Showing posts with label Nicotine Patches. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nicotine Patches. Show all posts

Thursday, March 14, 2019

Vice Breaker: Quit Smoking for the Last Time. Works Fast - Stop Smoking Within 30 Days. Or Take with Nicorette, NicoDerm and Other Nicotine Gums, Patches or Lozenges.100% Natural & Herbal

10 Natural Remedies to Decrease the Anxiety of Smoking

Today, the fight against tobacco is winning the battle and at least society is realizing that addiction to snuff is something that brings us many diseases and in more than one occasion canceres, this we could avoid with some how many natural remedies to reduce the anxiety of smoking and thus be able to leave this vice so bad.

Although it is true that there are a lot of solutions in the market to control anxiety and thus stop smoking, it is always preferable to try it in a healthy way, also as a recommendation, to forget and ignore the miraculous methods, because basically they do not exist.

Vice Breaker: Quit Smoking for the Last Time. Works Fast - Stop Smoking Within 30 Days. Or Take with Nicorette, NicoDerm and Other Nicotine Gums, Patches or Lozenges.100% Natural & Herbal
Vice Breaker: Quit Smoking for the Last Time. Works Fast - Stop Smoking Within 30 Days. Or Take with Nicorette, NicoDerm and Other Nicotine Gums, Patches or Lozenges.100% Natural & Herbal

1. Lobelia

The Lobelia is a plant that has always been known to use as one of the most valued natural remedies to combat anxiety and help us to leave nicotine dependence forever, it is not by chance that many products on the market include This plant among its components. The operation of this plant is as follows, when you consume it and then you try to smoke a cigarette, dizziness and nausea will start to enter, which will make you stop smoking when you are trying to feel disgust and repulsion for the fact of smoking. The Lobelia can be purchased in the form of tea, although it is often used in such a way that if you are quitting smoking, and you feel like it, you should apply a drop of your extract on the tongue and this will help reduce anxiety.

2. Nails

Sure that many of us have Nail at home and if not, can be purchased at any supermarket, a spice that is used for cooking, and also can help us fight the anxiety and desire to smoke, after smoking a cigarette we should place a nail in your mouth more or less for a couple of hours, at two hours we can exchange it for another and so we will reduce the anxiety of smoking.

3. Oolong tea

This tea that apart from having a rich flavor, gives us great benefits for health, among them helps us cleanse the body and organs such as the lungs, liver and kidneys, freeing them of toxins and acting as a detoxifier natural, all this but take about 3 cups of this tea daily, will help us to control this craving that produces nicotine.

4. Ginseng

This plant, when consumed, ginseng itself helps us to quit smoking and have less anxiety, ginseng inhibits the effects of dopamine is the neurotransmitter that produces that feeling of pleasure and well-being in people when they smoke a cigarette or they simply put nicotine in the body.

5. Nuts

This is a meal that can be taken easily anywhere and helps to control the anxiety of smoking by drinking a few nuts, which can be pistachios, sunflower and pumpkin seeds, walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts, peanuts, anyway method we must control it a bit because depending on how our body is we can gain enough weight, so this method we must do it with control and not consume excess nuts.

6. St. John's Wort

This plant is quite effective when quitting smoking, it is a good remedy to help us fight anxiety, although like the Lobelia you should consult your doctor about the use of this plant. It can be consumed in an infusion preferably although it is also sold as extract, juice or even in ampoules. This plant is contraindicated in some cases as for example in cases of taking some contraceptive or also antidepressants. Important, during pregnancy can not be swallowed.

7. Cayenne pepper

Pepper has good antioxidant properties and also helps us to use it as a natural remedy to stop smoking and control the anxiety that produces us tobacco, there are many ways to consume it but basically we will use three ways that are the most advisable to help us with anxiety . In macerated oil, heating 3 or 4 fresh cut chiles or 30 grams of cayenne pepper powder in 600ml of oil in a bowl, heat in a bain-marie for a couple of hours. Another way is in tincture, taking 20 drops a day in a hot cup of water, finally you can gargle, with a pinch of cayenne powder in a glass of hot water, this remedy also serves against irritation or inflammation of the throat and for laryngitis.

8. Drink a lot of water

Although it is more than advisable to drink water daily, but if we are quitting smoking, where we must drink at least 2 liters of water to help the process of cleaning our body and to reduce the anxiety that produces us tobacco, apart from that we we will notice much more healthy and hydrated. It also helps us to cleanse the blood of toxins that the tobacco leaves in our organism, this method is one of the most recommendable, since drinking water is always a source of health for our body, less soda and alcohol and more water!

9. Acorous root

Although it is known that the root of acoro has some interesting aphrodisiac properties and also something hallucinogenic, which is preferable to consume it carefully, it is also very interesting to help us to stop smoking, this root will not be consumed, but rather , the way to apply it is to chew the root without getting to swallow it, this root leaves a flavor in the mouth that makes our desire to smoke disappear, so it is quite interesting. The roots are collected, they are left to dry in the sun, then they are hermetically stored in a cool place so that they do not lose their properties.

10. Meal times

This method together with some other mentioned will help us a lot, we should not change or skip meals schedules, even so it should be a slightly different schedule than usual, since we must distribute the food, so that we lengthen the number of times we eat but decrease the amount, we do not want to take more kilos either, this way we also manage to calm the anxiety for having quit smoking, the ideal would be at least five times. Consuming carbohydrates is a good remedy, since they are foods with high glycemic index.

If you have friends who are smokers, or who are trying to quit smoking, do not hesitate to share these methods so that you can quit. Have you managed to quit smoking? Leave us a comment!

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Tips to stop smoking

Why is it so difficult to stop smoking?

For many people it is difficult to stop smoking since they must face a physical dependence (nicotine) and a psychological dependence.
To what does the smoker become dependent?

Nicotine is a drug that is found naturally in tobacco and is as addictive as heroin or cocaine. Over time, the person becomes physically and emotionally dependent on nicotine.

This physical dependence causes unpleasant withdrawal symptoms when a person tries to quit smoking.

NicoDerm CQ Nicotine Patch, Clear, Step 1 to Quit Smoking, 21mg, 7 Count
NicoDerm CQ Nicotine Patch, Clear, Step 1 to Quit Smoking, 21mg, 7 Count

On the other hand, emotional and mental dependence (addiction) makes it difficult to stay away from nicotine once you stop smoking.

In some studies it has been shown that smokers have to deal with both physical and psychological dependence to quit and stay smoke-free (American Cancer Society, 2014a).
How do smokers become addicted to nicotine?

Nicotine causes a pleasurable sensation and distracts the smoker from unpleasant sensations. This causes the smoker to want to smoke again.

Nicotine interferes with the communication of nerve cells, producing a depressive effect.

When the nervous system adapts to nicotine, the smoker wants to consume more cigarettes. This increases the nicotine in the blood.

The smoker develops tolerance to nicotine, which means that it requires more nicotine to obtain the same effect of pleasant sensation. This allows the smoker to increase his smoking habit.

The smoker continues to smoke the same amount to maintain the nicotine level pleasant.

Every time the smoker finishes his cigarette, the nicotine diminishes of his body, in the same way that his pleasant sensation, motivating him to continue smoking.

When the smoker postpones smoking a cigarette he may feel irritated and tense. If you smoke again you will feel pleasure.
Nicotine withdrawal symptoms may cause former smokers to return to smoking

When smokers try to decrease the amount of cigarettes or quit smoking, the absence of nicotine causes withdrawal symptoms, both physical and psychological.

    Physically, the body reacts to the absence of nicotine.
    Mentally, the smoker faces having to quit, which requires a major change in behavior. Emotionally, the smoker may feel that he has lost his best friend.

It is important to address all these factors in order to obtain good results from the process of quitting smoking.

Who smoked a few weeks or more may have withdrawal symptoms if you quit smoking drastically or if you significantly reduce the number of cigarettes.

This symptom of withdrawal can be very strong during the first 2 or 3 days, since most nicotine and its derivatives are not found in the body. With the passage of days or even weeks the person will be relieved.

Withdrawal symptoms can include any of the following:

  •     Dizziness (may last one to two days after quitting)
  •     Depression
  •     Feel frustration, impatience and anger
  •     Anxiety
  •     Irritability
  •     Sleep disorders, including difficulty sleeping, to keep sleep and dream unpleasant things or even nightmares
  •     Difficulty concentrating
  •     Restlessness or boredom
  •     Headaches
  •     Fatigue
  •     Increase in appetite
  •     Weight gain
  •     Constipation and gas
  •     Cough, dry mouth, sore throat and runny nose
  •     Pressure in the chest
  •     Slower heart rhythm

These symptoms can cause the person to start smoking again to raise nicotine levels in the blood until symptoms disappear (American Cancer Society, 2014a).

How to manage withdrawal symptoms?

Nicotine withdrawal symptoms are of two types: physical and mental.

Physical symptoms cause discomfort, but they do not represent a risk to life. Even so, if the person is not prepared to face these symptoms, he can go back to smoking.

Most smokers consider psychological symptoms to be the greatest challenge when trying to quit.

When smoking a lot of time, the act of smoking has been linked with activities of daily life: waking up in the morning, eating, reading, watching television drinking coffee among other things, which can take time to unlink them.

The erroneous justifications are opportunistic

When abstinence occurs, the justifications to continue smoking appear. Justifications that are wrong thoughts that seem to make sense at that time, but that are not based on reality.

