Monday, August 5, 2019

Munchkin Toss Portable Disposable Diaper Pail, 5 Pack, Holds 150 Diapers

How should toilet training be in infants?

Munchkin Toss Portable Disposable Diaper Pail, 5 Pack, Holds 150 Diapers

Babies who cannot control bladder and intestinal muscles when they are born can start toilets by themselves only from the 18th month. But the way to learn how to toilet correctly is primarily through family patience and compassion. One of the most important stages of development of babies to be considered in toilet training ...

Summer is the best time for babies to get toilet training. However, firstly, the basic criterion is in the age range suitable for the baby's toilet training; that is , it must be between 18 months and 3 years . Because babies begin to control bladder and intestinal muscles from the 18th month. In addition to this, it is also during these periods that they have the skills to express their needs and show themselves a skill for the first time without the need for their families. Toilet training, which should be given between 18 months and 3 years of age, can be a painful process for families. In order to survive this process as smoothly as possible, it is important that families be patient and devoted and create a program and remain loyal to it. In order not to cause negative behaviors such as pooping, aggression, self-indulgence or attempting to harm itself in children, false and persistent attitudes should be avoided. It is important to complete toilet training by the age of 3 years. Toilet training can become more difficult as the attention span of children increases after 3 years of age.

Signs of toilet readiness

The biggest question mark in the heads of families during toilet training is whether their children are ready for this training. However, children give physical clues as to their readiness to quit diapers. These key points are:

Gland to remain dry for a long time, such as 3-4 hours,
Can sit in the same position for about 5 minutes,
That he doesn't have any unrest when he pollutes his gold,
Dry gland from sleep,
Imitating you in the toilet,
Understand and perform the given commands.

Patience and kindness are very important
Behavior of children who resist learning or practicing during toilet training can cause intolerance in the family after a while. In toilet training, the two most important elements are ürek encouraging ”and verme giving support.. The 'HELP' rule, which is one of the most useful methods to be used during the training, can be implemented in a 4-stage manner. With this rule, the family can protect the child from danger and contribute to its development and independence.

HELP rule:

1. Hold yourself back - Watch back
2. Encourage exploration - Support discovery
3. Limit - Set Limit
4. Praise - Praise

1. Hold back and watch

Follow the child to see if the time is right. Their flushing can be recognized by the redness of their faces or they may indicate diapers. If a child is determined by his / her toilets, the first condition for starting education is completed.

2. Encourage exploration

Işaret Gold is wet. Shall I change her? ”Tells her that this behavior is described with these words. Explain this to the child every time you change diapers. If he pooped, he should see it pouring into the toilet, even flushing the toilet together; then wash hands thoroughly. Such behaviors are encouraging for children. Putting a toy he likes in front of the potty can be encouraging. The second condition to be considered is to start training a little after waking up in the morning, to talk to him, to play games, to sit in a potty after 20 minutes after drinking something. During education, a fun environment for the child, for example, telling fairy tales can give positive results. The child may not be able to bring results, since it can make the child restless while standing on the potty and just waiting for him.

3. Set a limit.

The period of sitting in the pot should not exceed 2-3 minutes at the beginning. When the toilet is to praise the child, it is necessary to look at him with a peaceful facial expression. It is important for children and families to behave patiently in this educational process, which often leads to a tense mood and not to have difficulty with the child.

4. Praise

Praise the child who made the toilet potty, applauded, tells him that his behavior was welcomed. However, over-verbal explanation of what he is doing is not good because he will be over his perception. It is not recommended to use the praise technique only when there is no result.

Potty success with 4 conditions

Choosing the right potty: Select the appropriate potty for the child. It would be helpful to put a comfortable apparatus on the toilet and a chair under the feet or use an age-appropriate potty.
Patience: When you can't or can't make your toilet, you should not rush and get angry. As each child has a different rate of development, it is important not to compare it with other children's admission time.
Practice: practice as much patience as the child needs.
To be together: Conducting this training together and entertaining it in this process positively affects the training.

Toilet training needs to be considered

Choose your underwear together to motivate,
Use your favorite themed stickers during toilet training,
Keep in mind that the primary goal is to leave the diaper during the day, night training for children who are ready may start with or immediately after day training,
Use mattress protection for night training,
Do not start toilet training during this time if there is another important change in the child's life, such as moving, changing the caregiver or leaving a pacifier.

Toilet hygiene considerations

When entering the toilet, the child should take care not to touch anywhere as much as possible,
The girl or the boy should sit down and meet the toilet needs,
Girls should be shown to clean the genital area from front to back with a thick toilet paper. It should be explained that the fingers should not be contaminated during this process,
Siphon must be removed,
The child should be taught that the toilet should be left clean for the next person,
Wash hands thoroughly for at least 20 seconds, preferably with liquid soap,
Drying should be provided with clean paper towels,
Air blowing hand dryers should not be used due to the risk of infection or transmission,
Wet wipes should not be preferred for genital cleaning due to allergies.

Munchkin Toss Portable Disposable Diaper Pail, 5 Pack, Holds 150 Diapers