Thursday, March 21, 2019

Mens Diabetic Antibacterial Copper Socks (6 Pack) Extra Wide Casual Crew Socks with Gift Box

How to take care of your feet if you are diabetic?

Although you must take care of your feet in any circumstance, in case of suffering from diabetes it is more important, since the zone can present complications if it is not treated properly.

Mens Diabetic Antibacterial Copper Socks (6 Pack) Extra Wide Casual Crew Socks with Gift Box
Mens Diabetic Antibacterial Copper Socks (6 Pack) Extra Wide Casual Crew Socks with Gift Box

Neuropathy, circulation problems and infections can lead to the development of problems in your feet if you have diabetes. The good news is that you can put in practice some precautions to take care of your feet.

Good management of your diabetes and a healthy lifestyle help keep the disease under control with some ease. You can prevent some complications if you follow this regimen to take care of your feet.

How should you take care of your feet daily?

You can start by adopting some habits to take care of your feet and try to do them every day. If for some reason it is very difficult for you to inspect your feet, you can ask someone for help or use a mirror:

  • Avoid sitting cross-legged or standing for long periods of time.
  • Observe both your feet and your fingers: on the top, sides, heel, sole and also between the fingers. Notify your doctor if you discover sores, redness, cuts, blisters or bruises.
  • Wash your feet daily with warm water and mild soap. Check the temperature of the water with your fingers or elbows before inserting your feet. Due to diabetes it can be difficult to detect the temperature with these.
  • Dry your feet well. Infections can develop easily in wet areas.
  • If you feel rough or dry feet use a lotion or oil to moisturize them but avoid the interdigital area.

Healthy habits to take care of your feet
If you stick to these good habits to take care of your feet, you will be taking a good step to keep them healthy:

  • Antiseptic solutions can burn the skin of the feet. You must use them under the supervision of your doctor.
  • Do not use hot pads, hot water bottles, or electric blankets on your feet.
  • Avoid walking barefoot on the pavement or sand.
  • Protect your feet from the heat and extreme cold.
  • Do not try to remove calluses, blisters, warts or other foot injuries by yourself. Avoid using chemical wart removers, razor blades, plasters or liquid callus removers.

The care of your nails

It is important that people with diabetes take proper care of their nails.

Visual difficulty, nerve problems and changes in circulation in the legs or feet due to poor positioning can pose a risk to your health.

Check with your podiatrist if you want to perform good foot care consistently.

This way you will have a more exact guide of how to do it, since you will have to know what is the correct way to avoid an ulcer or pain in the foot.

Here are some tips that can help you:

  • Trim the toenails after the shower, this way they will be softer.
  • Make straight cuts, in this way you can prevent ingrown toenails. Do not cut the corners and use a file to soften the edges of them.
  • Avoid cutting too short the nails.
  • Go to a specialist to cut your nails if you notice that you have difficulty doing so, if your nails are thick or if they have a yellowish hue.
  • Your shoes and socks
  • If you have any type of neuropathy or nerve damage that affects the sensation of your foot, you may miss cuts or bumps.

It is essential that you protect your foot using footwear at all times.

Use comfortable shoes, with good space, especially in the area of ​​the fingers.
Avoid using plastic shoes or materials that do not have ventilation. Opt for materials such as leather, canvas or suede.
Avoid wearing strappy sandals, flip flops, open-toed shoes and high heels.
Choose preferably footwear that can be adjusted with Velcro, buckles or laces.
Check the inside of your shoes for any holes or any element that may cause pressure or irritation in the foot.
Give rest to your feet or change the shoes after a period of 5 hours to vary the pressure points.

SocksThe so forgotten socks

They provide a layer of protection between the feet and the shoe.
Use clean, dry socks, and avoid those that have sharp seams or are very tight on the leg.
Sleep with socks when your feet are cold.
Signs of foot problems
You must recognize these early warning signs. Pay special attention to the following:

  • Burning, tingling or pain in the feet.
  • Insensitivity to cold, heat or touch.
  • Changes in color or shape of the foot.
  • Loss of hair on the feet, legs or calves.
  • Thickening or yellowing of the nails.
  • Blisters, sores, ulcers, infected pimples or ingrown toenails.
  • Visit this article: 6 natural remedies for swollen ankles and feet

Are there complications?
Over time, blood sugar levels can cause nerve damage and circulation problems that end up damaging your feet.

If you pass the complications by high, it is possible that they derive in infections that, of not healing, cause the death of the tissue (gangrene).

Treatment for this may include surgery to remove dead skin, either a finger or even part of the leg.

Remember that foot problems related to diabetes get worse quickly. Seek immediate medical attention.