of the operation of hemorrhoids, although uncommon (<1%), is anal stenosis , which consists of a narrowing of the anus and impaired control of the intestines that makes evacuation difficult. In most cases, however, the patient is lifted shortly after surgery and discharged within 24 hours. During the first days it is usual that there is pain and a slight bleeding. If the bleeding is severe, you should go immediately to the doctor.

Another technique used to operate hemorrhoids is circular mucosal anopexy (CMA) , which uses a circular stapler to prevent blood flow and reduce anal mucosal prolapse. This technique was devised by the Italian surgeon Antonio Longo and reduces the postoperative pain so feared by patients, although studies are needed to demonstrate its long-term effectiveness.