Saturday, February 23, 2019

LINENSPA 8 Inch Memory Foam and Innerspring Hybrid Mattress - Twin XL

How to choose the mattress and its accessories for the bed of your dreams?

Tips to choose your ideal bed and thus be able to have a dream of the highest quality.

Rest is essential when it comes to maintaining good health and getting the batteries charged. Whether we do sports or not, it is necessary to sleep a daily average of seven or eight hours, and therefore the bed is one of the most important places to maintain good health.

First of all, we must keep in mind that in bed we spend many hours of our life, and therefore it has to be a comfortable place. The mattress, the pillow and the base should make our body rest, therefore it is necessary that they adapt perfectly to it.

The offer of beds, pillows, sheets and mattresses is wide, and it is not always clear which one suits us the best.

LINENSPA 8 Inch Memory Foam and Innerspring Hybrid Mattress - Twin XL
LINENSPA 8 Inch Memory Foam and Innerspring Hybrid Mattress - Twin XL

Tips to keep in mind when choosing a mattress:

The mattress is the most important part of the bed, to maintain good back health. In addition, sleeping in a good mattress greatly increases the quality of life, but the offer is so varied that it is hard to decide. Mattresses can be of many types, of different materials (foam, springs, latex ...), with different degrees of firmness. In addition, the prices are very different. What is a good mattress for me? With these tips we want to answer your question.

Before looking for a mattress you should ask yourself:

How do you sleep?

If you sleep on your back, in a supine position, on your back, you must choose hard mattresses.

If you sleep on your side, a mattress of less firmness may allow you to allow the shoulder to sink slightly, until you find a comfortable position.

How much do you weigh?

If you weigh a lot, you will need firm mattresses that offer good support. On a soft mattress you would sink to excess.

Lighter people also need mattresses of greater flexibility, which adapt to their shape to distribute the weight better.

Do you move a lot?

If you move a lot while you sleep, a somewhat harder mattress will allow you to turn without effort. On a soft mattress you would sink too much, and it would be difficult for you to turn, which is uncomfortable.

Do you pass heat?

If you spend heat, sweat easily or live in a warm place, spring mattresses may suit you more, because they ventilate better and are fresher.

If you are cold or live in a cold place, foam, latex or viscoelastic models keep more heat.

Another questions

If you want an articulated base, you need a flexible mattress (foam, latex or pocket springs).

If you are allergic to dust or asthmatic, it is recommended to use a foam or latex mattress with a washable cover (unless, of course, you are allergic to latex)

What you should know about the firmness of the mattress

A good mattress should distribute the weight of the body in the proper way. It must be firm enough to hold the body well, but not so hard that it is uncomfortable. In recent years the idea that a hard mattress is always the best for the back has spread. Not so: in the end, the hardness, or better, the firmness of the mattress is a matter of personal preference, and weight.

A good mattress should respect the natural curvature of the spine, face up and aligned while you sleep on your side.

If the mattress is too hard or rigid, it does not fit the body. This, on the one hand, allows better aeration, but on the other hand, the weight of the body is not distributed properly throughout the surface of the mattress.

On a mattress that is too soft, the body tends to sink. This presents different problems: the sensation of heat increases, because the air does not circulate, and on the other hand the spine and the back are not well restrained, neither when sleeping on their backs, nor on their sides.

What you should know about the different types of mattress material

The material of the mattress is a determining aspect. We review the most common types of mattresses (springs, foam, viscoelastic and latex) and their characteristics.

Spring mattresses:

They can be of different classes, independent springs (Bionicos or Bonell), continuous or bagged:

-Biconic springs (Bonell):

they have a core formed by multiple metal springs placed vertically, which narrow in their central section and are linked to each other by metal wires. It is the traditional spring system and its main feature is a high firmness. It offers sufficient support and good ventilation, so they can be somewhat cool.

-Here continuous:

The framework is made from a single metallic thread. In both cases the core is covered by several layers of foam or cotton. It offers sufficient support and good ventilation, so they can be somewhat cool. There are mattresses with a summer face and a winter face, warmer. Its result is a very firm and resistant type of product.

-Cylindrical or bagged springs:

The springs, as its name suggests, are cylinder-shaped and wrapped in sacks of cloth, to avoid friction. They are independent structures, provide a precise support to the body and when there is no rubbing between springs, they are quieter than the previous types. They maintain a good independence of movements for the two members of the couple in a double bed. They often wear a very generous covering of different materials that makes them halfway between spring mattresses and foam or latex mattresses. Although they lose height and firmness with use, they can provide a good rest for fifteen years.

