Saturday, March 30, 2019

Animal Cage Trap - Rat Cage Mice Rodent Animal Control Catch Bait Hamster Mouse Trap Humane Live Home Killer Pest - Hook Mouse Rats Trap Game Toothbrush Teether Electronic Catch Mousetrap

Homemade traps to scare and kill rats and mice

Do you have a problem at home with rats and do you need homemade traps ? Do you wonder how to catch a rat ? Do you need an effective mouse trap ?

Are you looking for how to make homemade mousetraps ? Do you want to know which are the most effective killers ?

Animal Cage Trap - Rat Cage Mice Rodent Animal Control Catch Bait Hamster Mouse Trap Humane Live Home Killer Pest - Hook Mouse Rats Trap Game Toothbrush Teether Electronic Catch Mousetrap
Animal Cage Trap - Rat Cage Mice Rodent Animal Control Catch Bait Hamster Mouse Trap Humane Live Home Killer Pest - Hook Mouse Rats Trap Game Toothbrush Teether Electronic Catch Mousetrap

You have reached the indicated article, then we will solve all these and many more questions. We start!

These traps that we show you are rat traps that you can perform at home and traps that you can buy against rats and mice.

If you have panic or disgust at rats and mice , and you also have this problem at home or at work, do not worry! It's more usual than you think.

Before entering the subject, we want to explain that if you can not catch mice and rats, you can always buy rodenticides in our online store. Here we offer some of the most sold rodenticides:

You may be looking for traps for large rats or small mice. In any case, in this article we will tell you how to build homemade traps for rats and mice that you can do yourself economically.

Generally, these animals do not want to harm anyone, they are only looking for a place to eat and in general to live, especially during the cold or rainy seasons.

The problem is that they transmit diseases , which can bite our pets and even some children. In addition, rodents usually reproduce miraculously fast.

17 Homemade rat and mouse traps

mousetrap To avoid this and get to work, we bring you a list of homemade traps to kill or get rid of rats and mice .

Some of these options are homemade traps for hunting rats and others are traps to kill rats and eliminate them completely.

These traps for homemade rats we recommend them depending on the gravity and the number of rodents you have. Among all the ones that we present, you will surely find the one you need!

Keep rats and mice away with Cotton and Vinegar

Since rats and mice, like many insects have a great aversion to vinegar is our trap.

It serves to move them away but not to kill them.


  •     Rubber or plastic gloves
  •     Vinegar
  •     Cotton balls
  •     A container

Look meticulously at home for fecal matter or crumbs of food, remember that if you have a mouse at home this is sure that it is quite small, a rat is something else, they are usually larger and more dangerous.

Be careful with that! Check the cracks, cabinets, corners, small spaces, attic, all the places where you think you can hide.

The smell of vinegar is what they dislike, so you should prepare cotton balls just before using it so they do not dry.

Add the vinegar to several cotton balls, as many as necessary, since cotton is not usually expensive you can put many in all places where you suspect that our little enemy can hide or places where it can travel , those spaces are the kitchen!

Homemade rat trap in small houses

This trap certainly will not kill or really keep the rodent from our house if we are not constant and we are waiting for the smell to be truly exaggerated.

Use this measure if you only have a mouse and your house is small, if you do not have so much time to add vinegar every now and then, but only occasionally, this operation will not remove the animal from the house or kill it, but at least We will be able to keep at specific sites like our food pantry or store.

Create your trap to keep rodents away with Peppermint oil

peppermint oil Peppermint oil is an excellent trap to exterminate mice and rats.

It has an extremely strong smell for rodents, so that they avoid it at all costs even if you know you have one at home with placing a few drops of peppermint oil in the places where you think it can hide will make it decide to move.

It serves to move them away but not to kill them.

Put one or two drops according to how you perceive the smell in a cotton ball.

Replace them every 5 or 7 days if you do not have mice as a preventive form.

Scare away rats and mice with viper's feces

Cat feces also work pretty well as one of the rat traps made at home, but since they smell pretty bad we'll lean on the vipers' feces.

You can get these feces in a pet store or ask a friend to have a snake as a pet that gives you some of your dry stool.

Leave these in the frequent places for the rodent in the places of transit. This will make him walk away and even leave. It serves to move them away but not to kill them.

Drive away rats and mice with Ultrasound

These are electronic ultrasound boxes, they are sold and they are not so expensive.

These emit a signal only noticeable to rodents , they hate these sounds and move away.

Beware this can work for a while! Rodents usually get used to ultrasonic emissions. However, if your new guest is recent this will make him decide to move.

Be original, adopt a cat

cat-against-rats This is a real homemade trap to hunt mice and rats.

It is public knowledge that cats and rats and mice do not get along at all. If you wonder how to kill a mouse that is bothering your house, think of a cat.

The presence of this one is an excellent homemade trap against him.

So a cat at home can save you a lot of problems, it is not even necessary to buy one, just to adopt even for a while while doing his job will be enough, of course if you want to keep it much better!

We recommend this measure if the infection of rodents is very serious, at least three cats will end with the outbreak and one will prevent this from happening again.

Know that birds of prey that live in the nearby areas

This idea may be long term, but believe me if you manage to have a bird of prey close to home you will never see a mouse nearby.

It happens the same as with cats, they are excellent homemade traps at very low cost, we believe faithfully in the food chain!

A barn owl is the best, likewise the family of birds of prey is quite broad.

Use Organic Atomizers

Yes, this exists.

