Saturday, March 30, 2019

Pest Reject Repeller - 2019 Reusable Mouse Mice Rat Trap Killer Control Easy Pest Catching Catcher Pbt Reject - Mice Catch Electronic Mousetrap Fish Cage Violin Reject Hook Killer Mouse Trap

How to catch a mouse: The 10 commandments

When we discover that we have a mouse at home, the surprise is huge. Where did it come from? Where are they hiding? How many there are? Will they bite my son? Will any disease infect us? And the big question: How can I get rid of them?

Pest Reject Repeller - 2019 Reusable Mouse Mice Rat Trap Killer Control Easy Pest Catching Catcher Pbt Reject - Mice Catch Electronic Mousetrap Fish Cage Violin Reject Hook Killer Mouse Trap
Pest Reject Repeller - 2019 Reusable Mouse Mice Rat Trap Killer Control Easy Pest Catching Catcher Pbt Reject - Mice Catch Electronic Mousetrap Fish Cage Violin Reject Hook Killer Mouse Trap

We're going to try to answer that, giving you a few tips to get it. Something that on the other hand is always somewhat urgent, since among the many problems that these rodents can cause is that they can easily become a pest.

Buy mouse traps

As soon as you see traces of mouse (excrement, fingerprints, bites, ...) or you see them themselves you have to go buy the mousetraps. Moreover, there are certain places prone to appear these rodents, especially in rustic houses, surrounded by fields and underground spaces of warehouses or warehouses. There, although they can not be seen, it is better to prevent and have the traps ready to avoid their presence. And here we dare to mention another interesting method to avoid mice: have a cat. In fact, the cats were domesticated exclusively for this reason, due to their hunting ability.

A good bait

Basically when we talk about mousetraps, there are two types. Some that work with a bait that the animals try to eat and then are caught. And another type, are the sticky traps, which are located in the places of passage, so that the rodent is immobilized, alive and adhered to the trap. The truth is that the former are used more.

And what do we use as bait? There are some foods that can be passionate like peanut butter, chocolate and, of course, cheese. A recommendation. If you are going to put mousetraps and have decided to put any of these products as bait, it is better to buy it exclusively for that use. Mark it even in the container, so that butter, chocolate or cheese that you eat can never come into contact not with the mouse, not even with the trap.

Follow his tracks

Mice are extraordinarily agile mammals. Therefore, although we are much bigger, we are unable to follow and capture them. It is much more practical to follow their tracks and see where they leave their excrement.

Some very common places are the heights, since they do not have any problem to jump and climb. However, they usually follow the same routes, with few improvisations. So if we track their tracks we will know where to place the traps, since they will surely pass through there.

Under the cupboards

If you love taking refuge in the high part of the furniture, the same can be said of its low areas. In fact, they are passionate about being at the bottom, where we do not have easy access. And even more if we have carpets that give them a feeling of greater comfort, and when they are long hair, even protection. It is there, where cheating should not be missed, and regularly check if they are effective.

Search holes in the wall

The mice enter the house for two reasons. For food and heat. And one of the places where you can find that heat is when there are holes in the wall, something that can happen both in certain walls of plaster, which sometimes is usually in bathrooms, and in cooling ducts.

To hunt a mouse, you have to think like one of them. Where does it fit and where will it take refuge? Looking for some gap in our walls will be how we can answer these questions.

Your feeding areas

In the holes it finds shelter and heat. But in terms of food, like ourselves, he finds it in the kitchen. Several may be the sources of your diet. For example, the garbage can, the bowl of the pet's food, the crumbs that fall to the ground or certain shelves.

Before hunting the mouse, once we know of its presence, we must ensure that it does not have access to our food. So everything is stored inaccessible to him, both in watertight cabinets and in containers impossible to open by the animal. Then we must place traps where we assume that goes to feed. And if it is possible to change locations of garbage or food of our dog to generate uncertainty, you have to move and vary your usual routes.

Preventing your entry into the house

The truth is that in the houses with garden or in the field it can be certainly difficult to prevent the entrance of some mouse if there are them around. If you enter unless you have no food at your fingertips, you will leave alone. Unless it is winter and look for a warm shelter. Or even want to breed in a safe place.

If so, you have a problem and two tasks to perform. Eliminate the individuals that have already entered and then identify where they did it, to block their way, with traps or if necessary with some small work covering holes or cracks.

Traps always near the walls

Mice are prey in nature. They know it, they are fearful and seek protection at all times. That's why they always move around the places they think are least risky. If they can go under the furniture, they go there. If you can pass behind boxes or chairs, they will. And if they have to do it in the open, they will always go as close to the wall or the vertical surfaces, in order to have a covered flank. Therefore, traps should always be placed close to walls, cabinets or bookstores.

No need for poison

So far we have only talked about traps and preventive measures, such as the presence of a cat. However, there are those who choose to use rat poison to eliminate these rodents from home. There is no denying that it is effective. But it has contraindications. For example, if we have small children at home, it is completely forbidden to use them, because they can eat them. The same happens if we have pets, and we do not just talk about dogs. Do not forget that there are people who live with small mammals such as guinea pigs, hamsters and other small rodents.

And finally, another reason not to use poisons is the kind of death they give the animal. A cruel death from severe dehydration or the coagulation of blood flow.

It is not possible to live with mice

This call to non-cruelty towards mice does not mean that we think it is possible to live together (except in the case of the pets we have cited). Mice are a virtually safe source of infection. And they do not need to bite us for them. Their excrement from the tables, the kitchen or other places in the house are already harmful.

While there is only one, it is always possible to throw him out of the house or finish him off. But if after implementing these tips you have not achieved, you have to take the next step and prevent it from becoming a small plague. Call an exterminator.