Thursday, March 21, 2019

MediPEDS Women's Diabetic Quarter Socks with Nanoglide, 4 Pack

Do you have diabetes? 8 tips for the care of your feet

The biggest fear of people with diabetes is that they can lose a toe, or even the entire foot. Although this complication of diabetes is a real risk ... calm down! It does not have to happen to you if you know how to take care of your feet.

MediPEDS Women's Diabetic Quarter Socks with Nanoglide, 4 Pack
MediPEDS Women's Diabetic Quarter Socks with Nanoglide, 4 Pack

Why are your feet at risk when you are diabetic? The lack of control of blood sugar for several years and specifically the high levels of sugar in your blood can damage the nerves ( diabetic neuropathy ) of your feet causing you to lose sensitivity, and can also affect your blood vessels causing poor circulation.

Therefore, if one day you hit or you get a wound or you get an ulcer on one foot, it is very likely that you do not feel it and do not realize it, and also that the wound can not be easily cured by poor circulation of the blood. And when you can not heal a wound quickly, it can become seriously infected and can even cause gangrene. In the long term, you may end up losing a finger, your foot or an entire leg.

Do you see why it is so important to take care of your feet? In Life and Health we give you these tips:

1. Never walk barefoot!

Even if you are at home and they tell you that the floor is impeccable, always protect your feet with socks (socks) and shoes. Not even when you are on the beach or in the sea, where you do not know what you could step on. Better put on sneakers.

2. Check them daily

To prevent any injury, blow, scrape or blister that you have not noticed, you get infected. And do not leave the floor of the foot careless, use a mirror if you can not see it easily.

3. Keep them clean and dry

Wash your feet daily in warm water and mild soap. Dry them gently, without rubbing the skin tightly. Make sure especially that the part between the fingers is very dry.

4. Use a moisturizing cream on the rough parts

In extremely dry parts such as heels, put on a moisturizer to soften the skin . But it prevents cream from falling between the fingers.

5. Beware of nails

Cut your nails after showering (to bathe), when they are soft. Cut them with the shape of the finger and be careful not to cut your skin or hurt yourself with the nail clipper. And never cut corns alone, ask for help from a specialist, your doctor or a podiatrist.

6. Be careful with shoes

As much as you like those new shoes, do not wear them if they cut or scrape you. Even the smallest blisters can become infected and complicated. That's why you should also be careful with shoes that expose your fingers and your heels, with high heels with closed ends, or even with any shoe that has internal seams that could hurt your feet.

7. Do not forget the socks (stockings)

Try not to be tight and not have uncomfortable seams. And of course, change them daily.

8. Visit your doctor

Do it frequently and always ask him to check your feet. And if you find a wound, do not wait! Call him immediately to help you control any infection and heal it quickly. Any wait can be dangerous.

As soon as these cares are part of your daily routine, then you will not notice the time you spend them. Your feet will thank you.