Saturday, March 30, 2019

2018 Upgrade Version Humane Mouse Trap Smart No Kill Mouse Trap Catch and Release, Safe for People and Pet-2 Pack

Tips and Steps to Kill Rats at Home

If your house is near the field or you work in a factory, it is very easy for rats to enter your facilities and take over them. Therefore, in this article we will analyze step by step how to use rat poison and other products to exterminate, drive away and kill rats through different methods.

2018 Upgrade Version Humane Mouse Trap Smart No Kill Mouse Trap Catch and Release, Safe for People and Pet-2 Pack
2018 Upgrade Version Humane Mouse Trap Smart No Kill Mouse Trap Catch and Release, Safe for People and Pet-2 Pack

Nobody wants to have mice at home because they are a serious danger to the health of people because of all the diseases they transmit. Many deal with a good domestic cat that hunts them and does not allow them to enter, but if you do not have that luck they can become the protagonists of a plague.

If this happens in your company, you can always hire an industrial cleaning to solve this problem and leave your factory impeccable. On the other hand, if the plague is at home, in this article we tell you how to end the rats effectively. Although if you have noticed the problem a little late and persists, you can always request the services of a pest control company .

How to know if I have mice at home?

Rats usually live in nests and burrows in areas that are at ground level or basements. These small animals look for places where they have easy access to food, water, a good temperature and where they can move without safety. The kitchen or the bathrooms are two areas of the house where the rats tend to accumulate, although the garden is another key space for them. It is difficult for tall plants to have rats, but it will depend on the portals and blocks of flats: if they lead directly to the street, it is very likely that rats can be filtered by open stairs and landings. It is advisable to monitor the possible nooks and crannies.

There are some signs that can make you think you have rats at home:

  • - Noises on the walls or on the floor that are usually heard during the hours of nocturnal silence.
  • - Excrements . In drawers, cabinets or along baseboards. Rats dream of leaving droppings and urine if you have a nest at home.
  • - Needle s . Rats are often attracted to food and can make holes in cardboard boxes, food containers, bags or clothes.
  • - Nests . It is the definitive sign to prove that you have a family of rodents at home. Rats use different types of materials to make nests, such as clothing. For this reason, cupboards and dressers are your favorite places to nest and turn your house into yours.

How to remove rats

How to avoid having mice at home

To avoid having to kill rats, drive them away or spread a rat poison around your house, it is recommended that a series of cleaning actions be carried out to prevent a plague of rodents in your home.

It is essential to keep the house always clean and with minimal hygiene . Rats usually enter the houses looking for food so it is highly recommended not to leave food on the table or furniture. In the same way it is very important that the garbage bin is always closed and pulled daily.

Check the walls and check for cracks or holes in the walls is very useful as it may surprise the number of times that rats sneak into the house for this problem. We recommend that you do a good inspection and tapes with plaster or putty all the nooks where they can sneak.

If you have pets at home it is important that the bags of feed and different foods for them are well closed and placed in high places and not very accessible to rats. If the house has a garden area it is important not to leave scrub or neglected plants or stacked wood between which the rats can nest easily.

Before the slaughter: how to drive them away?

If the idea of ​​the cat follows you without fun, some of the methods you can follow to scare the mice before they enter your house are:

  •     Mint against rats . It is an aroma that rats do not like. The idea is to mix water with an extract of mint and spray it for different areas of the house for which you think you can access, such as the doors closest to the street.
  •     Tabasco sauce Another of the aromas that rodents do not like. The mixture we propose is based on a couple of tablespoons Tabasco, a cup of water and half a cup of detergent. This liquid should be applied to the walls and corridors of the house.
  •     Other spices Cloves, cayenne pepper and cinnamon are other natural scents that are used to scare the rats out of the house. The good thing about these products is that they do not kill rats and are more natural than other products such as the rat poison.
  •     Ammonia If you spray the mixture of ammonia and water in the corners, the rats can interpret that there is a much larger animal and they do not approach. The problem with this liquid is that it is very strong for both people and plants.
  •     Onion as a repellent for rat s . Another scent that rats do not like, although it is less effective than the previous ones. However, it is easier to find and use. Placing an onion cut into slices at the entrances of a rat's nest can be a method of passage until the way to kill rats or the use of a rat poison is decided.

How to eliminate rats?

Rodenticides are the strongest products to kill rats in a house in the fastest and most effective way. The rodenticide is made from some cereal that can charm the rats, thus giving the appearance of a hook like a rat trap. That is, the killings are composed of some basic food for rats and rodenticide.

