Showing posts with label Diaper-Disposal-Bags. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Diaper-Disposal-Bags. Show all posts

Monday, August 5, 2019

Controlled Life Scented Baby Disposable Diaper Bags (with convenient handle ties), 300-Count (Mega Pack)

10 questions that premature baby mothers wonder

Controlled Life Scented Baby Disposable Diaper Bags (with convenient handle ties), 300-Count (Mega Pack)

Every year, approximately 150,000 premature babies are born. These babies who came to the early world, according to the babies born in time; respiratory and nervous system, hearing, vision, cognitive functions related to learning at a later age. Therefore premature baby care requires precision and care.

1. Is every premature baby premature?

One of the common misconceptions is that it is possible to determine whether the newborn baby is premature by weight. However, birth weight does not indicate whether the baby is premature or not. A baby weighing 2,000 grams is not premature, whereas a baby weighing 3,000 grams may be premature. Babies born before 37th week are called premature babies.

2. Do premature babies experience serious health problems?

In infants born before 37th week, disorders of vital organs and organ systems such as brain, liver, kidney, heart, lung, intestines may occur. Immediately after birth, with the first breath, the baby must adapt to a completely different system than the circulatory system in the womb. As the gestational age of premature babies gets smaller, problems in other organ systems, especially the respiratory system, are increasing. For this reason, it is important that the premature baby will be born in centers with neonatal intensive care units.

3. Should breastmilk be given to premature babies immediately?

Immune system expects to suck, swallow, breathe and coordination of all the baby born before maturity. In the premature baby, it is especially important that the first feeding is done with the first milk from the mother called colostrum. Breathing, bruising attacks, sucking, swallowing and breathing during feeding are common problems in the first days of the adaptation to the external environment where coordination is provided, sometimes lasting a few weeks. In premature infants, food escape from the stomach to the esophagus can cause slowing of heart beat and bruising attacks.

4. Why is heat loss more important in these babies?

Premature babies' skin thinness, subcutaneous fat tissue is very little because of the ability to produce heat. As soon as it is born, the heat loss will reach the extreme level when the first maintenance is done in a place where proper heat environment is not provided, without drying well. When the body temperature decreases, the body will consume more oxygen to produce heat. Increasing oxygen consumption for heat production on top of a premature baby who already has respiratory distress will increase the need for oxygen several times. This will lead to deoxygenation, cerebral hemorrhage and severe deterioration of organ systems. Therefore, in order to minimize heat loss in premature babies, the first interventions to be done immediately after birth should be done under a heat source, the skin should be dried carefully and the head where the most heat loss is experienced should be covered as soon as possible. Never bath before 24 hours.

5. Does premature babies also have jaundice?

Premature babies are redder than babies born at the time. This is due to the high blood cell count and the very thin skin. Jaundice in premature infants lasts longer than those born in time. Bilirubin released by the breakdown of large numbers of blood cells gives the skin and eye white a yellow color. Treatment of jaundice is provided by adequate nutrition and phototherapy.

6. What should be done to protect premature babies from infection?

Hand protection should be provided before touching these babies to prevent premature babies whose body defense functions are extremely weak to be protected from infections. For this reason, hand washing should be an indispensable habit in newborn units. The newborn unit should be ventilated with a ventilation system with a closed-circuit microbe filter. In order to protect a premature baby against pertussis, it is very important to vaccinate the mother and father who have the highest contact with the baby, especially with the application of a recently proposed cocoon strategy.

7. Does premature babies have blood pressure?

Another problem encountered in premature babies is brain hemorrhage and related complications. The blood-brain barrier, which prevents the direct reflection of changes in blood pressure in premature babies to the brain, is not fully mature in premature babies. Monitoring of blood pressure changes is important. The number and intensity of stimuli given by environmental light, sound and touch are reduced in addition to the necessary sedative medications in infants in intensive care. Premature infant is one of the most important principles in follow-up units with “Less hands, more eyes gözle.

8. Do premature babies have a higher risk of hearing and vision ?

Another problem encountered in premature babies is visual loss. Early detection of the disease makes treatment possible. Certain ophthalmologists are involved in such operations, dealing with network layer diseases of the eye. Low blood sugar, calcium and magnesium are other metabolic problems encountered in premature infants. For the treatment of the missing or intravenous or oral replacement is detected. Other conditions of hearing impairment and cerebral palsy are seen in infants receiving oxygen therapy with an assisted breathing device weighing less than 1000 g before the 30th week.

9. How is the premature baby going home?

It can be completely fed orally with breast milk or formula formula, tolerates its feeding, respiratory rate is 25-55 / min. infants who do not have any organ dysfunction requiring hospital treatment are included in the discharge plan. Mother education is given one-to-one. If the mother can feed her baby, if the baby does not develop a problem, if the baby is turned into a car seat, bruising, fainting and breathing symptoms can not be seen and can maintain the body temperature in the room air can now be sent home.

10. What are the points that the family should take care of in the care of the premature baby at home?

Daily poop number, urine amount, meal hours, meal quantities should be recorded in a table. Abnormal conditions should be recorded and shared with the doctor. It is recommended that the room temperature should be 23-25 ​​degrees and in accordance with this temperature, the infant on the top, the coverall on top and the thin blanket on the bed, and lay in its own bed in a noiseless environment. In case of food rejection, inability to suck, continuous crying or no crying, being in a very loose position and when the limbs are moved when the legs are moved, bruising, frequent and difficult breathing, fever or low body temperature, visible doctor should be consulted urgently. Infants born under the age of 28 weeks are observed to be 3 years old and older premature babies are followed up until 2 years of age by observing their growth and development. After this age it is no longer necessary to look at the corrected age. He must have caught his peers.

Controlled Life Scented Baby Disposable Diaper Bags (with convenient handle ties), 300-Count (Mega Pack)

MOM EASY Biodegradable and Compostable Diaper Sacks 120 Counts with Blue Pouch Easy-Tie Baby 100% Disposal Diaper Bags Blue Large Unscented

Ingestion of chemicals and foreign bodies in infants and children

MOM EASY Biodegradable and Compostable Diaper Sacks 120 Counts with Blue Pouch Easy-Tie Baby 100% Disposal Diaper Bags Blue Large Unscented

From the moment the baby is born, it has the ability to absorb the surrounding objects. This talent is an extraordinary reward that nature gives to the baby. Nutrition is only possible through this and the baby receives the necessary nutrients from the mother's breast. Skills such as intelligence, walking, sitting, speaking are not yet developed, but absorption is from birth as a reflex. Therefore, the newborn absorbs all the objects around it. As the baby grows and gains mobility, it reaches its immediate surroundings. During the crawling and walking periods, it now finds very small objects found on the carpet and upholstery and leads to the mouth. In short, the size and number of hazards increases. What are these hazards? What are the substances and substances that are brought to the mouth that are foreign to the body other than food? Ingested or smoked harmful substances can be examined in 2 groups.

1. Solid materials
2. Liquids

Drinking fluids harmful to the body:

Many liquid substances in our homes are life-threatening. For example dishwasher detergents and degreasers, bleachers, kitchen and bathroom cleaning agents, descalers. These liquids are generally alkaline.

Although the burning effect of packaged and branded products is less, the chemical cleaning fluids sold outdoors are harmful to humans.

Accidental drinking of chemicals used in paint and painting is another common situation. Irritating and tissue-burning liquids such as paint and thinner are toxic substances due to their chemical structure. These poisons may act in a short time, ie as a result of the absorption of substances such as lead they lead slowly and chronically may cause damage to organs such as the brain, nervous system, liver and kidney.

It is the result of burning of the esophagus and stomach when accidentally drinking the substances standing in places where the baby and child can easily reach at home and in attractive packages. Burns, inflammation and damage to the mucosa lead to a gradual narrowing of the esophagus days or weeks after ingestion of harmful fluid. The baby starts to vomit constantly, feeding is disrupted.

Diagnosis and treatment methods:

Endoscopic examination can tell you the degree of burns and damage. The main treatment is the cessation of oral feeding and the administration of various drugs in intravenous serum. X-ray is performed to investigate disorders of the lungs and digestive system. Although the treatment of narrowing esophageal burn is very successful, dilatation called dilatation is performed several times in severe constrictions. Nowadays, all these treatment methods can be applied easily thanks to the developments in pediatric gastroenterology expertise.

