Sunday, February 17, 2019

Renew Life Adult Probiotic - Ultimate Flora Extra Care Go Pack, Shelf Stable Probiotic Supplement - 50 Billion - 30 Vegetable Capsules (Packaging May Vary)


Probiotics are gram positive, microaerophilic microorganisms, fermenters of
carbohydrates, which produce especially lactic acid, which is why they are also considered
"Lactic acid bacteria" being the Lactobacilli and Bifidobacteria the most important in the
present; these microorganisms are considered biotherapeutic for the health benefits
such as: facilitate the digestion of lactose, protect against gastrointestinal diseases,
of the urogenital and respiratory tract, balance the immune system, prevent and treat diseases
dermatological and protect against colon cancer. To achieve these long-term benefits, in
the human organism, it is required the consumption of foods with prebiotic ingredients such as
onions, bananas, oats, leeks and artichokes because they are the main source of carbon for these
bacteria The present work collects some bibliographic reviews of research and articles
related to this topic during a period of 26 years, comprised between 1977 and 2003.
Palabras Clave: Probiotics, Prebiotics, Lactobacilli, Bifidobacteria, Fructooligosaccharides.

Renew Life Adult Probiotic - Ultimate Flora Extra Care Go Pack, Shelf Stable Probiotic Supplement - 50 Billion - 30 Vegetable Capsules (Packaging May Vary)
Renew Life Adult Probiotic - Ultimate Flora Extra Care Go Pack, Shelf Stable Probiotic Supplement - 50 Billion - 30 Vegetable Capsules (Packaging May Vary)

The probiotics are positive gram microorganisms, microaerofilic, carbohydrate fermenters, which
are lactic acid producers and there is known as ¨lactic acid bacteria¨. Nowadays, Lactobacilii and
Bifidobacteriae are the most important lactic acid producers.
The before mentioned microorganisms are considered to be biotherapeutic because of their
beneficial effects on human health such as making easy the lactose digestion and protect humans
from gastrointestinal, urogenital and respiratory illnesses; they balance the immune system, prevent
and treat dermatologycal illnesses and protect against colon cancer.
The humans need an intake of foods containing prebiotics, which provide carbon to probiotics, in
order to get the beneficial effects in a long term. Some of prebiotics sources are: onions, bananas,
oats, leeks, and artichokes.

This review aims to highlight the importance
that it has in human health, the consumption of food
ments with prebiotic ingredients and with
probiotic microorganisms by the large variety
of beneficial effects that have been widely
demonstrated by different investigations and es-
tudios, taking into account that the diet is one of
the most important factors to keep this
A good diet should consider the
ingestion of so-called functional foods, which
In addition to nourishing, they have components that
have a positive impact on health, such as
prebiotics and probiotics. Prebiotics are
carbohydrates present in plant foods
whose main characteristic is that they are not
metabolized by the digestive enzymes of the male
which, when they reach the intestine, are used as
carbon source by microorganisms.

Probiotics are microorganisms that form
bacillary or cocobacillary gram positive, no
sporulated ones that have the property of
blar some carbohydrates to produce
posts of lower molecular weight, such as acid
two lactic, propionic, formic, acetic, CO 2 ,
diacetyl, H 2 0 2 , among others. These products con-
tribuyen to improve digestive processes, combat
the pathogenic intestinal microbiota, maintain the
immunological balance, among others. These
microorganisms are already available in
the market in the form of tablets, capsules,
vo and added to food. However, it can be
isolate foods of animal and vegetable origin
fermented in a natural way.
At present, we Colombians have not
become aware of the importance that it has
include in the diet, this type of food has
take into account that in the country, levels are presented
mortality rates due to malnutrition and can-
cer, there are also multiple cases of imbalance
in the immune system such as allergies,
pneumonias, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract
tinal and urogenital among others.


