Friday, August 30, 2019

Ensure Max Protein Nutritional Shake with 30g of High-Quality Protein, 1g of Sugar, High Protein Shake, French Vanilla, 11 fl oz, 12 Count

How to make muscle? Scientific Methods!

Ensure Max Protein Nutritional Shake with 30g of High-Quality Protein, 1g of Sugar, High Protein Shake, French Vanilla, 11 fl oz, 12 Count

In this article you will learn how to make muscles the fastest and most effective way, based on scientific data. Unfortunately, there is a lot of information pollution about body building and muscle building, and much of this information is based on “garbage science.. So unreliable information.

My aim in this paper is to help people who want to eliminate this information pollution and especially to create their own program.
Making Muscles While Burning Fat

Before moving on to the main part of the article, let's talk about how muscle is made while burning fat:

In general, it is very difficult or impossible to build muscle while burning fat. Unless, of course, one of the following applies:

You're very fat and you've just started weight training. Muscle development is faster for beginners. And fat burning is more likely to occur in obese people because of the calorie division of fat burning ( 1 ).
You've corrected anything you've done wrong before. For example, you had previously been working at a very low concentration or eating very little protein.
After a long break, you started to develop your body again. After a long break for various reasons, it is possible to build muscle and burn fat ( 2 ).
You are using anabolic steroids ( 3 ).

If none of these works for you, forget about the idea of ​​muscle building and fat burning at the same time. Not because it will not happen, but this process proceeds so slowly that you give up before you notice a visible change in your body.

Let's go back to the scientific muscle building guide without any further issues:
How to build muscle by weight training?

Let me remind you that if any of you do not know: the most important and fundamental warning that causes muscle growth is çalışmak weight training ”.

If your main goal is to build muscle, you must set each working variable to stimulate muscle growth as follows.
1.Motion selection and sequence

To make muscle, select a few moves for each large muscle group.

These movements are movements that you need to focus on, at least in the next few months, and so they must meet the following requirements:

Muscle group should be operated at full range
It should provide the best yield. So you should turn to all-body movements .
Can be done safely
Enough space for weight gain
Must comply with the general work plan

As a rule of thumb, the general rule is to organize your movements in such a way as to minimize the severity of the work and the overall volume. So this:

Perform lower and upper body movements alternately.
Perform push and pull movements in sequence.
Perform all-body movements first and then the isolation movements.

2. Working Severity and Reps in Reserve (RIR)

Operating intensity refers to the weight you use to make the movement. For example, 1 RM (Repetition Maximum) refers to the weight at which you can make any movement up to 1 repetition, and 10 RM is the weight at which you can make the same movement 10 repetitions.

Operating intensity can also be expressed as a percentage of 1 RM. For example, you can do about 12 repetitions with 70% of your 1 RM. With 85%, most people can do 5 repetitions. 1 Click for Rm calculation .

Reps in Reserve (RIR) is the number of repetitions you can make from the last repetition to failure. For example, you did 8 reps with 60 kilos, but you could do 10 reps. In this case it becomes RIR 2 (because you keep 2 reps in reserve).

how to make muscle

When determining the intensity of work to build muscle, the weight you lift:

Efficient time-to-work volume
Slowly increase the weight of your movement
And it should allow you to reduce the risk of injury as much as possible while doing the above.

Considering these, a work intensity of 65-85% (ie 5-15 repetitions) of your 1 RM is generally ideal for the majority of people ( 4 ).

A wise and frequent strategy:

75-85% of your 1 RM for full-body movements
Use 65-75% of your 1 RM for insulation movements.

As for RIR, always finish 1-2 moves before failure in all-body movements. In isolation movements, you can go up to failure in your last set.
3. Working Volume and Frequency

The working volume is calculated as “weight x repeat x set (( 5 ). So with 50 kilos, 3 sets and 10 repetitions, your working volume is 50x3x10 = 1500.

The working volume can sometimes be assessed by the total number of repetitions or sets you make for the muscle group you are working with.

Working frequency is the frequency of organizing this volume.

When determining your working volume for muscle building, your working volume:

Enough to cause muscle growth
Recovery is too little to push your recovery ability
And it is important that it is too small to prevent you from increasing the weight.