Problems with ingestion of solids:

The most common object that babies and children swallow is metal coins. Because it is easily found and carried and stored by family members, coins of various sizes, which are always possible to be seized, are easily passed from mouth to esophagus. It was usually a place in the middle of the chest, attached to the esophagus. Small toy pieces, Legos, metal nails, screws, wrenches, pens and paint pieces are other highly ingested solids. However, as they cannot pass through the stomach exit hole, they stay there and under the influence of stomach acids and enzymes. Plastic and metallic objects do not have a sudden detrimental effect if they are not sharp and penetrating. But for the baby, such as a small clock battery, attractive, easy to swallow, innocent-looking objects unfortunately inside the stomach, opening with the digestive effect of acid leaks harmful and toxic substances in this case, the chemical effect becomes more important than mechanical effect. In addition to poisoning, perforation of the organ may occur. Another danger to newborn babies is the gold pieces worn by family relatives for happiness, mashallah and safety pins. In this case, the open needle tip is inserted into the esophagus or stomach. In short, happiness begins to turn into disaster.

What are the symptoms of solid foreign body ingestion?

Although symptoms vary depending on where the substance is inserted, coughing and continuous saliva flowing through the mouth should attract the attention of the mother. Difficulty in breathing and bruising may also be added to this table if pressure is present in the respiratory tract. Steady objects in the esophagus or stomach cause abdominal pain after a while. The baby refuses to feed, does not want to swallow mouth bite. It may cause inflammation and damage to the surrounding tissue and may cause perforation and fever.

Diagnosis: The easiest diagnostic method is radiological examination of the baby. Metal objects are easily seen on the X-ray. However, since plastic, fabric or soft objects do not appear on the X-ray, they are found with the help of fiberoptic instruments called endoscopes.

Treatment approaches: The most frequently asked question of mothers is about how long the foreign body can remain in the body and the damages. Hard and sharp substances should not be removed by vomiting. Safety pin is one of the most risky objects in this regard. With the device called endoscope, even in newborn babies, it is possible to reach the foreign body in a few minutes and remove it without damaging the body. Round, slippery substances that do not dissolve in the stomach, such as coins, must be removed if they have been in the stomach for more than 24 hours. If the substance that is considered harmless has left the stomach, the feces of the child and the baby are constantly monitored and kept under control until the foreign body exits the body.

We must be aware that the substances that we use every day and which are always at hand are hidden hazards for our babies and children.

MOM EASY Biodegradable and Compostable Diaper Sacks 120 Counts with Blue Pouch Easy-Tie Baby 100% Disposal Diaper Bags Blue Large Unscented

Dekor Plus Refill by Hathaway, 4 Pack The Most Economical Dekor Diaper Pail Refills Save 30%, Dekor Plus Diaper Pail Refills Holds up to 2320 Diapers and 4 Pack Bamboo Charcoal

Cautions in Changing Babies

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As a result of comparisons between disposable diapers and cotton diapers, it is seen that there is no economic difference. However, it can be said that disposable diapers have better absorbency rates and are more comfortable because they do not make the baby feel wet.

On the other hand, disposable diapers are better for infants and unwanted leakages are less common. Disposable diapers are also preferred in terms of diaper rash development.


It is very important to keep your baby clean and dry in order to keep your baby healthy. Negative situations that may affect nutrition and sleep may also lead to the loss of the peace of the entire household.

In this brochure you will find the points you need to pay attention to to change your baby's diaper, and the information we have prepared for you to prevent or cause diaper rash.

Replacement Time

If your baby is pooping, "don't be late" will be our first word to you.

One of the most important parts of your baby's daily care, sub-care can be expected to be around 7-12 per day in the first months. These amounts will decrease as they grow. If anything is wrong with you, you should consult your pediatrician as soon as possible.
If the baby is unclean or uneasy before feeding, the diaper should be replaced because the unclean baby may not be able to suck as much as necessary. On the other hand, you may need to change your baby's diaper, as there may be defecation after feeding due to increased bowel movements.

Wiping material: Wet wipes and towels should be avoided especially in the first months, even if they provide ease of use. While these products provide practical benefits when you are out of the home, alcohol-containing products should not be used as they disrupt the protective layer of the skin. In addition, water-wetted wet wipes of some brands which do not contain any chemicals can also be used.

For the first two months, infants should only use pre-boiled, warmed water and cotton during use (rectangular baby cottons sold for newborns or disc cottons used to remove make-up provide ease of use in this respect).

After two months, it is better to continue with water instead of using ready-made wet wipes or towels again. In this period, pre-folded toilet paper can be used instead of cotton (preferably 3-ply toilet paper, whose quality and softness are trusted).

Changing mat and protective cover: For your baby's comfort, a cushion or mat made suitable for changing the base will be helpful. Babies who experience relief when they are opened may want to urinate or poop again. To control such unwanted contamination, we recommend the use of a yatak mattress protection cover tasarlanmış designed according to the dimensions of the bottom changing mat.

Waste bag or bucket: It is best to have the waste products released during the sub-change at hand.

If your baby's skin barrier does not deteriorate, rash or rash, the diaper may stay longer unless it poops. But if there is poop, it should be cleaned as soon as possible.

Anti-rash or protective creams : See the explanations in this section entitled Rashes.


❖ All materials must be prepared in advance and within easy reach.

❖ Hands should be washed before changing the bottom.

❖ It is very important that the place you are changing is safe for the baby. After a while, babies who have managed to return to themselves, can fall when you leave your eyes for beer. Most of the household accidents are caused by the fall of infants who are left alone for material supply or waste disposal during subchange.

❖ Since at least half of your baby's body will remain naked, care should be taken to clean the floor in a place that is not too hot or cold and does not receive airflow.

Changing the soiled cloth is carried out in 4 steps.

Opening; After the dirty cloth has been removed, grasp the baby's two feet with one hand and squeeze the feet up. With your other hand, remove the baby's diaper by sliding it from top to bottom, and fold it under the baby's butt. Thus, most of the solid stools contaminated with the butt will come into the cloth and may prevent some old cloth cover from being dirty while you clean the butt.

Cleaning; Always do the cleaning from front to back, ie from the top down when the baby is lying, from abdominal level to the butt, especially for the urinary tract health of girls (not to infect the urine of feces). For male babies, you can first clean the perimeter of the anus and then the bottom of the pipette and the area around the testicles by gently lifting the pipette without pulling the pipette from the top downwards. When changing the wiped area, the cotton or paper product you are wiping should be used as little as possible [ie not repeatedly wiped with the same tissue, paper or cotton), but should be changed frequently.

To dry; We should also keep in mind that it is necessary to dry and ventilate well. With soft towels, toilet paper or cotton, it is very important to dry the wiped areas of the baby with gentle touches - without rubbing. If the ambient temperature and time is available, after cleaning the baby's diaper and keeping it open for a minute before closing the diaper, your baby will like it and you can be sure that the diaper is completely dry.

Closing; When tying a new clean diaper, do not squeeze the waist too tightly; it should not be too loose, if the two fingers can easily enter the baby's diaper and belly, this tightness is sufficient. Folding the front of the diaper after changing the diaper in newborns will prevent pressure on the belly that has not yet fallen or has just fallen. After the cloth is tied, you can move your finger around the leg and straighten the folded edges outwards to prevent leakage.

It is important to remember that the hands should be washed again after changing the bottom.

Attention in Male Infants

Most babies, especially male babies, tend to pee with the coolness they feel when the diaper is opened, so you can either loosen the diaper and wait for a little while to make the old diaper, or put a napkin you will have in your vicinity until you clean your diaper. For male infants, the foreskin should never be pulled back during cleaning.

When closing the diaper, directing the baby's pipette downwards may prevent wetness that may reach the navel level.

Attention to Baby Girls

Urinary tract infections in girls are very close to each other because of the urinary stool and urinary tract infections are more common than men. In order to prevent contamination of the feces into the urinary tract, it is very important for girls to wipe from the urinary tract to the anus, ie from the front to the back. In addition, the wiping process should be carried out with a single movement, the dirty cotton / handkerchief should not be used and wiped off in this area. Stool residues between the vagina entrance and the small lips should not be forgotten, this area should be cleaned gently but absolutely.

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Munchkin Arm & Hammer Diaper Bag Refills, Pack of 2 x 72 Count

Causes Of Hairworm In Infants, Symptoms And Treatment

Munchkin Arm & Hammer Diaper Bag Refills, Pack of 2 x 72 Count

Baby Poop Worm

It is very common to see hairworm in baby poo . Hairworm is a parasite that affects the intestines. These white, hair-shaped, thin worms are a few millimeters tall. These wolves multiply from eggs. Sometimes they grow to reach one meter tall. Babies can get infection from these worms. If your baby is infected with hair worms, it causes restless sleep and itching in the anal area. He often wakes up at night and shows his discomfort with crying. Causes of hairworm in infants , what are the symptoms and how is the treatment done?
Babies should be checked frequently. Especially infants who have switched to supplementary food are at risk. This is very common in infants who have switched to supplemental food, or in infants who have completed their 9 months of age and slowly entered childhood. For this reason, if you see a wolf in the baby poop, you should go to the doctor immediately. The treatment of hairworm in babies is simple and easy. This disease is infectious. Since the hairworms multiply from the eggs, they reproduce very quickly.
Wolves most commonly seen in primary school age children are taken by mouth and eggs are opened and multiplied by opening in the small intestine. In the intestines, the hairworms, which can survive for a few months or a few years, stick to the intestinal mucosa and feed on organic matter and blood. For this reason, they cause anemia in children.

