Thursday, March 14, 2019

Vice Breaker: Quit Smoking for the Last Time. Works Fast - Stop Smoking Within 30 Days. Or Take with Nicorette, NicoDerm and Other Nicotine Gums, Patches or Lozenges.100% Natural & Herbal

10 Natural Remedies to Decrease the Anxiety of Smoking

Today, the fight against tobacco is winning the battle and at least society is realizing that addiction to snuff is something that brings us many diseases and in more than one occasion canceres, this we could avoid with some how many natural remedies to reduce the anxiety of smoking and thus be able to leave this vice so bad.

Although it is true that there are a lot of solutions in the market to control anxiety and thus stop smoking, it is always preferable to try it in a healthy way, also as a recommendation, to forget and ignore the miraculous methods, because basically they do not exist.

Vice Breaker: Quit Smoking for the Last Time. Works Fast - Stop Smoking Within 30 Days. Or Take with Nicorette, NicoDerm and Other Nicotine Gums, Patches or Lozenges.100% Natural & Herbal
Vice Breaker: Quit Smoking for the Last Time. Works Fast - Stop Smoking Within 30 Days. Or Take with Nicorette, NicoDerm and Other Nicotine Gums, Patches or Lozenges.100% Natural & Herbal

1. Lobelia

The Lobelia is a plant that has always been known to use as one of the most valued natural remedies to combat anxiety and help us to leave nicotine dependence forever, it is not by chance that many products on the market include This plant among its components. The operation of this plant is as follows, when you consume it and then you try to smoke a cigarette, dizziness and nausea will start to enter, which will make you stop smoking when you are trying to feel disgust and repulsion for the fact of smoking. The Lobelia can be purchased in the form of tea, although it is often used in such a way that if you are quitting smoking, and you feel like it, you should apply a drop of your extract on the tongue and this will help reduce anxiety.

2. Nails

Sure that many of us have Nail at home and if not, can be purchased at any supermarket, a spice that is used for cooking, and also can help us fight the anxiety and desire to smoke, after smoking a cigarette we should place a nail in your mouth more or less for a couple of hours, at two hours we can exchange it for another and so we will reduce the anxiety of smoking.

3. Oolong tea

This tea that apart from having a rich flavor, gives us great benefits for health, among them helps us cleanse the body and organs such as the lungs, liver and kidneys, freeing them of toxins and acting as a detoxifier natural, all this but take about 3 cups of this tea daily, will help us to control this craving that produces nicotine.

4. Ginseng

This plant, when consumed, ginseng itself helps us to quit smoking and have less anxiety, ginseng inhibits the effects of dopamine is the neurotransmitter that produces that feeling of pleasure and well-being in people when they smoke a cigarette or they simply put nicotine in the body.

5. Nuts

This is a meal that can be taken easily anywhere and helps to control the anxiety of smoking by drinking a few nuts, which can be pistachios, sunflower and pumpkin seeds, walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts, peanuts, anyway method we must control it a bit because depending on how our body is we can gain enough weight, so this method we must do it with control and not consume excess nuts.

6. St. John's Wort

This plant is quite effective when quitting smoking, it is a good remedy to help us fight anxiety, although like the Lobelia you should consult your doctor about the use of this plant. It can be consumed in an infusion preferably although it is also sold as extract, juice or even in ampoules. This plant is contraindicated in some cases as for example in cases of taking some contraceptive or also antidepressants. Important, during pregnancy can not be swallowed.

7. Cayenne pepper

Pepper has good antioxidant properties and also helps us to use it as a natural remedy to stop smoking and control the anxiety that produces us tobacco, there are many ways to consume it but basically we will use three ways that are the most advisable to help us with anxiety . In macerated oil, heating 3 or 4 fresh cut chiles or 30 grams of cayenne pepper powder in 600ml of oil in a bowl, heat in a bain-marie for a couple of hours. Another way is in tincture, taking 20 drops a day in a hot cup of water, finally you can gargle, with a pinch of cayenne powder in a glass of hot water, this remedy also serves against irritation or inflammation of the throat and for laryngitis.

8. Drink a lot of water

Although it is more than advisable to drink water daily, but if we are quitting smoking, where we must drink at least 2 liters of water to help the process of cleaning our body and to reduce the anxiety that produces us tobacco, apart from that we we will notice much more healthy and hydrated. It also helps us to cleanse the blood of toxins that the tobacco leaves in our organism, this method is one of the most recommendable, since drinking water is always a source of health for our body, less soda and alcohol and more water!

9. Acorous root

Although it is known that the root of acoro has some interesting aphrodisiac properties and also something hallucinogenic, which is preferable to consume it carefully, it is also very interesting to help us to stop smoking, this root will not be consumed, but rather , the way to apply it is to chew the root without getting to swallow it, this root leaves a flavor in the mouth that makes our desire to smoke disappear, so it is quite interesting. The roots are collected, they are left to dry in the sun, then they are hermetically stored in a cool place so that they do not lose their properties.

10. Meal times

This method together with some other mentioned will help us a lot, we should not change or skip meals schedules, even so it should be a slightly different schedule than usual, since we must distribute the food, so that we lengthen the number of times we eat but decrease the amount, we do not want to take more kilos either, this way we also manage to calm the anxiety for having quit smoking, the ideal would be at least five times. Consuming carbohydrates is a good remedy, since they are foods with high glycemic index.

If you have friends who are smokers, or who are trying to quit smoking, do not hesitate to share these methods so that you can quit. Have you managed to quit smoking? Leave us a comment!