Monday, March 25, 2019

How can constipation cure?

How can constipation cure?

Mechanism of action of constipation Can be divided into items as follows

  •     Add more meat to the stool Until the urge to urge to excrete This group of drugs is derived from substances extracted from the mucus of the tree bark. And used in oral medicine.
  •     Increase the absorption of water into the intestine And helps stimulate the intestines to squeeze more.
  •     Makes the stool soft And easily moved to the distal colon.
  •     Lubricate and make the stools move better in the colon.
  •     Stimulate the muscles in the wall of the small intestine and colon to move faster. Which these drugs are very popular Habitual use Causing the need to increase the dose to be eaten continuously Because the original dose when eaten often will not work Which causes bad results As mentioned later.
  •     Increase intestinal pressure By anal garden with saline solution that uses an anal garden.