Worm Symptoms in Infants

The wolves hatch at night, and it is much more for this reason, especially at itching nights. It can be learned by checking the poop whether the baby has a worm in the poop. White, fine, hair-like parasites occur in the poo. Occasionally it is necessary to check the baby poop.
Infants suffer loss of appetite when they have worm. You wouldn't want to suck and get additional food. Stomach sick and vomit occasionally. Itchy nose and need to scratch his nose with his hand. His mouth may slobber. Since these symptoms are very common when babies take their teeth, it should be paid more attention to the presence of hairworm symptoms in other babies.
If the baby is very restless at night, trying to turn means itching. Itching in the anal area is felt intensely. If your baby's hand is constantly moving towards the anal area, you should suspect that. In particular, the baby worm should be checked when the wolf makes his first poo or poo at night.
If you suspect that babies have worm, you should understand this by performing a selo tape test on your baby. Press the transparent tape gently into the anal area of ​​your baby and see if the wolf comes on the tape.
Especially at night, the wolves come out of the eggs is useful to do the controls at night. With a flashlight you can also see if there is a visible wolf shedding light on your baby's anal area. These tests can be done in the early hours of the morning. You don't need a blood test to be a wolf. Symptoms confirm the presence of wolves, and if you see wolves in your poo, you should immediately see a doctor. Hair worms reproduce and multiply in the stomach, intestines in a very short time. Especially if the treatment is late, it progresses to the bladder. The eggs pass to the bladder with baby poop. This is particularly dangerous for girls.
If you are having difficulty seeing a wolf in a baby poop, but you have other symptoms, you can still go to the doctor. It is taken from baby poop and tested. As a result of this test, your doctor will clearly identify whether your baby has worms or not.

Why does a worm occur in babies ?

Hairworm is very common in infants. This situation is not very common in infants receiving breast milk. When the baby passes to the supplementary food or begins to play with the toy is then seen.
The objects and toys handled by the babies pass through the hairworm. Babies take everything in their mouths. It takes every object or toy to its mouth without looking at it from the carpet or the floor. Particularly at the time of teething gums itching to scratch it takes everything in the hands of the mouth to scratch. Worm eggs can pass through anything stuck in the dirty and inadequate hygiene.

Even if one person is a wolf in the family, it passes on to others in these ways. It passes from laundry, bed linen, toilets and in many ways to family members. Wolves passing from people to ready-to-eat foods and water can easily be transmitted to the household. This situation in the family passes easily to the baby.
These babies can pass because babies eat and drink when they switch to additional food. Therefore, it is necessary to pay close attention to the cleanliness of everything the baby eats and drinks. Eggs pass to babies as a result of poor washing of fruits and vegetables. By squeezing the juice of a poorly washed fruit or preparing the baby's food without washing the hands, the worm eggs pass to the baby. Even if a family member touches the baby with dirty hands, worm eggs can somehow pass on to the baby.

Hairworm Treatment in Infants

For the treatment of hairworm in infants, a doctor should be consulted first. Your doctor will start medication for your baby. This treatment is applied to all family members. It is contagious and the whole family needs medication.
Babies are bathed in the morning because hair worms produce at night. It is very important that the baby does not come into contact with bath water to prevent re-infection from these worms. The baby should be bathed by hand and should not be in contact with bath water.
All baby clothes, linens, cloths and pajamas are washed with hot and soapy water. These washed laundry should then be ironed.
The places where the baby walks are thoroughly swept with a vacuum cleaner, thus preventing the spread of infection. By laying a clean and ironed sheet, the baby can be prevented from contacting the surfaces such as carpets and rugs.
The toys of the baby and the objects he puts in his mouth are washed thoroughly with soap and hot water. It is put into clean containers without any other contact. Every place where the baby wanders is thoroughly wiped with hot and soapy water. Lavender oil and vinegar is added to this water and it is beneficial to remove it. Lavender oil is germicidal. Therefore, every place where the baby can touch should be cleaned in this way.
Wolf eggs do not like the sun's rays. Therefore, the house should be ventilated and sunbathed in plenty. Especially your baby's room should be ventilated and sunbathed every day.
Care should be given to cleanliness in the production of additional foods to be fed to your baby. Vegetables and fruits should be washed thoroughly and kept in vinegar water for a while. The baby's pacifier should be washed immediately when it falls to the floor. He should not be allowed to put anything he takes off the floor without washing again.

Munchkin Arm & Hammer Diaper Bag Refills, Pack of 2 x 72 Count

Baby Disposable Diaper Bags, 100% Biodegradable Diaper Sacks with Baby Powder Scent and Added Baking Soda to Absorb Odors ( 250 Count )

Constipation in infants and children

Baby Disposable Diaper Bags, 100% Biodegradable Diaper Sacks with Baby Powder Scent and Added Baking Soda to Absorb Odors ( 250 Count )

- Your child suffers from pain or crying while pooping AND / OR
- inability to poop after buckling or forcing for more than 10 minutes AND / OR
- Poop as hard as goat droppings
- Smeared blood in stool or dripping after stool
- He has not pooped for more than 3 days (EXCEPTION: In infants over 1 month and who are breastfed, infrequent abdominal muscles may not be normal since the abdominal muscles have not yet developed).

The following findings are NOT constipation:
° Soft feces with normal grumbling, strain or straining for less than 10 minutes
° Thick but soft stools or pooping every two to three days
° If it comes off easily, a hard or dry poop (especially for babies fed with food or babies who use medication for gas pains) is normal.
- Main reason: a diet with a high consumption of milk, lack of fiber in the diet, postponement of pooing (fear of toilets in children, lack of toilet cleanliness, or fear of pooing).

Home Care Advice For Constipation

1. Diet for babies under 1 year of age:
- Add 30 mL x age (in months; 120 mL for a 4-month-old child) to the diet of infants older than 4 months who are exclusively breast-fed or formula-fed. Grape, pear or prune juices are suitable for all ages.
- Add baby food containing plenty of fiber twice a day (peas, beans, apricots, prunes, peaches, pears, plums, apricots, spinach) to the diet of babies older than 4 months.

2. Diet for children over 1 year:
- Increase fruit juices (apples, pears, cherries, grapes, prunes) (note: citrus fruits are not useful in this case).
- Give your child plenty of fiber and vegetables (peas, beans, broccoli, bananas, apricots, peaches, pears, figs, prunes, dates).
- Increase foods made from whole grain cereals (wholegrain cereals, wholegrain crackers, oatmeal, brown rice, wholegrain bread; popcorn can be given if the child is older than 4 years old).
- Reduce constipation foods (milk, ice cream, cheese, yogurt or baked carrots).

3. Stop Toilet Training:

- Temporarily clothe your child.
- Reassure your child that his butt won't hurt when he poops.
- Celebrate when he poops. Avoid pressure, punishment, or physical coercion if it is caught in the poo, does not want to sit on the seat, or resists training.

4. Seating in the toilet (if the child has received toilet training):
Create a regular toilet habit by sitting on the toilet for 10 minutes after meals, especially after breakfast.

5. Consult your Doctor in the following Condition (s):
- If a diet that does not cause constipation lasts longer than 1 week, the time between two subsequent stools is longer than 3 days
- If your child's condition worsens, or if you have any symptoms that require you to consult your doctor.

Baby Disposable Diaper Bags, 100% Biodegradable Diaper Sacks with Baby Powder Scent and Added Baking Soda to Absorb Odors ( 250 Count )

Signstek Diaper Pail Refills for Diaper Genie Pails,2160 Count,8-Pack

My baby has slimy blood on his poo, what should I do?

Signstek Diaper Pail Refills for Diaper Genie Pails,2160 Count,8-Pack

The presence of slimy blood in the baby's poo can be caused by bowel infection, allergies to certain foods such as milk, the use of blood medication in the infant, and a crack in the breech. We asked this question to the doctors, here are the answers:
Sual: My baby made his poop bloody and slimy today, why?

Child Health And Diseases Assist. Assoc. Dr. Seydi Battal Gölgeli's answer: (Your child is probably suffering from a bowel infection. It should be examined by a pediatrician and fecal analysis should be done.)
Underwater: My baby is 3 months old. There is little blood mixed with slimy poop at intervals of 4-5 times. Blood, urine and poop tests showed no infection. There's no crack in his ass. Why else could this happen?


