Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Gevalia Colombia Coffee K-Cup Pods, 100 Count

Discover the benefits of caffeine for hair

Caffeine is able to stimulate hair growth, according to the research of a German university

We generally associate coffee consumption with the awakening of the organism and that is why it is a beverage that is part of the daily routine of most women in Mexico. But in addition to helping the body to have more energy, the stimulating power of caffeine can also give other benefits to metabolism, such as cell regeneration and improved blood circulation, which can even favor the hair.

Gevalia Colombia Coffee K-Cup Pods, 100 Count
Gevalia Colombia Coffee K-Cup Pods, 100 Count

Caffeine stimulates the growth and strengthening of hair

Recently a scientific study conducted by the University of Lübeck, Germany, and published in the International Journal of Dermatology, revealed that caffeine can stimulate hair growth and prolong its life cycle, the substance is responsible for blocking the effects of hair loss. hormone DHT, which acts inside the hair follicles causing the death of the cells that produce the hair and consequently causes the fall of the wicks.

The good news for women is that research has concluded that female hair follicles are more sensitive and respond more quickly to caffeine treatment than men. "When we did the experiment of applying the caffeine solution in the fragile hair follicles, we observed that the growth rate increased by 25%," explained Tobias U. Fischer, dermatologist at the University of Lübeck.

The substance also prevents breakage and capillary aging

In addition, caffeine also promotes blood flow by interacting with hair follicles, which improves the distribution of nutrients in the strands. Therefore, the stimulant offers an additional benefit by making the hair grow much stronger and healthier, and also prevents breakage. The antioxidant properties of the substance, in turn, help to combat the premature aging of the wicks.

However, having a cup of coffee every morning has no effect on hair growth. The consumption of the drink had no impact in this regard, it would be necessary to take a dose close to fifty cups per day. The best option is to use products that contain caffeine, such as shampoo, conditioner, tonic or leave-in and massage the scalp during its application on the hair.

The benefits of caffeine when running

The stimulating effect of a cup of coffee on the nervous system has been demonstrated, which keeps us alert and focused (not to mention the energizing sensation that many runners experience). In addition, its antioxidant effect reduces the risk of diabetes and heart disease, while caffeine reduces pain after training, and helps metabolize fats.
A few years ago, a study surprised brokers addicted to caffeine by suggesting that this substance decreased exercise performance. "Do not drink coffee before any physical activity", were the words of one of the authors of the study for which he was long remembered, "the caffeine is not as harmless as most of us think", explains the same scientist, Dr. Philipp Kaufmann, also a professor of cardiology in Switzerland.

To all this the big question is: What is the right dose?
A small amount of caffeine will raise your spirits a bit although studies suggest that, to affect your physical performance, you need more than 200 milligrams of this substance.
Use the following portions if you are looking for (or evading) some of this legal stimulant. You'll be surprised!

  • Large American coffee (500ml) 260mg
  • Espresso (30ml) 30-50mg
  • Black tea (226grm) 40-70mg
  • Green tea (226grm) 25-40mg
  • Dietary cola soft drink (355ml) 45mg
  • Cola soft drink (355ml) 34mg
  • Can of Red Bull (251ml) 80mg
  • Can of Sobe No Fear (500ml) 34mg
  • Milk chocolate (28grm) 6mg
  • Dark chocolate (28grm) 20mg
  • Double Power Bar Gel 50mg
  • Gel Double Clif Shot 100mg)