Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Amazon Brand - 100 Ct. Solimo Medium Roast Coffee K-Cup Pods, Kona Blend, Compatible with 2.0 K-Cup Brewers

Caffeine: Properties and benefits

Caffeine is one of those substances that has as many defenders as detractors. The truth is that it is found naturally in many plants and seeds.

And there are many people who can not spend the day without their daily dose of caffeine.

So much is the popularity of this substance, that you can not only get it in many drinks in a natural or added way as in cola or energy drinks. But now it is also possible to get it in the form of a supplement.

Amazon Brand - 100 Ct. Solimo Medium Roast Coffee K-Cup Pods, Kona Blend, Compatible with 2.0 K-Cup Brewers
Amazon Brand - 100 Ct. Solimo Medium Roast Coffee K-Cup Pods, Kona Blend, Compatible with 2.0 K-Cup Brewers

If you are a person who can not start the day without drinking a cup of coffee or tea, no doubt that this post is for you.

You can know everything about caffeine, its properties, benefits, supplements and how to use it.

And it is that even though it has been demonized by many, caffeine is very helpful.

Of course as long as it is taken in moderation.

The problems with caffeine come when you take it in excess or if you have any condition that prevents you from consuming it regularly.

What are the properties of caffeine?
Properties and benefits of caffeine Caffeine enters the organism goes directly to the adenosine receptors (1) that are in the brain and there begins its action in the body.

There are many functions that meet in the body and there are many reasons why you consume it daily.

Activates the central nervous system
Caffeine when entering the body the first thing it does is activate the Central Nervous System (CNS) is why you feel an injection of energy once you consume it.

Caffeine has a small laxative effect (2) in the body when taken regularly, but without causing diarrhea, unless it is taken in excess.

It is thermogenic
Caffeine increases body temperature. It does not matter if it is ingested hot, cold or in the form of a supplement, it begins to burn fat and accelerates the metabolism immediately.

A study conducted in humans found that when people consumed 100, 200, 300 and 400 mg of caffeine per day they had a higher energy expenditure.

The vast majority of the effects of caffeine tend to disappear very quickly. In many cases, it does not exceed one hour.

What are the benefits of caffeine?

Thanks to the different properties that caffeine has when it is consumed, it generates many benefits that we are going to tell you next:

It keeps you awake

When you ingest caffeine in any of its forms you leave aside your sleepy state and begin to activate yourself.

This is because there is better blood flow in your body. The cerebral oxygenation increases and that is why you feel awake.

Therefore, after a short time of drinking your cup of coffee in the morning or when you need to study at night, it keeps you awake. The same happens with the energy drink, which contains a high concentration of this substance.

Activate your organism

As we mentioned before, when entering the body caffeine goes to the adenosine receptors that are in the brain. Besides activating your CNS, it also increases the segregation of dopamine, which is the substance of pleasure.

You have noticed that when you drink a cup of coffee or drink a soda you feel better. It is precisely because there is an increase in dopamine in your body.

Fight fatigue
Caffeine to be a vasodilator and activate your nervous system will allow you to feel always very energetic.

Even when you drink after your exercise routine. That injection of energy that you feel will allow you to feel better and leave fatigue behind.

It allows you to lose weight
Caffeine helps you lose weight in three different ways:

For its diuretic effect:

Caffeine will make you urinate more than necessary and with it you will fight the retention of liquids and through urination you can eliminate a good amount of fat.

Because it accelerates the metabolism:

By having a thermogenic effect (3) caffeine accelerates the metabolism on a large scale and with it the burning of fat (4) is much greater.

If you are trying to lose weight , drink a cup of coffee during the fast can help you lose a few kilos if accompanied with a good diet and a daily workout.

Because it reduces appetite:

When you take caffeine in the form of a supplement it will allow you to lose weight, since the feeling of satiety will come much faster when you eat and also helps you manage anxiety, as well as reduce appetite.

Thanks to this you can consume fewer calories than you need and you will lose weight.

Fat Burner
Because it speeds up your metabolism, caffeine is able to burn the stored fat you have in your body.

That is why many fat burners have caffeine since it further enhances its effect.

A study (4) conducted in humans randomly determined that the consumption of caffeinated beverages allowed a greater fat burning in people.

Another study went further, since it determined that in the case of young women (5) there is greater fat burning than in adults.

Increase physical performance
Many dietary supplements contain caffeine due to the energy injection that you have.

Especially the fat burners .

Thanks to this you can improve your physical performance, because you can do much longer sessions.

In this area is where there are many detractors with caffeine. Especially for the dehydrating effect that can have, being a diuretic.

However, taking caffeine one hour before your workout or even a half hour will allow you to have a much more intense session.

When taken in the form of pills their absorption is much faster and you will feel the effects much faster.

This was demonstrated by a study (6) in which 22 men who did strength and resistance exercises were monitored. After several weeks, the individuals who participated in the study were able to lift much more weight and increase the number of repetitions by 10%.

What are the most caffeine-rich drinks?

Caffeine is found in many varieties of coffee seeds and also herbs, that is why it is found in different types of teas.

  • Even in the cocoa bean and chocolate it also has it, especially the dark one.
  • These are the ones that contain it most (7) :
  • Coffee: Coffee is one of the drinks that has the most caffeine in its composition.
  • Express: 50 mg of caffeine
  • Coffee with milk and cappuccino: 75 mg

The amount of caffeine will vary according to the origin of the seeds and the whole roasting process they go through.

It is best to go for the grain and grind it at home.