Child Health And Diseases Assist. Assoc. Dr. Seydi Battal Gölgeli's answer: (Bloody and slimy poop is definitely a sign of disease. Assays should be repeated in a wider way.)
Sual: My baby is three and a half months old. It was bloody and slimy. What does this poop mean?

Child Health And Diseases Murat Aydin's answer: (Take your baby to a pediatrician. Have an examination, the doctor will ask for a poop analysis, according to the results of the analysis will detect.)
Sual: My baby is five months old. Slimy poop is occasionally seen in his poo. We did a test on his poop, nothing did. Our doctor told us to watch for a few more days. Our bloody slimy poop problem continues, what should we do?

Child Health And Diseases Murat Aydın's answer: (If blood is seen in the poop, it will require examination. Take it to the university hospital.
Underwater: My baby is 51 days old. He's been pooping twice since today. Greenish slimy and blood clot, what do I have to do?

Child Health And Diseases Süheyla Gör's answer: (If you don't have fever and excessive vomiting, don't worry if the suction is normal, this is normal.
Sual: My baby is nine months old. Nearly 4 diarrhea a day for two weeks. The poo is dark green and bloody slimy spots. There was no blood today and his poo turned pale yellow, but again slimy. What did I do?

Child Health And Diseases Assist. Assoc. Dr. Seydi Battal Gölgeli's answer: (Your son may have amoebic dysentery. If not treated, it can have serious side effects and life-threatening consequences. Please have your child examined by a pediatrician and have the necessary tests. should start.)
Underwater: My baby is 25 months old. Nowadays solid food is fed by weight. It's slimy and bloody. I wonder if the poop is bloody and slimy because it is solid, or is it a problem in the intestines or a symptom of the disease?


Child Health And Diseases Barış İlhan's answer: (Make sure to analyze the poop. If there is a positive blood in the feces, it should be examined further.)
Child Health And Diseases İlhan Tanju's answer: (Take your baby to the pediatrician. Bloody stools may be due to solid feeding, but we cannot be sure without examination.)
Sual: My baby is 43 days old. He's having a hard time pooping. 10 days ago, made a slimy and bloody poop, we tested the parasite appeared. I don't give my baby anything except breast milk. We started syrup occasionally there is blood in his poo, but the parasite doesn't come out in our tests and his poo is juicy. I'm so worried, what should we do?

Child Health And Diseases Barış İlhan's answer: (It is interesting to see parasites in the poo of a baby who only gets breast milk. I think that the blood develops more depending on the fracture in the rectum. I suggest you have your child examined by a pediatric surgeon.)
Underwater: My baby's poo is slimy and bloody. Our tests were clean. What do I do?

Child Health And Diseases Assist. Assoc. Dr. Seydi Battal Gölgeli answer: (Intestinal infections and intolerance to milk sugar, especially bloody and slimy poop that causes many diseases. There is a reason for your baby to poop in this way. There is a reason for your baby to be examined by a pediatrician and have detailed analysis. )

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Diapers in a Dream

Upgraded Thicken 50%, Diaper Genie Refill Bags, Compatible with Diaper Genie Pails,4-6 Months Supply,1120 Count (Pack of 4) Save Money

Having a diaper in a dream tells us that new and joyful news for family life is at the door. It shows to the dreamer that a good fortune will emerge and make a happy marriage. The person who dreams of marriage gets tired of the good news soon.

What it means to see a diaper in a dream, is interpreted by the presence of auspicious fortune. Seeing another baby's diaper in a dream indicates the future of word, engagement and wedding news in the near future. Changing the diaper in the dream, the dreamer confusion or disagreement, such as problems will come to a period of problems will come to the agenda.

What is the dream to see diapers, it is interpreted as quite auspicious dream for the family. It signifies that he will establish a new home for the dreamer, that he will have new fortunes and that he will have a good marriage. If the person who is dreaming is married; It shows that the longing for the child will end, he will have a new baby, and if the dreamer is pregnant, he will give birth to a healthy baby. Seeing shit in the dream diapers , after a difficult job will no longer relax, the victory of his efforts signifies. Seeing a baby poop in a dream is interpreted by money, property, wealth. It is the marker of a large amount of money to enter the household.

What does it mean to see the diaper in the dream; this dream is interpreted by some commentators that the dreamers will do some tricks about this period, get worried, but eventually get rid of this troubled period. The difficulties experienced in the family will no longer come to an end, financially relaxed, profitable business will be opened doors are instrumental in meeting new people on this path.

The term diaper dream is interpreted differently about whether the diaper is clean or not. He points out that he will do a lucrative job of seeing the diaper soiled and that he will receive a large amount of money. He also says that he will receive great help and support from his own son. There are also comments that the unexpected appearance of the diaper is unexpected and that it will come from the money in hand. In addition, to see that the diaper is connected to the baby, a troubled situation, while waiting to benefit from a place may be damaged, dreamer in some cases is interpreted as abstention. Washing the diaper tells you that failure and material losses can occur. Tired of avoiding insecure people.

Having a diaper in a dream is beneficial in terms of Islamic dream terms and is interpreted as the arrival of happy news. It will signify that there will be blessings in the nest, a happy marriage, keeping promises, success in the works, and going on the path of love life.

Upgraded Thicken 50%, Diaper Genie Refill Bags, Compatible with Diaper Genie Pails,4-6 Months Supply,1120 Count (Pack of 4) Save Money

Diaper Pail Refill, 100% Lock Smelling, Compatible with Diaper Genie Pails 1120 Count Supply 4 and 6 Months (4 Pack)


Diaper Pail Refill, 100% Lock Smelling, Compatible with Diaper Genie Pails 1120 Count Supply 4 and 6 Months (4 Pack)

In our article today we will look at how to change the diaper. Now you're going to say that you have to change diapers. Not at all, let's see how the diaper should be changed together.

Take all the materials with you before changing the diaper;

Cloth changing cover
New diaper
Diaper rash cream
Wet wipes
Clean warm water and basin (if cleaning with water)
Bags for dirty cloth
New clothes

If all these materials are with you, first lay your baby on the cover. When your baby begins to return after a few months, change the diaper on the floor, if possible in a low place, not at high.

Remove the dirty diaper, it is important to do it very quickly, without too much effort, so that the poop in the diaper does not spread on anything around the baby.

When you open the diaper from the sides, roll the diaper inward while pulling it from under the baby. Finally, close the side tapes (then you can) and put them aside a little farther.

Clean the butt is the most important step of changing the diaper, as it will greatly affect your baby's health. Your newborn baby's skin is very sensitive. So try to be polite. If possible, you can wash your baby's bottom with warm water (not to exceed 36 degrees). Cold water will disturb the baby. This requires a clean bowl with a few small cloths and water. After wiping with a cloth, you will need to put the dirty cloth aside, soak the clean cloth and wipe it again.

If possible, this can be comfortable in the summer, you can wash it by pouring water under your baby in a small basin or baby's bathtub.

If your baby is a girl, be sure to clean it especially from front to back. The same situation is important for the baby boy, but it is a little more important for the baby girl. This is important to reduce the risk of any urinary tract infection.

If you say you can't wash with water, a quality baby wipe your wet wipes.

After cleaning, dry your baby's bottom. Keeping the skin wet can cause a rash. Wait for a while to take off. 10-15 minutes will be enough.

You can use a good baby rash cream to control the moisture.

Diaper rash creams can sometimes lose effect when you use the same brand for a long time. You may try to use different brands from time to time.

The diaper you choose for your baby should be suitable for his or her development month, otherwise it may leak. It says on the diapers which month it is suitable for. Of course, you can decide this according to your baby's weight and development.

Note that if your baby's umbilical cord has not yet fallen, you will leave this part out when tying the diaper. Therefore, the newborn diapers now have belly play.

After spreading the baby's diaper under your baby, pass it between the legs and sit fully in front, left and right. Then glue the tape on the sides. Do not over tighten your baby's belly and legs with the thought that it will prevent it from leaking. Too tight diapers will bother him. It shouldn't be too plentiful either. Then you can dress the baby's outfit.

Wash your hands, this is another important step. Do not hug your baby before feeding your hands. This allows the germs to pass from your hands to your baby. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap for 15 seconds.

