Saturday, March 30, 2019

Traps - Plastic Rat Cage Mousetrap Useful Gardening Home Safe Around Kids And Pets - Bonsai Mushroom Bird Small Garden Micro Mousetrap Trap Birdcage Hamster Birdhouse Eucalyptus Mouse C

How to catch a mouse with home methods

Rats and mice are one of the most unpleasant pests to have in the house, because apart from the panic they produce between women and men can be interpreted as a sign of carelessness   by those who reside in that house.

Traps - Plastic Rat Cage Mousetrap Useful Gardening Home Safe Around Kids And Pets - Bonsai Mushroom Bird Small Garden Micro Mousetrap Trap Birdcage Hamster Birdhouse Eucalyptus Mouse C
Traps - Plastic Rat Cage Mousetrap Useful Gardening Home Safe Around Kids And Pets - Bonsai Mushroom Bird Small Garden Micro Mousetrap Trap Birdcage Hamster Birdhouse Eucalyptus Mouse C

And although there are traps and poisons that are very effective when facing rodents there are also other solutions that can be done with elements that are usually found in any house and that give the possibility of releasing the animal in a place away from home in case you do not want to kill him.

Have you felt furtive scurrying at night or do you find traces of food on the floor in the morning? You most certainly have this unwanted visitor hanging around your house, so take note of some ways to catch him.

The light bulb trap

How to catch a mouse with home methods

This trap requires some skill to make the trap and works only with small mice , if you had the opportunity to see the elusive animal and you have found that it is not very large, you can proceed to manufacture this device.

To start cut the bottom of the bulb with a blade, taking care that you do not cut, or that the bulb breaks.

Then he puts in the bottom of the bulb, which now looks like a small bottle, a piece of cheese or other food that mice like (these animals eat almost anything, so the options are enough).

Then look for a clip and a nut with a diameter that fits the clip, these two objects will work like a small weight that will prevent the bulb from rolling: with the bulb lying put the clip between the glass while at the other end of the clip place the nut.

When the mouse gets to eat the cheese its own weight will cause the nut to come out of the clip and the bulb will straighten, once the mouse will not be able to straighten it so it will be trapped until the moment we release it.

The trap of a glass and a spring (or a cigarette)

How to catch a mouse with homemade methods 2

This trap looks apparently simple and perhaps somewhat insecure but if you take into account the size of the glass and the position in which it is located can be very effective.

With this trap we can catch mice of any size , the important thing is to use a glass of the ideal size of each rodent to be trapped without the possibility of escaping.

The idea is to place a cheese on the bottom of the glass to attract the mouse and place the spring or cigarette as a bridge for the intruder to access, when it reaches the edge of the same weight causes it to fall into the glass and can not go out; if oil is applied to the walls of the same.

That is why it is important that the glass be larger than the mouse and stable enough so that it does not turn over.

The tube trap

How to catch a mouse with home methods 3

For this trap you need a tube of cardboard , plastic or other material large enough for the animal to enter it, so it is also recommended for different sizes of rats and mice.

One of the ends of the tube is flattened until it is completely flat (the remaining tubes of the toilet paper lend a lot to this type of trap).

Place the tube on the edge of a table or bench, so that it is more than half out, but not going to fall alone, you have to find the ideal balance point .

Make a small food path that ends inside the tube, and on the floor below it place a bucket high enough so that the animal can not escape.

When the mouse reaches for the food and enters the tube, as it is very close to the edge, the table will fall into the bucket, leaving it trapped and ready to be expelled from your home .

What do you think of these traps? Tell us how effective you have been and how you do to clean up after expelling these unwanted friends from the cheese.