In view of the above lines, considering the scientific research and experience, beginners and intermediate athletes should apply 6 and 16 sets of workouts per week for each major muscle group.

It is a good idea to start with the lower of these two numbers and increase the number according to your muscle building speed and recovery ability.

As for the frequency of work, we recommend dividing the total weekly volume into 2 or 3 studies per week. According to the studies, dividing the same working volume more frequently causes more muscle building ( 6 ).
4. Rest and lift speed between sets

According to the studies, muscle growth (hypertrophy) occurs as a result of the increase in the external force (working intensity) and total working volume on the muscles ( 7 ).

That is, the rest period between sets you should pay attention to when determining the rest interval:

Does not adversely affect the severity of work
It does not adversely affect the total working volume.

Considering this, it may be advisable to rest for about 2-3 minutes between each set ( 8 ). Remember that if the weight you lift is too high, you can listen even more.

In terms of lifting tempo, weight lifting and lowering speed, although many theories have been produced in terms of time under load and hormonal response, your research shows that your lifting tempo does not change much ( 9 ).

A good approach would be to lift the weight as quickly as possible (explosive) and lower it in a controlled manner.
5. Progress

To strengthen and build muscle, you must progress. So the total working volume should increase throughout your sports life.

For beginners and intermediate athletes, working with sufficient intensity and volume will be enough for muscle and strength gains.

The best thing you can do for progress is to increase weight by 5-10% for six body movements and 2.5-5% for upper body movements if you can do all repetitions in a good form in one study.
6. Bodybuilding Program for Beginners

With the above recommendations in mind, we can create a program like this:

Perform Study A and Study B 2-3 times a week in total, and take a day off after each study. Rest time between sets should be 2-3 minutes and the weight should be lifted at explosive speed and lowered in a controlled manner.

How to Make a Nutrition Program for Muscle Building?

If you ask any muscular bodybuilding person what is the right bodybuilding diet, you will naturally get these answers: eating enough, eating enough protein, eating a few meals a day.

But what you can't hear from these people is the order in which they count, and which ones you need to prioritize to achieve the goal of building muscles as fast as possible.

The fact that these nutritional priorities are an order of importance will constantly remind you what is most important and that is important to your success.

In our opinion, the most important factors for your diet are as follows:

1. Calorie Consumption

As you know, if your goal is to lose weight, you need to be in a negative calorie balance, which means you get less than the calories you spend. This is not a theory or hypothesis, but the Kanunu First Law of Thermodynamics ”.

In the same way to make muscle, you need to enter into a full askine, (usually) positive calorie balance. So you should get more than the calories you spend per day.

Because while trying to build muscle, we are actually trying to increase the energy stores of our muscles. And because protein contains 4 calories per gram (which forms the contractions of the muscles), making muscle means actually increasing the energy stores of our bodies.

I just said that if you've noticed, yapmak usually “a positive energy balance is needed to build muscle. Because you don't always need a positive energy balance to actually build muscle.

As I mentioned at the beginning of the article, under certain conditions, energy can be taken from the body's fat stores for muscle growth. So if you can get energy from the body's fat stores and use it to make muscle, it means you did muscle while burning fat.

Unfortunately, it is only possible to burn fat and build muscle at a significant rate if the following conditions are met:

You're very fat and you've just started weight training. Muscle development is faster for beginners. And fat is more likely to occur in fat people because of the calorie division of fat burning.
You've corrected anything you've done wrong before. For example, you had previously been working at a very low concentration or eating very little protein.
After a long break, you started to develop your body again.
You are using anabolic steroids.

As a result: If none of the above applies to you, consuming 200-300 calories more than the calories you spend per day is crucial for building muscle quickly.
2. Protein consumption, frequency and timing

If you've done some research on muscle building, you probably know that protein is a very important macro-nutrient and its basic function is to build and repair body tissues, including muscle tissues.

Two proteins called actin and myosin form the contractile part of the muscle, that is, the force producing part ( 10 ).

So your muscles are made of protein.

As you can understand, protein is critical for people who are aiming to build muscle and deserves to be among your most important nutritional priorities.

Research is very clear that you need to take approximately 1.5-2 grams of protein per kilogram of lean body weight per day to maximize muscle growth during excess calories ( 11 ).

