Thursday, March 21, 2019

MD 6 Pairs Non-Binding Women's Moisture Wicking Cushion Quarter Bamboo Diabetic Socks 9-11 3Black/3White

7 basic to take care of your feet if you have diabetes

For all people living with diabetes it is very important to take care of their feet . This is because there can be two chronic complications that endanger the health of this area of ​​the body.

MD 6 Pairs Non-Binding Women's Moisture Wicking Cushion Quarter Bamboo Diabetic Socks 9-11 3Black/3White
MD 6 Pairs Non-Binding Women's Moisture Wicking Cushion Quarter Bamboo Diabetic Socks 9-11 3Black/3White

    According to the Spanish Diabetes Society , blood glucose levels can cause peripheral arterial disease or hardening of the arteries . This causes the muscles of the legs to work hard because they do not receive enough blood and oxygen.

The second chronic complication is neuropathy or damage to the nerves that cause numbness in the feet . It can also decrease the sensitivity, loss of muscle reflexes, deformation of the fingers and feet. All this favors the appearance of sores, calluses, ulcers, blisters or other wounds that do not heal.

That an oversight does not stop your steps

If you live with diabetes mellitus it is very important that you take care of your feet every day. This reduces the risk of losing your foot , a finger or even your leg. These are seven basic recommendations of the National Diabetes Education Program of the United States .

1. Daily review.
Every night check the feet when you take off your shoes because there may be problems without feeling pain. Verify that there are no sores , red spots, swelling or infection in the nails. If you have a hard time bending over to see them, use a mirror or ask a family member for help.

2. Wash them every day. Make sure you do it with warm water, not with hot water. Do not soak the feet to prevent the skin from drying out . It is suggested to use talc or cornstarch between the feet to keep the foot dry and prevent infection .

3. Hydrate them. To avoid cracking it is important to use some lotion, cream or Vaseline on the top and bottom of the feet, never put them between your fingers, this could cause an infection.

4. File the calluses carefully. If you notice that you have calluses it is advisable that you go with a podiatrist to explain the best way to take care of them. One option is that after the bath you use a pumice stone to soften them, do it carefully, in only one way so as not to hurt the skin. Do not cut, or use razor blades, patches, or liquids to remove them, so you avoid infection.

5. Nail cuts. Cut your toenails with a nail clipper after washing and dry your feet. Do it in a straight line and file the edges with a nail file, not the cuts. If you notice that the nails are thick or yellowish, they bend and grow inside the skin, then go with a podiatrist for the ideal treatment.

6. Always wear socks and shoes. Never walk barefoot, or inside your house, you could step on something and hurt your feet. Use socks or nylon stockings, clean, preferably without seams and lightly padded, always with shoes to prevent the appearance of blisters and sores.

7. Keep the circulation active. When sitting, try to raise your feet and move your fingers for 5 minutes, two or three times a day. It also rotates the ankles in and out to improve the flow of blood to the feet and legs. Avoid keeping your legs crossed for a long time.

Remember that the ideal is to keep the level of your blood sugar under control , which helps keep your feet healthy . Beware!