Friday, August 30, 2019

Orgain Grass Fed Clean Protein Shake, Creamy Chocolate Fudge - Meal Replacement, Ready to Drink, Gluten Free, Soy Free, Kosher, Non-GMO, 11 oz, 12 Count

How is body building done?

Orgain Grass Fed Clean Protein Shake, Creamy Chocolate Fudge - Meal Replacement, Ready to Drink, Gluten Free, Soy Free, Kosher, Non-GMO, 11 oz, 12 Count

One should talk about what he knows. I've been interested in bodybuilding for a while and I know a few things about it. In that case, not to fall into words 

First of all, let's differentiate between bodybuilding and fitness, although we like to call bodybuilding what we do, what people are looking for nowadays is not a gigantic body, but rather a structured body that has become more structured and has reduced fat. That's why it's more of a fitness class.

In the past, access to information in this sport was much more difficult than in any other subject, and in time it caused some non-scientific, questionable information to spread from ear to ear as if it were true. Now it is very easy to access information and if one wants to improve himself in one field, he can easily get scientific information from experts. However, despite all these possibilities, many ideas that are still unrelated to reality continue to spread in error. So much so that sometimes I don't know what they're talking about, but it's not about bodybuilding. Already those who voiced these mistakes are more interested in this sport and abandoned or completely excluded from the event. Let's see what some of the most common misconceptions are:

Turning oils into a safe: This is still a popular issue even in these days. The day goes by that the legend of turning the oil into someone's mouth is not spilled. Fat and muscle tissue are completely different structures. And none of them turn into the other. What happens is to increase muscle volume and dissolve fat as a completely independent process. Mostly these two cannot be done at the same time. If so, our most oily one would become the most muscular one after a while, as the fats would be turned into muscle. If there is too much fat in our body, you first need to pull those fats up to normal levels and then move on to build muscle. Muscles hang when you stop the sport: the body does not want to keep muscle in the body does not use. This is because the muscle is a tissue that consumes a large amount of energy. Our body is always in “survival” mode. So it is focused on making the best use of resources for survival. So it doesn't care how aesthetically you look, it only cares about managing the body appropriately for survival. So he wants to get rid of unnecessary energy consuming things he doesn't use. Actually, when you quit the sport, your muscles become atrophy without anything to hang around, so the surplus muscles that you don't use are lost by destruction. If something is hanging, it will be excess fat in the body. Astronates who stay in space for a long time regularly exercise. Think about why? Since they do not use their muscles at all in a gravity-free environment, muscle ratios begin to fall below the normal level. However, even a person who does not do sports sedentel in the world walks, sits, gets up and provides the work of the muscles against the resistance created by gravity. But the muscles of astronates do not encounter such resistance in a gravity-free environment. So sport is a must for astronates. If they don't, their bodies won't sag, instead they'll lose enough muscles to walk when they're born. You lose what you don't use, it's that simple. There's nothing to hang around. 6 months - 1 year to be like Brad Pitt: I've always wondered about the source of self-confidence in this man. These people probably live life in easy mode. Even Brad Pitt himself wondered how they would do it when he hadn't done it in a year. I guess they think the human body can handle the dough. No such thing. They are the same people who think they are Arnold Schwarzenegger when their abdominal muscles starve. Over time, women who do fitness look like men: Testosterone is the hormone that helps build muscle in men. No matter how much work is done without proper testosterone hormone and proper nutrition, muscle cannot be built. In women, this hormone is found in a very small amount compared to a man. Therefore, it is impossible for a woman who does sports to appear muscular like a man naturally. In the media, here and there, all of the muscular and male-looking women that you see here reach those bodies by taking testosterone hormone supplements from the outside. No woman can accidentally get the result that a man will take over the years by revealing all the truths of sport. They just get tight. This is a desired image. Protein powders swell muscles: Protein powders are made from whey. It has an extra sweetener and preservative. It does not contain any substances which are used to swell muscles. What happens is that the protein, which is better fed in terms of protein, improves itself better. I will discuss this in more detail under the heading of additional nutrients.

Since we have deleted some wrong information from our minds, let's come to what we will pay attention to while we are doing bodybuilding. First of all, while starting this sport, let's start to do this sport for a long time. Because this is a long-term sport and you need to work hard for a long time to get the fruits. For example, if we didn't think about doing 4-5 years, I think it might make more sense to turn to different sports. In fact, going to the gym for a long time may sound scary for sedentary people, but because this sport is a lifestyle and the returns are too much, you will start to feel strange when you don't do it anymore.

So what are the points we should pay attention to?