Diaper Pail Refill, 100% Lock Smelling, Compatible with Diaper Genie Pails 1120 Count Supply 4 and 6 Months (4 Pack)

Nursery Fresh Refill for Diaper Genie and Munchkin Diaper Pails, 2,176 Count, 8 Pack

Talking About Pooping in Baby

Nursery Fresh Refill for Diaper Genie and Munchkin Diaper Pails, 2,176 Count, 8 Pack

Pee, poop, small, big… Yes, that's not really a nice topic. But get used to these words already because your child will use plenty of it. Moreover, the more often you use these words, the sooner you become familiar.
I remember how a dirty cloth once activated my reflexes. But he doesn't. All these pee and poop conversations are normal, because to be honest it's part of life and we're all doing it.

Your child's doctor takes care of your child's poo, asks how many times a day his poo and pee, even his color and what it looks like… These are common questions you will often encounter until your child is one year old or sick. Pee and poop is an indication of how healthy your child's digestive and excretory systems are and how they work.
As parents, you will soon understand what is normal and abnormal for your child. You will see at a glance what diarrhea looks like. The important thing is to note this information. How many times a day your child toilets or not toilets too much. These signs can tell you and your doctor that something is wrong.

Newborn Babies Poop
For the first two or three days your baby sticks and excretes a substance called meconium in green-black tar color. It is the substance that accumulates in the intestines when it is in the womb. Then the color and intensity of the poo changes depending on the state of breast milk or bottle feeding. Your baby can go to the toilet once or several times a day. Just as adults are different, babies are also different. Therefore, the frequency of making pee, poo and toilets.

Baby Feeding Poo
Food-fed babies are extremely sticky and have a really bad smell. When they are two months old, infants fed with food poo on average five times a day. But the smell never changes. It's always the same terrible smell.

Breastfeeding Infants
Breastfeeding of breastfed babies is more fluid than that of formula-fed infants. It is yellowish and has tiny holes. Because breast milk is more easily digested, it does not leave much solid waste behind.
Changes in some bowel movements occur in the first week after the baby is two months old. From then on, the mother's colostrum production changes. Colostrum is a natural laxative, according to some doctors.

If your baby has not pooped for more than three days, call your doctor immediately. In the same way, if your baby's poo is black, white, gray or if there is blood in it, call your doctor immediately.

Setting a Place to Change the Diaper
Change your baby's diaper in a safe and quiet place. Never lay your baby on the first bench you found, thinking it will only take two minutes, and change the diaper. In fact, my advice is to always use the same place when changing the baby's diaper.
There is no problem with the diaper changing tables, but many of them shake and have no sink. If you don't want to buy a folding table, use the bathroom counter (if it's long enough). Remove your make-up, perfume and other useless items from your bathroom counter. You don't want the little naughty to get something in his hand and throw what he's got right into his mouth.
Cool a clean towel under your baby and place the necessary items on the next table: diapers, wet wipes, ointments and whatever you need. Make sure you have toys to keep your baby's mind busy.

When changing your baby's diaper, make sure that everything is at your fingertips, so you can reach out to anything you want with one hand.
Bathroom sink is also a very useful environment for changing diapers. The baby is at least in danger of falling, and there is a place where you can put diapers and wash your baby's butt until a nuclear bomb turns, because sometimes wet wipes don't work.
• Never turn your back on your baby when changing. Always have a hand on the baby.

Nursery Fresh Refill for Diaper Genie and Munchkin Diaper Pails, 2,176 Count, 8 Pack

Playtex Diaper Genie Complete Diaper Pail, Fully Assembled, with Odor Lock Technology, Includes 1 Pail and 1 Refill, Blue

Baby Bottom Cleaning

Playtex Diaper Genie Complete Diaper Pail, Fully Assembled, with Odor Lock Technology, Includes 1 Pail and 1 Refill, Blue

We use many products for your every need from the birth of your baby. Baby's skin, nutrition, cleaning, nail and hair care, toys, bed, pacifier can be a little shaken your budget.
However, the most important for these products are diapers. There are also reusable diapers that can be washed and reused, such as disposable diapers on the market.

Ready-to-use diapers have many different features and forms, the most important and important features are to help dry the baby's skin by absorbing the liquid. When the diaper becomes dirty, it is thrown away and facilitates the mother's work. Diapers are preferred by paying attention to how much weight the baby weighs. Larger sizes of the diapers used should be used as babies grow.
Other washable nappies can be reused after washing your baby, so it is economical, and most of them are compatible with the baby's skin and do not harm the skin, but may not provide dryness like other ready-made diapers.

When your baby is first born, the first days are black, tar and sticky faeces, and some babies can defecate up to 8-10 times. When the baby is defecated, it is necessary to change diapers immediately, because the baby's highly sensitive skin can easily be irritated with feces and urine acid. The diapers absorb the fluid and the baby may remain dry for a period of time, but no matter how much the fecal is absorbed, it should be changed immediately.

There are many types of wet wipes available on the market to clean babies, but you should use the wet wipes for newborn babies when your baby is born. However, only water and cotton is enough to clean the baby's bottom. Even cleaning using cotton and water can be much healthier. The baby's skin is gently cleansed without irritation. Or the baby's skin should be cleaned with suitable cleansers and washed as much as possible.

In particular, the bottom of girls should be cleaned from front to back, without pressing, paying attention to the folds of the genital area and carefully dried. Even if you wash it after every defecation, it will be good. A suitable product should be used for the redness and rash that you live in the diaper area of ​​the baby and the skin care should be done in this way and the rashes should be soothed.

Defecation, which is about 8 times when babies are first born, will decrease as your baby grows, and may be different after the baby has passed on to additional foods. It is also important to check babies' poo frequently. Foods or breastfeeding may also vary depending on the mother's diet. However, the slimy structure of the poop, color, blood, such as the follow-up situations and especially important changes in the stool, you must necessarily show your baby to a specialist.
While the habit of babies is usually provided between 2.5 and 3 years of age, this habit is different in every child. Some babies stop using diapers sooner, and some babies may become toilets after 3 years of age. So until this period will continue to clean the bottom of the baby and the use of diapers.

Of course, even if your baby acquires the habit of making a seat or toilet, it is important to wipe the gold with water again by an adult.

Playtex Diaper Genie Complete Diaper Pail, Fully Assembled, with Odor Lock Technology, Includes 1 Pail and 1 Refill, Blue

BOS Amazing Odor Sealing Disposable Bags for Diapers, Pet Waste or Any Sanitary Product Disposal -Durable and Unscented (90 Bags) [Size: S, Color: White]

Forcing newborn baby to poop

BOS Amazing Odor Sealing Disposable Bags for Diapers, Pet Waste or Any Sanitary Product Disposal -Durable and Unscented (90 Bags) [Size: S, Color: White]

One of the most common problems seen in most newborns is the difficulty in doing this poop. I tried to do poop little fist, but I can not do research began to flush. There is no definitive solution and medicine to this situation. the infants had a poo liquid and the infants were mostly lying in a supine position. The reasons for this situation are explained very clearly in the video in the link below .

What we've done to ease our baby's strain while pooping:

1- In the video below, we applied massage and exercises recommended by Ayşe Öner. you will see much benefit. Always use a baby oil when doing this massage. we used bübchen baby oil. the other baby oils were always perfumed. contents of the most clean baby oil bubchen.
You can buy from trendyol at an affordable price. bübchen click for trendyol price

2- It is very good to apply warm to your belly and feet. If you set the temperature well alone, it is definitely not overly hot. for example, heat when you blow hot on the stomach is enough. we bought cherry core pillows. It's good to apply it on your stomach and foot.

Cherry core pillows are also affordable in trendyol and e-baby. price comparison.

After these 2 applications, our baby could now make his poop more comfortable. would definitely recommend to you as well. I immediately came here I added, was the resort to us, maybe the resort would to others.

I strongly recommend that you remove the gas after each suction. or even remove the nozzle while sucking, if you notice that you swallowed the air immediately upright position, gently tap on the back and remove the gas. because then the gas goes down into the intestines and makes it difficult for him to poop. If your baby is crying by pushing his foot, he is trying to poop and has a gas problem.

If you squeeze the nape of the neck slightly when you bring it to an upright position, it shakes its head and gas from the gap it creates is easier.

we may have solved this inability to poop (see mamaroo mother's lap) . I'm not exactly sure, of course, but after starting to use mamaroo poo can not do because of the shortage experienced with my wife felt. The main reason why newborn babies can't poop now is that they are always lying on their back. so they can't stand up and move their bowels like we do. The solution is to keep the baby upright and walk long. but they do poop 5-6 times a day, and unfortunately there is no day and night. So you take the baby and walk independently of the clock.