In fact many companies specializing in organic and natural products manufacture this type of atomizers either for the garden or for our enclosed spaces (cupboards, pantries, etc.)

These "splash" are much more friendly to our environment, than the poison we talked about below and much less dangerous to our children and pets.

These products are usually made with natural products based on mint .

The homemade trap for hunting rats and mice: that of the glass vessel

This trap is only and exclusively to hunt rats or mice , not to kill them. If you're looking to build mousetraps without killing them, this may be a good option.

The materials we are going to use in this trap are not harmful to the mouse or to the environment.


  •     Clear glass
  •     Metal springs
  •     Clips
  •     Metal nut

homemade traps for rats and mice This trap is quite efficient and as we have seen it does not need more things.

When we finish hunting mice we can reuse all materials for their primary purpose.

Any glass container we have at home works, a mayonnaise container, a glass, a jar, even a light bulb!

In our chosen glass container, turned upside down, we will put a cookie or bread stick attached to the spring.

The inclination of the glass will allow the mouse to enter.

When it is inside our glass container once it begins to gnaw the cookie stick and it breaks, the glass or glass container will fall leaving the mouse trapped inside the container, we will see him finish his cookie from the inside, ready to take it out from our office or our home without damaging it and without cleaning.

Light bulb rat trap

Uncover the electric connector bulb leaving only the glass part.

We place a light weight that keeps it lying horizontally facing the ground, we can leave inside the bulb some food, a piece of cheese bread or some cookie.

It is important that we put a heavier element than our mouse since it will not stay balanced with both weights.

And there it is, we will have our rodent trapped in the bulb.

It is recommended to use bulbs that are already burned and place several in different places.

Trap "Camino al vaso"

We put a glass glass, it is important that it is glass by weight and that it is also much higher than the mouse. We put our glass or glass container, inside we put some edible bait.

As a bridge we put a spring or a palette of ice cream that makes the union between the floor and the glass, the mouse climbed up this inclination, but can not leave.

Mouse bottle trap

The ideal is to use a bottle of beer or very similar to it, as in all traps you must place some edible element.

We add a couple of saltines in our bottle and proceed to place a spring in the bottle's beak.

The rat or mouse will make a contraction of its small body to pass through the center of our spring, this way it will be trapped inside the bottle since the spring expands from outside, but not from inside.

How to build the homemade rat trap of the bottle?

Spring trap for rodents

If your thing is not wanting to let live the rat or the mouse either because you have too many (more than three) or why you just hold a grudge for having eaten your food this trap will be very useful.

The popular trap of wood and springs is one of the most effective ways to exterminate mice , you come usually in several sizes, so choose several sizes if you are not sure how much your rodents can measure ideally or at least what here We recommend you buy several, many if possible and put them everywhere with care that no one gets hurt.

Plastic trap for mice and rats


  •     Plastic tube made of cardboard or wood
  •     Package of considerable weight

The plastic or cardboard tube must be wide enough so that our rat or mouse can transit, the tubes of the napkins and even the toilet paper will work wonders.

With your hand bend one of the entrances of our tube so that it is flat at one end.

Place it in a tunnel shape on the ground.

Place the bucket or heavy container in the flattened area of ​​our cardboard tubes, add some food, make a feast for the rat or mouse.

Let the night pass and there it will be thanks to its weight, inside the bucket! This trap will not kill him but will trap him so that he can no longer bother you.

Grates for catching rats

This trap works by luring the rat or mouse inside the cage with a bait, working with a weight device that closes its grid when the rat is inside.

Remember that it is necessary that the grid is small enough to prevent the rat from escaping, if you pass your head you can pass the rest of your body.

Glue trap against rats and mice

homemade rat traps adhesive

This trap is based on some flat surface covered with super-adhesive glue, shoe glue or wood could work quite well.

In the center we could place a bait to attract it.

This trap is recommended for mice since the rats are larger.

Bucket trap
Get a container or container that can store at least 19 liters of liquid inside and fill at least the first four parts with water. For the rat or mouse to die faster you can add a little soap, chlorine or rat poison .

Place the container where you think the mouse can frequent, place a bridge so that it can climb, so that the rat does not hesitate to climb the bridge, make a path with pieces of biscuit or bread.

If this trap was effective, there should be a dead mouse inside our container. Discard the water and get rid of the corpse of the mouse before re-using the container.

Poison for rats and mice: No traps for large rats

This is the most effective method and the one that we recommend if you have an invasion of rats and mice or want to finish them as soon as possible.

We also recommend using rat poison if you have the misfortune of meeting large rats and want to kill them.

Let's distribute the powder kills rats for the places where the rat or mouse is likely to pass with some regularity.

The ideal or at least what is recommended is to put food baits and sprinkle with a little poison, taking care that no domestic animal and even a child can eat it.

It is also advisable and extremely important to use the necessary dose so that the animal dies quickly, otherwise it could die many days later in some place unattainable for us and begin to decompose and the smell of a dead rat is not healthy or pleasant.

Anyway, if you want to end the rats and mice permanently, here we present the different products rat poison and rat poison that we offer in our store:

Other Advert rat and mouse traps to eliminate them gins and Data to be taken into account

Mice and rats often bring with them many diseases, but on top of that, they generally bring along other annoying pests such as fleas , mites or ticks .

All these pests are terrible for the health of our pets or our children, it is advisable to prevent them before they are present, if you know that there is an outbreak of rodents in your neighborhood ...

Take all the measures so that you are not affected!

Any questions? In the comments area you can write us and we will be happy to help you.