Throughout history it has been reported the
sumo of fermented dairy products with
living microorganisms, especially bacteria
lactic acid, because from ancient times it
evidenced the knowledge of the benefits that
these provided in the people who
they went down However, whoever emphasized them was
the scientist Elié Metchnikoff, who linked the
ingestion of fermented milks, with the longevity
health and health of the inhabitants in a given
region of Bulgaria, which included in their diet
fermented milks and lived on average more than
one hundred years (1) It is now known that the re-
fermentatives were microorganisms
lactic acid producers of the genres
Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium.
In 1965 the term was first used
"Probiotic", a word derived from the Latin "pro" that
means in favor of; and from the Greek "bios" that he wants
say life Initially, this word defined the
microorganisms that promoted growth
of other microorganisms; then applied to ex-
tracts of tissues that stimulate growth
microbial. In recent years, they have been defined
as probiotics, the single crops or mixture
two of living microorganisms that, when ingested
two by humans or animals, improve the balance
population of the intestinal microbiota, avoiding
the adherence of pathogens (2,3). But nevertheless,
these microorganisms are not necessarily
inhabitants of the gastrointestinal tract, but
can be found as a natural microbiota in
milk, meat and some vegetables, causing the
natural fermentation of them (4,5).


Probiotic microorganisms are bacteria
lactic acids that belong to the genus
Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium and traditionally
have been classified based on their properties
morphological growth at different temperatures
tures, glucose fermenting capacity and others
carbohydrates and the configuration of lactic acid
produced. Lactobacillus are gram-positive bacilli
non-sporulated, aerotolerant, acidotole-
rantes, catalase negative, lacking cytochrome;
although exceptions occur when some
species grown in haematin-rich media
or related compounds can synthesize
catalase; they are also strictly fermenting.


producing a great diversity of acids,
The main one is the lactic. The species of the genus
Bifidobacterium are gram-positive coccobacilli,
sporulated, usually strict anaerobes
but they can grow under microaerous conditions
edges when in the presence of CO 2 (4,7,6).


The strains of probiotic microorganisms
they must present and maintain some characteristics
that guarantee their growth and survival in
the food that contains it or to which it is added,
as well as during its transit through
stomach and small intestine, and their ability to
Adhere to the mucous membranes of the large intestine. In-
Among the main characteristics are:
Feasibility during processing and
food storage. The viability
is the capacity of these micro-
organisms to stay alive, both in the
food as in the intestine of the consumer
during a certain time, in order to
achieve the benefits of such foods. The
feasibility is related to the method of
production and with the additional microorganism
swim with the fermented product (8.9). In Colom-
bia, it is required that milk fermented with
Probiotics must present a feasibility in
Colony Training Units (CFU) of
concentrations of not less than 10 6 CFU / g du-
for a minimum period of 21 days (10,11).
Stability against gastric acids and bi
lis These microorganisms must resist
the concentrations of acid and bile salts of
stomach or small intestine of human beings
hands and animals. To check the resistance
To these adverse media there is a test
which is done in vitro at pH = 2 and with the salts
biliary at a concentration of 0.3% w / v; by-
that not all species of genera
Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium present this
characteristic, therefore, is an im-
carrier to select a microorganism
probiotic (12)
· Adherence to the intestinal mucosa. The
Probiotic microorganisms have the capacity to
the ability to synthesize a biosurfactant
glycoprotein, which favors the adhesion
tion to the surfaces of M cells and / or
peyer's plates, and in this way compete with
enteropathogenic microorganisms and im-
they ask that they colonize the intestine, which
ultimately leads to stimulating the system
immunological issue, with an increase
to the levels of some immunoglobulins
in the organism (13,14.15,16). This property
It was proven in in vitro studies on the
cell lines Caco-2 and Ht-29 (17,12,18).
Production of antimicrobial substances
bianas When these microorganisms
metabolize carbohydrates, synthesize com-
such as: lactic, formic, acetic acid;
hydrogen peroxide, super oxide anions and
hydroxyl radicals; carbon dioxide,
diacetyl, acetaldehyde and D isomers of
amino acids. You can also synthesize some
substances called bacteriocins like the
reuterin, non-protein with low
molecular weight that exert an action
antimicrobial, by acting on structural structures
of the different microorganisms
that they inhibit. This takes on greater importance
tance when such microorganisms are
pathogens, as is the case of Escherichia coli,
Pseudomonas spp., Clostridium perfringens and Cl.
difficile mainly (19,20).

