Monday, March 25, 2019

Fistula and stool gardening

Fistula and stool gardening

In addition to laxatives, there is a form of use as an oral medicine (medicine, water, tablets, powder or granules), also in the form of suppositories or analgesic drugs which are used by inserting the anal hole into the filling. straight Although many people do not like this form of medicine But is a faster method of eating When inserted into the rectum The medicine will soften the stool and shrink the wall of the rectum to drive the stool out. The use of drugs at the same time of every day may help to drive defecation regularly. In cases that do not respond to such treatment methods May use a stool set that contains occasional sodium phosphate / biphosphate (fleet) salt But not recommended for patients with heart disease or kidney disease Except the doctor ordered to use under the control of the doctor