-Polyurethane foam mattresses

These mattresses look like a polyester or polyurethane "sponge cake" filled with thousands of tiny air cells or bubbles, and covered by a sheath. Depending on the number of cells per m3, their size and the cohesive agents carried by the mass, the mattress will be more or less firm. In general, the more light, the softer and the worse the aging. Densities below 35kg / m3 only suit beds for occasional guests or small children. In general, they are easy to handle and good heat insulators.

- Mattresses made of viscoelastic material

They are made of a special foam that molds to the body under the effects of heat and pressure, offering an optimal distribution of body weight. The deformation of the material lasts for a while when changing position, which can be uncomfortable. These viscoelastic mattresses interest, above all, those who must spend a lot of time in bed.

- Latex mattresses.

These mattresses are made of natural latex foam (from the rubber tree), synthetic latex (from petroleum) and auxiliary materials used in different proportions. There are mattresses that combine natural and synthetic latex. The core carries perforations to facilitate aeration, reduce weight and create areas of resistance. The latex mattresses offer a fairly firm support, but at the same time they are very flexible and adapt well to the contours of the body, distributing the pressure evenly. They are good heat insulators, and thanks to the vents they also maintain a pleasant environment in the contact area. These mattresses are a good option for those who move a lot at night, because latex effectively absorbs body movements. Also for couples if one moves a lot. For people with respiratory allergies or asthma, latex or foam mattresses are a good option to avoid the risk of mite colonies inside the springs. However, they are prohibited for those allergic to latex. They are quite heavy, which together with their great flexibility, makes them uncomfortable to handle. These mattresses can carry different coatings: cotton, wool, silk, synthetic, etc. Latex mattresses are usually quite expensive.

Other "special" mattresses

Orthopedic mattresses are suitable for those who must stay in bed for a long time. They are not suitable for a healthy person, it is uncomfortable to move in one of them. They are quite expensive, they are usually used by medical recommendation.

The water mattresses are heavy, they need a careful conservation and they are also very uncomfortable, especially for those who move a lot at night or for those who sleep on their stomachs. His most positive note is that the body adapts well to the mattress.

The futon , Japanese mattress made with layers of cotton, is suitable for those looking for a hard base. Its thickness is very small, and decreases with use. It must be changed frequently.

Classic wool mattresses have many disadvantages: they are very heavy, difficult to handle and maintain well and are unthinkable for those suffering from respiratory allergies.

Before buying the mattress ...

Take some time to try the mattress in the store before buying it:

It is not enough to sit down and feel it, lie down, try different positions ... look for the mattress that best suits your taste, your characteristics and your needs.

Lie on your back and pass a hand between the lower back and the mattress: if there is too much slack the mattress can be too rigid for your characteristics. If the hand does not pass, the mattress is too soft and the body sinks excessively.

If you sleep together in a double bed two people with very different weights and customs, you can choose two mattresses together, each adapted to the conditions of the user. However, a latex mattress or one of bagged springs will also maintain the independence of movements.

How long a mattress should last:

Many people confuse the warranty period of a mattress (often 10 or more years) with the time a mattress is meant to last. " After five to seven years of nighttime use, it may be time to evaluate whether your mattress still provides the support and comfort you need. If it shows flaccidity or visible bulges, or if you wake up feeling stiff, you may have to change the mattress. Our advice is not to wait more than 15 years of use to change them. After that time, the original firmness and hygiene conditions will have changed and not only will it not function properly, it could even be harmful to health.

Tips to keep it in good condition mattress:

You have to ventilate it every day. It is better to wait 5 to 10 minutes (and with the window open if possible) before making the bed.

Turn the mattress at least four times a year, from left to right and from head to toe.

Cleaning a mattress is difficult, so the best option is to protect it and always use a breathable 100% cotton cover. In addition, if you can, it is preferable that you use a cover model that leaves the bottom of the mattress outdoors, for proper aeration of all the rest equipment. Clean the surface of the mattress with a vacuum cleaner, if possible every two weeks, thus ensuring that at least part of the mites and accumulated particles come out.

Washable mattress covers are essential to keep the mattress in good condition. The bedroom is one of the places where there is more risk for those who suffer allergies to mites, as they often become strong in mattresses, sheets, quilts, pillows, feeding on our dead cells. For those allergic to mites, latex mattresses are the most suitable. And always take care to wash the bedding frequently to eliminate them.

What not to do?

It is not convenient to clean the mattress dry or soak the upholstery of the rest equipment. Nor is it advisable to use bicarbonate or other chemical elements that can damage the surface and even penetrate interior layers and deteriorate them. The old practice of hitting the mattress to release dust and accumulated dead cells is not recommended for modern equipment, which could be damaged. Never bend or fold a mattress (except on articulated mats), even for a short period of time, as it will irreversibly damage it. Do not support sharp objects or heavy, although the mattress seems an ideal surface to support furniture, could cause irreparable damage. The mattress is designed to rest, not to jump over it. Do not use the mattress on a base that does not cover at least 60% of its surface or is in poor condition. Never use boards between the mattress and the base of the bed, that can reduce the life of the mattress and even invalidate the terms of the warranty.

