Saturday, August 31, 2019

L'il Critters Gummy Vites Complete Kids Gummy Vitamins, 190 Count

Iron Deficiency

L'il Critters Gummy Vites Complete Kids Gummy Vitamins, 190 Count

Anemia known as anemia: Iron deficiency
Iron deficiency is one of the most widely known types of anemia in the world. Especially in underdeveloped and developing countries. Iron deficiency anemia is also known as anemia in society. Because iron is a kind of element in the blood hemoglobin protein. This element in the blood, oxygen from the lung is connected to hemoglobin is transferred to the tissues to connect.

According to statistics, anemia can be seen in 35% of women and 20% of men. Florence Nightingale Hospitals internal medicine specialists responds to questions such as iron deficiency causes, symptoms, and how iron deficiency treatment happens ...

What is iron deficiency?
Iron deficiency is a condition in which the amount of hemoglobin, which is responsible for the transport of oxygen to the red blood cells and which gives the red color to the blood, is reduced. It is wrong to evaluate anemia directly as a disease. In other words, it may occur as a symptom in various diseases such as bowel and stomach cancer.

What are the symptoms of iron deficiency?
The symptoms of iron deficiency anemia are not the same in all patients. Diagnosis of the disease is usually made by routine health checks and blood tests. It is possible to outline the symptoms as follows:

Tinnitus and humming of the ears,
Weakness, fatigue and exhaustion in the body,
Quick break of nails,
Hair loss,
Cracks in lips, sores on mouth,
Impairment of concentration,
Numbness in hands and feet can be listed as iron deficiency symptoms.

Most patients complain of palpitations, restless legs syndrome, slowing thyroid functions, eating soil and ice when anemia reaches an advanced level. Anemia, which can be seen in children, is known as delay in speech, sitting and walking, and difficulty in learning.

What are the factors that cause iron deficiency?
Anemia can occur for many reasons. Vitamin B12, iron and folic acid deficiency are some of the causes of anemia. Inadequate intake of iron can directly cause iron deficiency. Therefore, diet programs devoid of iron nutritional values ​​should be avoided.

Nutrition with prepared foods,
Passing cow's milk at the age of 1 and feeding infants with non-iron formula instead of breast milk,
Inadequate intake of animal foods,
Consume unhealthy foods such as sausages and salami,
Roast meat type foods or overcook them in the oven,
Consuming too much tea and coffee are some of the causes that trigger anemia.

Women are more at risk for iron deficiency!
Hemoglobin values ​​below 12 g / dL in women indicate anemia. Women with frequent births, miscarriages and a history of abortion are at high risk for anemia. Moreover, women have more anemia than men.

Anemia can sometimes be a harbinger of uterine cancer. Therefore, when anemia is diagnosed, it should be taken into consideration and appropriate treatment methods should be started immediately. In addition, iron deficiency may be experienced in women who prefer spiral as a protection method. Because copper-type spirals create a mass effect in the uterus, disrupting the contractile function of the uterus. In this case, it can directly trigger anemia by increasing the amount of menstrual bleeding. Therefore, birth control pills should be used rather than spiral as a prevention method. Birth control pills reduce the amount of blood lost during menstrual periods by 50% -60%. However, such preparations should be used in the recommendation of a gynecologist who is expert in their field.

Iron deficiency is seen in 50% of pregnant women!
Pregnancy is one of the groups where iron deficiency is seen most. Approximately 50% of pregnant women are at risk of anemia. Generally, palpitations, drowsiness may occur with symptoms such as weakness and shortness of breath. So if you are considering a planned pregnancy, you should adopt an iron-based diet before you become pregnant. The risk of anemia is higher especially from the 4th month. Your doctor will already switch to folic acid-weighted supplements. However, you should take care not to take your medicines with drinks such as tea or coffee. Because caffeine-weighted drinks can reduce the absorption of iron by medication, making it ineffective. However, intake with foods containing vitamin C will significantly increase absorption.

What are the damages of iron deficiency?
When anemia is not controlled, it can cause some damage to the functioning of body functions. The biggest damage of anemia is on the heart. Because in patients suffering from anemia, the heart will assume the task that the blood needs to do, and therefore the heart will be more tired in performing its functions. The risk of complaints such as palpitation and shortness of breath occurs in patients with severe anemia.

The other organ damaged by anemia is the brain. When the brain controls functions in the body, it converts glucose into energy and often uses oxygen. Therefore, when oxygen is reduced as a result of anemia, the brain will be directly affected.

Anemia can also cause serious harm to pregnant women. In fact, the risk of dangerous consequences such as growth retardation, premature birth and miscarriage should be considered when delayed treatment.

How should iron deficiency be treated?
It is very important to make the correct diagnosis before starting anemia treatment. Because anemia can be caused by many reasons. According to the type of anemia, many different treatment methods are applied. During the evaluation, the patient's health problems, medications and family history are listened. Subsequent examinations will easily reveal why anemia is caused. If an agent causing anemia or anemia is treated, the problem of anemia is prevented. Women with painful and multi-bleeding menstruation should also be treated. Hormonal therapy helps to reduce anemia. When the symptoms of anemia are felt intensely enough to reduce the quality of life, blood transfusion should be performed in a fully equipped hospital.

In the treatment of anemia is usually prescribed the drug for iron deficiency. Drugs should be taken on an empty stomach and should not be used with milk and dairy products. In order to store the iron needed for the body, the drug should be continued for 6 months. However, it is important that patients pay attention to balanced and healthy nutrition besides medication. Because non-advanced iron deficiency can be controlled by feeding habits.

What good is iron deficiency?
iron deficiency The question of what to eat in iron deficiency is often asked by patients suffering from anemia today. To avoid anemia, fresh vegetables, fruits and legumes should be eaten first. In addition, vitamin C and B12 intake must be paid attention. Because vitamins C and B12 are among the nutritional values ​​that increase iron absorption.

Recommendations to increase the absorption of iron in the intestine;

Yeast bread consumption should be increased. Yeast bread provides more absorption than unleavened bread.

Posalı foods should not be missing from the tables.

Keep vitamin C in the foreground whenever possible. For example: omelette can be eaten with orange juice and tomato instead of tea, and meatballs with dinner can be eaten with green salad.

Cook your legumes well. Also, don't forget to add salads with lettuce, lots of tomatoes, lemon and parsley as well as dried legumes and cereals.

For iron deficiency, foods such as liver, chicken, fish and red meat should also be consumed frequently.

Early diagnosis is very important in the treatment of iron deficiency as in many other diseases. Once the disease is diagnosed, a check-up should be performed once a year in a full-fledged hospital to avoid late treatment.

L'il Critters Gummy Vites Complete Kids Gummy Vitamins, 190 Count