Showing posts with label Biotin Supplements. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Biotin Supplements. Show all posts

Thursday, March 7, 2019

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9 Techniques of how to make hair grow in a day

Fortunately for you, there are many ways on how to grow hair in 1 day , healthy and strong. Massaging your scalp or applying special hair treatments are good bets.

Eating a healthy and well-balanced diet can also help stimulate the growth of your hair. The most important thing, however, is to make sure you take good care of your hair to prevent damage from occurring. Damaged and unhealthy hair tends to break, which will not help at all if you're trying to make it grow.

1- Massage your scalp

Massaging any part of your body improves circulation by increasing the flow of blood to the area, and your scalp is no exception. When you massage your scalp, increased blood flow stimulates the growth of hair follicles. Scalp massage is a simple and easy technique of how to grow hair in 1 day.

Try massaging your scalp every time you take a shower. Use the tips of your fingers to gently rub your scalp in a circular motion. Make sure you cover the front, back and side of your head.

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Repeat the process as much as you want. It has the additional benefit of reducing stress and helping you feel calm.

2- Rub your scalp with essential oils

It has been proven that certain essential oils help stimulate the growth of new hair . Increase the benefits of your scalp massage by working on a small amount of essential oil. Pour five to ten drops of oil on the fingertips and massage the oil all over the scalp is one of the methods of how to grow hair in a day. Try one of these essential oils:

  •     Mint, which improves circulation.
  •     Tea tree oil, which soothes the scalp and helps improve dandruff.
  •     Lemon oil, which promotes healthy hair growth.

  3- Use shampoo three times a week

Using shampoo every day can dry out the hair, which can slow down hair growth. Shampooing three times a week should be adequate to keep hair clean. On other days, simply rinse your hair with water and then apply conditioner. If your hair feels dirty during the week, use a dry shampoo instead of washing your hair when it is wet.
4- Condition your hair every time you use shampoo

The conditioner replenishes oils lost during the shampooing process. Never neglect the application of a quality conditioner on your hair the days you wash it. It is vital to replenish your hair to keep it strong, which promotes growth.

In addition to your normal conditioning, try a deep conditioning treatment once a week. This will add shine and extra strength to your hair. A key trick of how to make hair grow in a day

This has the dual purpose of helping promote hair growth and keep hair strong and smooth. It is believed that coconut oil, almond oil and castor oil help the hair grow thick and strong.

5- Use a boar bristle brush

This is a special type of brush made with natural fibers that look a lot like the texture of human hair. It is used to extract the sebum, the natural oil secreted by the scalp, until reaching the tip of the hair. This protects your hair from the roots to the tips and keeps it healthy and strong.

  •     Place the brush against your scalp and rub it back and forth to massage your head and collect your natural oil.
  •     In a long stroke, pull the brush from the root to the tip of the hair. Keep stroking the same section of hair until it looks shiny and smooth.
  •     Continue this process section by section until you have massaged the entire scalp and brushed all the hair.
  •     Be sure to get a boar bristle brush. This does not work with plastic or metal brushes.

6- Know what you should not use on your hair

When your goal is to know how to make hair grow in 1 day , it is important to pay attention to the products you use. Many products contain chemicals that can damage the hair and make it dry and brittle. Try using products composed mainly of natural ingredients. Avoid products that contain the following :

  •     Sulfates: found in shampoo, these are strong cleansers that remove natural oils from hair and dry it.
  •     Silicones: found in the conditioner, accumulate in the hair and make it look heavy and dull.
  •     Alcohols: found in hairsprays, gel and other styling products, they dry the hair and cause it to become brittle.

7- Condition your hair every time you bathe

Unlike shampoo, it is important that you always use a conditioner on your hair when you wet it in the shower. The conditioner can help replace the lipids and proteins in the stems of your hair and allow your hair to grow more and more healthy.

8- Brush your hair before going to bed

Excessive brushing of hair every day can be detrimental to the hair and cause insufficient growth. Instead, use a boar bristle brush a few times on your hair before going to bed. This will help to distribute the oils on the scalp in the hair so that it stays hydrated, naturally.

Start on your scalp and even use movements to examine each section of your hair at least once.

Brushing once a day before bedtime can also increase circulation to the scalp , which can improve your health and stimulate hair growth. Although hair brushing has not been scientifically proven to lead to faster hair growth, it can help improve overall hair health.

9- Cut your hair

While it may seem contradictory, cutting your hair can actually help you grow faster and healthier. Cutting your hair regularly will prevent the ends from breaking in the hair strands , which will reduce the need to cut your hair. The split ends can cause your hair to fall off at the top of the hair, which causes the hair to be shorter and you need more trips to your stylist.

Your hairdresser should trim ⅛ inch (3 mm) of your hair every 6 to 8 weeks to prevent the development of harmful tips. Try to schedule constant appointments with your hairdresser so that your hair stays healthy and free of split ends.

The frequency with which you need to get a cut will depend on how fast your hair grows and how damaged the ends are. In this way, you will know how to make hair grow in 1 day.

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Expert tips to grow hair - How to grow hair

Do you want a mermaid hair? Sign up for these great tricks to grow hair and look like melenón in less time.

1. It does not grow at night

Unless your scalp is superior to the rest, it's going to take a while. The celebs stylist, Mark Townsend, who helped Ashley Olsen out of his bob in style, says that hair only grows between 0.7 and 1.2 centimeters a month, as long as he is healthy and without split ends. .

2. Ironically, scissors are your allies
This will help keep you healthy and not break. This, according to the experts, is one of the main foundations of every hairdresser. It is advisable to clean it every 10/12 weeks to prevent fractures and help grow hair.

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Biotin for Hair Growth Vitamins 5000 mcg - Vie Naturelle - Super Potency Hair Skin and Nails Vitamin - 30 Day Capsule Supply

3. Always use conditioner
"If your hair is wet, you have to apply conditioner," says Townsend. With coloration and time, the hair begins to thin out. The conditioner helps replace the lipids and proteins inside the hair.

4. But do not use shampoo every time you shower
Unlike the conditioner, shampoo, according to our expert, is what you should skip most often. We tell you why: the purpose of the shampoo is to remove dirt and accumulation of other products in the hair, but it may also take away essential natural oils from your hair. When you really need shampoo, apply it delicately only on the scalp.

5. Apply oil or hair mask once a week

Since the hair is in contact with more parts of the body, it needs care beyond the normal conditioner. Townsend suggests the use of masks and oils weekly. In addition, the expert gives us the perfect recipe (home made!): 1 cup of unrefined coconut oil mixed with a tablespoon of almond oil, macadamia oil and jojoba oil. Because the oils can leave some residue on the hair, it is recommended to apply when the hair is wet and leave on for 10 minutes. Afterwards, wash the hair with shampoo and conditioner as usual.

6. Consider hair supplements

Your diet also influences the health of your hair, and a proper diet can promote the growth of your hair. You may not include all the necessary nutrients in your diet, so it is recommended that you consult a specialist to recommend the correct products and quantities.

7. Brush your hair carefully
A constant brushing can cause physical damage to the hair, breaking it and preventing it from growing as it should. "When you untangle damp hair, be sure to start to unravel at the bottom and go up little by little," says our expert. He also recommends using brushes with boar hair bristles to untangle.

8. Change the cover of your cushion
To grow hair, Townsend recommends changing to a satin fabric, as it has a softer surface that does not cause friction with the hair.

9. Do not wrap your hair in a towel

In doing so, your hair is caught in all its fibers and the filaments become weaker, being these more prone to break. If you are going to continue using a towel, make it a superfine.

10. Change the position of the ponytail
With this simple movement you can maintain the integrity of your hair strands, allowing them to grow faster.

11. Take a cold water rinse on your hair before leaving the shower
"This really helps your hair grow and stay healthy longer," says Townsend. Cold water is deposited in the outermost layer of the hair and helps to prevent the loss of softness and damage from heat.

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7 natural remedies to make your hair grow faster if you cut it and you do not like it anymore

Easy, without abuse and perfect to do at home, we tell you how to grow hair quickly and without problems.

