Sunday, March 31, 2019

Colgate Kids Twin Pack Toothbrush, Ninja Turtles

Ten effective tips for whitening teeth

How are teeth stained?

The enamel that covers the teeth is slightly porous, causing residues to remain every time we eat. Usually, just brush to remove these remains however, there are foods and drinks such as coffee, tea or soft drinks that stain more pervasively and as a result, our teeth gradually begin to acquire a yellow tone.

Colgate Kids Twin Pack Toothbrush, Ninja Turtles
Colgate Kids Twin Pack Toothbrush, Ninja Turtles

The good news is that restoring luminosity to your teeth is not an impossible task. Try these tricks:

1. Bicarbonate:

Apply a little bicarbonate on your toothpaste and brush as usual. Repeat two or three times a week. You will be surprised by the results!

2. Brewer's yeast:

Mix half a cup of brewer's yeast with two teaspoons of salt and a little water to make a paste and brush your teeth with it. You will see how they recover their natural color little by little.

3. Banana:

The banana has a high concentration of salicylic acid which is ideal for whitening teeth. Once clean, rub the peel of this fruit for at least two minutes. Repeat daily.

4. Strawberries:

This is one of the most popular remedies when it comes to whitening your teeth. These contain malic acid, a natural enzyme that helps remove tooth discoloration. All you have to do is crush the strawberry and let it rest in the affected area for a few minutes.

5. Coconut oil:

In addition to helping your gums are healthy thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties, coconut oil will work as a bleach. Use it to rinse yourself and soon you will see the results.

6. Orange peel:

The content of microorganisms that vitamin C has, helps to eliminate the stains produced by the cigarette and the caffeine in your teeth. You can use a peel every night before going to sleep, the effect that occurs almost immediately in a couple of weeks you will be surprised.

7. Oxygenated Water:

The discoloration helps you keep your teeth almost Christ-like. If you resort to this method, you can do it with a paste of baking soda with a little of that water, and brush it every night. If you are sensitive in your gums, it is better that you resort to another method so that it does not produce counterinitications.

8. Basil:

This spice can make your teeth recover the natural white of them. Use the purple basil, leave it in the sun for a few moments, then grind it and with this powder brush in the usual way with the toothpaste for optimal results.

9. Carbon:

Brush twice a day with normal toothpaste. This product contains a chemical that manages to eliminate dirt from the teeth, leaving them crystallized and totally white.

10. Lemon:

Mix a few drops of lemon with salt, rub over the teeth, at least twice a week and then remove it with plenty of water. You will notice the changes in a few weeks.


  • - Be happy with your dental hygiene. This means always using dental floss and mouthwash.
  • - Reduce the consumption of beverages such as coffee, tea or red wine.
  • - Avoid the cigarette.
  • - Do not brush your teeth so hard.
  • - Try to use a cigarette with your drinks , this will prevent your teeth from coming into direct contact with liquids that can stain them.
  • - Eat fruits such as orange, spawn, apple, papaya and pear. Its components will create a protective film in the enamel, preventing staining.
  • - Chewing gum without sugar increases the production of saliva. This helps sweep the plaque that stains the teeth, as well as the bacteria that cause cavities. Chewing gums should contain xylitol which is a natural sweetener.