Some of the justifications presented are:

  •     "I'm just going to smoke a cigarette to handle this difficult situation."
  •     "Today is not a good day. I'll quit smoking tomorrow. "
  •     "This is my only vice."
  •     "Really, how harmful is smoking? Uncle Juan smoked all his life and lived more than 90 years. "
  •     "Probably, environmental pollution is as bad as smoking."
  •     "Something has to die for."
  •     "Life is not fun without smoking."

Benefits you have when you stop smoking

Once it has been understood how tobacco use affects and why it is so difficult to quit, it is important to remember the benefits that this action can have in different areas of daily life.

  • · Tired less and stop coughing
  • · Live longer and live better
  • · Reduces the risk of suffering a heart attack, stroke, stroke (explain what it is) or some type of cancer
  • · Respects the right to health of the people with whom he lives, especially: children, the elderly or people with health problems
  • · Lowers the risk of some types of cancer
  • · Reduces the risk of suffering emphysema (lung disease), chronic bronchitis and cataracts
  • · Breathe better
  • Health of pregnant women
  • · Increase the chance of having a healthy baby
  • · Reduces complications during pregnancy and delivery
  • · Avoid serious health risks in the baby
  • Social and family: Self-esteem and concern for their loved ones
  • · Avoid exposing family and friends to secondhand smoke
  • · It has less wrinkles
  • · Smells better hair, breath and clothes
  • · Prevents premature aging of the skin
  • · The face regains the aspect of age that really has
  • · Encourages the couple's relationship Prevents your family from falling into tobacco use
  • Quality of life
  • · Increase energy level
  • · Enjoy a cooler and cleaner home environment
  • · Fewer clothes and things damaged by cigarette burns
  • · Recovery of a clean white denture
  • · Investment of money in more rewarding things: music, perfumes, books, movies, theater, games, trips, vacations, etc.
  • · Avoid painting the house due to the deterioration suffered by tobacco smoke


Every minute is a benefit to your health


20 minutes    

    blood pressure and heart rate (pulse) normalized.
    Improves the temperature and circulation of the hands and feet.

8 hours    

    Significantly lowers the nicotine in the blood.
        Attention that abstinence appears!

12 hours    

    Increase oxygen levels and lower the concentration of toxic gas, carbon monoxide reaching normal values, in the blood.
        At dawn you will feel dull and during the day that tiredness will disappear.

24 hours    

    It improves the functioning of veins throughout the body.
    Attention! Appearances of anxiety appear. These should normalize in two weeks.

48 hours    

    Smell and taste begin to normalize.
    The maximum peak of feelings of anger and irritability is presented.

72 hours    

    Improves the sensation of shortness of breath and the functioning of the bronchi.
    Nicotine is 100% purified, 90% is eliminated by urine.
    The peak of the symptoms of chemical dependence such as restlessness is presented.

or beware! It is the moment of greater appearance of desire to smoke by environmental triggers.
5 - 8 days    

    Some present cough and expectoration that manifests vitality recovered by the defenses of the lungs that perform a deep bronchial cleansing.
    You may suffer about three episodes per day of desire to smoke.

o The most frequent is that the episodes last less than 3 minutes.
10 days

to 2 weeks

    Circulation in the gums and teeth is normalized. Irritation of the gums begins to reduce, the risk of decay and loss of teeth decreases.
    Dependence symptoms decrease

2 to 4 weeks    

    Lower cholesterol levels.
    They continue to revitalize the arteries and decrease the risk of coronary heart disease.
    Platelets and coagulation work well again.
    They disappear anger, anxiety, difficulty concentrating, insomnia, restlessness and depression associated with cessation.

2 weeks

3 months

    It decreases the risk of suffering a heart infarction.
    Improves the function of the lungs.

3 weeks

3 months

    Continuously and increasingly deep improvement of circulation.
    Increase the ability to walk longer and at a better pace.
    Noticeably improves or chronic cough disappears.

1 to 9 months    

    Decreases the feeling of nasal congestion.
    Reduces fatigue and increases body energy.
    It decreases the risk of respiratory infections.
    Significantly improves the function of arteries throughout the body.
    Significantly decrease the values ​​of the stress scales.

1 year    

    Halves the risk of coronary heart disease, acute myocardial infarction, and stroke.

5 to 10 years    

    The risk of stroke is comparable to that of a non-smoker.

10 years    

    It decreases the risk of lung cancer between 30% and 50% compared to those who continued smoking.
    The risk of death from lung cancer decreases by 50% compared to a smoker of 20 cig / day. The risk of pancreatic cancer decreases to the level of a non-smoker and decreases the risk of cancer of the mouth, throat and esophagus.

15 years    

    The risk of coronary heart disease is comparable to that of a person who never smoked.

20 years    

    The increased risk of dying from causes linked to smoking, including lung disease and cancer, is equated to a level as if it had never smoked.

Source: Ministry of Public Health of Argentina, 2014 and Ministry of Public Health of Argentina.

Tips to quit smoking

I'm thinking about quitting

  •     Know the reasons why you use tobacco (Annex 1)
  •     You know the intensity of addiction you have (Annex 2)
  •     Make a personalized plan to stop smoking (Annex 3)
  •     Discover the skills you have and prepare to exercise them (Annex 4)
  •     Identify supports for this process and use them:
  •         It is necessary the help of the close people to be able to carry out any type of activity that is difficult, especially the emotional support. Identify who are the people you trust and would contact in bad times; talk with them to talk about the action they are going to take (stop smoking) and the need to be a support in this process.
  •     It is important to enjoy the achievements. When quitting smoking are not all difficulties, you should value the positive changes that are experienced (greater vitality, greater economy, less anxiety, among others). Enjoying these achievements means, for example, buying something to benefit their quality of life, with the money saved.

What should I do to stop smoking?

Prepare to quit! Take the following steps (video) into account:

  •     Make a list of your personal reasons to quit smoking. Put this list where you see every day.
  •     Select a date to quit smoking. Make sure it is a time in life when you are calm and do not have a lot of stress.
  •     Talk to your family and friends about the plan to stop smoking. Ask for support and understanding.
  •     Ask a smoking friend to consider quitting at the same time.

What strategies exist to stop smoking?

There are different ways to quit smoking, which can be combined :

  •     Talk to a health professional about what would be best for the person. You can also get free advice by phone, by calling line 171 option 2.
  •     Stop smoking at once. Throw your cigarettes, matches, lighters and ashtrays.
  •     Go leaving little by little. Smoking less and less for several weeks until you stop.
  •     Ask a health professional if it would be useful to attend sessions of psychotherapy, acupuncture or hypnosis.
  •     Take a class on how to stop smoking or join a support group.

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Magnetic fields to leave the cigarette

Using a magnetic field to alter brain activity may help some people stop smoking, according to a study.

The researchers explained that they used transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) to "undo" the nicotine addiction in the brain.

The results, presented at the 2013 Neuroscience conference, suggest that the technique could help people reduce consumption or even eliminate it.

Equate - Step 1, Nicotine Transdermal System, Stop Smoking Aid, 21 mg, 14 Clear Patches
Equate - Step 1, Nicotine Transdermal System, Stop Smoking Aid, 21 mg, 14 Clear Patches

It is a preliminary investigation that requires more tests before it can be recommended as therapy.

EMT stimulates neurons to alter brain functions. It is already being used in some patients with depression.

The Ben Gurion University team in Israel used the magnetic field in two regions of the brain associated with addiction to nicotine, the prefrontal cortex and the insula.

The 115 smokers who participated in the study were divided into three groups, which for 13 days each received high frequency of EMT, another median and the last control received no treatment, respectively.

Those who were exposed to a high frequency recorded the lowest levels of smoking and were the most likely to quit at the end of the six months of the study.

The greatest success occurred when one third of the participants who were shown images of a lit cigarette during EMT therapy stopped smoking at the end of the investigation.

Experts argue that therapy can change the response of brain signals to smoking.

"Impact on smoking"

Dr. Abraham Zangen, of Ben Gurion University, said his work "shows us that we can undo some of the changes in the brain caused by chronic smoking."

"We know that many smokers want to stop or reduce the consumption of cigarettes and this could have an impact on the first cause of preventable death," he added.

For his part, Dr. Chris Chambers, who specializes in EMT at Cardiff University, told the BBC that this was an "orderly and well-controlled" study.

"Its biggest contribution is that it provides more evidence on how brain stimulation, when applied to specific parts of the frontal lobe, can improve our ability to overcome addictions."

"This is exciting and has a wide variety of applications in psychiatry," he added.

However, Chambers warned that the study has not had a peer review, so it needs to "develop a clearer understanding of why and how such a method works."

Another study presented at the same conference suggests that stimulating the brain with implanted electrodes could help fight heroin addiction.

In that work, just by pressing a lever the rats that had free access to the drug became addicted.

However, those who had a deep brain stimulation took less of the drug and did not show a pattern of increased consumption that would make them addicted.

"Any intervention that is not pharmacological will be a big step towards the treatment of drug abuse, which currently consists of replacing one drug with another and has an extremely high rate of relapse," Professor Barry Everitt commented on the two studies. , from the University of Cambridge.

 Addiction to tobacco

Addiction is defined as the search or repetitive and compulsive use of a substance, despite its harmful effects and undesirable consequences. In this case, regular consumption of tobacco causes addiction in many consumers.