Cutting your hair and realizing, almost immediately, that it was not your best decision in months, is more common than you think. We idealize change so much, we get carried away by what we see in magazines and Pinterest boards, that at some point we thought that a new hair style would be the perfect solution for our life, and seeing that the results were not optimal or exactly Equal to what we expected, everything collapses. It happens, it's not strange and it's not bad. However, the first thought that arises in this situation is how the hell do you solve this problem ?! How to grow hair quickly and effectively ?!

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Amazing Formulas Biotin Fast Dissolving Tablets - 10000 MCG Tablets - Supports Healthy Hair, Skin & Nails - Promotes Cell Rejuvenation - Supports Healthy Metabolism (120 Count, Strawberry Flavor)

The easiest solution would be to tell us that everything will be fine. That only takes a little time to calm down and get used to that new look. However, things are not so easy. They can even be traumatic. And for that, to heal all our complexes and terrors, we are here. Read the following natural remedies - so as not to mistreat your hair or spend fortunes - try them at home, eat well and hope that little by little the effects reach your hair.

aloe vera

Cut the stalk of an aloe, remove "the pulp" from its leaves, let these pieces soak overnight and then wash your hair with that mixture. This will help your hair to be strong, shiny and grow healthy.

Coconut oil

This softens your hair and can be used as a conditioner without rinsing - great point - but remember that you should only do it at the tips avoiding the scalp. With it you will avoid the loss of hair proteins, it will be much healthier and will grow quickly.

Potato water

Almost with the same procedure as aloe vera, take the peels of a potato, boil them in water and wash your hair with it. Doing this two or three times a week will make your short hair lengthen faster than you would expect.

Egg whites

Removing the yolks from a few eggs, beat the egg whites and apply them on your head for 30 minutes. Obviously you should wash your hair very well after the procedure, but it is one of the most effective remedies that we can find and advise you.

Olive oil

To make your hair look healthy and always moisturized, once a week and at night wear a mask of olive oil and place a slightly warm towel on top; When the towel cools, remove it and leave the oil until the next day. Wash and enjoy radiant hair and enough nourishment to grow optimally.


In infusion as a rinse or in oil as a mask, this plant provides nutrients that accelerate hair growth in addition to keeping it healthy. Do not abuse him, but repeat his use several times a week; It also depends on how badly you feel your hair.


The issue with this food is that you should not apply it directly to your hair, but ingest it. Thanks to its great vitamin and mineral content, you will encourage your hair to grow quickly. All balancing your diet and without forgetting that proteins are essential for your hair to be born ASAP.

There can be no failure with these remedies. Continue with your routine, live your life, learn new hairstyles, reinvent your look, do everything necessary so that this transition is not regrettable or plaintive. Continue reading and learning about all your possibilities in this situation with natural remedies to repair the split ends and 7 things you should know before trimming your bangs all by yourself .

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How to Grow Hair SUPER Fast for Women and Men

Home Remedies to make your hair grow much faster in a few days. I tried it and it worked

If you suffer from hair loss problems, do not worry because the same thing happens to me.

Luckily my mother knew several homemade recipes that helped me in a natural way to be able to recover volume and thickness of my hair although it is not a simple task you can have the hair we had again.

Everything depending on the problem that we have that only that can be defined by a specialist doctor that always the best thing is for a dermatologist to follow you up.

But with these recipes you can recover your hair if you suffer from stress or many nerves for different situations in life that affected you.

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Advanced Biotin with Keratin (2-Pack) | 10000 mcg Biotin – 100 mg Keratin – Promotes Healthy Hair, Skin & Nails - Helps Convert Food Into Energy - Time Released – 120 Tablets

For example, I am very affected by losing my job in one period and in another losing a close family member, which affects my nerves and hence my diet.

That went straight to my head losing strands of hair and I did not know why it happened to me.

Then another very important factor is due to different mistreatments we make to the hair with dyes, such as when we dye a red color that is one of the strongest dyes that affects the hair of our head.

Also the salty sea water is very bad or the chlorine that has the water of the pools so there is always a factor that can mistreat and damage our hairstyle.

The sun's rays are another factor that many times we do not consider but that are currently very harmful and that can be avoided by using different hair masks that naturally protect the strength and nutrition of the hair.

The good thing about these recipes was that I recommended them to my husband as well as to my friends from the Club and they started to implement them and they worked so it works for men as well as for women as long as you accompany this growth with a healthy life.

I mean a healthy life to eat light and without so many condiments or dressings that can do us wrong, suppressing red meat and mainly eating many vegetables and fruits that are what our body needs.

Suppressing bad habits such as smoking or sedentary life since exercise is important for blood supply.

As my dermatologist says, capillary massages serve to irrigate blood and power our scalp as if we were going to the gym for our body but perseverance should be important if it is not worth anything.

Another factor that can happen to you as happened lately is that you cut your hair in the hairdresser because you wanted a fashionable haircut but after a few months you got bored and now you need to grow much faster to be able to do the simple hairstyle and easy that you like so much

So now I'm going to give you the solution with which your hair will grow quickly and you will be surprised at the speed that your hair grows if you implement all these tricks and secrets that I have for you.

How do you have to do to grow your hair

The first thing is to think that your lifestyle has to change, both your habits of healthy eating should be imposed on the practices that you are doing.

There must be a break between good nutrition and the different types of actions you must take to be in better health.

The only way that your hair grows is to eat healthy foods for our body between them we have a balanced diet of fruits and vegetables , fish to balance our diet and include everything that is lean meats .

Local massages are another action that favors the growth of hair.

Both in men and women their great regret is that they do not grow their hair as they wish and many times it takes a long time to grow enough so that they can have the ideal hairstyle.

You have to calculate that the hair grows between a centimeter and a half per month but for the different reasons that you name previously this does not happen many times.

Home Remedies for Hair to Grow Much Faster

Let's start with the gifts that nature offers us and that is the least invasive for our health, which are the preparations of different fruits, teas, oils that you can prepare and apply to your hair.

These homemade preparations can be applied directly to the hair or consumed (although the taste is often not the most delicious)

The properties of green tea benefit health

I recommend consuming this infusion so important for all people as it benefits within all its characteristics and contributions to the health of hair growth so that it can grow in a healthy way and get the strength it needs to not fall.

You can take it as many times as you want during the day as a daily routine in addition to being delicious for its taste and pleasant for its aroma, in addition to easily obtained in any type of natural products store.

Aloe Vera and Honey benefits the Hair

Whenever you use the aloe vera or the pulp of Aloe Vera plants for any part of the body benefits from curing acne on the skin or healing a wound, so it will not be less to use to make hair grow faster.

Extract a bit of your pulp and then mix with 2 tablespoons of honey until it becomes a homogeneous creamy liquid to apply on the head for 25 minutes, then remove it with plenty of water and wash your hair with your shampoo.

Olive Oil with Rosemary

The two ingredients allow you to promote the growth of your hair in a healthy and strong way that is something you need to have that vigor so important and thick so that it does not fall.

What you have to do in a cup is to mix the two ingredients adding half a cup of oil and add 2 tablespoons of rosemary.

Now you have to put the cup in the microwave to warm up for 2 minutes.

Then you remove it and leave it covered with a towel for three days to be able to use it.

To apply in an easy and simple way when you go to bathe and before applying the shampoo you put this natural recipe massaging the scalp to finish with the conditioner and you apply more massages with this preparation.

Egg Shampoo for hair loss

Where else you get vitamins for the hair is in the egg yolk why this shampoo is so famous and used to strengthen as well as to make it silky giving natural shine to your hair or hairstyle that you do.

To make this mixture you have to get 3 egg yolks to apply to the hair and then leave it for 15 or 20 minutes depending on the volume you have and the amount of hair.

After this time with plenty of warm water you take out all this pasta that you have left and then you can wash it as usual so that you do not have egg traces.

Remember that you have to do this often every time you wash your head.

Dried Fruits and Natural Oils

From these ingredients of nature we can get both vitamin B and vitamin E which are very good for the human being both for the body and for the growth you need.

These vitamins can be obtained naturally from all types of oils that are of natural origin such as sunflower oil, corn and olive oil, varying its value depending on the pressed quality and brand, it will be purer or less pure.

You also get it from the vegetables that I recommend adding to your daily diet and nuts.

In my case every day in the morning like three nuts and two almonds to give that natural vitamin that the body needs giving a lot of energy to the morning, although I am aware that they are expensive products, we can derive part of the budget in this type of healthy diet.

