Sunday, March 31, 2019

Vivid OraBrush DeepKleen Premium Quality Nylon Filament Toothbrush – Softer, Wave Cut Bristles – Comfort Grip – Pack of 72

6 Remedies that whiten your teeth naturally

If you suffer from having a yellowish denture, follow these tips that will make you show off a charming smile.

Vivid OraBrush DeepKleen Premium Quality Nylon Filament Toothbrush – Softer, Wave Cut Bristles – Comfort Grip – Pack of 72
Vivid OraBrush DeepKleen Premium Quality Nylon Filament Toothbrush – Softer, Wave Cut Bristles – Comfort Grip – Pack of 72

1. Paste of hydrogen peroxide and sodium bicarbonate.

Sodium bicarbonate and hydrogen peroxide are the most widely used home remedies for whitening teeth.

Tip: mix baking soda and hydrogen peroxide in a toothpaste and use it instead of the usual. Simply add a few drops of peroxide to the baking soda and stir it until a paste forms. Then, put it in your toothbrush and that's it.

It is not recommended to use this paste daily because both ingredients are abrasive and can damage the teeth. It is best to use it for 3 to 5 days and then wait for 3 to 6 months to reuse it.

2. Strawberry jam.

Strawberries contain malic acid, which is ideal for dissolving coffee, red wine and tea stains on teeth. Grind 1 or 2 strawberries and add a teaspoon of baking soda. • Using a toothbrush for children (this helps to clean better between the teeth), rub this mixture on your teeth for 5 to 7 minutes. Then, he uses dental floss to remove the seeds from the strawberries that have been stuck.

Eye: it is not good to use this remedy too much. The jam acid can sting your teeth and, in the worst case, make them more susceptible to staining.

3. Mask of banana.

You can use the inside of a banana peel, which is rich in potassium, magnesium, manganese, and other minerals, to whiten your teeth. The minerals in a banana are absorbed by the enamel and have healthy whitening effects. After brushing and flossing, experts recommend peeling a ripe banana and then rubbing a piece of the inner part of the peel on your teeth for two minutes. Then rinse and do it again before going to sleep.

4. Gargling apple cider vinegar.

Diluted apple cider vinegar gives a boost? of effectiveness to any toothpaste. It is recommended to dilute it in the triple amount of water and then mix it with a natural toothpaste and brush as usual.

5. Homemade toothpaste with coconut oil.

Coconut oil contains fatty acids that dissolve in the whitening enzymes of the teeth when they come in contact with saliva. The combination of your saliva and these fatty acids produces an oxygen molecule that adheres to the stains of the teeth. This rust-free remedy creates a chemical reaction that removes stains while brushing and rinsing.

But having oil in your mouth for 20 minutes is not good for everyone. Here is a simple recipe that is just as effective: first, heat a cup of coconut oil until it becomes liquid. Then add two teaspoons of baking soda and 5 to 10 drops of peppermint in the liquid mixture and stir.

6. Carbon paste.

Activated charcoal is a remedy that is fashionable for its detoxifying benefits. It turns out that it also serves to whiten the teeth, since their granules stick to the bacteria before they stain them.

Mix charcoal with a small amount of water and apply it gently on all the teeth. Let it sit for two minutes and then rinse with water until there is no residue left.