Sunday, February 17, 2019

Dr. Colbert's Probiotics with Prebiotics Including DE111® and PreforPro® for Maximum Gut Health

Discover the benefits of each type of probiotic and learn how to lose weight with them

In order to acquire a more enlightened silhouette it is necessary a lot of discipline and determination. Maintain a balanced diet and ally with the routine of regular and fundamental physical activities. But, weight loss is not always easy task, and important to count with some allies that help to reduce localized fat.

A variety of alternatives are lactobacilli. "Called probiotics, they are found in our stomachs, they are fermented leites in dairy dairies, they are treated with live microorganisms that melhor the saude and balance or functioning of the intestine, as well as the digestion and absorption of nutrients," says Dr Dermatologist Dr. Amilton Macedo (CRM / SP - 80686), com practica em oxidologia.

Dr. Colbert's Probiotics with Prebiotics Including DE111® and PreforPro® for Maximum Gut Health
Dr. Colbert's Probiotics with Prebiotics Including DE111® and PreforPro® for Maximum Gut Health

Why are you important?

According to Macedo (CRM / SP - 80686), these microorganisms are naturally present in the intestine, but not two years and loses. "A diet consisting of fatty foods and with little ingestion of fibers favors or growth of some bacteria to the detriment of others." In contrast, or regular consumption, porous, semi-free of probiotics may help to balance the intestinal microbiota in favor of bacteria stimulate weight loss in a healthy way, "he says.

Alike, probiotics are resistant to digestive enzymes, arrive intact to or intestine, or that helps to intensify the actions of the same not functioning gut microflora. More that is not only health benefits. "In addition to elevating the absorption of vitamins and minerals during feeding, it increases the capacity of production of protective cells of the body, helping to strengthen or immunological system.

Probiotics and their benefits

The oxidologist clarifies that there are different types of probiotics and each one has different benefits to or organism. "Lactobacillus gasseri, for example, prevents the formation of leptin, a hormone secreted hair adipose tissue that emits information on the brain on reserve of body fat and controls the levels circulating insulin non-organism, helping to lose fat and do not control weight" , he says.

See other probiotics listed by Amilton Macedo and its benefits:

Lactobacillus delbrueckii: act stimulating the immune system or organism, being an important ally in reducing cholesterol. They help to treat and prevent diarrhea in children and are still effective is not a treatment of people who suffer from lactose intolerance.

Lactobacillus gasseri:
hair of Helps reduce the number of Leptin, reduces to subcutaneous and abdominal fat. "Other benefits are controlling the levels of glycemia, blood is not reduced or BMI (Body Mass Index), doctor or doctor.

Lactobacillus johnsonii: they stimulate immune defenses of the body, help prevent or appearance of melasmas in the skin and even combat inflammatory diseases.

Lactobacillus lactis: this type provides minerals such as calcium and iron, and lactose. "It is effective not chronic inflammatory drugs as well as pneumococcal diseases," Macedo disagrees.

Lactobacillus plantarum: helps to alleviate the gastrointestinal symptoms that do not favor the treatment of diseases with the use of antibiotics.

Lactobacillus reuteri: this type promotes an equilibrium, not an individual immunological system. "It is recommended for newly born babies who are comfortable with colic, being effective not treated, and they help not treatment of acute diarrhea", guarantor or doctor.

Lactobacillus salivarius: promotes a better stomach upset in food poisoning, improving absorption of nutrients in the intestine.

Bifidobacterium infantis: indicated for children that suffer with pulmonary infections, because it helps to entertain the symptoms. In addition, he acts in the treatment of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS).

Bifidobacterium lactis: is recommended for people who suffer from chronic pain and inflammation of the colon, promoting mucosal protection, helping patients with celiac disease.

Bifidobacterium breve: brings positive benefits for the beauty of the skin. "It is advisable to treat atopic dermatitis, prevent or cause coloine cancer, and inaddition to the production of candida albicans, a fungus that causes the infection.

Bifidobacterium longum: reduces flu virus infections and even premature children with low weight. It helps to strengthen the bones by supporting the absorption of the organism's calcium hair.

Enterococcus faecium: lowers LDL bad cholesterol levels as a result of the hepatic enzymatic system. In counterpart, increases or HDL cholesterol.

Streptococcus thermophilus: decreases the incidence of antibacterial secretion and inflammation in the body, as well as an increase in response of the defense organism to allergies.

Saccharomyces boulardii: promotes a restoration of intestinal flora, also assists in the treatment of diarrhea produced.

Or specialist further points out that you probiotics are not medications, more food you work that help to improve one's health. "It is ideal to give preference to commercially available products of natural products, but to maintain their properties." There are probiotic capsules, or only use made by a doctor recommendation, "concluded Macedo.