The dependence is not only physical, there is also a strong psychological dependence, which causes relapses after quitting smoking. This dependence may be associated, among other things, with the consumption of tobacco in the social environment or as an escape route (relaxation) in the event of unpleasant events or emotions. About 70% of smokers report that they want to quit smoking and about half try to quit, but only between 4% and 7% get it without outside help.

Smoking causes harmful effects in the short term, such as a decrease in lung capacity that causes breathing problems, coughing and fatigue often appears more quickly during physical activity. It also causes changes in the senses of smell and taste, premature aging of the skin, periodontitis and gingivitis. In addition, the smoker is more prone to stomach ulcers, heart and blood vessel problems and has less immunity to infections than those who do not smoke.

On the other hand, there are serious long-term consequences of the consumption of this substance. It is the leading cause of disease, disability and mortality in the world. Every year more than 5 million people die from tobacco and it is estimated that smokers live on average 10-15 years less than non-smokers. The main causes of death from tobacco use are heart disease, cancer (the main cause of lung cancer, larynx, digestive organs and urinary system) and respiratory diseases (chronic bronchitis, emphysema, COPD, etc.).

It has been shown that professional support can multiply by 10 the chances of quitting if compared to those who try alone. There are numerous treatments both pharmacological and non-pharmacological to stop smoking, among them is the use of a transcranial electrical stimulation device (tDCS), which, acting on the reward system - mechanism that enables the appearance of an addiction-, allows to enhance the modifications at the level of neuronal connections to reduce dependency. This treatment of non-invasive brain stimulation, combined with classical cognitive-behavioral therapies for the treatment of addiction, is presented as an effective remedy to combat tobacco dependence.

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New drug against tobacco addiction

Italian researchers have developed a drug that blocks a dopamine receptor in certain areas of the brain that are associated with tobacco addiction, and thus decreases anxiety when quitting.

Researchers from the Aptuit Center for the Discovery and Development of Drugs, in Verona (Italy), have tested in rats and monkeys a new drug -which is in experimental phase-, with which they have managed to block a series of brain receptors in animals and decrease, as well, nicotine addiction.

It is a compound that acts by blocking a specific type of dopamine receptor in certain areas of the brain associated with the addiction that smokers have to tobacco. Scientists have included the study of this drug - called 'GSK598809' - in a research project in which they use brain imaging controls to analyze the brain mechanisms related to addiction, impulsivity and stress .

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Rugby Clear Nicotine Transdermal System Step 2 ~ 14mg ~ 14 patches *Compare to Habitrol *

    The drug works by blocking a specific type of dopamine receptor in certain areas of the brain associated with tobacco addiction

Other studies have already shown that the nicotine present in tobacco increases the emission of dopamine in certain regions of the brain, and experts associate this fact with the important addiction that causes the consumption of tobacco, and the anxiety caused by quitting smoking in the habitual smokers.

Dr. Manolo Mugnaini, who has led the research, explains that they have proven in animals and in preliminary studies with humans that the 'GSK598809' is capable of blocking the dopamine D3 receptors in the brain and thus helps to reduce the anxiety that generates the lack of nicotine. Using its method of taking brain images can also be observed the action of the drug in the brain.

According to the authors of the study, whose results have been published in 'Neuropsychopharmacology'-, their discovery could serve to develop an effective drug to help smokers to give up this habit so harmful to health.

E-cigarettes, more effective than other means to quit smoking

A study proves for the first time that electronic cigarettes are almost twice as effective to help quit smoking as standard nicotine replacement products such as patches, chewing gum, pills or inhalers.

Since they began to be commercialized, electronic cigarettes have been surrounded by a great controversy because the experts could not agree on whether they could help to stop smoking or, on the contrary, they were harmful to health and could even favor young people and adolescents will be hooked to the smoking habit through vaping .

Now, new research, led by the Queen Mary University of London (United Kingdom), and funded by the British National Institute of Health Research, which involved 886 middle-aged smokers, shows that e-cigarettes are almost double the number of drugs to help smokers quit smoking, than standard therapy that combines nicotine replacement products (patches, gum, pills, aerosols or inhalers).

Participants in the trial had gone to smoking cessation units of the UK National Health System from different cities, and were randomly assigned to a nicotine replacement treatment chosen by them, or to receive an electronic cigarette starter packet along with one or two bottles of liquid and facilities to acquire more supplies with the preferred flavors. All enjoyed individual behavioral support therapies each week for a minimum of one month, including a carbon monoxide control in the exhaled air.
Increased abstinence in users of electronic cigarettes

The researchers observed that the abstinence rate was higher among users of e-cigarettes (after one year 18% had quit smoking, compared to 9.9% of those who had used other products), and that they were more likely to resort to the product that had been assigned to them at 52 weeks, than those who were treated with nicotine replacement therapy (79.8% versus 9.1%).

    The abstinence rate was higher among users of e-cigarettes, which also had the highest decrease in cough and phlegm in week 52

In addition, among those who did not achieve total abstinence, the reduction in tobacco consumption was also higher among electronic cigarette users, who also had the highest decrease in cough and phlegm at week 52.

The study has been published in The New England Journal of Medicine , but according to an accompanying editorial it is necessary to be prudent when interpreting the results because, according to Belinda Borrelli, the author of the same, electronic cigarettes also have risks for health , and doctors should only recommend them to stop smoking when another treatment does not work, and start with the lowest effective dose, monitoring the possible adverse effects and ending its use as soon as possible, as there is not enough data yet to establish guidelines with recommendations on the dose and safety of these products.

Another study links e-cigarettes with more risk of stroke

In addition, despite the findings of the new trial on the potential advantages of e-cigarettes to facilitate smoking cessation, do not forget that some also contain nicotine, and that the best and most healthy is to avoid both traditional tobacco and devices for vaping and, in general, not exposing themselves to any type of drugs or toxic substances.

In fact, another recent study by the American Heart Association - the largest ever conducted to analyze the influence of electronic cigarettes on the chances of suffering a stroke - in which 66,795 people who vaped frequently and 343,856 have participated. had never tried e-cigarettes, has revealed that the use of these products increases the risk of developing a coronary disease (40% more risk), a stroke (71% more risk) or a cardiac infarction or angina pectoris (59% more risk).

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Tips to quit smoking

Almost 25% of the Spanish population is a smoker. A bad habit that causes around 52,000 annual deaths in our country. Not to mention the aesthetic, social and economic discomfort that entails. For this reason, there are many who often propose that "tomorrow I leave it", although not many who achieve it ... Nobody said that quitting smoking was simple. But with a little bit of will and carrying out the following Tips for quitting tobacco you can achieve your goal:

Novartis Habitrol 7mg Nicotine Patches, Step 3. Stop Smoking. 2 boxes of 28 each (56 patches) 7 MG
Novartis Habitrol 7mg Nicotine Patches, Step 3. Stop Smoking. 2 boxes of 28 each (56 patches) 7 MG

List of tips to quit smoking

Write a list of your reasons for quitting and how it would improve your life by doing so.

Keep in mind that pharmacological treatment , accompanied by psychological support, is very effective to prevent relapse.

Ask for help from a doctor . It may be advisable to use nicotine substitutes to treat the withdrawal syndrome , evaluating previously that there are no contraindications for your particular case.

Mark a deadline to leave it . Some people find it easier to progressively reduce their consumption of cigarettes, but others prefer to leave it in a radical way. Draw your own plan, according to your needs.

It is important that you keep your mind occupied , and get enough sleep to be as relaxed as possible. It is also better to go to the movies, or to places where smoking is not allowed, to avoid temptation and passive smoking.

Inform your family and friends of your desire to stop smoking so that they support you as much as they can, and understand your possible mood swings.

At first try to relate to people who do not smoke , or who do not smoke in your presence. If your partner does not smoke, or quit smoking at the same time, it can be very helpful.

To reinforce your decision, remember that when quitting smoking, a series of beneficial effects are noticed very soon: the sense of smell and taste is intensified, the breath no longer smells of tobacco, the lung capacity increases and fatigue is reduced, quality improves of the skin ... Enjoy them.

The reasons for leaving it have to be as personal as possible, that is, according to age, sex ... In the case of young people and adolescents, for example, aesthetic benefits, economic savings and improvement in sports performance stand out, compared to the consequences for health that, despite being very serious and known, could appear decades later.

Write another list explaining why you smoke and in what situations you think it would be harder for you not to smoke.

The consumption of coffee and alcoholic beverages increases the desire to smoke; instead, drink water and juice (better if they are natural).

Replace your leisure activities with others in which smoking is more difficult or inappropriate. For example, going out for drinks at night can be substituted by going for a walk in the country or playing sports.

In the first months, when the risk of relapse is greater, avoid, as much as possible, situations in which it is more difficult to remain without smoking.

Anxiety , stress , negative emotional situations, interpersonal conflicts, and also pleasurable activities such as celebrations are usually the most frequent causes of relapse. In most cases they can not be foreseen or avoided, but it is advisable to be psychologically prepared to face them, and to know that smoking does not alleviate problems or improve good times.

Save the money you used to spend on tobacco ... and buy yourself something that you want, travel, celebrate a party, or give a gift to a loved one, with what you can save.

Do not be discouraged if you fail to stop smoking at the first attempt and you have a relapse. Try again when you're ready.

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The medicines that help to stop smoking

The consumption of tobacco products, whether inhaled or not, significantly increases the risk of diseases of the respiratory system, the cardiovascular system and neoplasms or cancers in various locations (lung, pharynx, esophagus, urinary bladder, etc.). .