Some people say that you should eat twice as much protein, but scientific research shows that taking more than 2 grams of protein per body weight is not an added benefit ( 12 ). On the contrary, your appetite may be reduced due to the satisfying effect of the protein and therefore you can consume less calories, which is important in calorie consumption.

As for the protein consumption frequency, there are two different ideas:

Eat every 2 hours or your gains go
The frequency of protein meals does not matter as long as you meet your daily needs

In fact, they're both wrong.

According to the research, a meal containing moderate protein increases muscle protein synthesis for 5 hours ( 13 ). Eating protein more often does not increase muscle protein synthesis any more. And after 5 hours, eating a new meal causes you to miss the opportunity to start muscle protein synthesis again.

Therefore, divide your daily protein needs into 3-5 equal meals. This allows you to increase muscle protein synthesis as often as possible.

Furthermore, since your protein consumption will be in the 3-5 hours range, the amino acids your muscles need immediately after the workout will be present in the circulation during and after the workout so that you can gain the theoretical benefits of on-the-job nutrition ( 14 ).

Naturally it is also a great idea to take protein powder before and after work and to consume protein just before bedtime.

As a result: consume 1.5-2 grams of protein per day of lean body weight and meet it at 3-5 equal meals at equal intervals.
3. Carbohydrate and fat consumption

Very few issues in the world of fitness are discussed as high carb, low fat vs. low carb, high fat diets. Even today, advocates of these dietary styles are constantly discussing with each other about which diet is better.

But the experts who have guided science realize that neither high fat nor high carbohydrate is the best approach. On the contrary, the generally correct approach for people in general is the middle of the two, a diet in which a reasonable amount of carbohydrates and fats are consumed.

how muscle is made

Non-extremist views unfortunately do not appeal to people and are not popular. And that's bad for us. Because we don't find it right to give false information to be popular. We are good at being objective, unbiased and scientific, and we will continue to do so.

As for the subject:

This can be a wise approach to carbohydrate and fat consumption, while running to the goal of muscle building:

First adjust your oil consumption. Get approximately 30% of your calories from fat.
Cover the remaining calories from proteins and fats with carbohydrates.

For example, a man who wants to build muscle by applying a 2500 calorie diet and weighs 68 kg and has 10% fat should be fed as follows:

Protein: (68 * 2) - (68 * 10%) = 122 grams. Divide this amount by 3-5 equal meals.
Fat: 2500 * 30% = 750 calories. Since 1 gram of fat is 9 calories, the amount to be consumed daily is about 83 grams.
Carbohydrate: 2500- (83 * 9) - (122 * 4) = 1262 calories. Since 1 gram of carbohydrate is 4 calories, the amount to be consumed daily is 315 grams.

As you can see, it's not complicated. Fats are very important as an energy source for carbohydrates for the production of hormones, especially testosterone.

As a result: Do not give too much priority to the exact amount of carbohydrates and fat. Only consume values ​​close to the above accounts. Meet 30% of your daily calorie needs from fats and the rest from carbohydrates.
4. Food Quality

Food quality includes things such as vitamins, minerals, phytobodies, essential fatty acids and dietary fiber.

These are important for health, training performance and muscle growth, although they are at the bottom of the priority line ( 15 ). It's just a little behind what we've mentioned above.

Unfortunately, the IIFYM (if it fits your macro) diet, which started a few years ago as a joke on forums, led a lot of people to follow only macronutrients (protein, carbohydrate, fat) and forget about other important micronutrients altogether.

And although “clean eaters unut forget the importance of calorie and energy balance, and IFYMcular forget the importance of micronutrients, we prefer a midway approach and acknowledge the importance of both calorie balance and adequate micronutrients.

As a result: You should get the majority of your calories from whole-foods, ie as little processed and micronutrient-rich foods, and you can consume a reasonable amount of less clean junk food. In this way, you will get enough vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber and micronutrients.

Everything you read in this article is the most recent findings of science about bodybuilding. With this information you can create your own program or edit your existing program.

Ensure Max Protein Nutritional Shake with 30g of High-Quality Protein, 1g of Sugar, High Protein Shake, French Vanilla, 11 fl oz, 12 Count