Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Nespresso Variety Pack Capsules, 50 Count

Know the benefits of caffeine

Whenever we talk about caffeine, we hear about its stimulating properties and the precautions that must be taken when consuming it. However, this substance is also a good ally in the field of beauty.

"It has a very low caloric intake and applied to the skin has many benefits," says Catalina Manzur, kinesiologist and director of the Be Mom clinic. This is why, he adds, it is incorporated into many cosmetic products as an active ingredient and many aesthetic centers perform treatments with it, called caffeine therapy.

Nespresso Variety Pack Capsules, 50 Count
Nespresso Variety Pack Capsules, 50 Count

Of course, the kinesiologist warns that its use in beauty is not recommended for everyone. "In general, for pregnancy period is not recommended, because it can pass into the bloodstream, or in the postpartum could change the taste of milk. The same for those with pathologies (hypertension, altered glycemia, thyroid problems, heart disease, etc.) that are not controlled, that is, they are destabilized. Those who are under medical supervision, there is no problem ", explains Catalina Mazur.

The specialist explains that these contraindications are due to being a large organ, the skin has a great capacity for absorption, especially when the compound - in this case caffeine - is in high concentrations. Because of this, he says, a good medical evaluation is always important before using it.

What is it for? Then we tell you some of the uses that is given to this alkaloid in the world of beauty.

For the hair

According to several studies, caffeine has the ability to interact with the follicles, helping hair grow faster. What happens is that this compound - which is found in many plants such as yerba mate, guarana and tea - blocks the effects of dihydrotestosterone (DHT), an androgen known to damage follicles and cause hair loss. .

Although, it serves to drink it, in fact the greater effect is obtained when applying it of topical way and this is why several shampoo have incorporated it between its ingredients.

Against cellulite

"Caffeine is a strong lipolytic," says Catalina Manzur. This means that it stimulates the elimination of localized fats and, consequently, improves the appearance of cellulite, which is an alteration of the fat cell.

According to Catalina Manzur, the key to anti-cellulite treatments with caffeine work is the concentration of caffeine, hence the gels and creams sold in commerce serve rather as a maintenance, because as they are aimed at a standard audience , the amount of caffeine they contain is not very high.

"The products that are sold with less percentage help, but rather to maintain a skin that has already been worked. If a person has a lot of cellulite, they will not have a great effect, "he says.

There are also clothing items-pants, socks, underwear and leggings-impregnated with caffeine microcapsules, which is released gradually on the skin as the person uses them for several hours a day. Of course, many of the companies that manufacture them have been fined, since in general the effectiveness of their products has not been proven with scientific evidence.

As an exfoliant

Caffeine is also an excellent natural product to exfoliate and remove dead skin cells. There are gels and soaps that contain it, but it is also possible to make a coffee-based exfoliant at home.

"By applying directly the ground coffee and gently massaging the area to be treated, it is possible to eliminate dead cells and impurities, leaving the skin much softer and more radiant," says Catalina Manzur.

As a decongestant

Another of the properties of caffeine is its ability to stimulate blood circulation, and that is why it works very well to decongest, reduce swelling and reduce dark circles.

"There are cosmetics for the eye contour in roll-on format created with a formula based on caffeine that are indicated, especially to combat tired eyes, reduce dark circles and bags, and energize the skin," says the kinesiologist. There are also creams and gels for the same area, which have it among their ingredients.

To fight wrinkles

Finally, caffeine is an important source of antioxidants, which protect the body from the damage caused by free radicals. The latter are responsible for the premature aging of the skin, that is, the appearance of the dreaded wrinkles.

Also, by increasing blood circulation, caffeine helps oxygenate tissues, thanks to which the skin looks more luminous and smooth.