Globally, smoking multiplies the odds of dying by two and a quarter of smokers will die prematurely, and will lose between twenty and twenty five years of life . The risks associated with exposure to environmental tobacco smoke have also been widely documented, so that legislation that also protects the non-smoking population has been widely and increasingly deployed.

Nicoderm Cq Step 2 Clear Stop Smoking Patch, 14 Mg Smart Control Release, 2 Weeks, 14 Patches
Nicoderm Cq Step 2 Clear Stop Smoking Patch, 14 Mg Smart Control Release, 2 Weeks, 14 Patches

The benefits of quitting smoking are well established: former smokers, between ten and twelve years after quitting, have the same overall risk of contracting diseases as a person who has never smoked . This risk reduction is especially important during the first years after quitting, especially in relation to diseases of the heart and blood vessels. Getting the definitive smoking cessation is not easy but it is possible. If you have doubts about how you can tackle quitting, it is advisable to consult a health professional and follow their recommendations.

1. Drugs in smoking cessation

The therapeutic approach of the smoker includes a set of non-pharmacological measures, such as advice from a professional who provides information and guides the abandonment process. Other more intensive therapeutic interventions, such as individual or group psychological treatment, will be used selectively only in patients who require it due to their personal characteristics or clinical history.

Although medications alone are not enough to achieve smoking cessation, they can help decrease the desire to smoke and other symptoms of nicotine withdrawal (anxiety, nervousness, feeling of strangeness, difficulties in concentration, drowsiness or sleep problems, etc.) experienced by the smoker when he is adapting again to life without nicotine. This symptomatology of abstinence usually lasts a few weeks and has a tendency to decrease progressively.

All of the medications listed below have been shown to be helpful in helping smokers quit. There is none that can be considered more effective than the others in a general way for all smokers, and it is necessary to select the one that best suits each person.

Always read carefully the instructions for use and dosage of these drugs and talk to the nearest healthcare professional (doctor, nurse or pharmacist) if there are questions.

If the person who wants to stop smoking is pregnant, breastfeeding or has a serious medical problem, it is necessary to consult your doctor before starting any new medication.

2. First-line medications

They are considered first line because they are drugs with a higher degree of efficacy, safety and tolerability. Most smokers can use these medications when they make the first attempt to quit smoking. Only when you can not quit smoking after repeatedly using the first-line drugs does it make sense to consider trying a second-line medication.

    Nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) : helps smokers quit smoking by reducing the craving for smoking that most people who quit smoking experience, mainly due to a lack of nicotine. The products of NRT provide controlled amounts of nicotine that gradually diminish over time, and thus allow the body to progressively adapt to increasingly lower levels of nicotine. The commercial names of the most used TSN presentations in our country are Nicotinell ® , Nicorette ® and Niquitin ® .

Nicotine patch Without medical prescription.
The nicotine patch is placed on the skin (clean, dry and hairless) of the forearm, shoulder or hip. This patch provides the body with a small and continuous amount of nicotine.
Instructions: for a consumption of 20 cigarettes per day: 4 weeks at high dose, 2 weeks at medium dose and 2 weeks at low dose, to allow users to reduce the amount of nicotine over time. Overall duration: 8 weeks.
Nicotine dose: it can vary (21 mg, 14 mg or 7 mg, those that take 24 hours, or 15 mg, 10 mg or 5 mg those that take 16 hours).
Most frequent adverse effects: local skin reaction, insomnia and / or sleep disturbance.
Contraindications: recent severe cardiac or vascular disease, peptic ulcer, dermatological diseases.

Nicotine gum Without medical prescription.
Nicotine gum is chewed to release nicotine that is absorbed through the mucosa inside the mouth.

deshtabac2 Instructions: the user must chew slowly and intermittently; this way it is chewed until the taste becomes intense, then it must "park" the piece between the gum and the buccal wall. When the flavor decreases, chew again and the process must be repeated until the flavor disappears (about 30 minutes). Drinking or eating (except water) should be avoided 15 minutes before or during use as it does not alter nicotine absorption .
Nicotine dose: may vary (2 mg or 4 mg). 1 piece every 1 or 2 hours. Consumption is on demand, a maximum of 30 a day, and we must reduce the amount of nicotine over time. Overall duration: 12 weeks.
Most frequent adverse effects: jaw pain, gastric irritation.
Contraindications: recent severe cardiac or vascular disease, peptic ulcer; carriers of dental prostheses, problems in the temporomandibular joint and inflammations or infections in the throat.

Nicotine tablets Without medical prescription.
The nicotine tablet looks like a hard candy and is left in the mouth to dissolve slowly, not to swallow or chew.
Instructions: the user should let the tablet dilute in the mouth until the taste becomes intense, then you must "park" the piece between the gum and the buccal wall. When the flavor decreases, it is necessary to suck again and the process must be repeated until it dissolves (about 30 minutes). Avoid drinking or eating (except water) 15 minutes before or during use to avoid disturbing nicotine absorption.
Nicotine dose: 1 mg. 1 tablet every 1 or 2 hours. Consumption is on demand. Normally it is between 8 and 12 tablets a day, a maximum of 30 a day, and you have to reduce the amount of nicotine over time. Overall duration: 12 weeks.
Most frequent adverse effects: irritation in the throat during the first days.
Contraindications: recent severe cardiac or vascular disease, peptic ulcer.

Nicotine mouth spray . BucoMist (Nicorette ® ). Without medical prescription.
It is a presentation that allows a spray (1 mg / pulsation solution) of nicotine directly to the mouthInstructions: On the first use and if it is not used for 2 days, the spray pump will be charged. Point the nozzle to a safe place and press the top of the dispenser 3 times until a fine spray appears. Once loaded, the nozzle is pointed towards the open mouth at a short distance. The button is pressed to administer a dose without touching the lips. Do not inhale to use it to prevent the entry of the drug into the respiratory tract. For optimal results, you should not swallow saliva for a few seconds.
Nicotine dosage: perform 1 or 2 sprays in situations in which you used to smoke a cigarette or in case of feeling anxiety. The maximum recommended dose is 4 sprays per hour and 64 sprays per day.
Most frequent adverse effects: throat irritation, nausea and excessive salivation.
Contraindications: recent severe cardiac or vascular disease, peptic ulcer.

Nicotine mouth inhaler With medical prescription. NOT commercialized in Spain.
The nicotine inhaler is a cartridge connected to a mouthpiece.
Instructions: it is placed in the mouth and inspired so that the vaporized nicotine reaches the back of the throat.
Dosage: each cartridge releases about 4 mg of nicotine. Normally they take between 6 and 16 cartridges a day, and you have to reduce the amount of nicotine over time. Overall duration: 12 weeks.
Most frequent adverse effects: nasal itching, discharge, throat irritation, cough.
Contraindications: recent severe cardiac or vascular disease, peptic ulcer.

Nicotine nasal spray . With medical prescription. NOT commercialized in Spain.
The nicotine nasal spray has a bottle that contains nicotine, which is inserted into the nose and sprayed the spray. It can be used for the rapid control of anxiety, especially for heavy smokers.
Instructions: it is placed on the nose and inspired so that the vaporized nicotine reaches the back of the throat.
Dosage: each inhalation equals about 0.5 mg of nicotine in each nostril (1 mg), approximately 1 or 2 doses per hour. The minimum is 8 doses per day with a maximum limitation of 40 doses per day. The amount of nicotine should be reduced over time. Overall duration: 12 weeks.
Most frequent adverse effects: nasal itching, nasal discharge, sore throat, cough.
Contraindications: recent severe cardiac or vascular disease, peptic ulcer.

    Other first line medications . The following drugs, due to their indications, contraindications and adverse effects, require medical follow-up during their use.

Bupropion . Medical prescription.
Bupropion (Zyntabac ® ) helps reduce nicotine withdrawal and the need to smoke. It is not a product that contains nicotine.
Dosage: the first 6 days 150 mg a day, and then 150 mg twice a day (7 to 12 weeks).
Instructions: to stop smoking during the first week of treatment, since the desire to smoke is lost or reduced spontaneously.
Most frequent adverse effects: dry mouth or sleep disorders and / or insomnia.
Contraindicated for pregnant women, people with a history of epilepsy, eating disorders or alcohol-related, people who are in treatment (or who have been in treatment for the previous 15 days) for psychiatric disorders.

Varenicline . Medical prescription.
Varenicline (Champix ® ) relieves nicotinic withdrawal syndrome and blocks the effects of nicotine in cigarettes if the user starts smoking again. It is not a product that contains nicotine.
Dosage: 0.5 mg per day for the first three days, then 0.5 mg twice daily until the first week and then 1 mg twice daily (up to 12 weeks).
Instructions: to stop smoking during the first week of treatment, since the desire to smoke is lost or reduced spontaneously. To reduce nausea, the tablet can be taken on a full stomach.
Most frequent adverse effects: discomfort in the stomach, such as nausea, and also sleep disorders.
Contraindicated for: people with kidney problems and pregnant or breastfeeding women.

3. Second-line medications

The use of the following drugs is limited to patients who can not benefit from first-line drugs. They must be kept under strict medical control.

Nortriptyline Medical prescription.
Nortriptyline (Norfenazin ® 25 mg, Paxtibi ® ) is usually prescribed to treat depression; It has also been prescribed to help stop smoking when first-line medications do not work.
Dosage: initially 25 mg per day, and increased to 75 mg per day for approximately 12 weeks.
Most frequent adverse effects: sedation, dry mouth, blurred vision, urine retention, dizziness, hand tremor ...
Contraindicated for pregnant or breastfeeding women, people with heart problems or who take antidepressant MAOIs.