The boom in foods enriched with es-
microorganisms is due to a great variety
of benefits that they provide to the consumer,
which have been evidenced through a series
of investigations. Among the most prominent are
They find the following:
Facilitate the digestibility of lactose.
The probiotic microorganisms, being in the
intestine, release the enzyme β-galactosidase, which
acts on lactose hydrolyzing it until glucose
and galactose, in this way prevents people from
carbohydrate tolerant symptoms
as flatulence, abdominal pain and diarrhea, when
do they consume milk (21,22)
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Protect against gastro-intestinal diseases
intestinal The intestinal pathology can occur
by a consumption of antibiotics that inhibit or
destroy the natural microbiota and / or colonize
tion by enteropathogenic microorganisms as
Klebsíella oxytoca and Clostridium difficile, which causes
San lesions in the colon (23,24,25). With the consumer
mo of foods with probiotics specifically
Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG, and Lactobacillus reuteri,
the balance of the intestinal microbiota is recovered
native and prevents the adhesion of some viruses, bacteria
pathogenic substances or parasites that can be agents
causes of gastroenteritis, diarrhea of ​​the via-
jero and intestinal inflammation, the syndrome of
irritable colon (18,26,27,28,29,30) that in the last
Instances may be the cause of colon cancer;
probiotics have shown a favorable effect
in mutation prevention, by deactivating
genotoxic carcinogens, in an in vitro system
Protect against tract infections
urogenital. Vaginitis induced by bacteria and /
or yeast, is a closely related infection
cured with exposure to antibiotics and
spermicides and also depends on the hor
Monal of the woman. With the consumption of mixtures
probiotic, good results have been obtained
in the restoration of the natural microbiota
urogenital, which displaces the cause
of inflammation in the vagina and urethra (16).
Promote the endogenous defense barrier
of the intestine. Although, the gastrointestinal tract
It is normally a natural barrier against
antigens of microbial and food origin, the
presence of probiotics attached to muco-
intestinal, stimulates or potentiates the
mune, which favors the immunomodulation that
manifests itself in an increase in the levels of
immunoglobulins, and an activation of the cells
mononuclear and lymphocytes to protect
to the host of infections. However, the
specific mechanisms are not yet clear
Protect against respiratory infections.
Probiotics increase phagocytic activity
of alveolar macrophages acting on
pathogenic microorganisms present in the pathways
respiratory A study was made of 571 healthy children
we with ages between one and six years divided into
two groups: one of them was included in their
milk diet supplemented with Lactobacillus GG, and
to the other children, milk not supplemented,
With a 19% decrease in
respiratory diseases such as otitis media, sinusitis
tis, bronchitis and pneumonia in those children
mentioned with Lactobacillus GG (35). The above
was corroborated by Rio and collaborators when
supplied Lactobacillus acidophilus and L. casei
in children to observe the effect on pathologies
of normal airways at this stage of the
life, who concluded that the supply of
lactobacilli prevented pneumonias and decreased
the frequency of bronchitis in normal children and
malnourished. In addition, they observed that the
trition predisposes towards greater severity in
the pathologies and limits the effectiveness of these
microorganisms, possibly by decreasing the
the capacity of the organism in response to the immu-
ne (36).
Alvarez et al 2001 found that the administration
of yogurt with Lactobacillus casei in mice
improved the lung clearances of the pre-
of Pseudomonas aeruginosa inducing a
significant increase in IgA and IgM levels,
detected in the bronchoalveolar lavages and
observed a dose-dependent effect (37).
They prevent eczema The consumption of
probiotics improves allergic or eczemal inflammation
atopic, because it significantly improves the
skin conditions, the concentration of
circulating cytokines and adhesion molecules to
the surfaces of the cells, soluble in serum (38).
This was observed in 27 children with 4.6 months of age
on average, fed with supplementary formula
with Bifidobacterium lactis and Lactobacillus GG.
After applying said treatment, it is submitted
they went to a SCORAD test (measures the length
eczema and severity). Another study, was
performed on 159 pregnant women with a history
family of first-degree atopic eczema, a
which were given daily Lactobacillus
GG for 2 to 4 weeks before delivery and at
children during their first two years of life, in
who saw a 50% decrease in
the frequency of atopic eczema (39,40).
Prevent infection in surgical wounds.
Probiotics of the type Lactobacillus fermentum,
prevent the binding of pathogens to surfaces
cells in wounds, through the secretion of
teínas. Currently, the study is under


