Saturday, March 30, 2019

Traps - Reusable Plastic Mouse Rat Trap Catcher Rodent Pest Control Bait Cage Box Human - Mice Mouse Cage Trap Mousepad Bear Pack Snake Catch Catcher Fish Game Mousetrap Rodent Boards Repel

How to eliminate rats and mice

Are you trying to keep rats and mice away from your home? In this guide, you will find many useful tips on how to fight rats at home without resorting to violent methods.

 If you recently found small elongated stools in your kitchen cupboard or heard scratches on the wall, it is likely that rodents are present in your home. The invasion of a rat, in addition to becoming an irritating interference in family life, could be very bad for your health: rodents can nibble on electrical wires and transmit serious diseases.

Traps - Reusable Plastic Mouse Rat Trap Catcher Rodent Pest Control Bait Cage Box Human - Mice Mouse Cage Trap Mousepad Bear Pack Snake Catch Catcher Fish Game Mousetrap Rodent Boards Repel
Traps - Reusable Plastic Mouse Rat Trap Catcher Rodent Pest Control Bait Cage Box Human - Mice Mouse Cage Trap Mousepad Bear Pack Snake Catch Catcher Fish Game Mousetrap Rodent Boards Repel

If you do not act immediately, the problem of having rats and mice can quickly become uncontrollable. For this reason, in this article you will find tips on how to avoid mice at home, how to eliminate rats and mice, how to catch a rat, combat them and avoid them in the future.

How to catch a rat

When asked "How to catch a rat or mouse", everyone seems to have a different solution; but it is probable that not all suggestions follow methods that are not violent. If you want to know an alternative method (that allows you to remove the mouse from your house without hurting it) I followed the instructions below.

You'll need:

  •     A roll of toilet paper or kitchen
  •     Some bait (some food)
  •     A big bucket
  •     A little cooking oil

Next, we tell you how to catch a rat with the mentioned items:

  •     Take the roll of toilet paper or kitchen and crush it along the tube, so that it is flat on a flat surface.
  •     Place the bait on the end of the tube and place the roll on a raised surface (such as a table or the top of a cupboard) with the end that has the bait sticking out from the edge.
  •     Place the large bucket under the end of the tube that has the bait and pour a small amount of oil into the bottom of the bucket.
  •     Wait for the mouse or rat to run through the tube and then fall into the bucket below. The oil will help prevent the rodent from jumping and escaping. This way you can eliminate rats without hurting them.
  •     Now, release the mouse somewhere away from your home, to prevent it from coming back!

After having solved the problem, you must clean your kitchen thoroughly:

    Following the instructions on the label, use a disinfectant or diluted bleach, such as Vim , to disinfect all surfaces in the kitchen (all places where rats or mice may have been). Vacuum and clean the inside of the cupboards, behind and under appliances, and floors. Always wear gloves and appropriate protective clothing when handling bleach.

How to avoid mice at home in the future

Even if you feel that you managed to get rid of your opponent, eliminating rats is not so simple, there are still some precautions that you should follow:

Sell ​​all the entry points to your house. Make sure there are no holes in walls, floors or ceilings that the rodents may have used to enter your home. If you find any, you must block them. They do not have to be big, since rodents are able to adapt their body to go through the smallest holes. Check the door and window frames and also the ceiling to make sure your house is as impenetrable as possible.

Put all food in inaccessible places . Store edible products in containers made of hard materials, glass, ceramic or thick plastic, to restrict rodents' access to potential sources of food. Eliminate the remains of food as soon as possible: do not leave anything edible outside, on countertops. Check also that the waste baskets close well, and remove the garbage regularly.

Keep the order and cleanliness of the exterior of your house. Make sure the waste containers are as far away as possible from your house to avoid attracting rodents. Also make sure that the garden or the corridors that surround the house are kept clean: rats and mice do not like open spaces, but they love getting into nooks and crannies.

If you solve the mentioned problems quickly and effectively, how to fight rats at home will no longer be one of your concerns.