Clonidine Medical prescription.
Clonidine (Catapresan ® ) is usually prescribed to treat high blood pressure; However, clonidine can reduce nicotine withdrawal symptoms when first-line medications do not work.
Dosage: from 0.15 mg per day to 0.75 mg per day orally between 3 and 10 weeks.
Most frequent adverse effects: dry mouth, drowsiness, dizziness, sedation, constipation ...
Contraindicated for pregnant or breastfeeding women.

4. Nicotine replacement therapy: myths that must disappear

Myth : Nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) does not work.
Truth : Studies show that TSN doubles the chances of quitting. The probability of staying without smoking for more than six months is increased when a smoker uses NRT.

Myth : The nicotine in cigarettes is the same as the nicotine in the products of TSN. Am I not moving from one addiction to another?
Truth : The products are different and the likelihood of long-term addiction with TSN is very low. The amount of nicotine in TSN is lower than that found in cigarettes. In addition, this nicotine is released more slowly and, therefore, the risk of addiction is much lower.

Myth : TSN causes diseases.
Truth : The products of the TSN are much safer than the consumption of cigarettes, since they do not contain the 4,000 chemicals found in tobacco smoke.

Myth : If I use a TSN product, I can not use others.
Truth : TSN products can be used in isolation or in combination with other products. The doctor must be consulted beforehand to supervise the treatment.

Myth : The TSN is very expensive.
Truth : The average cost of a nicotine replacement therapy for 12 weeks (90 days) ranges between 235 and 268 euros. A person who smokes 20 cigarettes a day, tobacco costs about an average of about 3 euros a day. The cost for 12 weeks (90 days) is approximately 270 euros.

5. The combined therapies

Nicotine replacement therapies (NRTs) allow combinations between different presentations, and a controlled release form (such as the transdermal patch) is generally associated with a rapid release form (chewing gum or tablet), whereby the patient can obtain levels of nicotine in blood that suit the needs of the moment.
The association of TSN with bupropion has also been used and the association of TSN and varenicline is under study.
In general, combination therapy is reserved for patients who are unable to quit smoking with a single drug and / or patients with a very high degree of dependence.

6. Where can you find help?

Numerous scientific studies have shown that the personalized help of a health professional increases the chances of success in the process of quitting smoking. According to their situation and preferences, people who want to quit smoking can get help and guidance through different health devices.

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5 steps to stop smoking definitely

If you really want to forget about tobacco, you already have most of the success assured. The rest you can get by following this mini-guide

Congratulations! Making the decision to quit smoking is a very important step . You have decided to think about your health and improve your life habits and that is admirable, but it is only the first step.

NicoDerm CQ STEP 1 - 3 Week Kit - 21 Clear Nicotine Patches
NicoDerm CQ STEP 1 - 3 Week Kit - 21 Clear Nicotine Patches

Sometimes the will is not enough to dare to leave behind this danger physical and mental addiction , or to keep at bay the withdrawal syndrome, anxiety, nervousness, recurrent thoughts, insomnia or irritability. Is there any way to facilitate this process?

Stop smoking step by step

Quitting smoking can be very easy if you know how. We leave you with 5 steps that will help you quit smoking and facilitate the change.

1. Keep things very clear

If you want to stop smoking, the first step is to be fully convinced . Otherwise, relapse is more than likely. There are natural therapies that help to successfully end this difficult decision. Some, such as acupuncture or auriculotherapy, reduce the risk of gaining weight by quitting smoking.

2. Know the benefits of quitting smoking for your health

Life expectancy is 10 years lower in smokers. But the benefits of quitting are not expected and increase over time.

At 20 minutes, for example, blood pressure begins to normalize . After a few weeks the taste and smell recover and you breathe better. And the risk of lung cancer is reduced from year to year: at ten, the risk of dying from it is already half of those who continue to smoke. They also reduce the risk of laryngeal and pancreatic cancer and equal that of suffering coronary insufficiency.

Becoming aware of these benefits can be very useful to reaffirm the decision to leave .

3. Lean on other small healthy changes

Out of toxins

Drink 2 glasses of warm water on an empty stomach and with breakfast the juice of 1 apple, 2 carrots and 2 celery sticks. You eliminate toxins and the sensation of lightness helps you to persist.
Breathe well

Regain control of your lungs following the rule of 6-3-9: take air for 6 seconds, hold it3 and take it out slowly for 9. Repeat for 10 minutes. More calm The essential oil of washing helps you relax. Put 2 drops on your wrists and inhale their scent during the day, as many times as you need.

Appetite to stripe

Eat fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Its antioxidants favor purification and fiber sats. Add cinnamon to your recipes to reduce the desire for sweet.

4. Natural therapies that will help you quit smoking

During relaxation, it is important to cultivate mental, physical and emotional relaxation. This is achieved with relaxation techniques (conscious breathing, meditation, yoga), manual techniques (chiromassage, reflexology, massage ...), physical exercise or psychotherapy.

In addition there are other techniques that can be very effective:


Along with auriculopuncture and acupressure, it is one of the most supported by scientific evidence . By means of needles, seeds or hands, the acupuncturist acts on points of the body in which the chi or vital energy is blocked or circulates deficiently and thus favors self-healing mechanisms.


The form of the session depends on each specialist, but usually, starting from a state of trust and relaxation , an "anchoring" is created. A link is established with some object that is always at hand or with some part of the body and is given power, by touching or activating it, to awaken pleasant sensations such as safety, confidence, relaxation ... There are also other techniques aimed at recoding the subconscious .

Using one therapy or another depends on the preferences of each one. Of course, they can be combined to obtain even better results.

5. Vitamin D is your great ally

To a person convinced of wanting to stop smoking, the intake of vitamin C can help you a lot . It produces a greater relaxation and better mood that helps to stop smoking.

The recommended dose of Vitamin C is 1 to 3 grams per day. Take it preferably in the morning, since there are people to take it in the afternoon cause insomnia.

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This infusion helps you stop smoking

The negative effects of tobacco are widely proven, but leaving it is not easy. The plants are an aid to abandon their consumption.

Consuming tobacco is a bad habit that leads to health problems and coexistence . The smoke also affects the people around the smoker, becoming passive smokers.

No one doubts the very negative effects of tobacco . Among others, there are cardiovascular problems, cancer and respiratory diseases.

Rugby Clear Nicotine Transdermal System 14mg *Compare to Habitrol*, step 2, 14 Patches
Rugby Clear Nicotine Transdermal System 14mg *Compare to Habitrol*, step 2, 14 Patches

The vast majority of smokers are aware of these risks and believe that they should give up smoking . But they are unable to do so due to the great addiction caused by the nicotine in cigarettes.

Plants, without being a miracle remedy, can be a great help to combat certain addictions such as smoking. It will also be necessary to add large doses of will and, in many cases, the support and guidance of a health professional.

Infusion to stop smoking

This herbal formula helps with the symptoms of tobacco withdrawal by acting at three levels.

It is an infusion that combines badly with the taste of tobacco and forces you to choose. But above all, it acts as an expectorant agent - it cleanses the lungs - and detoxifies - it favors the elimination of toxins in the urine - which helps you to fight against congestion and in short to breathe better.


  •     15 g of fumaria
  •     15 g of mullein
  •     15 g of elderberry
  •     15 g of dandelion
  •     15 g of licorice
  •     15 g of mint


  •     Mix the herbs well.
  •     Separate one heaping tablespoon for each glass of water.
  •     Boil 2-3 minutes in a saucepan and let it sit for 10 minutes, covered.
  •     Although the flavor of the formula is not bad, you can add thyme honey.

It is recommended to take up to 3 glasses a day , in treatments of maximum duration of 15 days.

Novartis Habitrol 7mg Nicotine Patches, Step 3. Stop Smoking. 3 boxes of 28 each (84 patches) 7 MG

Why quit smoking?

According to the data provided by the Spanish Society of Pneumology and Thoracic Surgery (Separ), 23 percent of the Spanish population over 16 years old is a smoker. Chronologically and in general terms, at the age of 13, cigarettes are tested for the first time; At age 14, smoked regularly, and between 15 and 24, 15.5 percent of women and 21.6 percent of men are smokers.

Novartis Habitrol 7mg Nicotine Patches, Step 3. Stop Smoking. 3 boxes of 28 each (84 patches) 7 MG
Novartis Habitrol 7mg Nicotine Patches, Step 3. Stop Smoking. 3 boxes of 28 each (84 patches) 7 MG

Nicotine has an addictive capacity that exceeds cocaine five times, so quitting is not impossible, but not easy either. It requires not only the help and support of the family environment, but also of experts, because few people manage to leave it at first. "The importance of attending specialized programs lies in the personalization and monitoring of treatment to stop smoking, because not all people have the same degree of dependence on nicotine or metabolize it in the same way," explains the expert. "In smoking cessation programs you will find professionals who will advise you, support you and, if necessary, indicate the appropriate pharmacological treatment."

