Friday, August 30, 2019

Premier Protein 30g Protein Shake, Vanilla, 11.5 fl oz Shake, (12 count)

Proven Scientific Methods for Rapid Muscle Development

Premier Protein 30g Protein Shake, Vanilla, 11.5 fl oz Shake, (12 count)

Patience does not always produce good results!

Changes in the body system, especially in terms of muscle mass, take time, but if efforts are made for bodybuilding and there are no significant size increases from month to month, it should be considered that there is a mistake in the sports approach. It is not logical to waste time with inconclusive exercises. Also, even if progress is seen, the amount is also important. If progress is too slow, some issues need to be reviewed.

To learn about lean muscle mass building techniques, you can read our article Bilimsel Scientific Ways to Gain Lean Muscle ”!

There are five scientifically based ways to achieve faster results.
1. Increase Exercise Intensity!

Training intensity is calculated by multiplying the number of repetitions by the number of sets. This density is the primary determinant of hypertrophy (muscle development). And to increase the volume, it may be necessary to move with weights lower than predicted.

It should be remembered that the intensity and efficiency may decrease according to the stages of hypertrophy, especially within the scope of the sports aiming program .

To achieve the volume required by the muscles, it is recommended that each weight training be performed with 10 to 20 repetitions in three to six sets.
2. Focusing on Eccentric Phase is of Great Importance!

Weight training includes concentric (difficult) and eccentric (easy) phases. For example, when performing squat, an eccentric action is performed. Moving from squat to standing position in many fitness programs is a concentric action. Surprisingly, the eccentric study is much more effective in triggering hypertrophy, according to a study published in the European Journal of Applied Physiology ( 1 ).

Two methods can be applied to increase the amount of eccentric exercises in workouts: The eccentric phase of each exercise can be rearranged by slowing down or only the eccentric phases can be integrated into the routine.

For example, in the case of squat movement: To apply only the eccentric phase, the floor is approached by squatting, the abdominal muscle is squeezed and the position remains for a longer period. When only eccentric exercises are tried, the weight used should be increased significantly. Physiologically, the muscles move much more than they are concentric.
3. Resting Intervals Can Be Reduced to Achieve Fast Muscle Building Goal!

The timers set between the bodybuilding program sets can be re-arranged for 30 to 90 seconds, thus achieving better results for muscle development. In terms of hypertrophy, especially when lifting weights, rest periods of 30 to 90 seconds promote the increase of hormones involved in muscle building (including testosterone and growth hormone), while at the same time feeling that the muscles are working beyond their limits. ( 2 )

In the study published in the Journal of Applied Physiology , it was determined that the fatigue and exceeding the limits of the muscles were a prerequisite for hypertrophy regardless of the repetition and set scheme. Therefore, the experience of burning sensation while exercising is scientifically considered as one of the strongest evidence of increasing muscle development.
4. Consuming More Protein is Very Important!

In practice, muscles actually break down in certain proportions. Protein regenerates by increasing the volume of the ruptured muscles. No matter how difficult the weight lifting exercises are, protein intake is as important as the bodybuilding nutrition program, because healing is achieved in this way. ( 3 )

According to research from Stirling University, for the best muscle building effect, weight workers should consume 0.25 to 0.30 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight per meal. For a 79-pound person, it is recommended to consume 20 to 24 grams of protein per meal. This; It is possible to take with three to four eggs, a cup of strained yogurt or a portion of cake with added protein powder .

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5. Focusing on Calorie Excess is More Important than Focusing on Calorie Reduction!

This suggestion may be a method of building muscle mass that is difficult to accept, especially for those at home who are used to counting calories in the hope of losing weight. But one of the most effective muscle building methods is to consume more calories than you burn every day with the right training intensity.

Because when the body detects a calorie deficit; that is, when less calories are taken than burned each day, it reduces the tendency to create new muscle mass. If the body thinks that food is insufficient for nutrition, storage will be a top priority and tend to store fat. ( 4 )

Premier Protein 30g Protein Shake, Vanilla, 11.5 fl oz Shake, (12 count)