Tuesday, March 19, 2019

50 Nespresso OriginalLine: Ristretto, 1 Package (50 Capsules) - NOT compatible with VERTUOLINE…

Caffeine Diet: Weight Loss Booster?

Caffeine has been used in diet pills and supplements for the purposes of as a weight loss aid.

Until recently caffeine was used because of it's metabolism boosting properties. If dieters consumed more caffeine they would have more energy to burn more calories. Some research has shown that caffeine may aid in weight loss because of another factor.

50 Nespresso OriginalLine: Ristretto, 1 Package (50 Capsules) - NOT compatible with VERTUOLINE…
50 Nespresso OriginalLine: Ristretto, 1 Package (50 Capsules) - NOT compatible with VERTUOLINE…

  • First, let's look at the caffeine levels in some popular weight loss supplements.
  • Common Diet Pills Containing Caffeine
  • Product     Caffeine content per serving
  • Energi-Zing Shake
  • by Nutrisystem     200mg
  • Celsius Energy Drink     200mg
  • Leptiburn     <1 mg (serving)
  • Body Choice Hoodia High Fiber     75mg
  • RhinoRush Weightloss     100 mg / tablet (also includes additional stimulants)
  • Dexatrim Max complex 7     50mg
  • Dexatrim Natural Green Tea     50mg
  • Dexatrim Natural Extra Energy     100mg
  • Dexatrim Daytime     200mg
  • Hydroxycut     250mg
  • Xenadrine     200mg
  • Twin Lab Diet Fuel     200mg
  • Estrin D     300mg (caffeine and caffeine-like stim.)
  • Natrol     100mg
  • Stacker 2     200mg
  • Green Coffee Pills     ≤25mg (varies by brand)
  • Caffeine Diet Study

Researchers at Kawasaki University discovered that caffeine also prevents the accumulation of fat in cells both in a Petri dish and in rodents . They believe that this is due to the caffeine inhibiting enzymes and genes responsible for lipid synthesis.

The results were the same using natural caffeine from coffee or yerba mate and using synthetic caffeine which is found in many supplements or energy drinks. src .

Although all caffeine prevented the accumulation of fat in cells, it is important to note that synthetic caffeine found in energy drinks and diets would not have the same antioxidant benefits as caffeine from natural sources such as coffee, green tea, and yerba mate.

Calorie Restriction is Still Key

Overall, there should be evidence of the effective use of caffeine as a dietary aide and weight loss, however, other studies would show that the greatest health benefit from caffeine would be found by consuming it in natural products and not through the use of supplements.

Calorie restriction is still the key to weight loss . A caffeine enhanced weight loss will not take a thing if the dieter is not first, cutting calories and using more calories daily than the are taking in.

Caffeine is not a miracle substance and it can not magically displace calories consumed . Its greatest quality is to help people feel more energetic, which should help them have greater stamina during fitness programs. Thus, burning more calories.

There is also the caution to not go overboard with caffeine as the woman from New Zealand did during her Red Bull Diet . Caffeine is a powerful stimulant and sometimes it does not mix well with intense exercise.