The beginning of a new year is a good time to set goals. These are five reasons why quitting tobacco should be one of them:

1. It contains a high toxicity
In the world, 15,000 million cigarettes a day are consumed. A single cigarette contains more than 35,000 toxic products, among which are, according to the Spanish Association Against Cancer (AECC), nicotine (responsible for the physical dependence of the smoker), carbon monoxide (reduces the blood oxygen of smokers ) and irritants (which can cause chronic bronchitis and pulmonary emphysema). In addition, the cigar contains other substances such as tar, which decomposes into hydrocarbons that are carcinogenic. According to the AECC, tobacco carcinogens also act in the different phases of carcinogenesis or transformation process of normal cells in tumors.

2. It is more addictive than cocaine
According to the Ministry of Health, tobacco is considered an addictive drug. It produces more dependence on those who consume it than heroin or cocaine, which means that the smoker continues to be so for an average of 30 years. "Smokers are not aware that a cigarette is a product designed to create and maintain addiction, nicotine has an addictive capacity that exceeds 5 times cocaine and its sole purpose is to produce a false sense of pleasure that engages", exposes Juan Antonio Riesco, coordinator of the Separ Year 2015-2016 of COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease).

3. Kill 6 million people per year
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), tobacco is one of the greatest threats to public health: it kills almost 6 million people a year, of which, more than 5 million are direct consumers and more than 600,000 are non-smokers exposed to second-hand smoke (passive smoking). In addition, smokers live less: from the age of 35, for every year smoked, a loss of 3 months of life is estimated. But also, smokers have a higher risk of getting sick.

4. It is the direct cause of 25 diseases
Tobacco produces 25 known diseases divided into three major groups of diseases: tumoral, cardiovascular and chronic respiratory diseases. Specified in percentages, it is considered that tobacco is responsible for 30 percent of deaths from cancer, 20 percent of those caused by cardiovascular diseases, and 80 percent of those caused by COPD.

"If we focus on respiratory diseases, the close relationship between snuff and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is proven and we know that 1 in 4 people smokers suffer from COPD. We also know that smokers have up to 5 times more risk of pneumonia than non-smokers in the general healthy population, "Riesco warns.

5. Kill innocent people

According to the WHO, there is no safe level of exposure to secondhand smoke. In adults, second-hand smoke causes serious cardiovascular and respiratory disorders, particularly coronary heart disease and lung cancer. Among infants it can cause sudden death, while in pregnant women it causes low birth weight of the newborn.

The total results are about 600,000 premature deaths per year caused by secondhand smoke.


6 Tips to Stop Smoking

33 percent of the Spanish population is a smoker.
Spain is in the lead in number of smokers compared to other countries in the environment.

According to the last National Health Survey conducted in Spain in 2013, 23.9 percent of those over 16 are smokers. Figure that increases to 33 percent, according to the Eurobarometer data made by the European Commission. Of that 33 percent, 25 percent are between 15 and 24 years old.

Although quitting smoking could be the action that most benefits the smoker to improve their quality of life and health, regardless of age or smoking history they have, the fact is that Spain is in line with other European countries like France or Germany. In the United Kingdom, for example, the percentage of smokers is around 18 percent.


"60 percent of smokers have ever considered quitting smoking. Especially after the age of 50, "explains Francisco Caramelles, family doctor and vice president of the National Committee for the Prevention of Smoking (CNPT), to CuidatePlus. "In the young population, for example, we have higher numbers of smokers than in other countries and this is due to the fact that in Spain, tobacco is cheaper and more accessible.

Caramelles points out that quitting this habit can have great health benefits. "Scientific studies have shown that the sooner a person stops smoking, the more life expectancy they will have." In addition, it indicates that there are benefits that the ex-smoker will soon notice, such as recovery of smell and taste or improvement, after three months, of lung function. "The ex-smoker will notice that he coughs less and that fatigue or congestion will be reduced".

However, the main benefits are linked to cardiovascular diseases. "After one year, the risk of cardiovascular disease will be halved, although the risk will not be similar to that of a person who has never smoked until 15 years have passed," he says. In addition, after five to ten years, ex-smokers will have the same risk of cerebral infarction as a non-smoker. "At ten years the risk of developing lung cancer will be between 30 and 50 percent lower than in people who continue to smoke," he adds.

Although the advantages are many, relapses when quitting are quite frequent and Caramelles points out that it is just as important to quit smoking as it is to maintain the decision to stop smoking. The vice president of CNPT insists that smokers can go to the family doctor to help them get it and gives a series of tips to get it:

1) The first step is to put a date
"This is fundamental since tobacco creates a physical dependence (for nicotine), social (usually smoking with friends, in bars, etc.) and psychological (quitting smoking could cause nervousness, insomnia, constipation, among others. )", Add. The Group of Approach to Smoking of the Spanish Society of Family and Community Medicine (semFYC), indicates that it is preferable to put that period in two weeks.

2) Tell your family and friends
It is important to seek the support of the people of the environment to achieve the goal. In the event that a person wants to quit smoking and his partner is a smoker, Caramelles recommends making the attempt at the same time to have more chances of success.

3) Remove everything related to smoking
Before quitting smoking, everything related to tobacco must be removed from the environment: cigars, ashtrays, lighters, etc.

4) Analyze previous attempts
"It is normal that when quitting smoking there are relapses and we can learn from them," he explains. "The ex-smoker must repeat what worked for him in the previous attempt and avoid what hurt him. In this sense, it is advisable to analyze the relationship that the person has with tobacco. "You can think, for example, which is the most expensive cigarette and look for substitutes. If it's after eating, you can go for a walk, brush your teeth or drink water. " In addition, it recommends avoiding or limiting the consumption of alcohol during the first weeks.

5) Total abstinence
The ex-smoker can not afford another cigarette. "Nicotine has an addictive power, like that of cocaine, and makes recipients remember, wake up and need more cigarettes.

6) Pharmacological help
Pharmacological treatment can help to stop smoking, although it is not recommended in young people and pregnant women.

After following these steps it is recommended that a specialist follow up to get more efficiency.

Currently there are mobile applications that can help smokers to quit smoking. This is the case of iCoach, an application created by the European Union within the awareness campaign The ex-smokers are unstoppable in 2015, and they already use almost 40,000 smokers.

This tool, which also works on the computer, guides the user through five phases to stop smoking and incorporates challenges, such as leaving cigarettes at home when the person goes out to do a message or postpone 10 times the best cigarette for 10 minutes . After overcoming the challenges, iCoach rewards users with stimulating and reinforcing messages.

RUGBY Clear Nicotine Transdermal System Patch, Stop Smoking AID, 21mg Step ONE 28 Patches.

Goodbye cigarettes! This is the plan to end tobacco addiction

With a new policy, the US Food & Drug Administration seeks
decrease the likelihood that future generations will become
addicted to cigarettes.

The * cigarettes, * as we know them today, will no longer be the
same according to a plan from the * / Food & Drug Administration / * (FDA)
of the United States in order to change the trajectory of * diseases *
related to * tobacco * including death itself.

This Friday, the agency in charge of regulating food,
medicines and other products for human and veterinary consumption, announced
that is willing to end the * crisis of nicotine addiction *
that prevails in the United States and other parts of the world, and mainly
in an effort to better protect children from addiction to

RUGBY Clear Nicotine Transdermal System Patch, Stop Smoking AID, 21mg Step ONE 28 Patches.
RUGBY Clear Nicotine Transdermal System Patch, Stop Smoking AID, 21mg Step ONE 28 Patches.

The plan is to * reduce nicotine * levels in cigarettes
at non-addictive levels, this is expected to "decrease the probability of
that future generations become addicted to cigarettes
and allow currently addicted smokers to stop smoking. "

When it comes to quitting smoking, women need motivation
extra, the researchers say, that's why they developed this
application for android phones

Although there is no set date to implement this plan, the
FDA said that requests to market the products
fuels containing tobacco would be sent before August 8,

This * regulation of tobacco * is not yet definitive and will not enter at once,
Well, according to the FDA, it is planned to start with a public dialogue
about the plan, as well as issuing an advance notice of proposal for
* regulation * to look for information about the possible benefits
of public health and the possible adverse effects of the reduction of
nicotine in cigarettes.

It should be noted that the new policy does not modify the controls
current requirements to buy and consume tobacco such as age e
identifications, so the rules on * illegal sales to minors
* remain in force and subject to the application of FDA law.

The app that could help women quit smoking

When it comes to quitting smoking, women need motivation
extra, the researchers say, that's why they developed this
application for android phones.

This innovative application is based on reinforcing female self-esteem for
give up smoking.

Women tend to gain more weight than men, when they stop
smoking, and have more difficulty losing weight when they have gained it,
according to Judith Gordon, from the University of Arizona.

Gordon is part of the team at the University of Arizona that
developed an app that reminds women that their health is more
important to be thin.

The android phone app is called "See me Smoke Free" and
was carried out with financial support from the National Cancer Institute
United States, for which it is free.

The app motivates ex-smokers with positive audio messages, to
strengthen your self-esteem

"Even if they gain a bit of weight, the app will remind them that a bit of
Being overweight is better than damaging your health by smoking, "explains Gordon.

The novelty of the application is that it uses a technique that focuses on
imagination through suggestion. The audios suggest images and
experiences that are achieved by quitting smoking.

The potential of this application is enormous, reaching up to millions
of women who struggle with the habit of smoking.

"Many people smoke in response to everyday stress," explains Cynthia
Thomson another one of the responsible ones of the project, "when using the
guided imagination I could also help them relax and make them leave
to smoke is easier.

Some smokers interviewed doubt that this app can do any
difference, "This technique like others will only work if the smoker is
open and has the will to stop smoking, "they said.