In addition, avocado is an excellent source of Vitamin E and B.

Curative Use of Nettle

I can not stop recommending you to use nettle that you've probably heard her name or used for some home remedy.

Very well then for the hair you will know that it is very good to implement in the fall that you may be suffering.

The effectiveness of the nettle is verifiable with different pharmaceutical products that you will see in lotions and creams that are made based on this product of nature.

To use I recommend putting in the amount of shampoo that you put on your hair half and mix rubbing on the scalp every time you bathe and wash your head you will notice a much faster growth in a few months.

Potato water for hair growth

In my country we call it potato but in other countries it is called potato which is exactly the same and once you boil to make some baked potatoes or french fries, the water that you have left is the one that you will use warmly to wash yourself head.

This treatment helps but is not as effective as stinging nettle, for example, but it serves to leave the hair stronger, which you can not stop trying for a while.

Although do not forget to use your usual shampoo to leave a good aroma to your head more perfumed.

Onion so that the hair grows fast

The smell is not pleasant but the strength that gives our hair is incomparable which begins to prepare onion salad because you use it very often.

You take your usual shampoo that you use and you open it from the container.

Picas a medium onion and add it inside.

Let it sit for 15 or 20 days so that all of its liquid mixed with the shampoo will settle well.

Use normally and you will notice a higher brightness helping your growth faster.

Bananas for Potassium

I eat a banana or banana per day to cover my share of potassium, so that it does not cause cramps in my legs but also has a benefit for hair treatment but externally.

You have to step on a banana on a plate, then mix it with honey so that you have a thick homogenous cream.

Apply from the root to the ends of each strand of hair.

Benefits of grape seed oil for hair

This is very simple getting the oil from the grape seed. The only thing you have to do with a small amount is to rub the scalp, leave it on for 10 or 20 minutes, regardless of how long you let it work and then wash it with plenty of water.

This is a complement to any treatment you do to recover hair or to grow with more strength, vigor and power your hair.

Breakfast with Proteins

As I told you before, you will have to change your lifestyle, your feeding routine to be able to effectively grow your hair.

And this includes having breakfast with the best amount of nutrients that have proteins, which I advise you to take

  •     Soy lecithin
  •     Beer yeast
  •     Honey
  •     Wheat Germ

All these ingredients mix with a Yogurth of the taste that you want and you will see how after a few weeks it will not only make a great benefit for your hair but also your body will feel much more relaxed and you will have more desire to do things .

Milk with Olive Oil

Since we are learning what to eat and take on an empty stomach I advise you that if you drink milk and you like it, you add a spoonful of olive oil, which is very advisable for a healthy diet.

The milk failing that is warm to eliminate the cold of the refrigerator.

Tips to grow hair in a week

Make your hair grow fast fast !!!

Please, if you think this is magic, stop reading this article.

Remember that all these home remedies I recommend because I tried and work to a greater or lesser extent which there is no treatment that I advise you have not tried.

Since I went through the same thing of losing hair or that I never grew after a long treatment of natural products and I could combine these recipes and be able to solve it.

There is a logical question if you are skinned it is obvious that you will not grow your hair but if you are going to do very well for your health the feeding tips.

When I say 1 week is true, everything depends on the dedication and as the months go by you will really see that growth with more determination.

The change of habit in your life is the key to recovery.

Be delicate with your hair

By this I mean do not use aggressive dyes such as red or any other that makes a radical change.

If you notice that the hair is dry, act with a mask to nourish.

Do not iron or use a hairdryer that could further damage the strength of your head.

Do not use hair gums that can squeeze and break it when you tie it.

Appropriate way to comb your hair

Surely you will be surprised with this tip so simple but there are many women who still do not know how to comb their hair and this can not be your case as I will explain the correct way.

You must always turn your hair to comb your hair, always starting from the root to the tips, without being tugging in a delicate way taking care of the hair.

Always choose combs or brushes with wide bristles so as not to hurt and do not get caught.

The benefit of this type of hairstyle is that we are going to motivate the sanguineous irrigation daily increasing the growth of the hair.

This was recommended to me by a trichologist that is the doctors who study the hair of the human being.

Do not use very hot and less boiling water

I know that bathing under the shower is the most pleasant thing for our body and when we have many back contractures a few minutes that we get the hot water with steam is something very pleasant.

But putting your head under that shower of hot water may be the worst for our hair because the power of water drags and plucks hair and the hot thing loosens the hair follicles.

On the other hand, if I recommend you use lukewarm and lukewarm water.

Capillary secrecy: if after washing your head you apply cold water you benefit that the hair follicles are closed and also you give the hair more shine.

Cutting the ends of the hair makes it grow

This is like the grass the relationship that you have to more maintenance more strength will have.

There is also a myth that does not stop you from recommending that is to cut your ends when the moon is growing.

This will give you greater strength of growth quickly until the next lunar period.

Eat Vitamins E and Vitamins B

Legumes, fish, nuts, bananas, avocados, apples and many others that are good for your health.

I hope that you have enjoyed the most complete guide that you will be able to find on the Internet and I invite you to share it on Facebook with your friends that always recommendations to be more beautiful are very grateful.

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How to grow hair faster and much stronger

7 tips to promote hair growth.

Hello again! since they were some little things in the inkwell in the previous publication: How to avoid hair loss ; I have taken advantage to continue writing a little more. There are 7 tips on a subject that is very closely related : how to grow hair.

These are just some simple tips , and also, some products that can help you along with your invaluable patience .

Yes, :) your patience, that very possibly, is the most important ingredient of this cocktail.

    "You will learn that patience requieres a lot of practice".

    William Shakespeare.

Sure you sound almost all the tips .

Come on with number one!

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Nature's Wonder Biotin 5000mcg Tablets, 150 Count

1. A massage before going to bed.

The truth that so said, sounds great. :)

Massaging for a few minutes with essential oils on the scalp can be very useful for falling asleep. But also, very stimulating at the level of hair follicle.

Massage and oil properties help to promote blood circulation and circulation, which in turn, help stimulate hair growth .

You can use coconut oil or castor oil; but if you prefer a combination of oils with pleasant fragrance that can be applied to the hair quickly and without pringarte much, I recommend you choose a serum without silicones.

2. Protect your hair while you sleep.

After the massage, the satin hat .

I'm very heavy, I know. :)

I name it in many publications. But it really is a basic in hair care .

Sleeping with a hat or on a satin pillowcase, causes less frizz than with the usual pillow cases.

I do not want to bore you, if you need more information about the satin hats, in the following link, I explain it at your fingertips:

Benefits of sleeping with a satin hat

3. Eye with the ingredients!

Sulfates excessively dry the scalp, and this precipitates the fall .

Silicones act by masking the real appearance of our hair. They cover each hair in a film similar to plastic , which provides softness, strength and endurance.

At the same time, they have a great disadvantage, which is that they prevent the hair from hydrating inside , which little by little acts negatively, weakening it and generating frizz.

Some types of silicone can only be removed with sulfates, and that is why it is better to avoid both .

4. Hydrate your hair frequently.

Dry hair breaks more easily. This leads to a decrease in hair length , which will take longer to reach the length you want for your hair.

To avoid this situation:
Deep conditioner.

There are many, with different properties. Depending on the ingredients that I incorporated, they will help you restore moisture, moisturize, strengthen hair, repair, etc.

As what we want, in this case, is to encourage hair growth . I would choose to choose those that are   rich in castor oil , and formulated to prevent falling, strengthen the hair and accelerate its growth.

You will find the necessary products within lines such as:

  •     Shea Moisture Jamaican Black Castor Oil
  •     Camille Rose Naturals
  •     As I Am
  •     Mahogany Naturals

Leave-in conditioner.

You can use it for example, the days that you do not wash your hair .

Also, there are leave-in spray conditioners, with a lighter consistency to add humidity every day, whenever you need it.

5. We are what we eat.

You've heard it countless times, but food greatly conditions your health . And not only inside, also on the outside.

That includes, our precious hair .

Include in your diet foods rich in vitamin A, B, C and E , but also rich in iron, zinc, copper and magnesium .

A food free of industrial origin is the best basis for obtaining beautiful and healthy curls .