Wherever you say mamaroo worked, we used mamaroo in the steepest position because it was very nice to look around, kiddo. the first time we used it, which had only stopped for an hour or so, poop overflowed from cloth, messed up quite a lot :) In the next days we started to say that this situation is often experienced with my wife, if you know that poop uses mamaroo'yu toilet. of course after a while, people get used to, like the poop baby, you get the baby, so it does not become infectious :)

Frankly it is not a very cheap solution but it was both the happiness of our baby, which really helped him to fall asleep, and was worth it for our night's sleep. At first, it can be hard to pass, even 10 minutes are sometimes so valuable.

We got mamaroo from amazon. we had a nice discount in amazon at the times we received. We got half the price of the turkey can say mamaroo price.

Trendyol also exists, even the price is quite affordable compared to other sites right now. Be sure to take a look.

BOS Amazing Odor Sealing Disposable Bags for Diapers, Pet Waste or Any Sanitary Product Disposal -Durable and Unscented (90 Bags) [Size: S, Color: White]

Munchkin Toss Portable Disposable Diaper Pail, 5 Pack, Holds 150 Diapers

How should toilet training be in infants?

Munchkin Toss Portable Disposable Diaper Pail, 5 Pack, Holds 150 Diapers

Babies who cannot control bladder and intestinal muscles when they are born can start toilets by themselves only from the 18th month. But the way to learn how to toilet correctly is primarily through family patience and compassion. One of the most important stages of development of babies to be considered in toilet training ...

Summer is the best time for babies to get toilet training. However, firstly, the basic criterion is in the age range suitable for the baby's toilet training; that is , it must be between 18 months and 3 years . Because babies begin to control bladder and intestinal muscles from the 18th month. In addition to this, it is also during these periods that they have the skills to express their needs and show themselves a skill for the first time without the need for their families. Toilet training, which should be given between 18 months and 3 years of age, can be a painful process for families. In order to survive this process as smoothly as possible, it is important that families be patient and devoted and create a program and remain loyal to it. In order not to cause negative behaviors such as pooping, aggression, self-indulgence or attempting to harm itself in children, false and persistent attitudes should be avoided. It is important to complete toilet training by the age of 3 years. Toilet training can become more difficult as the attention span of children increases after 3 years of age.

Signs of toilet readiness

The biggest question mark in the heads of families during toilet training is whether their children are ready for this training. However, children give physical clues as to their readiness to quit diapers. These key points are:

Gland to remain dry for a long time, such as 3-4 hours,
Can sit in the same position for about 5 minutes,
That he doesn't have any unrest when he pollutes his gold,
Dry gland from sleep,
Imitating you in the toilet,
Understand and perform the given commands.

Patience and kindness are very important
Behavior of children who resist learning or practicing during toilet training can cause intolerance in the family after a while. In toilet training, the two most important elements are ürek encouraging ”and verme giving support.. The 'HELP' rule, which is one of the most useful methods to be used during the training, can be implemented in a 4-stage manner. With this rule, the family can protect the child from danger and contribute to its development and independence.

HELP rule:

1. Hold yourself back - Watch back
2. Encourage exploration - Support discovery
3. Limit - Set Limit
4. Praise - Praise

1. Hold back and watch

Follow the child to see if the time is right. Their flushing can be recognized by the redness of their faces or they may indicate diapers. If a child is determined by his / her toilets, the first condition for starting education is completed.

2. Encourage exploration

Işaret Gold is wet. Shall I change her? ”Tells her that this behavior is described with these words. Explain this to the child every time you change diapers. If he pooped, he should see it pouring into the toilet, even flushing the toilet together; then wash hands thoroughly. Such behaviors are encouraging for children. Putting a toy he likes in front of the potty can be encouraging. The second condition to be considered is to start training a little after waking up in the morning, to talk to him, to play games, to sit in a potty after 20 minutes after drinking something. During education, a fun environment for the child, for example, telling fairy tales can give positive results. The child may not be able to bring results, since it can make the child restless while standing on the potty and just waiting for him.

3. Set a limit.

The period of sitting in the pot should not exceed 2-3 minutes at the beginning. When the toilet is to praise the child, it is necessary to look at him with a peaceful facial expression. It is important for children and families to behave patiently in this educational process, which often leads to a tense mood and not to have difficulty with the child.

4. Praise

Praise the child who made the toilet potty, applauded, tells him that his behavior was welcomed. However, over-verbal explanation of what he is doing is not good because he will be over his perception. It is not recommended to use the praise technique only when there is no result.

Potty success with 4 conditions

Choosing the right potty: Select the appropriate potty for the child. It would be helpful to put a comfortable apparatus on the toilet and a chair under the feet or use an age-appropriate potty.
Patience: When you can't or can't make your toilet, you should not rush and get angry. As each child has a different rate of development, it is important not to compare it with other children's admission time.
Practice: practice as much patience as the child needs.
To be together: Conducting this training together and entertaining it in this process positively affects the training.

Toilet training needs to be considered

Choose your underwear together to motivate,
Use your favorite themed stickers during toilet training,
Keep in mind that the primary goal is to leave the diaper during the day, night training for children who are ready may start with or immediately after day training,
Use mattress protection for night training,
Do not start toilet training during this time if there is another important change in the child's life, such as moving, changing the caregiver or leaving a pacifier.

Toilet hygiene considerations

When entering the toilet, the child should take care not to touch anywhere as much as possible,
The girl or the boy should sit down and meet the toilet needs,
Girls should be shown to clean the genital area from front to back with a thick toilet paper. It should be explained that the fingers should not be contaminated during this process,
Siphon must be removed,
The child should be taught that the toilet should be left clean for the next person,
Wash hands thoroughly for at least 20 seconds, preferably with liquid soap,
Drying should be provided with clean paper towels,
Air blowing hand dryers should not be used due to the risk of infection or transmission,
Wet wipes should not be preferred for genital cleaning due to allergies.

Munchkin Toss Portable Disposable Diaper Pail, 5 Pack, Holds 150 Diapers

Diaper Pail Refill Bags, Fully Compatible with Arm&Hammer Disposal System Seal and Toss Diaper Pail Refills?1020 Counts, 34 Bags

How should the bidet training be given child?

Diaper Pail Refill Bags, Fully Compatible with Arm&Hammer Disposal System Seal and Toss Diaper Pail Refills?1020 Counts, 34 Bags

For everyone who consciously cares about the feeling of cleanliness and cleanliness, cleaning the toilet and after the toilet is very important. For this reason, even the majority of children in primary school 1-2th grade after the toilet toilet (especially after the big toilet) cleaning the mother or the person responsible for the care of the child. “The child can not clean well” with concern.

The lack of timely training in bidder can become more difficult as the child gets older. Therefore; a child who goes to kindergarten is now seen as a timely and appropriate behavior when he learns to clean himself slowly after the toilet.

The things to do for this are actually very simple. In a few steps you can give your child the ability to bid.
A child attending kindergarten can be directed to clean up after the toilet. You can gain this habit in slow, easy and fun way in 7 stages.

Adults should show children how to wash hands in a practical way.
As for what you need to do in stages;

1- First, tell your child that he / she has grown up and that he / she can also clean the toilet after the toilet.

2- Children give as much importance to logical explanations as adults. So:: You're growing up now. Every time you do your big and small toilet, your ass needs to be washed. Otherwise, there may be a bad smell in your private area. This can both bother you and others. Again, this place can get germs, itching. I don't want you to go through all this. You don't want to, do you? Then you can slowly learn to do it yourself. I trust you. I will always be by your side. I'm not going to say 'clean up' until you're completely learned and ready. Deal?"

3- Perform the first 15 days only by performing your operations. Let's say the kid did his big toilet: I'm completely dry. Then I turn on the water. First I wash the place where you poop, I clean it. Then I wash your private area from front to back (this ranking is more important for girls. Otherwise there may be a risk of infection). Yeah, and once we're dry with toilet paper, okay. After that, I rub my hands thoroughly and wash my nails to clean. That's it!"
A child who goes to kindergarten can learn after the toilet in 7 stages.

Celebrate success without exaggeration when your child does his own cleaning. Share the joy.
You do it first, then your child.

4- You think that your child has learned what is done during the bidet education; you do the operations, the child voice. You can be sure that your daughter-son will have a lot of fun at this stage. This process can continue for 10-15 days.

5- Then make an offer without insisting. “Do you want to clean today? I'll be there, ready when you ask for help. Yardım If he agrees; Do not intervene, criticize it, stare into the eyes without even looking at something else, pretend to be with you. If you have something to say; Say, aslında It might be better for your health if you do that. Ey If he doesn't get it, you can show him.

6- Please tell me that you should wash your hands very well after cleaning the toilet. Sonra After cleaning, we should wash our hands thoroughly. Because we used our hands to clean our toilet. Don't you think we should wash it very well? ”Then show us how effective and healthy handwashing will be.