Nicoderm CQ Step 1, Step 2 & Step 3 (14 Clear Patches in each Step) For the Committed Quitters

11 serious consequences of tobacco addiction

Smoking is an addiction caused by the consumption of snuff, mainly associated with one of its active components "nicotine", which acts aggressively on the central nervous system. Nicotine, the active ingredient in tobacco, is a drug that is not related to the consumption of other substances such as marijuana and cocaine, but it is related to alcohol.

Tobacco is a legal drug socially shared and accepted in our environment. But in spite of the fact that in Ecuador there is a legal regulation for its consumption, this has not diminished. Now few people are seen consuming tobacco in the street, however, the indicators of sale do not diminish, what the law did when regulating it was to disguise its consumption.

Nicoderm CQ Step 1, Step 2 & Step 3 (14 Clear Patches in each Step) For the Committed Quitters
Nicoderm CQ Step 1, Step 2 & Step 3 (14 Clear Patches in each Step) For the Committed Quitters

Smoking ceases to be a habit when activity becomes a necessity or becomes a dependency. There are two types of dependencies, the psychological and the physical. The psychological appears first, takes time depending on many factors, the continuous exposure to the substance, the dynamics that allow access to it and a series of social changes imposed by the consumption of the substance; while physics is felt when the body demands its consumption.

Tobacco use is the leading cause of disease, disability and death in the world. However, many consumers are unaware of the serious consequences of their continued consumption, such as:

  1.     Abstinence syndrome
  2.     Anxiety
  3.     Irritability
  4.     Headache
  5.     Lack of concentration
  6.     Insomnia
  7.     Greater appetite
  8.     Arteriosclerotic lesions with cardiovascular involvement
  9.     Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, COPD
  10.     Increased cancer risk
  11.     Problems and high risks in pregnancy

There are many campaigns around the world to prevent or reduce tobacco consumption; but still, it is one of the harmful products for health that continue to be in great demand worldwide, affecting the health not only of those who consume it, but also of those who are exposed to smoke (passive smoking).

Each year more than 5 million people die in the world because of smoking. It is estimated that half of smokers die of a disease related to tobacco consumption and that they live on average 10-15 years less than non-smokers.

It is not easy to stop being dependent on tobacco, but with the help of specialists in addictive behaviors, therapies, support groups, family support and talks, you will be able to get ahead and finally give up smoking.

You have to do health promotion, promoting healthy habits and lifestyles. The legal measures are not enough, you need an education based on a goal.

Habitrol Nicotine Transdermal System Patch | Stop Smoking Aid | Step 1 (21 mg) | 28 Patches (4 Week Kit)

Give up smoking. The most effective Guide to quitting tobacco

There is so much information, tricks, advice and treatments dedicated to how to stop smoking that is overwhelming, and for those who have fallen into the temptation of smoking and have thought about quitting, because obviously it is harmful to health, they end up confused and therefore , failing in the attempt.

In this post we want to cover in a concrete and sincere way the most effective ways to get rid of the vice of smoking , but also take into account what are the effects you will face when making the decision.

Habitrol Nicotine Transdermal System Patch | Stop Smoking Aid | Step 1 (21 mg) | 28 Patches (4 Week Kit)
Habitrol Nicotine Transdermal System Patch | Stop Smoking Aid | Step 1 (21 mg) | 28 Patches (4 Week Kit)

The first thing you should be clear about is that you just have to want to do it, really right. Willpower is essential to stop smoking successfully. The situation is very similar for those who decide to lose weight, you just have to propose it and not fall into the temptations that you will face during the process. Of course, in the case of those who undergo a diet, the temptation is food. For you, smoker, the temptation is evidently the cigarette. Let's start then.

How to stop smoking in 17 steps

There are ten simple steps that you can study consciously and put into practice, once you have made the final decision to quit.

    Put a date on the calendar to smoke your last cigarette

    You must mentalize, and set a date to stop doing it is a good strategy for it. Many have stopped smoking in one fell swoop. You can make a quick analysis about all the methods that you have put into practice and that have not worked for you and opt for this, since there are successful testimonies from people who have achieved their goal.

    Change your routines to cheat your addiction

  1.     You can recover those activities that you know you like, that distract you. You can manage with a schedule of tasks that completely obviate the fact of taking a time to smoke
  2.     Forget the excuses
  3.     Any day will be the best day to quit smoking. It's all about benefits, of course, the first is your health, but also remember those loved ones who are deeply disturbed by your smoking.
  4.     Do not smoke or one more
  5.     If you already decided to quit, do not fall into the temptation of a puff. That will make you fall back. Once again, willpower is the key to everything.
  6.     Keep the mind positive
  7.     One of the best methods is to write down the advantages you get when you stop doing it. You should seek support from your family and friends.
  8.     Stay active
  9.     You can start a good exercise plan. Sport is the antonym of cigarettes. It will also help you relax and improve your overall physical well-being.
  10.     Drink water and lots of fluids
  11.     At least liter and a half of liquids per day, either water or juice. Of course, avoid alcohol. This will help you a lot to forget about tobacco.
  12.     Control your diet
  13.     You should avoid foods that make you fat. These are some of the main excuses for smokers not to quit smoking.
  14.     Live day by day
  15.     You must trace small goals. "Today I will not smoke" ... that is a small goal that you can accomplish, once a day until you think no more about it and it is an automatic technique.
  16.     Take advantage of any professional help
  17.     The professions can provide a lot of support and make your decision to quit smoking a positive experience for your life

Overcome symptoms when quitting

We can not deceive you, if you are a great addict to the cigarette, the most probable is that you face some symptoms a little unpleasant at the time of deciding to leave it, but you must know that they are to a short term and they are totally surpassable. They are what we call withdrawal symptoms.

Keep in mind that nicotine is the main substance that contains tobacco and is the cause of addiction. That's why you can suffer cravings for nicotine. There may also be moments of anger or irritability, including frustration and depression. In some cases there may be increases in weight.

There are studies that indicate that about half of smokers who have decided to quit have reported several withdrawal symptoms:

  •     Anxiety
  •     The wrath
  •     The Depression
  •     Increase in sleep
  •     And even headaches.

But the good news is that these symptoms are short-term and you can overcome them. It is not necessary to take any medication so that these disappear, they will only decrease with the passage of time. Keep in mind that these symptoms can be intense in the first week of abstinence, but after that period will decrease, they will become less noticeable after the first month. However, each person is different. The mind and willpower to achieve your goal will be decisive to overcome this stage.

It should also be noted that apart from these physical symptoms caused by nicotine, some memories of the life of when you were a smoker, can make you relapse . We call these elements inciting, that is, scenarios in your life that may incite you to relapse into tobacco consumption.

These inciters can be

  •     The beginning of the day
  •     Feel tension
  •     Drive
  •     Drink alcohol
  •     Tea or coffee
  •     Being in the company of smokers
  •     Feeling bored, among others.

Being aware of what are the elements that can incite you to relapse can help you maintain control, either by avoiding those scenarios or simply ignoring them and letting them pass unnoticed by your mind.

You must have patience and maintain control, although it is very much a mental game, we must also say that physical effects move in your body, such as your heart rate or blood pressure. You just have to remember that these anxieties will pass.

Overcome these symptoms with these brief tips:

  •     Avoid activities that you associate with your old life as a smoker.
  •     Look for some tobacco substitutes like eating candy or chewing gum, biting some carrot or apple. In itself, keep your mouth busy so you can neutralize the urge to smoke.
  •     We repeat that doing exercises is a very good idea, in this case, you can do breathing exercises. Inhale and exhale slowly about ten times when you feel the urge to smoke

You can read any of these books to stop smoking

When it comes to quitting smoking, there are many methods and support systems that are the order of the day. There are excellent books that can guide you in this process. Here we name you some and describe briefly for your choice
It is easy to stop smoking, if you know how

Allen Carr. It is perhaps the best known worldwide. In Spain they have sold more than 200 thousand copies and has already had 50 editions. There are testimonies that confirm that this book has helped to stop smoking more than 25 million people, among them entertainment celebrities such as Ashton Kutcher and Anthony Hopkins . Paradoxically, the author of the book was a mortal victim of tobacco at the cost of his life due to lung cancer at age 72.

He smoked 2 packs a day for 30 years and although he managed to quit, the habit took its toll some time later.

Simón Hergueta is the writer of the book "The Quick Method to Quit Smoking." It is a very schematic text that summarizes 4 rules to quit smoking. Its format is very orderly and focuses on the practical tools to stop the bad habit.

"Un año sin Fumar" is a book written by Fernando Arronera. It is based on humor and relates personal experiences of a former smoker. The book describes the steps he took to stop smoking, including his failed attempts. That is, you can read the methods that worked, as well as the ones that did not.

Ricardo Artola wrote the book "And one day I quit smoking". It is a book similar to that of Allen Carr Artola, he was a Spanish smoker who managed to quit and told his experience supported by several tips of his own and others that he considered useful from foreign authors.

Finally we recommend the book "Anti-smoking diet" by Mariano Orzola. These are brief and well-counting reports that will help you reduce the levels of anxiety and other effects that occur in the body when quitting tobacco. It is an interesting and very digestible book that can help you make the decision to quit.

There are many other literary texts that can surely help you, either to make the decision or to overcome the process, but these are the ones that seemed most direct and substantial.