In the next post you can find some food suggestions to enhance your hair :

Foods to get healthy and beautiful hair

6. Constancy and arm yourself with patience.

As I told you, there are no products or miraculous routines. As with almost everything in life, the results depend on you .

The hair grows an average of one centimeter per month. When the hair pattern is very curly or afro it may seem that it grows even slower due to the curves and spirals that are generated.

To get an idea, the results of growth and strength begin to be noticed from the first 20-30 days from the beginning of the routine. As I said, you just do not have to neglect it and be constant .

The reward is worth it, and your hair will thank you for the pampering you give it.

7. And finally, a trick of the house.

When you notice dry hair on days when you do not wash it.

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How to grow hair fast

There is no magic formula for your hair to gain centimeters from one day to the next, but you can help it accelerate its natural growth. Follow these simple habits, be constant and discover how to grow your hair fast without losing patience along the way!

There are two possible reasons why you wonder how to grow hair fast:

  • Situation 1. You have made a radical change of look and, although at first you liked it, you are already wishing that your hair grows back.
  • Situation 2. You have gone to the hairdresser to clean your hair but you have cut more than the tips.

Whatever your case, you must assume that your hair will take a while to look as long as before. But, the good news is that, by changing some habits, your desire to recover your long hair faster will be a little closer.

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Amazon Elements Biotin 5000 mcg, Vegan, 130 Capsules, 4 month supply

You worry about how to make your hair grow fast but, did you know that the best way to achieve this is by giving it the proper care? Follow these simple tips and let your long hair look good!

 Take care while washing it
It is not worthwhile that your hair grows faster if it does with a damaged appearance. To avoid this, love it from the shower with the Reconstructor Shampoo of the Elvive Dream Long range by L'Oréal Paris. Its repairing formula will help your hair grow nourished, bright and strong.

 Eye with the tips
The main enemies of long hair are the break and the split ends. But, although a little scissors does not hurt anyone from time to time -you either-, with the Stop Scissors Cream from Elvive Dream Long you can space the visits to the hairdresser.

Its formula with castor oil, vegetable keratin and vitamins helps seal the split ends and reinforces the hair to prevent it from breaking. Save your precious 3 centimeters!

 Care when untangling
Do you want to know how to grow hair fast ... without leaving it on the comb when you unravel it? Use the Superadedicionador of Elvive Dream Long in each wash to protect it against breakage and hateful knots. And very important: start to unravel it always by the tips and not from the root.

Massage the scalp
What do you like when they do it in the hairdressing salon? Well, in addition to relaxing, hair massage is a good trick to grow hair because they stimulate the microcirculation of the scalp.

  Protect it from everything
Take care of your long hair with the Mask S.O.S. Elvive Dream Long that nourishes and repairs intensely so that it grows healthy, strong and protected. Apply it half to one at a time at least once a week and wear a freshly cut hair!

  Improve your diet
Yes, to promote the growth of your hair it is also important that you follow a balanced diet, rich in fruits and vegetables.

And, the last and great advice, do not lose patience! You will see how your mane returns to its origins sooner than you think.

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How to grow hair fast?

Did you just cut your hair and do not like the result? Do you count the days to recover your beautiful mane? If the answer to these questions is yes, do not worry. It is more common than it might seem, and because of that, there are countless tricks and tips with which to grow hair fast . From Aceitel we are going to give you some guidelines with which to recover that hair that you liked so much, and also we are going to give you a homemade remedy made with only three ingredients that is really effective. Take good note.

We start with the home remedy that will promote the growth of your hair using three simple ingredients . Just mix in a bowl two eggs, a spoonful of olive oil , and three tablespoons of plain yogurt. Mix it well and apply it to your hair before washing it. Leave it at least 30 minutes, as a mask. After this time, you can wash your hair as you normally would.

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Mason Natural Mega Biotin Liquid Soft Gels, 10,000 Mcg, 50 Count

In case this home remedy does not seem enough, here we weave some tips that you can practice in your day to day and with which you will surely achieve spectacular results.

Drink plenty of water

One of the keys to wear a perfect hair and to promote its growth, is hydration. It is proven that the consumption of at least two liters of water a day results in a shiny and healthy hair. Water helps you take care of yourself inside, but also outside. If you are one of those who do not like water very much, you can always drink other natural drinks such as infusions.

Avoid applying heat to hair

If your goal is to grow hair quickly, you should consider avoiding any type of device that could damage it, such as the dryer or the iron, and if you do not have another to use it, avoid the maximum temperature.

Brush your hair frequently

Undoubtedly one of the simplest options to carry out, and what better results it offers. Try brushing your hair two or three times a day, for no less than 10-15 minutes each time. It is proven that this brushing affects the scalp as a massage and stimulates hair growth. You will notice the difference in less time than you imagine.

Trim your tips with some frequency

It is proven that the simple fact of cutting the ends of our hair every 2-3 months, stimulates the growth of new hair and will also help to correct the damage we already have on the hair. This has a very simple explanation. When we have the tips open, the damage quickly spreads to the roots, which makes the general condition of our hair worse.

As you can see, growing hair quickly and looking radiant is possible by following just a few simple habits and applying our mask made with olive oil . If you want to discover more about the benefits of olive oil on your hair , do not forget to read this other article on our blog.

Why use olive oil in hair care?

There are many reasons why it is recommended to use olive oil in the care of our hair. And not only because it makes hair grow fast , but also for many other benefits. That is why from Aceitel we want to tell you another 5 benefits of the use of olive oil in hair care:

  •     It helps us to take care of our hair from external agents such as solar radiation. This is mainly due to the fact that olive oil has a high content of polyphenols and vitamin E, which as we all know are substances with a great antioxidant power.
  •     When we apply olive oil on our hair, we are protecting it against feared invaders such as lice, as it suffocates them. There is no more natural and careful treatment for it.
  •     Due to its powerful softening and emollient effect, olive oil is very suitable for combating a large number of pathologies of the scalp characterized by itching, irritation, or even the presence of wounds.
  •     Its nutritional properties also help keep hair shiny. And is that olive oil is possibly the best food for our hair.
  •     Its great moisturizing power prevents the possible evaporation of water, while providing essential lipids for our hair.

As you can see the benefits of olive oil for the care of our body are innumerable, and not only in what refers to grow hair fast . For this reason we recommend your use on a regular basis. Only then will you get all your benefits.

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5 tips to grow hair faster without using chemicals

Hair is one of the biggest concerns in terms of image and attractiveness for men and women. The hair fall in the case of them or having a long, soft and shiny hair in the case of them. In the end, almost all problems would be solved if there was some way to grow hair faster . According to studies, the hair of the head grows 20 centimeters a year , but using these tips you may be able to increase your speed.

First of all, remember that each person is different, and the same hair treatment can have different reactions depending on who uses it . The hair is the continuation of the scalp , and is formed by a keratin fiber. It is born from the follicles in the dermis and the human being usually has between 100,000 and 150,000 hairs on the scalp . If we add it to the rest of the head, we reach a million .

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Member's Mark Biotin 10,000mcg with Keratin 100mg (250 ct.) by Members Mark

Cut your hair often

Do not shave whole, just clean the tips. Although it sounds contradictory, cutting the final part of the hair , when the ends are open , helps its growth.

Hydrate regularly

Water is very beneficial for the human body, based on the fact that 90% of it is water . Among its advantages is to strengthen the hair .

Brushing hair

It is very important to use brushes that clean the scalp from dead hairs . It serves to clean impurities from our skin, allowing hair to grow stronger. But do not overdo it either, twice a day is enough.

Take care of the food

As with water, what we eat affects almost the entire body, including the scalp. A diet rich in proteins will help us maintain a strong hair, noticing the results after a short time .

Avoid the dryer

Although the dryer is very useful for people with lots of hair and even to get it smooth or wavy , it is also very harmful. Some of its disadvantages are the appearance of a greater number of split ends . This causes the hair does not grow.

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7 tricks to grow hair fast

You want a long hair and there is no way: the hair grows very slow. Or maybe you made a cut that does not favor you and you want to get out of this matter soon. To avoid spending months on that, there are several tips that will help your hair grow fast, strong and beautiful . A hair that grows slowly can be due to some vitamin deficiency, or abuse of products that do nothing but damage your hair.