Tips to keep in mind to choose the base of the bed:

You should avoid the structures of metal beds. Modern trends lead us easily to models of beds in metal, for its design, or for its price. Unfortunately, this trend is the reverse of what we need to sleep better: the metal, good conductor at the electrical level, discharges us during the night, and tends to weaken us. It also attracts electromagnetic radiation from the environment, and causes us more tension during the night. The metal is also inadvisable at the feng shui level of the room.

Better a bed of solid wood for rest, wood does not discharge like metal, so we wake up with more energy, and more relaxed. In addition, the wooden beds are warmer, and encourage better energy in the room. Being made of solid wood, they do not carry chemical or synthetic products (glues, ...) that give off toxic fumes where you sleep. The agglomerated woods should be avoided if possible, but they are always better than metal beds.

For the bed base, it is very important to have a system with adjustable blades, to adapt the firmness of the "mattress + mattress" set and make sure that your back stays perfectly straight all night. Here we can make some concession to the plastic if the sheets carry joints.

So you have it clear: opt for a bed of solid wood, with sheets of adjustable firmness, and then look for the best mattress.

How should I orient the bed:

Traditionally, the north orientation is considered the most suitable for sleeping and in this case the popular knowledge is right. If we look at wild animals, most of them look in that direction when they want to rest.

The reasons are related to the magnetic orientation of the earth and the polarization of our cells. The earth is a huge magnet with two poles, north and south, that generate a magnetic field. From it are derived the lines of force that come out of the south pole (geographic) and enter the north pole, closing to the south by the interior of the earth, forming a loop. Our cells are composed of electrons, with their respective positive and negative charges. When we sleep aligned with the north, we facilitate rest because in that direction we do not interfere with the natural flow of the earth, which goes south-north. A good rest guarantees an adequate cellular regeneration, health and vitality.

When we talk about orienting the bed to the north, it means that the head of the bed is oriented in that direction, so that when we lie down, the crown of the bed is in the north and the feet in the south.

However, it is as important to sleep oriented to the north as to sleep "comfortable", that is, if we have to change the location of the bed and position it in a place that is uncomfortable because it messes up the natural structure of the room, this annoyance is probably not let us rest well. Therefore, there will be people for whom the main thing is to sleep towards the north and, on the other hand, other people will give more importance to the visual and practical effect of the arrangement of the furniture (not having their backs to the door or the window, leaving a space wide for opening the cabinets ...). Each one has to decide what is important for himself knowing the pros and cons of the two alternatives.

Tips to keep in mind when choosing a pillow:

Choosing the right pillow will help you align the head and neck, essential for a good night's sleep.

First, choose the right firmness according to your preferred sleeping position. Those who sleep on their side need firm support, while a medium tone is ideal for those who sleep on their backs, and those who sleep on their stomachs require a softer pillow.

Synthetic materials are better for allergic people. Do you prefer pens? Check the stuffing A higher quality filling means more comfort. Also choose tight-knit cotton covers.

Synthetic pillows last one or two years; those of feathers can last from five to ten. Always use pillow cases to help extend the life of a pillow. Wash the sheets regularly, and the pillows will need less washing
The most important factor and the one that depends directly on us, is the position that we often have at the moment of sleep, since the thickness and hardness of the pillow depend on this.

How to choose firmness of a pillow according to a sleeping position:

People who sleep on their side, require a pillow thick and firm enough to cover the space between the shoulder and the head, so that it is not tilted to any side, the wider the shoulders, the thicker should also be the pillow.

Those who prefer to sleep on their backs are advised to use pillows of intermediate thicknesses and consistencies, in such a way that they adapt to the contour of the neck.

People who sleep on their stomach (which incidentally is a position that is not recommended by experts because the lumbar spine is forced), should choose a soft, low pillow; in this way the hair and the neck rotated remain at the same height of the rest of the body.

Tips to keep in mind to choose bed sheets:

Choose totally natural fabrics, such as 100 percent cotton. The sheets of natural fibers allow the body to breathe and, if you take care of them, they will last a long time, so they are worth the investment. The cotton sheets feel smooth and soft to the touch, while Egyptian cotton, which has a longer fiber, feels a little more luxurious.

The situation of the sheets is another point to keep in mind, because although it does not seem like it, it makes us feel a lot of trouble when we go to bed. Lying down with the bed made, with the sheets stretched and especially clean is one of the best ways to feel pleasure and tranquility at bedtime. These sensations will help us to fall asleep earlier and therefore feel more rested throughout the night.