Other tricks to quit smoking

While we have insisted that the best trick to quit is simply to make the decision and have enough willpower to not fall back , we can always use any trick or recommendation to achieve our goal.

And is that for every smoker there may be a technique that works, what you have to achieve is the ideal for yourself, the one that is most useful and effective.

We summarize the tricks most used by ex-smokers who did not fail in the attempt.

  •     Do a cleaning in your house and get rid of everything that has to do with smoking (Ashtrays, ZIPPO, among others)
  •     Once again, exercise is the best relaxing . A good walk can help you.
  •     Keep your hands busy, as for example, use an anti-stress ball.
  •     Build a circle of support. Join those colleagues who are on your same wave
  •     Be very positive and stop thinking about leaving the cigarette
  •     Think about the benefits you are getting from having quit smoking
  •     Take accounts of the money you have saved by stopping to buy cigarettes and give yourself a treat, like a pair of shoes or a nice shirt.
  •     Tell people that you have quit smoking . If you fall into temptation you will be a liar and nobody wants that.
  •     After eating, look for an activity such as washing dishes.
  •     Ask your friends not to smoke in your presence

There are more methods to stop smoking

There are those who affirm that there are alternative methods to quit smoking, some of them are acupuncture, hypnosis, laser therapy, electrical stimulation, among others.

Despite this, we must emphasize that in a variety of studies that have been done, they have not been able to demonstrate that these methods are 100 percent effective. However, here we tell you so you can have a broader picture of the ways you can take to achieve your goal of quitting smoking.

How hypnosis works to stop smoking

Something in common that smokers have is that they are aware of the health problems that smoking can cause. Among these we can name: the premature aging of the skin and quite perceptible distortions of taste and smell. This without forgetting to mention that tobacco is responsible for more than 90% of lung cancer and 30% of coronary heart disease.

Even when there is full awareness of this, they continue to smoke because they do not believe in their ability to quit and also because they fear the already mentioned abstinence syndromes.

It is said that there are psychological treatments that turn out to be quite effective and that can be adapted to the individuality of each case. We speak then of hypnosis, which consists of helping to increase motivations in the person and to make expectations grow effectively.

In this sense, the hypnotist what he does is try to influence feelings, behaviors and thoughts that lead you to quit , making see in the subconscious the benefits you can get to stop doing it, all for conviction and self control.

It is not about magic and it does not act on its own or because the therapist or hypnotist has special powers. To be successful, as with any other technique, the active participation and collaboration of the patient is needed, as he or she owns himself and it depends on him that the technique yields the expected results.

Magnets to stop smoking

Another of the methods mentioned by those who fight for a population free of smokers is biomagnetism. It is an amazing therapy where magnets are used. It was discovered by a doctor named Isaac Goiz Durán, originally from Mexico and it aims to eliminate microbes such as bacteria, fungi, parasites and viruses in short periods of time.

To quit the habit of smoking, according to experts, works in a very simple way. Two magnets are placed opposite each other that exert pressure on specific points of the pinna of the ear. They claim that this regulates nicotine addiction and dependence.

It is a small magnet that is placed in the front of the ear and a slightly larger one that is placed in the back. Being perfectly placed, the magnet will make small pressures permanently , which will activate neurotransmitters that reduce anxiety.

Magnetic therapy has been around for a long time in the world of medicine and there are studies that have determined its effectiveness in treatments related to quitting and slimming.

laser to stop smoking permanently

Stop smoking with a laser

We continue talking about alternative methods, and these go, as we have seen, from hypnosis, through digital cigarettes and laser. As you read it. The laser is an innovative system that is based on a low power iodine that manages to elevate endorphins in high levels, surpassing those that are produced by tobacco.

Specialists in the field explain that this laser biostimulates 28 points of the digestive system, also helps regulate sleep, controls anxiety and treats sadness. In this way , the desire to smoke and therefore the desire is reduced.

The treatment consists in the assistance, on the part of the patient, to a consultation without having smoked for at least 3 hours, they are given talks about habits of life and behavior to confirm that the patient really wants to quit smoking. With this point clear, the laser sessions begin.

Some patients say that after the treatment is over, they discover that they no longer want to continue smoking.

Take advantage of any professional help to stop smoking / Tips

We know that when the intention to quit smoking is certain and firm, you can go to any kind of help , listen to practical and positive advice to achieve it or even attend some kind of health institution or clinic that can support us in enforcing our decision.

In this case, the NCI (National Cancer Institute) and other agencies or organizations located in various countries around the world, can help smokers quit.

We mentioned this because being aware that there are organizations of world renown to support this mission, this translates into feeling support and motivation to achieve the fact of quitting.

On the Internet you can also get professional help for this . It is one of the most expeditious ways to find professionals and specialists who can support you with the application of therapies and treatments to combat the urge to smoke and finally stop the habit.

medicines to end tobacco

Medications and pills to stop smoking

It is totally valid to go to a treating doctor to obtain prescriptions of medicines or pills that help you to combat nicotine addiction. We mentioned some of these:

Bupropion is an antidepressant that is available by prescription under the name of Zyban. It is a medication indicated to treat the action to nicotine and was approved by the FDA in 1997. It can help you reduce the symptoms of abstinence and your own cravings.

Just keep in mind that some side effects may appear associated with the product itself, so it is important to talk with the doctor to be sure that the drug is suitable for your consumption.

Effects after quitting

Another medication indicated to help smokers quit is Varenicline. This is a medicine that is also sold with a prescription under the Chantix brand. In 2006 it was approved by the FDA and helps to calm the cravings for nicotine and even blocks the pleasure effects produced by nicotine. Side effects can also occur, so it is always important to see the doctor to approve the intake of the medication.

Benefits and benefits when quitting

The benefits and advantages of leaving tobacco can be evidenced immediately and multiply progressively.

  •     You can feel that in less than 20 minutes the blood pressure decreases , after half a day, you can normalize the carbon monoxide in the blood.
  •     By spending weeks and up to three months, you can feel improved circulation and lung function. You will see that cough or lack of air decreases, as well as the risk of acquiring infections.
  •     One year after having quit smoking you will have decreased by 50%, the risk of acquiring any coronary disease, while you will see a great improvement in your energy and mood.
  •     In 5 years you may also have halved the risk of suffering from throat, mouth, or neck cancer , as well as having a stroke, which after that time equals the risks of a non-smoker.
  •     In 10 years, you can ensure that you reduce the risk of lung cancer and cancer of the larynx and pancreas by half.
  •     You will also get the advantages of improving the senses of taste and smell, the annoying smoker's cough will disappear, you will be able to climb stairs easily and walk for longer without feeling exhaustion. You will smell better (Hair, breath and clothes) and will noticeably improve the health and appearance of your skin.

all the benefits of quitting

Consequences of quitting smoking at once

Many claim that quitting smoking is more effective than doing it little by little. A publication of the scientific journal Annals of Internal Medicine , this is what he says.

Even though most experts and other world-class guides recommend moving away from habit little by little, a study was conducted to determine the best method. In that sense, a group of doctors from the United Kingdom, specifically the University of Oxford, analyzed cases of more than 600 people who wanted to quit. They divided people into two groups using both methods: the cessation of the coup and the gradual cessation.

Both groups of people received therapy, counseling, nicotine patches and other supportive care . At the end, they were followed up for a month and up to six continuous months. It was found that at 4 weeks the 39 percent of the group that stopped smoking little by little, stayed away from the habit, compared to 49% of the members of the group that quit smoking at once (15% more than the previous group).

In other words, the method of quitting tobacco was much more effective . There are authors who say that the motivation and the reasons why it is decided to stop smoking cigarettes can be decisive to achieve the goal of quitting successfully.

Then, at this point we could ensure that the biggest consequence you can face when you quit smoking is to get separated from addiction permanently and forever.

Quit smoking little by little

Not to assure the previously mentioned thing, we can discard the method to stop smoking little by little, since there are also successful experiences in this case.

It is ensured that carrying out this system can leave the tobacco between 8 and 12 weeks. Everything will depend on the amount of cigarettes smoked daily, so this is about decreasing progressively the amount of tobacco consumed per day, to completely abandon the addiction.

To this method you can add other support systems such as chewing nicotine gum and apply other techniques or tricks that we have discussed throughout this article. The final intention, it is supposed, is to diminish to the point of leaving it completely, and for this it is necessary to place concrete goals in small periods of time, until achieving to leave it definitively.

Quit smoking without getting fat

Getting fat from quitting is one of the most frequent excuses and fear of it, in many cases prevents the person from deciding to quit, especially in women smokers. The truth is that weight gain is common when you stop smoking.

Studies have determined that people who have never smoked weigh a few pounds more than people who do smoke and that, when the habit is stopped, smokers manage to reach a weight that they would not have had if they had never smoked.

Although smokers can get to increase approximately 10 pounds after leaving the cigarette, you have to see the benefits that are obtained compared to the risks that are assumed by not quitting. Therefore, to complete this article, we leave you some suggestions that will help you control your weight and that this does not become an excuse for you not to decide to quit smoking.

  •     As we have already said, doing a physical activity or enrolling in a gym to replace the habit will help you control your weight and you can even reduce it , be in shape and lead a healthy life.
  •     You can opt for some type of medication that helps you counteract the weight gain. You can consult your doctor about Bupropion. (mentioned a few lines above) that can help you control your weight, while you go through the process of nicotine withdrawal.
  •     If the weight gain after quitting becomes problematic, do not rule out the possibility of consulting a dietitian or dietitian.