Tuesday, March 19, 2019

San Francisco Bay OneCup, Variety Pack, 80 Count- Single Serve Coffee, French Roast - Fog Chaser - Rainforest - Breakfast Blend, Compatible with Keurig K-cup Brewers

The benefits, or not? of water with caffeine

It was in 2011 when the fashion of waters with caffeine reached Spain. A trend that has continued to increase and whose benefits are still in doubt.

Caffeine is cosmetic has been used for years to fight free radicals, moisturize, protect, improve blood circulation ... that is why it is widely used in the contours of eyes and anti-cellulite products.But in the water its benefits are not proven .

San Francisco Bay OneCup, Variety Pack, 80 Count- Single Serve Coffee, French Roast - Fog Chaser - Rainforest - Breakfast Blend, Compatible with Keurig K-cup Brewers
San Francisco Bay OneCup, Variety Pack, 80 Count- Single Serve Coffee, French Roast - Fog Chaser - Rainforest - Breakfast Blend, Compatible with Keurig K-cup Brewers

In fact, we consume, through different beverages, so much caffeine (soft drinks, coffees, teas ...) that the water is contaminated, as it was published in this investigation of the Journal of Toxicology .

Be it through water, coffee, tea, juices ... caffeine as a stimulant is harmful to health if taken in abusive conditions. Nutritionists do not recommend more than 300 milligrams a day, which would be about three cups of coffee.

According to Euromonitor , water with caffeine , with flavors, with different properties, have found a strong market niche in sports, where gas and sugars are worse seen. The barometer also states that in the United States these waters are already consumed more than other beverages, especially driven by coconut water in the United States.

Part of the success of caffeinated water is that it can be taken cold, it does not provide sugars, it improves athletic performance , it does not have flavors or aromas in many cases ...

The main countries with caffeinated waters, after the United States, are Sweden, Norway, Denmark ... One of the oldest waters was born in 1996, it is Water Joe, created by students who did not like coffee. It contains no sugars, no taste, no calories, no gluten, it's vegan ... the star ingredient, caffeine, is 120 mg in a liter of water. It is bottled in Wisconsin , so it is a 100% American product.

12 benefits of coffee that maybe you did not know

There are many, when consumed in moderation and without extras

It is antioxidant: Coffee is not just caffeine, it also contains substances with antioxidant properties. Flavonoids act as a defense against possible diseases and attacks of microorganisms and also delay the aging of cells. The amount of antioxidants that a cup can offer depends on the type of green coffee, the roasting and the way of preparation.

Help against diabetes: Caffeine activates the cells of the pancreas, which are responsible for producing the insulin our body needs. For this reason, drinking coffee daily decreases the risk of developing type two diabetes. The possibilities are reduced by 7% if the consumption is low and by 25% if you drink three or four cups a day.

Slimming: A cup of coffee does not do magic but it can be an ally in the diets because it generates a feeling of fullness and provides only two calories. In addition, drinking coffee in the morning favors lipolysis: a metabolic process by which the same organism burns accumulated fats. Green coffee is even more beneficial because it prevents the absorption of calories from fats and carbohydrates, thus altering the way food is assimilated.

Good breath: Nothing can replace the toothbrush but it is good to know that coffee inhibits the development of bacteria in the mouth that cause halitosis. This happens when the coffee is taken alone; if it is mixed with milk, it can ferment and generate the opposite effect.

Relieves migraines: Caffeine can relieve severe headaches and even enhance the effect of some pain killers.

Healthy heart: Coffee can be good for the heart if it is consumed moderately. Taking two to four cups a day generates a cardioprotective effect that decreases the risk of heart failure. But if there are more than five cups a day, the benefits are diluted and the heart can even suffer serious damage.

It promotes digestion: Caffeine increases gastric, pancreatic and saliva secretion, thus facilitating digestion.

Living mind: Coffee reduces the chances of suffering from neurodegenerative diseases. Caffeine has a neuroprotective effect that can prevent the onset of Parkinson's. In the case of Alzheimer's, caffeine inhibits the production of amyloid beta, a protein that, accumulated in the brain, is difficult to metabolize.

Lucky brain: Perhaps the most famous effect of caffeine on our body is to be stimulating. The truth is that coffee is a great encouragement: with habitual consumption, the brain and its cognitive functions benefit in many aspects. Memory, concentration and insight increase almost immediately after drinking. It sharpens the alert capacity, reaction time and performance. Improves mood.

Antidepressant: Drinking coffee every day decreases the risk of suffering from depression. Caffeine helps release dopamine and serotonin, neurotransmitters responsible for regulating mood. For this same reason, coffee is an option to take into account to counteract possible drowsiness when driving a vehicle.

Powerful Siesta: A coffee plus a 20-minute nap is the scientific formula for not being a zombie all day long. In this case, the order of the factors does matter: the secret is to have a quick coffee before the siesta. The explanation? The time it takes for caffeine to reach the brain is 20 minutes on average; Once there, it adheres to the receptor of adenosine, 'the molecule of fatigue'. Adenosine is an accessory product of brain activity that generates fatigue when it accumulates in the receptors. The nap should be 20 minutes at most to avoid falling into a deep sleep and take advantage of the stimulating effect of caffeine.

Improves sports performance: Coffee consumption is ideal before performing long-term exercises. Caffeine provides energy and increases physical resistance. By delaying the feeling of fatigue due to the action on adenosine, muscle capacity is favored. In addition, caffeine helps burn fat and conserve glycogen as an energy source.