Saturday, August 31, 2019

Flintstones Complete Chewables Children’s Multivitamins, Kids Vitamin Supplement with Vitamins C, D, E, B6, and B12, 180 Count


Flintstones Complete Chewables Children’s Multivitamins, Kids Vitamin Supplement with Vitamins C, D, E, B6, and B12, 180 Count

The lack of vitamins with accelerating, directing and activating properties of the cells leads to various diseases. Istanbul Faculty of Medicine Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacology Department Professor. Dr. Aykan Canberk drew attention to the mistakes made about vitamins and answered the curious questions:

Should vitamin be taken in antibiotic treatment? Antibiotic treatment also affects beneficial bacteria in the intestine. Consequently, fungal diseases such as thrush, diarrhea, indigestion and gas complaints occur. Therefore, it is especially useful to take vitamin B complex in antibiotic treatment.

Are vitamins taken at any time of the day? Some vitamins, for example; Vitamin E should be taken at night, vitamin C after meals. Because vitamin E is used during the day to provide energy to the body. When metabolism is slowed and the energy consumption is minimized at night, when taken before bedtime, other functions of vitamin E, ie, constructive properties, emerge. It is more beneficial to the body. Vitamin C is acidic and may cause irritation to the stomach when taken on an empty stomach. Other vitamins can be taken at any time of day.

Is vitamin deficiency causing diseases? Vitamin A deficiency causes night blindness, hair loss, skin-like disorders, and a tendency to infection. Vitamin C deficiency leads to bleeding and infection of the gums, while vitamin B deficiency leads to nerve end inflammation and fatty liver. Vitamin D deficiency leads to accelerated bone resorption disease, softening of bones and curvature in women. Vitamin E deficiency accelerates arteriosclerosis, deterioration of fat metabolism, miscarriage of women, premature aging, and vitamin K deficiency can cause nosebleeds and bruising under the skin.

Is it harmful to take several different vitamin pills at the same time? There is no harm in taking several different vitamin pills at the same time after a doctor has recommended it. For example, vitamins E and C are given together in patients with arteriosclerosis. Taking two pills together increases the success of the disease.

How does vitamin deficiency become apparent? Frequent influenza, angina, bronchitis, upper respiratory diseases, catching kidney stones, bleeding gums, miscarriage of women, nosebleeds, nail breakage and hair loss are symptoms of vitamin deficiency.

Is it harmful to take excessive vitamins? Taking too much vitamin A causes fat in the liver and accelerates weight gain. Excessive vitamin C causes irritation of the stomach as well as increased gastritis. There is no harm in excess of vitamin E. An excess of vitamin K may increase the tendency of blood to clot. Therefore, it is necessary to use vitamins in accordance with the deficiencies in the body through the doctor's control.

Does vitamin E really delay aging? Vitamin E prevents the accumulation of free oxygen radicals in the cells. Increases cell oxygen and prevents wear. It leads to healthier and more durable cell formation.

Are vitamins taken with food sufficient? In some cases, the vitamins of our meals may not be enough. This is especially true for vitamin E. Because the body needs 400 milligrams of vitamin E daily. To get this, you need to eat 5-6 kilos of rice, barley or lentils. Since this cannot be done, it is useful to take vitamin E as a supplement every day. With balanced nutrition, other vitamins can be supplied from fruits and vegetables.

Is it harmful to take vitamins during pregnancy? Pregnant women should meet their vitamin requirements by eating lots of fruits and vegetables. They can only take B, C and E after a doctor has recommended it. In particular, the random intake of vitamin A should be avoided.

Do vitamins increase sexual strength? Vitamins have positive effects in terms of supporting metabolism and increasing the functions of the body. But so far, there is no information that increases sexual power.

Is nail breakage whitening a sign of vitamin deficiency? Yeah. Vitamin A deficiency is manifested by breakage in the nails, deformities, lines and white spots.

Flintstones Complete Chewables Children’s Multivitamins, Kids Vitamin Supplement with Vitamins C, D, E, B6, and B12, 180 Count