Monday, February 25, 2019

#1Turmeric Anal Fissure Suppository Treatment! All-Natural Medicine, Stops Bleeding

The best way to prevent hemorrhoids

Forget about these painful annoyances forever.

Reviewing Facebook without stopping is a great way to spend time while sitting on the toilet, but it can become a nuisance in the back: people who read on the toilet are more likely to develop hemorrhoids .

This is because hemorrhoids (which are normal vascular structures that we all have in the anal canal) can enlarge and cause pain when pressed against the connective tissue that normally keeps them in place, explains Dr. Anish Sheth, a gastroenterologist at the University Medical Center of Princeton University in New Jersey.

#1Turmeric Anal Fissure Suppository Treatment! All-Natural Medicine, Stops Bleeding
#1Turmeric Anal Fissure Suppository Treatment! All-Natural Medicine, Stops Bleeding

Sitting in the toilet for a long time tense, irritates and inflames these connective tissues, says Dr. Sheth. The same happens when you are constipated or if you sit in the same position on the desk or in the car.

Some men may even experience hemorrhoids from carrying too much weight in the gym, Sheth says. Active the same abdominal muscles when evacuating, which can stretch the tissue around the anus .

If you do any of this, it is very possible that you experience hemorrhoids . In fact, about 75% of people will suffer at some point in their life, according to the National Institute of Health of the United States.


1. External hemorrhoids , located under the skin around your anus and can form small hard lumps. They can cause bleeding, painful swelling and itching.

2. Internal hemorrhoids are located in the rectum, the final part of your large intestine, and usually are not painful. However, they can cause bleeding that you will notice in your stool, on paper when cleaning or in the toilet after evacuating.

The chances of getting hemorrhoids increase with age, Sheth adds. The connective tissue that lines your anal canal weakens with age, making it easier for your blood vessels to bulge when irritated.

The good news:
they are easy to deal with.

Your first choice should be creams, ointments or over-the-counter suppositories that contain hydrocortisone . This medicine reduces inflammation, pain and itching.

"If your symptoms do not go away within a week, make an appointment with your doctor," says Dr. Gina Sam, director of Gastrointestinal Motility at Mount Sinai Hospital.

"You may need a medication that contains a combination of hydrocortisone and lidocaine to control swelling and pain," he adds.

Does the pain persist?

Ask your doctor to refer you to a gastroenterologist or a proctologist.

The specialist can treat severe cases or any complication, such as a blood clot, persistent bleeding, or a prolapse (an internal hemorrhoid that pushes your anus outward).

In this case, you may have to undergo a surgical procedure to decrease the hemorrhoid .


To prevent them from coming back, take care of the causes, says Dr. Sam.

Constipation : Eat more fiber and drink more water. Try to consume at least 25 grams of fiber per day from oats, prunes, fruits, vegetables and grains, says Sheth.

A lot of sitting time : if you are one of those who spend hours sitting at the desk, get up every 20 minutes to avoid pressure at the same point.

Take your phone out of the bathroom. Do not you sit in the toilet longer than necessary? Says Sheth.

The weights
: you do not need to stop doing squats or dead weights, but you may need to lower the weight if the symptoms are recurrent, concludes Sheth.