Monday, March 25, 2019

How to cure chronic constipation

How to cure chronic constipation

  •     Should practice excretion as a habit Try to excrete on time Especially in the morning that is the time when the colon is most active
  •     Do not hold back feces unnecessarily When should I hurry to go to the bathroom? Because holding it for a while may cause pain and cause stool residues Until constipation problems occur
  •     Not stressed because stress can affect the function of the intestine. In addition, some patients may have problems with stool defecation because they are in a hurry or stress period, so during excretion should relax, do not hurry and give time to the body to drive waste out.
  •     Some exercise Because it may help the muscles involved in digestion work better And may affect the digestive system
  •     Drink enough water Or at least about 8 glasses a day, which helps prevent dehydration And should drink more on hot days or exercise days
  •     Eat more fiber from vegetables, fruits and whole grains, about 30 grams per day, gradually increasing gradually to prevent flatulence. In addition, believe that eating prunes can help relieve constipation. Which studies have shown that Eating 6 prunes or about 50 grams 2 times a day may help people with constipation problems to excrete better.
  •     Pelvic floor muscle training Because sometimes constipation problems may be caused by the muscles in the area that are impaired The physiotherapist will advise the patient to control the contraction and release the pelvic floor muscles as bio-feedback. With the device inserted into the anus To measure muscle tension and can also tell when to squeeze or relax muscles Which helps the patient learn when to release the muscle
  •     Use drugs to help drive defecation more easily. Which each drug will act differently on the gastrointestinal tract, such as fiber or fiber supplements that help increase stool mass Laxative that stimulates intestinal peristalsis Osmotic laxative that helps absorb water from the intestine Which makes the stool not dry and hard until excreted difficult Drugs that help lubricate the stool to move more easily Drugs that help soften stools and move more easily Suppositories and garden medicine that help soften stools Which helps the bowel to compress and excrete more easily, etc.
  •     Consult a doctor for surgery. Is often an alternative in cases where patients follow the above methods and symptoms do not improve Or constipation problems may be caused by clogged narrow stenosis or bowel slacking Doctors may have to undergo some bowel surgery.