Thursday, March 21, 2019

Mens 6 Pairs Diabetic Socks Extra Wide Non-Binding Top Crew Copper Socks Antibacterial Black Gray Dark Gray


Foot care is essential in people with diabetes. The problems of circulation, the lower sensitivity and the greater tendency to infections that this disease produces make it appear more easily wounds on the feet and also that they evolve worse.

Mens 6 Pairs Diabetic Socks Extra Wide Non-Binding Top Crew Copper Socks Antibacterial Black Gray Dark Gray
Mens 6 Pairs Diabetic Socks Extra Wide Non-Binding Top Crew Copper Socks Antibacterial Black Gray Dark Gray

To prevent foot problems, it is essential to control the blood sugar level (with diet, medication and regular exercise) to avoid those circumstances that worsen the circulation (snuff, lack of exercise, etc.) and to take proper care of his feet. On the other hand, the control and early treatment of the injuries that may appear is the key to prevent them from progressing quickly, leading to serious injuries and serious and definitive sequelae.


WASHED. You must wash your feet daily. For this we recommend:

  • - Use warm water (32-35 ºC). Check the water temperature with a bath thermometer or with the elbow. The patient may have neuropathy and his sensitivity decreased and he may not notice the temperature. If the water is too hot it can even burn without noticing it.
  • - Use neutral soap.
  • - Do not leave your feet in water for more than 5 minutes, to prevent the skin from macerating. Use a soft bath mitt.
  • - Avoid the use of harsh brushes or mittens or horsehair that may injure the skin.
  • - You should wash the entire foot with special attention between your fingers.

Foot wash

DRYING Dry the feet well, with a soft towel and insisting between the fingers.

HYDRATION. If the skin is dry, apply a thin layer of cream or moisturizing lotion on the plants and on the dry areas, but never between the toes. Wet and macerated skin facilitates the growth of fungi and the appearance of infections.

NAIL CARE: Too long, too short or badly cut nails can cause problems and cause injuries and infections.

  • - Cut the nails using scissors with blunt tips to avoid cuts.
  • - The best time is after washing the feet, when they are softer.
  • - Cut the straight nails: leaving the edges straight and without cutting the corners and soften the tips with a cardboard file. Do not cut too much: let it protrude 1 mm in front of the finger pad.
  • - If you have vision or skill problems, ask a family member for help or go to a podiatrist, especially if your nails are thick and hard.


After washing, you should examine your feet daily . The best way is sitting and in good light. If you have difficulties, you can help yourself with an unbreakable mirror or ask a relative to examine your feet, especially if you have vision problems. You should pay attention to: lesions between the fingers, hardness on the sole of the foot, calluses, cracks, blisters, discoloration, wounds or ulcers, etc.


  • - You must always wear footwear and socks or stockings. Never walk barefoot, not even inside your house.
  • footwear
  • - The suitable footwear will be made of breathable material (leather or canvas), light and flexible, with non-slip sole and not too thick, it should not have internal seams and the heel will be of a discreet height (less than 5 cm). Do not use plastic shoes or materials that prevent the foot from "breathing". It is also not advisable to use sandals because they leave the fingers and the heel unprotected.
  • - When buying shoes, make sure they are comfortable from the start, not too loose or tight and never buy them waiting to stretch them.
  • - When you release shoes, start using them little by little; a few days before, put them at home for half an hour, gradually increasing the time.
  • - The stockings and socks should be soft, preferably cotton, yarn or wool, without seams or folds. Do not use rubber bands or tight elastics, because they hinder circulation.
  • - Air and keep your shoes dry and change socks or stockings daily.


  • - Do not put your feet near fire, stoves or radiators, or use hot water bottles or electric blankets to heat them.
  • - Do not apply home remedies or callicidal ointments, or use sharp objects such as razor blades to remove hardness or calluses, call a professional.
  • - Do not use tight shoes, or sashes, or rubber bands or elastic bands that hinder circulation.