First, do not forget the importance of food . The healthier the food you eat, the better for your hair. It is important that you know what foods are good for your hair , and try to incorporate them into your diet. And secondly, take care of your hair brushing it, using products that are not aggressive and as much as possible natural.

Today we want to help you with this purpose and we will tell you 7 tricks to make hair grow fast .

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Superior Source - Biotin Instant Dissolve 10000 mcg. - 60 Tablet(s)

Birth control pills

Birth control pills have a series of hormones that help the hair. In this case you should place between 10 and 15 contraceptive pills in a mortar, mash them well, until they turn into a fine powder. Take a bottle of shampoo and put the pills into powder there. Shake well before using. Wash your hair as you usually do with this shampoo fortified with birth control pills and you will see how it grows fast and strong.

Various oils

You can choose the oil that you like best: grapeseed oil, coconut oil, rosemary oil (made by heating rosemary with olive oil), olive oil, castor oil , a mixture of egg, honey, oil olive. In any case, place the oil you choose on your hair, taking care to carefully massage the scalp. Leave it in your hair for 30 minutes. Then, wash your hair as you usually do. Repeat this process once a week. You will see how the speed of growth accelerates.

Stimulates circulation

If your blood circulates well and in the right places, everything will be healthier. In the case of the head, what you should do is massage your scalp , either with one of the oils recommended in the previous point or without them. With your fingers it exerts pressure and rotation throughout your head. Do it every day.

Another option is to brush your hair vigorously every day with a good natural bristle brush. The effect will be the same.

Another option is to place yourself in your bed, letting your head hang down, so there is more blood flow to it.

If you do yoga, the head stand called Sirsasana is ideal. Remember that it is not an easy position and that you must have a previous training.

Natural shampoos

Choose a shampoo for damaged hair. Take half an onion and put it in the blender. When it is well liquefied, add it to the shampoo. Let it marinate for 2 weeks. The smell is not wonderful, we tell you from now, so we recommend you use it to wash your hair and then use a nice-smelling conditioner to counteract the smell of onions.

Another option is to take 3 egg yolks, whisk them and mash your hair with them. Then wash as you usually do. In addition to stimulating hair growth , it will make it look great.

Aloe vera and honey

Aloe vera or aloe is one of the wonders of nature. Not only the plant is beautiful, but it is great for the skin and hair. We recommend you always have one or more aloe vera plants in your home, so you can do the many remedies quickly. In this case, you will take several sacs of aloe. Peel and leave only the crystals in a container. In a blender, mix the aloe vera crystals with 3 tablespoons of honey . The resulting paste should be applied to your hair. Let it sit for 30 minutes and then wash your hair as you usually do. Do it for several weeks until you see results.

Potato water

The boiling water potatoes are full of starches , which are very beneficial for the hair. Each time you cook potatoes, collect the resulting water. Put it in the fridge so it is very cold. With that water you will rinse your hair after shampooing. Not only will your hair grow faster, but also strong and shiny.


As you know, breakfast is the most important meal of the day. A good breakfast gives you the nutrients you need to be strong and healthy. If you want your hair to grow quickly, you should never skip breakfast. Also, try to make it as complete as possible. Do not miss the lean proteins (tuna, natural ham) and whole carbohydrates. In addition, eat this powerful mixture: in a pot of yogurt , pour 1 tablespoon of soy lecithin , 1 teaspoon of brewer's yeast , 1 tablespoon of wheat germ and 2 tablespoons of honey . Mix well and enjoy the taste of a great breakfast full of nutrients.

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10 ways to grow your hair faster

If you have cut your hair in a pixie, bob or lob you will know the eternity that it may seem to make you grow again and although the hair grows about 1.2 centimeters per month, that does not mean you can not speed up the process.

According to the US edition of ELLE, these are some of the most effective tricks to make your hair grow faster.

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Spring Valley Biotin 1000 Mcg Cherry Flavor for Skin, Hair & Nail, 90 tablets by Spring Valley

Start with your scalp

It is no secret that stronger hair starts with a healthy scalp. According to the study, daily massages on the scalp increase the thickness of the hair.

Postpone your haircut by products

It is a myth that you have to cut your hair every six or eight weeks. You can use a good shampoo and conditioner, in addition to masks and wait up to six months to cut it.

Sleep with silk covers

Sleeping on a soft surface reduces nighttime friction, which means less hair lying on your bed and less chance of your hair breaking when brushed in the morning.

Avoid drying and exposing to heat on the same day

Follow one's rule, never dry your hair and expose it to irons or tongs on the same day, this will prevent you from damaging it and drying it. Choose one or the other, excessive heat hinders hair growth.

Give your hair a break

Depending on your type of hair, the more you wash and comb your hair the more it will wear, so do it at a minimum, that does not mean you stop washing it but just give it a break.

Change your place pigtail

Low pigtails are ideal, while high and tight pigtails can pull and break hair.

Brush better

A natural bristle brush is worth the investment. Brushing your hair stimulates the circulation of blood in your scalp which will take the necessary nutrients to your follicles, creating a healthier hair. In addition it will distribute natural oils throughout your head, maintaining the necessary hydration of your hair and protecting it from other elements.

Lean on the dark

Painting your blonde hair will always put at stake the integrity of your hair and predispose it to abuse and break. According to experts it is better to have short, blonde hair and if you want to keep it dark long. Although you can always try extensions.

Rinse with vinegar

It is well known that rinsing your hair with cold water is good, but doing it with apple cider vinegar will help you close the cuticle layer of the hair, resulting in a shiny mane.

Avoid extensions

When growing your hair is your goal, the use of extensions is ideal for special occasions and short periods of time, since that extra weight can pull your hair from the root. Those of clip are good because you can remove them when you arrive at your house.

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If you DO NOT get your hair to grow, these tricks are for you!

Have you tried innumerable treatments and invested fortunes to make your hair grow and still not achieve the desired length? Well, believe me that many has happened to us, and it is very annoying to continue testing strange products without getting results.

However, forget all those hairdressing tips that have been useless, and start to try these 17 simple tips and secrets that you will surely notice changes in your length, and you will not have to spend any money at all ...

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Vermica Biotin 10,000mcg Capsules, Supports Healthy Hair, Skin, Nails, Non-GMO Formula, 90 Veg Capsules

# 1 Egg white

The egg white is known to contain great healing properties and special ability to renew hair and restore its softness and shine. Simply take two eggs and separate your clear, and you will get a mask for your hair .

Your hair will look much healthier and stronger instantly, and in turn grow faster.

# 2 Do not dry it

There are times when drying is inevitable, but you have the opportunity to avoid that part of the routine, do it. Since exposing you to that heat daily does not favor your hair at all and it may be influencing the reason why your hair does not grow quickly .

# 3 Include proteins in your diet

As much as you do not notice, your diet has a great influence on the growth of your hair. Therefore, if you want to see it grow, you should eat protein-rich foods such as fish, eggs, fruits and vegetables, and avoid fast food.

You will notice the difference right away in your hair and also in more parts of your body.

# 4 Treatments with conditioner

To get really long hair , you must help it stay healthy. If you apply a conditioner treatment or a moisturizing ampoule every week, you will undoubtedly see a change, as it will be much softer and brighter.

You can check with your stylist or even do it at home. These products really work and are not deceptive as those that promise to grow your hair , or very expensive.

# 5 Essential oils

Essential oils can be used throughout the body, and are an extraordinary tool to strengthen your hair. You can prepare it yourself by mixing three drops of lavender oil and three of rosemary, two of thyme oil and two more of cedar, and if you have jojoba oil also adhere it.

Then you put the mixture on your hair and this will give you a much longer hair in a short time .

# 6 Onion water

The onion smells very bad, but if you want to see your hair grow sometimes you have to make sacrifices. So try boiling some onions and use that water for your hair, it probably does not smell that bad.

This is an excellent ingredient for your hair to start growing immediately . If you fear that after trying this your hair smells bad, try it during the weekend that you will not run any risk.

# 7 Mask of potato

No, not all vegetables are good to grow your hair , but several of them. And they really work.

Squeeze three potatoes and add an egg yolk with a little honey and you will get a fabulous mask for your hair. It's amazing how this mix makes your hair look longer in just weeks.