application on wounds in rat skin, and
found a decrease of 90% in the colo-
nization by Staphylococcus aureus, one
of the most feared pathogens and the largest inci-
dencia in hospital infections; moreover, it
is contemplating the possibility of using the
purified protein instead of the microorganism for
the protection against infections (41,42).
Probiotics to be able to keep all the
favorable effects on the people who consume them
men, it is necessary to supplement them with food
coughs that contain prebiotic ingredients

They are short chain carbohydrates, some
ces recognized as oligosaccharides, indigestible
by the enzymes of the intestinal epithelium or the glands
attached fields due to its chemical structure, and
this way they reach the large intestine where al-
canzan to be available for fermentation
of saccharolytic bacteria, which are especially
lactobacilli and bifidobacteria, giving rise to
compounds that exert functional effects on
the mucosa of the digestive tract (43).
They are considered as such some fructooligosa-
caridos, isomaltooligosaccharides, oligomato,
palatinose, polydextrose, polydextrin, raftiline and
some oligosaccharides from soy and oats. Is it so
in foods such as onions, garlic, bananas,
products, derived from wheat, chicory, asparagus and
artichoke. (44.45). Some of these prebiotics,
when they are incorporated into the diet in quantities
determined, alter the intestinal microbiota dis-
decreasing the counts of coliforms,
teroids and cocci, and increasing bifidobacteria
also in ten times, they also modify the activity
metabolism of the colon achieving a decrease
pH and an increase in the fecal content of
short chain fatty acids such as acetic acid,
propionic and butyric. Butyrate increases the
of the wall of the colon and small intestine, esti-
mucous growth of the colon mucosa and
mint its blood flow, inhibits growth
of epithelial tumor lines of colonic origin,
induces the differentiation of your cells and the
apoptosis, among others (46,43).
In studies done in simulators of the
human tino, using fermented oat products
mentioned, they were found to stimulate growth
of both lactobacilli and bifidobac-
and, in the case of the latter, increased
the production of acetic, propionic and
butyric, which affects the implementation of
probiotics and inhibits the growth of another type
of microorganisms (15,47,48)
Studies have been conducted seeking to evaluate the
effects of a prebiotic such as oligofructose with
and without zinc, in a dietary supplement, on the
prevalence of diarrhea in a child population
where there was a high rate of infections
gastrointestinal; which showed no difference
significant differences between the two formulas. This
led the authors to conclude that a
reasonable dose of the prebiotic to achieve the
expected (49). Infant formulas supplement
with oligosaccharides in the diet of
premature children in a proportion similar to the
of human milk stimulated the growth of
bifidobacteria in the intestine and it was observed that
the stool characteristics were similar to
those of those infants fed with milk
maternal (50).

It is important to stimulate food consumption
probiotic and prebiotic ingredients in the population
Colombia since childhood, because it improves the
assimilation of nutrients and prevents disease
from early stages, such as intolerance,
rancid to lactose, gastrointestinal diseases
including colon cancer, respiratory infections
rations, among others.
In Colombia, research should be encouraged
in this field, focusing on isolating strains
natives with probiotic activity and from them,
elaborate own foods of our region with
high nutritional value and easy access for the
population with high levels of malnutrition.