7- If your child is still not very keen on doing their own cleaning; one day you agree that one day he will. Go like this for a while. If the child has not experienced anything negative in this process, you will be cleaned up and you will come to you suddenly. Do not exaggerate while showing your joy at that moment. Congratulate him, tell him that you've learned and done something very good for him.
Do not overlook the bidet training

Do not overestimate the process of bidet training. Don't take it like a crisis. Look at these 7 stages through the eyes of an important achievement that you are trying to take a tiny way in daily life. Do not move from one stage to the next. Keep in mind; your child will use this education throughout his life, perhaps to learn how to take good care of his body 'first'.

Diaper Pail Refill Bags, Fully Compatible with Arm&Hammer Disposal System Seal and Toss Diaper Pail Refills?1020 Counts, 34 Bags

Nursery Fresh Refill for Diaper Genie and Munchkin Diaper Pails, 272 Count, 4 Pack

Frequency of Change in Newborn Babies

Nursery Fresh Refill for Diaper Genie and Munchkin Diaper Pails, 272 Count, 4 Pack

Newborn babies urinate approximately 20 times a day during the first months of life. Changing the diaper every time the baby urinates is both incredibly expensive and difficult to take a lot of time. So, what should be the ideal sub-replacement frequency?

Frequency of Change in Newborn Babies

From the very first moment your baby is born, sleep is a very important place for them and they spend most of their days sleeping. In this case, waking up both to feed and to change the baby's diapers often breaks the sleep. However, if the acid in the urine comes into contact with your baby's skin for a long time, your baby's skin will be irritated. Therefore, you should establish a very good balance between sleep patterns and the diaper changing routine, and you should make the diaper change frequency optimal. So, how should the newborn baby be changed?
Cotton Cloths and Disposable Cloths

In the economic calculations, it was seen that there is not much difference between fabric cloths and disposable cloths. However, it can be said that the disposable diapers are more comfortable to use since they have a better absorbency rate and do not make the baby feel wet. It is important to keep your baby dry and clean so that your baby, which is dependent on you in terms of changing and cleaning for a long time, can be peaceful and healthy. Changing the diaper of your baby is one of the most important issues to pay attention to the problem of rash. It is necessary to pay attention to the following issues in the absence of rash;

Subchange Time

The situation where your baby urinates at the time of baby changing is different than when he is pooping. You may not change the diaper for a short time, provided that the baby does not have to urinate for long hours. If you extend the time, you may cause your baby to have skin problems such as rash. When he poops, it is necessary to take the diapers immediately without delay. The infant care, which is one of the most important parts of the daily care of the baby, is expected to be around 7-12 per day in the first months. These amounts decrease as your baby grows. If something is wrong with you, it is recommended to consult your doctor as soon as possible. If your baby is dirty before feeding, or if your baby is restless, you should change the diaper. Because six dirty babies may not suck as much as necessary. On the other hand, you may need to change your baby's diaper again because feeding may increase post-feeding defecation due to increased bowel movements.
Change Diapers After Breastfeeding

Changing the baby's diaper is generally recommended after breastfeeding. It is recommended that the cloth is cleaned and dried with water with the help of cotton for each change of the cloth. It is important to perform this cleaning from front to back in infants. To prevent the formation of diaper rash, it is considered appropriate to keep the diaper open for a while while changing the baby's diaper. However, in case of rash formation, you can use the creams containing zinc oxide recommended by your doctor.

* To protect your baby from rash, you can click here for what you need to pay attention .

Matters to be considered when changing diapers

Because your newborn baby is too small in the first moments, tying a diaper may cause you to think that you will harm the baby. While diapers may seem a little challenging at first, you can keep your baby dry, ready to learn, comfortable, sleep or play, thanks to a good knowledge of the basic principles of diapers.
Changing the Baby's Bottom

- Remove the used diaper and clean the skin layers of the baby with a gentle wipe-like wipe, such as a wet towel. Always wipe from front to back.

- Lift the baby gently by the ankles and slide it under a clean diaper. The cloth should be placed with the colored markings facing forward.

- Close the diaper that you opened properly under the baby and adjust the flexible labels so that they are neither too tight nor too loose; In order to measure this, it is necessary to fit two fingers between the diaper and the baby's belly.

* Natural diaper rash cream for recipe You can click here.
Small Tips on Changing Diapers

Your baby's first poo after birth will be a dense, greenish, almost pitch-like substance called meconium. This first poop can be a little hard to clean. You should keep in mind that it is important to check your baby's diaper frequently, and to change the diaper after each poo and every short sleep or feeding. When changing your baby boy, cover the genitals with a diaper or any other cloth, so that you are no longer soaked by surprise. If your baby starts to grow frequently and you experience frequent leakage of urine or poo, it is time to switch to a large diaper size.

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Ubbi Disposable Diaper Pail Plastic Bags, Made with Recyclable Material, Single Pack, 25 Count, 13-Gallon

Causes diaper rash? Nutritious foods in infants

Ubbi Disposable Diaper Pail Plastic Bags, Made with Recyclable Material, Single Pack, 25 Count, 13-Gallon

One of the most uncomfortable health problems is diaper rash, which is usually seen in the diaper area and rarely in the neck, armpits and joints. Rashes in babies become permanent if they are not taken and cause various diseases in your baby. So what causes diaper rash in babies? Here's the food that does not cook.

One of the most common problems in diapers is diaper rash in the region of redness, rash manifests itself and irritates the baby. It is inevitable that no matter how well cared for the baby, who wanders with a diaper, has to pee and pee underneath. The diaper rash, called "ammonia dermatitis" in the medical language, is a skin condition caused by the fungus candida albicans. It is a skin irritation seen in infants as well as adults. The diaper rash may increase in infants, which are frequently encountered in summer. So why rash often?

Skin rash; rash area in the form of large and small spots in the form of rash.

Swollen and fluffy appearance; The skin has a rough appearance and a swollen and fluffy appearance.
Intense redness; the places with mild irritation are pinkish, the more intensely irritated are intense red.

Aqueous bubbles; sometimes the rash may be in the form of bubbles filled with water.

Factors Causing Cookies

- Shampoo, wet wipes and similar chemical cleaning products containing personal rinse and skin rashes in case of rinsing occurs.

- Lack of hygiene and lack of hygiene triggers the formation of bacteria and fungi, causing rash formation.

- The skin remains moist due to excessive sweating.

- Digestive disorders such as urinary tract infections and diarrhea.

- Friction of the skin with perspiration in hot weather.

- Various fungal infections.
- Allergic conditions against various nutrients.

- Zinc deficiency.

- Tight clothes.

- Stay in hot weather and cause sweating.
Babies can become much more susceptible to allergic reactions when they are introduced to new foods. This can also directly affect the digestive system. Especially;
Cow milk

Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to controlled feeding of these nutrients. Likewise, breastfeeding mothers are advised to avoid as much spicy and acidic foods as possible, as they can pass to the baby through milk.
Cortisone and fungicides as rash creams should not be used unless advised by your doctor. Creams containing white, soft-tempered zinc oxide should be selected as a diaper rash and applied as a thin layer on clean skin every time a cloth is changed. Nappy rash creams should not be applied to the internal part of the genitals in infants.

Keep your baby's bottom clean and dry.

If redness is present, apply rash cream. If you think your rash cream does not work, you can try different brands of rash cream. There are differences in the content of zinc, etc., among brands. It may be useful to try another brand.

Use super absorbent diapers.

If you clean the bottom with wet wipes, make sure they are odorless and alcohol-free. If the redness is intense and does not resolve, try using water or a damp cloth instead of using wipes. If weather conditions allow, wash with warm water as far as possible to clean and dry thoroughly. If the baby pee poo is not new again in a short time after cleaning the bottom of the diaper for 5-10 minutes, you can leave open.

Before you put in the new diaper, make sure your baby is completely clean and dry.

Do not use cortisone-containing creams unless your doctor has prescribed them for treatment.

You can consult your pediatrician or dermatologist for your baby with rash problems.
Baby skin is extremely sensitive, so redness in babies is a major problem. You can learn the details by browsing our article.

Ubbi Disposable Diaper Pail Plastic Bags, Made with Recyclable Material, Single Pack, 25 Count, 13-Gallon

Munchkin Arm and Hammer Diaper Pail Refill Rings, 1088 Count

Discovered the therapeutic power of bacteria in baby feces

Munchkin Arm and Hammer Diaper Pail Refill Rings, 1088 Count

US researchers have discovered therapeutic probiotic intestinal bacteria in baby feces. Bacteria, diabetes and autoimmune diseases are thought to benefit the treatment.

A group of researchers at Wake Forest Medical School in the state of North Carolina, USA, obtained a probiotic mixture of bacteria found in baby feces.