# 8 Aloe vera + brandy

It sounds a bit strange, but it works. Take some aloe vera from your own plant and mix it with an egg and a measure of brandy, let it stand for at least an hour and then wash your hair with the mixture.

It will look amazing and grow instantly.

# 9 Apple cider vinegar

If you want to see your hair grow like never before, mix apple cider vinegar and water. Then add it each time you wash your hair.

This product stimulates the hair follicles and will make it grow much faster.

# 10 Stay away from silicone-based products!

No matter how attractive the silicone hair products are, because they create an idea that will leave your hair softer and healthier , you should know that, on the contrary, these are very harmful.

This is because they close the follicles and make your hair weaken and even discourage the growth of your hair . (Many expensive products that promise to grow your hair are silicone based)

# 11 Be friendly with natural products

It is normal that with so much publicity and commercialization that the chemical products receive nowadays, your confidence is inclined for them. However, it is necessary that this myth be knocked down and that you begin to consume products of natural origin.

It does not matter which brand you choose while it is based on natural products. Try it and you'll never use an industrial product again for hair to grow .

# 12 Never apply conditioner to your scalp

This is a rule that few women know, and you just have to put conditioner on your tips.

Of course you should shampoo all over your hair, but when it comes to the conditioner you should simply use it to soften and untangle your tips .

# 13 Wait 10 minutes

If you want to get a better result from your conditioner, try waiting at least 5 minutes to rinse it. This allows it to penetrate better into your hair and the absorption of nutrients is more effective.

Instantanemante you will see it more healthy and silky and of course longer.

# 14 DO NOT wash it daily

It is understandable that many women have the need to wash their hair every day . However, you should know that it is not the most convenient for the good condition of your hair. Submitting it to washes and products constantly, no matter how natural they are, generates more damage.

It is not simple, but try to wash it a day in between and then you will see how your hair will thank you with a healthier look and of course longer.

# 15 Use hats or scarves

If you want your hair to grow really fast, you can try protecting it from the damage it receives from the sun, especially during the summer.

For that you can use beautiful hats or handkerchiefs and prevent sunlight from hitting your hair directly. And if you bathe in a pool with chlorine, be sure to protect your hair by applying special products beforehand.

# 16 Do not brush your hair when it's wet

The worst thing you can do to make your hair grow is to brush it when you have just washed it or wet it. Because when it is in that state, it is when it has the greatest tendency to break down due to any minimal movement.

There are times when it is inevitable to brush immediately after taking a bath, but if you can avoid doing so, it is highly recommended and will make your hair recover and grow faster.

# 17 Massage it

A simple way to boost hair growth is to massage your scalp every time you wash it. But do not do it very fast; Do it for at least a minute and it will make a difference. This allows you to stimulate the hair follicles that are responsible for the growth. You will see a difference right away.

Now that you know all these fabulous and simple tricks to get a longer hair, you will not feel frustrated when you do not understand why all these expensive products do not work.

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7 tips to make hair grow faster

Generally the hair and hairs of the beard grow 1 cm per month, but there are some tricks and tips that can make them grow faster. The most important thing is to guarantee all the nutrients that the body needs to form the strands and improve blood circulation in the scalp.

By following the tips mentioned below, the hair and beard should grow faster, however, there are some cases in which the hair does not grow, this can occur due to an illness or the accumulation of toxins in the body. In case you do not notice any change in 3 months, it is recommended to go to the dermatologist.

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Phytoceramides with Biotin 240 Capsules

The 7 tips for hair and beard to grow faster are:

1. Eat more protein-rich foods

Foods rich in proteins such as meat, fish, milk, eggs and yogurt are necessary to form the hair matrix, which give rise to hair and beard. For this reason it is important to increase the consumption of these nutrients, so that the hair strands grow faster and more beautiful.

2. Massaging the scalp or combing the hair

During the washing of the hair, a good massage should be done on the entire scalp, and should be done with the tips of the fingers. This technique helps to increase blood circulation in the region, thus promoting its growth.

Those people who do not wash their hair every day, should comb it for a few minutes and daily, since this habit also improves the blood circulation of the scalp.

When it is desired that the beard grows more, the ideal is to comb the region of the cheeks, the chin and the mustache with a fine comb, to stimulate the blood circulation and thus the growth of the hairs.

3. Using the conditioner correctly

Conditioner should not be placed on the root, as it hinders the blood circulation in the scalp and the growth of the strands. For this reason the conditioner and the cream without rinsing should be applied, at least 4 fingers after the root of the hair.

4. Stop smoking and avoid hats

Quitting smoking and being close to someone who smokes is important, because the cigar harms the health and damages the hair, leaving it more fragile and brittle.

Also, the use of caps and hats should be avoided, because they can stifle the hair root, hindering their growth and increasing the risk of fungal growth.

5. Grab your hair

Grasping the hair by making a tail or a braid, exerts a moderate pressure on the hair that can facilitate growth, but you need to be careful because if there is a lot of pressure the hair can break or fall.

However, it is not recommended to hold the hair when it is wet, because it facilitates the development of fungi, leaving the hair more fragile and weak, as well as a less pleasant smell.

6. Hydrate the hair once a week

It is important to moisturize the hair weekly, using a cream suitable for the type of hair, this allows it to grow beautiful and healthy. After washing it with shampoo and conditioner, it should be rinsed very well until no trace of cream remains, since the residues can also hinder its growth.

People who have very frizzy or afro hair, may think that their hair takes a long time to grow, since they are rolled naturally from the root, but this does not mean that they do not grow normally.

All these tips can also be used to help the growth of the beard and other hairs of the body.

7. Take vitamins so hair grows

Vitamins such as Pantogar and Nutricap, are excellent for making hair grow, because they nourish the root and improve the blood circulation of the scalp, making the hair grow faster. See how to use the pantogar against hair loss .

Also, the ingestion of foods rich in vitamin E such as sunflower seeds, almonds, hazelnuts, peanuts, avocados or olive oil and in some whole grains, or a supplement, also promotes hair growth. Another supplement that the doctor can recommend in hair loss are biotin supplements.

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12 tips to make your hair grow faster

Have you cut it and now you regret it? Healthy hair is all you need to accelerate your growth. We tell you how to achieve it

Do not despair! There are simple solutions for you to recover the length of your mane in less time than you imagine.

1. Cut it regularly

Going once a month to heal the tips will help you recover your hair in less time.

2. Massage the scalp dry

You can do it yourself at home or go to a specialist. Massage in the area will stimulate blood flow, which will help the hair follicles get the nutrients they need more quickly.

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Biotin, Maximum Strength 10,000 mcg

3. And in the wet

When you are washing your hair, massage the scalp with your fingers, from the bottom of your head upwards, in circular movements. Besides, you will get an extra relaxation.

4. Shampoo and conditioner

The shampoo cleans all the dirt from your hair and scalp, while the conditioner replenishes the nutrients your hair needs. Use them whenever you wash your head so that your hair is healthier, and do not forget to alternate it with a moisturizing reparative vitaminized mask.

5. Bye bye, stylers !

You already know: heat damages your hair. Although we have become (almost) slaves to dryers, irons and curling irons, if you use it less you will notice that your hair is healthier. And remember, if you have no choice, always use a good protector against heat.

6. Rinse with cold water

Before leaving the shower, rinse your hair with cold water for a few seconds. Apart from giving it an extra shine, you will help seal the hair cuticles and prevent the loss of moisture. And never use very (very) hot water to wash your hair!

7. Control your diet

It is one of the keys to having strong and resistant hair. Adopt a balanced and varied diet rich in vitamin B, protein and iron.

8. Applies masks

If you have a small budget, opt for homemade masks. You only need eggs and olive oil, known for their nutritional properties. Apply the mixture on your tips and leave it for about 4 hours. Rinse with cold water. You will notice the results.

9. Opt for coconut milk

It is the miracle product to strengthen, but also stimulate hair growth. Rich in vitamins B, C, E, calcium, iron and proteins among others, it allows to revitalize the hair follicles. You can find products in the market, yes, make sure they contain more than 80% coconut.

10. Take food supplements

If you want to reinforce the effects of some foods, do not hesitate to choose supplements always taken with caution. Packed with vitamins, you can achieve record growth in no time.

