Sunday, March 31, 2019

Reach Toothbrush Crystal Clean Soft 3 Pack(Pack of 2) Total 6 Brushes

Grandma's recipes for whitening teeth

The treatments to achieve a radiant dentition and renew the smile are usually very expensive. That's why we select homemade and natural alternatives that have the same effect. Do you dare to try them?

Reach Toothbrush Crystal Clean Soft 3 Pack(Pack of 2) Total 6 Brushes
Reach Toothbrush Crystal Clean Soft 3 Pack(Pack of 2) Total 6 Brushes

By the time; too much coffee, tea, sodas, wine, tobacco; or lack of hygiene; the teeth begin to look more opaque, careless and with spots. To counteract these effects and have an impeccable smile, in addition to the treatments offered by dentists, there are natural recipes and very low cost. We tell you what they are.

Rinses with lemon With antibacterial and acid properties, this fruit will help to remove stains, reduce tartar and have a fresher breath. To take advantage of its virtues, we must extract the juice and mix it with a little water. With the liquid, make several swishes. Another way to use it is to add a pinch of salt over some pieces the size of your mouth and then place it over your teeth.

Lemon has properties that help whiten teeth.

Plus apple cider vinegar. This product works as a bleach and is also very effective in removing germs and bacteria from the mouth. Ideally, dilute it with plenty of water, and then mix it with toothpaste. They can also be used as a rinse.

Polishing with baking soda. It serves to remove stains and bacteria.   To do this, you can apply a pinch on the toothpaste and then brush normally or mix a tablespoon with cold water to create a homogeneous paste and then place it on the toothbrush. One warning: it should not be used more than three times per month, because in excess it can damage the tooth enamel.

Sodium bicarbonate is a good option to whiten teeth quickly and naturally.

Cleaning with orange peel: Inside, white, contain components such as vitamin C, gluconate, fiber, limonene, which help remove the toughest spots. Simply rub this part of the shell over the teeth, several times. Then, rinse with water and brush in the usual way.

Cleaning with banana peel. It has a large concentrate of salicylic acid and citric acid. Both substances with bleaching power. With the same steps as in the previous option.

Strawberry paste. In addition to irresistible, it is the most effective fruit to whiten teeth and to have a pleasant breath. The secret is that it contains malic acid that helps eliminate bacteria that affect the teeth. The suggested recipe is to crush two or three units in a container (you can add a pinch of baking soda). Once ready, apply the pulp on the denture, as if it were a paste, leave for several minutes and rinse. It can also be placed on the toothbrush.