Probiotics are microorganisms. Food containing live culture is also called probiotic food. For example, yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut or some types of cheese are probiotic and therefore contain large amounts of lactic acid and bacteria. These foods are good for intestinal flora and contribute to overall health. These foods are considered "super food".

Probiotic intestinal bacteria also help patients suffering from short-chain fatty acid deficiency, according to the results obtained by researchers and published in the journal Scientific Reports.

Hariom Yadav, an expert in conducting the research, said that short-chain fatty acids are the main factor for intestinal health.

Obese individuals, diabetes patients, patients with autoimmune disease and cancer patients, especially short-chain fatty acid deficiency is encountered.

Why baby feces?

As part of the research, scientists examined baby feces because babies are much healthier than adults. It's also easier to get baby feces. For the study, 34 healthy babies were bound to serve science. Experts applied the mixture of bacteria on mice. They also tested the effect on human feces.

According to the information given in the report, a single dose of five consecutive doses of probiotic bacterial mixture of mice gave rise to short-chain fatty acids. In the experiment of inoculating the probiotic mixture with human feces, microbiome changes were observed as well as the proliferation of short chain fatty acids.

In the report, the probiotic bacteria in the body, lactobacilli and enterococci improve bacterial deterioration in the intestine, so that short-chain fat deficiency problem may support the treatment of diseases that are expressed.

Hariom Yadav, the director of the research, said the results could be used in future studies on the effect of probiotics.

Munchkin Arm and Hammer Diaper Pail Refill Rings, 1088 Count

Diaper Genie Playtex Carbon Filter Refill Tray for Diaper Pails, 4 Count

Diarrhea in Infants & Children

Diaper Genie Playtex Carbon Filter Refill Tray for Diaper Pails, 4 Count

Diarrhea in infants is usually seen in the 0-5 age group. Diarrhea is defined as an increase in the number of stools per day and a soft, watery appearance of stool consistency deteriorating. Excessive watery defecation is not considered diarrhea unless consistency is impaired. Especially in young infants fed with breastfeeding, the number of defecation changes according to the type of feeding. For example, defecation in the newborn period 5-6 times a day, provided that the consistency is considered normal. This number during the transition poo (days 3-15) may reach 8-10 per day. However, until the end of the first age in the next period, the number of stools is usually 2-3. However, the number of daily stools may increase to 7, especially in normal babies fed with breast milk.

What causes Diarrhea in infants?
In our country, infections are the leading causes of diarrhea. The lack of clean drinking and potable water, unhygienic conditions, failure to observe the cleaning rules in the preparation of meals and foods, lack of hygiene knowledge of the baby carers are the reasons that facilitate the formation of infectious diarrhea.
Another risk factor is unbalanced nutrition. Unbalanced nutrition is the most common carbohydrate excess in the diet. Usually, in the first year of the baby, a diet consisting of flour, over-diluted starch and milk with sugar added leads to insufficient feeding on the one hand and increases the tendency of watery defecation in the intestines. Various bacteria, viruses, parasites and many other causes play a role in diarrhea formation. Rotaviruses are among the most common diarrhea viruses. Acute diarrhea is most common in infants aged 0-2 years in developing countries.

Diarrhea in infants How is it diagnosed?
Infants vary according to the cause of diarrhea. The most common form is diarrhea with infectious agents located in the small intestine. In these diarrheas, the faeces are watery, green or light yellow in color. Excessive water and salt loss caused by it affects the metabolism in a short time. Diarrhea; diarrhea duration, form, vomiting, fever, infant fluid and nutrient intake in the last 24 hours, the last time and amount of urination is important. The general condition is evaluated during the examination. The presence of symptoms such as restlessness, thoughtfulness, remittance, thirst, sucking and vomiting are investigated. Fever, respiratory rate and depth, pulse rate and fullness, as well as blood pressure, skin turgor and tone, collapse of the anterior fontanel and eyeball, dryness of the oral mucosa and tear should be evaluated.

In addition, if there is abdominal distension, bowel sounds, abdominal pain, the location and shape, the amount and color of urine should be carefully examined. Laboratory examinations help in assessing the degree and type of fluid loss due to diarrhea. The presence of blood and leukocytes in microscopic examination of stool is particularly important in the diagnosis of invasive type bowel infections. Demonstration of microorganism antigens and stool culture should also be performed.

Treatment of diarrhea in infants
There have been changes in the treatment of acute diarrhea in recent years. These changes, except in special cases; abandonment of medication, compensating water and salt losses with oral fluid therapy and early discharge of nutrition. Breast milk should be continued in infants. The majority of cases of acute diarrhea show spontaneous recovery within 2-7 days. The main treatment for diarrhea is to replace fluid and electrolyte loss regardless of the cause. Antibiotics are generally ineffective and unnecessary. If blood, mucus and leukocytes are present in the stool or diarrhea does not improve in 7 days, the cause should be determined by stool cultures and antibiotics should be given if necessary.

Large and large amounts of aqueous feces may lead to acute dehydration (loss of fluid) and death if left untreated, especially in young children. The main principle in the treatment of diarrhea is to replace dehydration by replacing water and electrolytes lost from the body; diarrhea continues to cover the loss of water and salt. Dehydration can be prevented if fluid treatment is started early. In all cases of diarrhea with mild to moderate dehydration, except in special cases, oral administration of the liquid is envisaged. One of the main principles in the treatment of diarrhea is early initiation of nutrition. Anorexia is common during diarrhea. Children should not be forced, foods should be given in the form of frequent and small meals.

Breastfeeding is the best and effective way to prevent diarrhea. Breastfed baby has little risk of contact with microbes in the intestine. It also has important protective effects as it contains factors that increase the baby's immunity and maintain proper intestinal flora. Breast-fed infants generally do not have severe diarrhea, and infants with diarrhea who continue to receive breast milk are less likely to develop severe dehydration.

Diaper Genie Playtex Carbon Filter Refill Tray for Diaper Pails, 4 Count

Sassy Disposable Diaper Sacks, 50 Count

Learn About Your Baby's Health : Diarrhea

Sassy Disposable Diaper Sacks, 50 Count

You can learn about your baby's health by looking at your baby's poo or bowel habits. In this article we will give you information about the subject.

1) Is your baby's poo color normal?

Dark green: In adults, this color stool may indicate various diseases, whereas newborn and breast-fed infants have a dark green poop that is normal and is not usually related to a health problem.
Yellow or yellow-green: This color poop can have a particularly rough structure. It usually occurs in newborns within or after the first week of breastfeeding.
Green-brown or yellow-brown or yellow-green: All of the colors mentioned are normal for the poo of newborn babies and do not indicate any health problems.
Yellow or light yellow: This color poop is usually seen in infants fed with food and is normal.
Brown : This color is completely normal and healthy.
Dark brown : This color is especially normal when you start feeding your baby with solid foods.
Small red grains: If your baby shows small particles of red poop in his poo after eating foods such as tomatoes or red peppers, this is perfectly normal, but indicates that the food is not fully digested.
Very dark brown-blue: If you have fed your baby blueberries, this color poop is normal. Nevertheless, it is not often seen.
Orange : Orange poop is a result of incomplete digestion and mixing of food, which is normal.
Small colored particles and particles: green, red, orange, etc .. in your baby's poop, you don't need to scare the various colored particles. These particles can be seen especially at times when your baby begins to take solid food from breast milk. Because the digestive enzymes of babies in this period do not work very effectively, some of the foods they take may be discarded without digestion.

2) You should take precautions or consult a pediatrician if:

Black or very dark color: You should consult your doctor, especially as it is not normal for this color to appear within a few days after birth.
If you see red streaks or blood in the poop: you should consult your doctor immediately, as this may indicate a serious infection or bowel problem.
Near white, light gray: Any gallbladder, bile duct, pancreas or liver may indicate problems.
Excessive, sparse and solid defecation: May indicate a possible constipation.
Frequent and fluid-like defecation: May indicate diarrhea.
Bloody and yellow stool: May indicate a possible Giardia infection.

3) Should you keep a diary about your baby's poop? So what should you record while keeping a diary?
In particular, if you have doubts about your baby's health or an illness, you may need to record some of the poo characteristics and what your baby eats during the day. For example, taking short notes such as the following can make your doctor's job easier.

Monday: Yellow / Milk, Apple
Tuesday: Yellow-green / milk, broccoli
Wednesday: Yellow / milk, pumpkin
Thursday : Yellow-brown / milk, plums
Friday: Yellow-green / milk, spinach

4) If you suspect red or bloody diarrhea…
In such a case, you should immediately consult your physician and use hydration fluids to prevent possible loss of water in your baby. Bloody diarrhea may be caused by pathogens or parasites such as Shigella.

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