11. Do not dry your hair with a towel

It may seem like a detail, but it is essential to avoid hair loss and make hair grow faster. If you enclose your hair in a towel, the contact and friction will make it more brittle.

12. Use a good brush

Try to avoid brushes and plastic combs, they will weaken your scalp. Get better with one of natural fibers. It is an investment that is totally worth it.

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3 easy tricks to make your hair grow faster

If you want to show off a long and silky mane, these home remedies will enchant you.

If you are one of those girls whose hair grows little, then you will like these very simple and effective home remedies to accelerate growth. They are inexpensive and very easy to apply, but even if they are effective in the long term you should keep in mind that the hair grows approximately one centimeter per month.

You should also bear in mind that hair growth also depends on our state of health; take a diet rich in proteins and vegetables, avoid tobacco and alcohol, drink water and exercise, are some factors that can influence the appearance and health of our hair.

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Nature's Origin Radiant Biotin 10,000 mcg-120 Capsules

That said, we share some home remedies that can help you accelerate the process of hair growth or at least prevent it from growing properly. Take note, they are easy to do:

- Potato water

The potato is rich in starches and fiber, which is good for our hair to grow strong and healthy. This remedy has been applied for a long time and promises good results, so if you want to put it to the test we leave the recipe:

1) Wash and peel two large potatoes.

2) Blend the potatoes until you get a puree.

3) Add a glass of water and mix well.

4) Strain the puree and reserve the remaining water.


You should wash your hair with the water resulting from this recipe and let it act for a time of 20 to 30 minutes. It is important that in doing so you massage your scalp so that it absorbs the potato water as well as possible.

Repeat this process once a week to see better results; Remember that hair growth is more noticeable after one or two months.

- Castor oil

This oil is rich in vitamin E, so its application will help both to make it grow and to keep it silky and strong. The best form of application is at night, just enough to apply a little on the body and along so that it absorbs nutrients. Repeat this procedure every night or every three days.

If you are of oily hair, it is recommended that you do not use this remedy, as the excess of sebum would have opposite effect and would prevent hair growth.

- Products derived from coconut

An excellent option to make your hair grow quickly is to consume and apply products derived from coconut, for example oil, milk or some cosmetic cream for hair that contains this ingredient.

The moisturizing benefits of coconut will be a very natural option to make your hair look amazing and also to make it smell very rich. You should only apply a little oil, milk or coconut water at night and cover with a scarf. In the morning wash with plenty of water and repeat the procedure at least three times a week.

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7 home remedies to make hair grow faster

We share the best natural remedies from around the world to grow hair.

Getting a long and strong mane is not easy, but it is not impossible either. If you are one of the girls who despairs to see that your hair does not grow as much as it should or that it is weak and lifeless, then these tricks used around the world are your solution.

Remember that the hair grows 1 cm on average every month, so you should not expect dramatic results overnight either; It may be that with the application of these tricks your hair grows a little more each month, but the progress will be gradual.

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High Dose Biotin Bundle - 4 Bottles of 90 capsules each

Now, we share these wonderful tricks to accelerate hair growth:

- Castor oil

This remedy is originally from the Czech Republic and is widely used by beauty experts in this country, however, the remedy is used in many places and promises a constant growth of hair as well as strengthening the scalp.

- Avocado and egg mask

This trick is perfect if you also want to grow your hair looking to give it more shine and strength. Avocado vegetable oils combined with egg protein are the perfect combination. Apply once or twice a week depending on how greasy your hair is.

Read more: Haircuts that favor you the most from 20, 30 and 40 years

- Beer yeast

In Germany it is very common to use beer as a remedy to care for hair; the yeast contained in the beer works great to accelerate growth and can also help you to clarify some tones in a 100% natural way . You dare?

- Aloe vera

Aloe vera has many reconstructive properties, hence it is also an excellent remedy to cure skin problems such as burns or scars. Apply directly to the hair or add a little of the pulp to your shampoo will be the key to show a strong and noticeably more abundant hair.

- Eucalyptus oil

This remedy is widely used in Australia and according to the stylist Joh Bailey, it is the definitive secret to grow your hair in a short time. You should only apply a couple of drops of eucalyptus oil at night and wrap your head with a scarf; this will make your hair absorb the nutrients of the eucalyptus better.

- Onion water

Although at first it does not seem like the best idea due to the strong odor that the onion gives off, its properties can help you grow your hair naturally.

Just need to cook 3 large onions in a saucepan with water, once they have boiled let it rest and then strain the contents. Separate the water from the onions and apply twice a week for a period of 20 minutes.

- Nopal pulp

Besides being a delicious food, the nopal also has properties that will help you to take care of your hair. You just have to wash the stalk and remove the spines, then the parts in half and similarly with aloe vera you must extract the liquid that secretes. This contains all the nutrients to make your hair look amazing.

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How to grow hair faster? Super tips!

Do not wait for many years to grow hair. It is not very difficult Follow these tips that will help you!

If you cut your hair and it was too short or you want to have it longer, you have to read this. Make it grow in a healthy and fast way.

Drink 2 liters of water

Try to drink 2 liters of water a day. It may seem like a simple method but it will give you a lot of benefits.

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Nature's Way Enzymatic Therapy Biotin Forte Without Zinc, 60 Count

Brush the hair

You always have to brush your hair once a day. Do it with the same movement, from the leather to the tips.

Do not use them

Drying the hair with the dryer or using the iron are actions that can damage you and prevent it from growing quickly.

Olive oil

Place a few drops of olive oil on the tips of your fingers and before bathing, massage the scalp, this will stimulate growth and be more moisturized.


The hair braids are the best option for rapid growth. They stimulate the scalp and the circulation of blood.

Coconut oil

Coconut oil is also very good for hair to grow. What it does is that it stimulates the hair follicles.

Cut the ends

Cut the ends of the hair can make it grow faster and in good condition. Also avoid the split ends.

Potato water

The potato is very good to have a mane. Boil two potatoes in a liter of water. Cool and strain. Use it as a rinse.

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Can we make the hair grow faster?

It was Cher's fault . The fault was Kim Kardashian . The fault was Primavera Sound . The fault was the boogie . Or the cha cha cha. We do not know. What we are sure is that the endless manes are the hair with which we dream either in ultra smooth version as the diva of the 70s or in mermaid version of mermaid that we see the influencers walk through all the festivals . Even the bob we like more if it is long . Word of Kate Middleton and Bella Hadid .

The secret for hair to grow faster is the search for the Holy Grail applied to the field of beauty. Everyone has heard (and tasted) one and a thousand tricks like cutting our ends every two months (it is necessary but it does not accelerate growth), wash our hair with horse shampoo , rinse it with rain water #truestory or cut it in moon full waiting for the spell to work.

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up & up Biotin Plus Keratin Hair Skin Nails, 120 Tablets

However, we want the truth and nothing but the truth. Therefore, we have consulted with a hair expert to learn the facts and improve the care of our hair. Spoiler alert : it may grow faster but miracles do not exist (but extensions do).

How does your hair grow?

All the life thinking that the hair "grows one centimeter per month" and it turns out that no. The hair grows cyclically and goes through 3 different moments :

  • - Anagen or growth phase
  • - catagen phase or intermediate phase
  • - phase of telogen or maturation and fall

The trichologist David Saceda , dermatologist expert in hair (yes, that exists) of the Pedro Jaén Dermatology Clinic , explains these cycles: "The hair is in continuous growth during a period of 2 to 3 years , after which the hair reaches a phase of maturation (called telogen) and it lasts about 3 months without growing until it falls.This speed can vary from one person to another. " (For example, Asian women have a growth cycle of about 7 years , lucky!).

And to me, why does not my hair grow?

Actually, it does grow . Dr. Saceda says that "people who have the sensation that their hair does not grow and does not reach a sufficient length is because they have the shortest growth phase, instead of the usual 2 or 3 years it can only be a Therefore, hair does not have time to grow and lengthen long enough before falling. "

"The reasons may be several but the most important is genetics, there are people who are genetically determined to have short hair naturally, other reasons are stressful situations for our body such as illness, surgery or delivery, when the hair interrupts its growth and goes directly to the telogen phase causing a strong hair fall 3 months later . "

Prevention plan: what to do so that it does not break

Imagine that your hair is in the growth phase and on the way to your #HairGoals . The most important thing in this stage is to keep it healthy and try not to break it . Hair experts recommend some basic tips .