Rodenticides should be placed in small amounts since rats consume only 10% of their total weight on a daily basis. That is, very little amount of food. Thus, it will be much easier for the rat to bite on the bait if it is something miniscule and palatable for them. These animals will not eat a food again if they do not like it, even if they are really hungry.

The killings are toxic products so they are not compatible with pets or children and can cause many problems when using them at home.

The kill men usually take about six or seven days to take effect. The reason is that if the rat dies directly by ingesting the bait, the rest of the rats can identify the rat poison as the reason for death.

However, if rodenticides have never been used at home and you do not know how to end the pest safely, it is advisable to go to a cleaning company that specializes in pest control as it will be the simplest and most effective method.

How to kill rats: types of rat poison

Rat killers can be of different types and shapes, but they all have a strong poison base to kill rats in the shortest possible time .

  •     Bait scraper in the shape of seeds. This type of rat poison is designed for mice and smaller rats. They are appetizing seeds for rodents with a dispenser in which the poison is applied little by little to finish with them in several days.
  •     Matarratas in the form of blocks . They are perfect for larger rats. They are usually resistant to water and moisture.
  •     Matarratas de pasta . It is a rodenticide in the form of paste that is placed on the walls like natural rattlesnakes. It is the ideal killer if you have a house with high humidity.
  •     Sharp Matarratas . It is considered a type of rodenticide that manages to kill rats that have developed resistance to anticoagulants.
  •     Anticoagulant matarratas . They are those rodenticides that alter the metabolism or the functioning of vitamin K causing the rats not to coagulate their blood. It works in a slow way, important characteristic for a rodenticide to take effect since the rats will carry this poison to their burrow where they will also eat the rest of the rat family, thus ending up with a larger number.
  •     Matarratas of a single ingest a . They are poison rat poisoning very lethal and fast action. It only takes a day or two to take effect.
  •     Matarratas with vitamin D. These killings absorb large amounts of calcium in the blood of the mice at home and cause them a series of problems in the body that end their lives.

Know the plague to apply the correct rat poison

It is interesting to apply different rodenticides according to the type of rat that we want to eliminate. The main element by which they can be distinguished is the tail.

The rattus norvegicus is one that has a tail smaller than the body. Its size is large and has a simple snout. They can climb and make nests in the upper parts of the house.

The rattus rattus also has a smaller tail than the body, but it has much larger and more characteristic ears. Its size is smaller than the first type. The traps kill cats, cats, fumigants, glue and rat poison are the ideal products to end this type.

Killing rats: how to use rodenticides

It is important to know how to choose the type of rodenticide that is going to be used, since rats usually identify odors and flavors very well.

One of the first tips that are given when teaching to use rodenticides at home is to place them with gloves, to avoid being impregnated with human smell and this causes the rats do not approach. On the other hand, we must not forget that the poison catchers carry poison and can also be harmful to our health. If we use our hands when we use them, we will prevent our skin from absorbing these harmful substances. In any case, we should always wash our hands well afterwards.

How to make a homemade rat poison

Making a rat poison with natural products is not complicated. For example, one of the most commonly used online recipes for fighting rats is based on a cup of white sugar, a cup of flour and a cup of baking soda. You must mix these three ingredients and place in corners and nooks that you have at home. This mixture will be explosive for rats, but it takes time for it to take effect, around two months, so if you want to kill rats immediately it is not the best option.

Another option is to mix or butter and boric acid. The first ingredient is responsible for attracting the attention of rats and the second is capable, due to its substance, of killing rats more easily than baking soda. The proportions should be one-eighth cup of boric acid for every 250 grams of butter. When mixed, small balls can be made and placed in areas where you think these animals are, such as cracks, under appliances or next to garbage. Be careful because it is very dangerous for children and other animals, so if you have pets or small children it is not the best option.

We can also build mousetraps at home to help us catch them.

Traps and rat traps

These instruments are useful alternatives to rat poison and They serve to trap mice at home and they are also totally ecological . In order to take effect, we will only have to place a piece of a food that is appealing to them, such as cheese.

Some are shaped like a cage and when the rat goes inside to eat the bait we have put, it is locked.

Other snares hook the mouse like a pincer , so that they can not escape from the trap.

There are also simpler mechanisms on the market, consisting of adhesive strips that are placed on the ground. When the rodents pass over they stay stuck and can not flee.

If we have mice at home and put several of these traps, we will catch a few. In addition, these stocks are reusable. We can wash them and put them back in the affected area.

And you, do you already know how to kill rats in your own house?

In addition to following all these tips, we recommend that you go to a cleaning company specialized in pest control and disinfection of the affected areas. In Cleaning SIL we will get rid of these small rodents and prevent them from reappearing in your home. Contact us and ask for a budget without obligation!