Friday, August 30, 2019

Premier Protein High Protein Shake, Chocolate (11 fl. oz, 12 pack)

I started sports, so how should I feed?

Premier Protein High Protein Shake, Chocolate (11 fl. oz, 12 pack)

We are faced with the question I heard many times during the day ☺

Your decision to start sports is great, but I have news for you.
”I have already started sports, I do sports 5 days a week, and I eat what I want; I'll be fit after 3 months ”. I have to tell you that you are far away from your goal ☺
Of course not without sports, but do not expect fast results without changing your diet.
Especially if you want to decrease your fat ratio and increase your muscle ratio; Remember that 30% of sports and 70% of nutrition are effective!

Water consumption is as important as sports and nutrition! 1.5–2 liters of water should be consumed during the day. You should add another 500 ml on your days of sport. Absolutely! Not without water!

The energy and protein requirement of those who exercise regularly 3-4 times a week increases automatically. For this reason, regular sportsmen are often curious about how they should be fed; they do research in internet or sports magazines. I must regret that; Most of the information we see on the Internet or in magazines is fraught with false information written to attract attention. First of all, don't believe everything you read, and make sure the person you write is a real dietitian, not a model, singer or writer, and the training she received.

The common advice given to sports people is that they should be ’’ protein-weighted ’’. However, it should not be forgotten that more protein than we need is stored as fat. Think of a sports instructor who weighs 90 kg and has a very high muscle weight, doing heavy training 4-5 days a week; his daily protein needs are between 180 and 200 grams. On the other hand, a woman weighing 60 kg 3 days a week doing cardio and additional fitness exercises is in the range of 75-85 grams of protein. In other words, the need for protein is specific to each individual, and not every sport should be fed with the same amounts. If you exercise on average 3–4 days a week, 1.6 grams of protein per kilogram is sufficient for the initial stage. For example, if you weigh 50 kg; 50 x 1.6 = 80 grams of protein per day.

Carbohydrate consumption is as important as protein in sports individuals. One mistake made in slimming diets is to completely cut off the type of carbohydrate ie bread / rice / pasta / fruit, which is very wrong. Carbohydrate should constitute at least 30–40% of the daily diet, especially for those who aim to burn fat and increase muscle mass. For a woman weighing 60 kg, 4–5 servings of carbohydrate per day is sufficient, while in a 80 kg man, it should be increased to 7 günlük8 servings per day.
What does 1 portion of carbohydrate mean?
For example, 1 slice of bread or 3–4 tablespoons lean bulgur rice / whole wheat rice / white rice / pasta / buckwheat / quinoa / oatmeal / 1 fruit or 1 bowl of soup = 1 portion of carbohydrate can be considered.

So what should we eat before and after sports?
First of all, making mistakes while doing sports is the biggest mistake. If you are a sportsman in the morning and don't have time for breakfast, a sandwich with plenty of white cheese and greens made with 2 slices of whole grain bread will meet your carbohydrate and protein needs before the sport. Carbohydrate gives you energy during sports, while protein prevents muscle breakdown. If you have time for breakfast, you must have a breakfast with eggs, cheese, bread and walnuts. The best time to do sports is 1 hour after breakfast. (Depending on your digestion rate, it may be 30–45 minutes later.)
The biggest mistake of those who do sports during the day or after work is to do sports fast after 4 to 5 hours after eating lunch and to pass meals without eating anything in the evening because it is too late! If you are one of those who feed your body so little and expect super results, you should know that your sport is wasted.

Rule for pre-sport; There should be a meal (main meal or a strong snack) containing carbohydrates and protein 1 hour before the sport.
For example;
1 sandwich (chicken / tuna / cheese / egg) + Ayran or
1 bowl of yoghurt + 1 fruit + 10–15 nuts / almonds or
200 ml half-fat milk / yogurt + 4 tablespoons oatmeal + 1 fresh fruit + 5–6 raw nuts / almonds or
1 whole egg + 2 egg whites + 1 slice of cheese + 1 slice of whole wheat bread or
1–2 slices of whole grain bread (or cereal lavash) on 2 teaspoons light peanut butter + 1 banana + 1 teaspoon honey + 2 whole walnuts.

Tip: Black coffee consumed 20–30 minutes before the start of the sport increases your energy tremendously and supports fat burning!
After sports; The body continues to work and spend energy in itself, glycogen stores, carbohydrate stores begin to run out, as well as the muscles and muscle destruction can occur. To prevent this from happening, you need to consume carbohydrates within the first 30 minutes as soon as the sport is over, for example 1 fruit! We've seen swimmers, after training they go to the locker room and eat one banana, that's why! Of course, we need a good source of protein in the first 1–1.5 hours after sports, for this we should consume up to 200 grams of red meat / chicken / fish / turkey or tuna, along with boiled vegetables / salads and yoghurt. It should be. (All mentioned amounts should be planned according to the person.)

No, it's not protein powder that needs muscle building; It is a balanced diet in terms of protein and carbohydrates. Taking approximately 1.6 grams of protein per kilogram is sufficient for the first stage of muscle development. If eggs, cheese, milk and dairy products, red meat / chicken / fish / tuna are consumed during the day; protein needs are met by natural methods. However, in advanced levels of muscle development, that is, individuals with low fat percentage and high muscle ratio can be supplemented with 1 scale (approximately 30 grams) of protein powder per day when the protein requirement is too high to complete with nutrients. However, liver and kidney function values ​​should be checked every 3 months. Of course, no artificial product supplements should be recommended when feeding with natural methods.

Super recipe for pre-sports:
1 bowl of yogurt (200 grams) +
3–4 tablespoons oatmeal +
10 raisins (or fresh blueberries) +
2 whole walnuts +
1 tablespoon low-fat peanut butter +
1 teaspoon cinnamon powder +
1 teaspoon of natural honey / molasses
Mix all ingredients. Then consume 1 cup of unsweetened coffee and enjoy your energy during sports.

The most basic rule in nutrition when losing weight and doing sports; It is NOT to eat less, to eat healthier!

Premier Protein High Protein Shake, Chocolate (11 fl. oz, 12 pack)