1. Do not skip your weekly 'mask time' . The masks hydrate the hair, maintaining the integrity of the cuticle (outer layer). In summer, they should be used even 2 or 3 times a week especially in dry weather due to external aggressions.

2. For a long hair: unravels (correctly) . Before starting to untangle, apply a conditioning spray, such as Bumble & Bumble Prep , especially on mediums and tips. Unravel with a brush with rounded plastic spikes from bottom to top, doing the other way around can cause more breakage.

3. Dry your hair in the air is the new black : Give vacation to the dryer and the iron in summer. From the Pedro Jaén Clinic they state that "the heat applied directly to the hair damages the cuticle and the internal axis of the hair (sometimes, permanently), it is better to use them little and if we dry our hair with a hairdryer it is advisable not to use it at maximum power and keep it about 20 centimeters from the mane . " Also says the hairdresser Alexa Chung : hair is better to air dry.

4. It is a reality, discoloration damages your hair . "To clarify the color of the hair, products that open the cuticle and destroy the pigment inside are used.If this process is repeated often, the hair ends up deteriorating permanently.This does not happen, however, with the dark tints . "

5. Remove them from the head: chlorine and sea salt . Both chlorine and sea salt dehydrate the hair. If we later expose it to the sun, the hair will break even more easily. (That's why our hair is naturally clarified on the beach). Rinse your hair with running water always after a bath and apply a conditioner without rinsing .

Okay, and now, what do I do to make it grow faster?

As we already advanced, dermatologists do not promise miracles. David Saceda warns that "changing the pace of growth is very difficult, however, what we can achieve is to lengthen the phase of hair growth until those 3 years that reach people with long hair." The first thing is to consult an expert dermatologist in the capillary care that detects alterations in the rhythm of growth and perform a complete analytical study, it would be necessary to supplement the deficit of vitamins, amino acids , etc., detected in the study. "

You are what you eat , so feeding is essential when it comes to wearing long hair. Your diet should be varied and rich in antioxidants from vegetables and fruits . Proteins of plant and animal origin are also extremely important. Point eggs, poultry, fish, lean meats and fresh skimmed cheese to your grocery list.

According to Dr. Saceda , "the use of dietary supplements is controversial and should be regulated by a physician who indicates them and does not replace other measures that stimulate growth." In general, if they are used under control, they promote growth and hair quality. "

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What to do to make hair grow fast in a week

Your hair reveals a lot of your personality, health and beauty; that is why we must take care of every inch of our hair.

According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC) , hair grows on average 1.25cm per month; this will depend on the health conditions and the age of each person.

Believe it or not, stress, poor diet and certain diseases can alter your growth, but under normal circumstances the hair is always growing.

Tips for what hair grows fast in a week

Before starting any treatment make sure you eat correctly so that all the nutrients reach your scalp.

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Solaray Biotin 5000 mcg 60 lozenges

Potato water

The potato has high contents of nutrients that favor rapid capillary growth. Boil two potato skins for 20 minutes. After this time, wash your hair normally and use the potato water as a final rinse. If you use it two or three times a week you will see results.


Cut a penca and cut it in half to obtain the pulp of the leaf. Cut it into pieces and let it sit overnight in water. The next day, rinse your hair with this preparation and repeat twice a week.


Boil this plant in a liter of water and when it has a suitable temperature, apply it to your hair.


  • -Avoid the dryness in your scalp, olive oil is an excellent ally to revitalize your hair.

Do not forget to use an appropriate shampoo according to your age and remember that for hair to grow faster in a week, you should be consistent in the application of the treatments suggested here.

10 tips to prevent hair loss

Women are less likely to suffer hair loss by inheritance than men; However, stress , poor diet, excessive use of dyes, shampoo, tongs and dryers damage the health of the scalp, which can also cause them.

Do not be alarmed!

Here are 10 tips to strengthen your hair:

1. It is important to ensure that the origin of this condition is not a scalp disease such as fungus , or health problems such as anemia , depression or anxiety .

2. Mask for a hair with shine:

3. Perform a light massage every day with the fingertips on the scalp , exert a little pressure in a circular way, this will help improve circulation .

4. Drink two liters of water daily and decrease the consumption of caffeine .

5. Include vitamin A in your diet , this helps hair grow quickly and healthily. You can find it in the liver, the carrot, the eggs or the cheese.

6. Avoid the use of very tight links and hairstyles.

7. Excessive smoking weakens the hair follicles and favors hair loss .

8. Wash your hair every third day, unless you suffer from oily hair . If you only rinse it with water it will stay healthy and will not look dirty.

9. The constant use of the dryer breaks the hair, so it is preferable to dry it in the air. If you can not avoid using it, do it at 30 cm. away and with cold air.

10. Chemicals weaken the hair root , making it lose strength and shine. It is recommended to resort to dye only when necessary and not for a matter of fashion, especially if you do not want to stay bald.

To strengthen and prevent hair loss you do not need to invest a fortune in expensive treatments; Follow these practical tips and wear an enviable hair.

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How to grow hair in a week - 6 steps

There are many home remedies to grow hair quickly , but the mere possibility that our hair grows in a week seems more like a Chinese story. However there is a harmless and effective solution that can stimulate capillary growth in a surprising way, it is the investment method , an alternative by which blood circulation of the scalp is stimulated, thus promoting capillary growth notoriously according to its users .

Are you ready to know how to grow hair in a week ? Keep reading because in we explain it to you in detail.

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GNA Naturals Bamboo Silica Biotin 10,000mcg 90 Veggie Caps

Steps to follow:

The investment method promises to be an effective solution to grow hair in a week with real results. It is an alternative that does not require the use of miraculous home remedies or foreign substances, it is simply to stimulate the blood circulation of the scalp so that the hair strands are properly nourished and grow quickly and healthily.

But exactly what is this promising alternative? The investment method is simply to get upside down so that the blood circulates to this area and achieve the desired effects. This treatment should be accompanied preferably with some vegetable oil, which will allow us to massage the scalp improving the circulation even more while hydrating the hair.

To start you should measure the current length of your hair , only then you can know if after 7 days it has grown something and how long you have won. The next step is to choose the vegetable oil with which you will carry out the daily treatment, one of the best options is the coconut oil that has great benefits for the hair , providing hydration and nutrition in a few minutes.

Castor oil or argan oil are also excellent alternatives that will help you achieve the desired results. Once you have chosen your preferred vegetable oil, you will be ready to start the investment method.

It is important to choose a comfortable position to get on your head . Sitting on a chair with your head out, or lying on the bed, are two good alternatives that will allow you to hold your posture for the required time: 4 or 5 minutes.

Once you have chosen the perfect place then you should lightly heat the vegetable oil you will use, it is important that it is warm but never too hot. Put your head in the chosen place, dip your fingers in the oil and, in that same position, begin to massage the scalp with the fingertips in a gentle way in order to stimulate circulation. The ideal is to massage for at least 1 or 2 minutes, in this way you will guarantee a more effective result.

There are those who perform this method without applying any oil , simply by putting on their head to stimulate circulation. It is possible to opt for this alternative as well, however remember that the oil helps you to nourish the hair and get better results.

You should never rub the scalp violently and much less use the nails for massage, it is important that it is soft and always on the head, so you will be making the investment method correctly. Once the time has elapsed, get up slowly and smoothly, in this way you will avoid dizziness.

Ideally, let the oil act for at least 20 minutes to ensure a moisturizing and nourishing effect, then wash your hair as usual making sure that you properly remove the applied oil.

You should repeat this treatment for 7 days in a row , on the eighth day it is time to measure again the length of your hair to determine if it has actually increased. The inversion method will help you to grow your hair in a week in a very noticeable way, however it is not convenient to carry it out every day, ideally the hair should rest at least 3 weeks before starting the treatment again, in this way we avoid that the hair get used to this operation.

Keep in mind that growth varies in each person , because other factors such as diet or lifestyle also influence this process, however many girls admit that they achieved a growth of up to 2 centimeters, surprising !. It is necessary to take an adequate diet to nourish our hair, that is why in our article what are the best vitamins for hair we reveal the most effective nutrients for a beautiful hair.