Thursday, March 7, 2019

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Expert tips to grow hair - How to grow hair

Do you want a mermaid hair? Sign up for these great tricks to grow hair and look like melenón in less time.

1. It does not grow at night

Unless your scalp is superior to the rest, it's going to take a while. The celebs stylist, Mark Townsend, who helped Ashley Olsen out of his bob in style, says that hair only grows between 0.7 and 1.2 centimeters a month, as long as he is healthy and without split ends. .

2. Ironically, scissors are your allies
This will help keep you healthy and not break. This, according to the experts, is one of the main foundations of every hairdresser. It is advisable to clean it every 10/12 weeks to prevent fractures and help grow hair.

Biotin for Hair Growth Vitamins 5000 mcg - Vie Naturelle - Super Potency Hair Skin and Nails Vitamin - 30 Day Capsule Supply
Biotin for Hair Growth Vitamins 5000 mcg - Vie Naturelle - Super Potency Hair Skin and Nails Vitamin - 30 Day Capsule Supply

3. Always use conditioner
"If your hair is wet, you have to apply conditioner," says Townsend. With coloration and time, the hair begins to thin out. The conditioner helps replace the lipids and proteins inside the hair.

4. But do not use shampoo every time you shower
Unlike the conditioner, shampoo, according to our expert, is what you should skip most often. We tell you why: the purpose of the shampoo is to remove dirt and accumulation of other products in the hair, but it may also take away essential natural oils from your hair. When you really need shampoo, apply it delicately only on the scalp.

5. Apply oil or hair mask once a week

Since the hair is in contact with more parts of the body, it needs care beyond the normal conditioner. Townsend suggests the use of masks and oils weekly. In addition, the expert gives us the perfect recipe (home made!): 1 cup of unrefined coconut oil mixed with a tablespoon of almond oil, macadamia oil and jojoba oil. Because the oils can leave some residue on the hair, it is recommended to apply when the hair is wet and leave on for 10 minutes. Afterwards, wash the hair with shampoo and conditioner as usual.

6. Consider hair supplements

Your diet also influences the health of your hair, and a proper diet can promote the growth of your hair. You may not include all the necessary nutrients in your diet, so it is recommended that you consult a specialist to recommend the correct products and quantities.

7. Brush your hair carefully
A constant brushing can cause physical damage to the hair, breaking it and preventing it from growing as it should. "When you untangle damp hair, be sure to start to unravel at the bottom and go up little by little," says our expert. He also recommends using brushes with boar hair bristles to untangle.

8. Change the cover of your cushion
To grow hair, Townsend recommends changing to a satin fabric, as it has a softer surface that does not cause friction with the hair.

9. Do not wrap your hair in a towel

In doing so, your hair is caught in all its fibers and the filaments become weaker, being these more prone to break. If you are going to continue using a towel, make it a superfine.

10. Change the position of the ponytail
With this simple movement you can maintain the integrity of your hair strands, allowing them to grow faster.

11. Take a cold water rinse on your hair before leaving the shower
"This really helps your hair grow and stay healthy longer," says Townsend. Cold water is deposited in the outermost layer of the hair and helps to prevent the loss of softness and damage from heat.