Continuity : This is the most important thing in sports. You should convince yourself to take you to the gym regularly. I'm not talking about your 10-day holidays or very urgent engagements, but the quits you've made over time and the reboots keep the yield from this sport to a minimum. If this is something you've done and you've put your time to mind, why would you take a break? Already an important part of life is to decide to do something and continue to do it. Don't expect to be motivated, discipline, go and do it. These people are very common. They come to the gym and enjoy forty hair, gain the heaviest weight to push their own body, the slightest mistake in nutrition is unacceptable to them. But after 3-6 months you won't see them in the gym. Because they quit. Do not exaggerate, but ensure continuity. Training : Although there are many different working methods and training programs, the movements are almost the same. Nobody needs to rediscover America. You choose a training program that suits you, but the advice I will give you when implementing this training program will be very clear.

Know exactly where you work: In order to get the most out of your training program, you need to know which muscle groups are working in which movement. Let me explain the reason as follows: When performing the relevant movement, the muscles of the target region are first activated, then the less active auxiliary muscles are accompanied. For example, if you do not know that you should pull the cable pull down movement, which is one of the basic movements, by using your back muscles, you will put the load on the forearm muscles and do most of the work. In this case, the day back training will not make sense and your back muscles will not grow.
Exercise in exactly the right form : people work with weights above their capacities to satisfy their egos, but not to exercise their muscles correctly. For example, the bench press movement is one of the basic movements that determine the psychological hierarchy in the gym. Nobody cares how many pull-ups you make, but for everyone, the weight entered in the bench press is important. It is a common mistake not to lower the benchpress iron to the chest in order to lift heavier weight, especially for those who are new to this sport. They take the bar down to half, and lift it back and think they're doing this. However, the chest muscles do not come into play in terms of the distance they lower, the back arm is the auxiliary muscle group doing the work. This way, the chest muscle is not operated. What these people should do is to put aside their egos and lighten the weight and bring the bar down to their breasts. Or incline bench press or barbell shoulder press to lose weight in weight to begin to play your waist, your butt to move forward by disrupting the form of movement that weight is a heavy weight for you. This takes the stress of your weight from the target muscles and distributes it to different muscles in the body, and at the same time it creates the risk of injury due to disrupting the movement form. Therefore, choose reasonable weights, 6-8 or 10 repetitions in a regular form and do not remove any weight you can not do.
Follow a logical system in your programs : aim to run one muscle group once or twice a week. For example, the first day of the driving groups (chest) and a small muscle group next to work. On the second day, train one attractive muscle group (back) and another small muscle group. This allows different muscle groups to rest as much as necessary for the previous day's workout, and to complete your training cycle without putting too much strain on the previous day's workouts and joints.
Pay attention to training time: Your training time should not exceed 50 minutes - 1 hour. If you ask me why, I don't see any reason to go beyond that time. If it does, you're doing something wrong. Let's say you are running a large muscle group and a small muscle group as is common in a training session. For example, you will train your chest muscles and then your biceps muscle. You can make up to 5 different movements for the chest muscles and 3 for the biceps muscle. All these movements should normally end around 50 minutes. If it doesn't end, you're probably keeping the rest periods between sets longer than necessary. Or you have an irrational training program. Scientifically, the body begins to secrete cortisol, a hormone that breaks down the muscles of the body. This will do more harm than good. No good bodybuilder will exceed these training periods. You should be able to finish your movements during these periods without resting and maintaining your training intensity.
Move from big muscles to small muscles: Small muscle groups already work as secondary muscle groups as you work out your large muscle groups. For example, when the chest is working, the triceps muscles are activated because you are pushing. Or because you do traction while running the back, the forearm, that is, the biceps, works secondary to your muscles. Chest, back, shoulder and leg muscles, which will be considered as large muscle groups, should be worked in the first part of the training and then you should run small muscle groups such as forearm, back arm and stomach muscle.
Pay attention to negative repetitions : Pay attention to negative repetitions is the factor that makes a big difference. Negative repetition means that when you begin to make any movement, it is the action you have taken to restore the weight you lifted or pulled. For example, in the dumbell shoulder press, you pushed the dumbbells up and do not quickly leave them unresponsive to bring them back to their original position, but at this stage you apply the resistance slowly to the initial position. For example, if you lift the dumbbell in 1 second, lower it in 3 seconds so that the case works better by applying a continuous resistance. Otherwise, uncontrolled negative repetitions will interrupt the stress applied to the muscle.

Nutrition: A newcomer can quickly gain muscle for the first few months, even if he does not pay attention to what he eats, but then the body enters a period in which muscle intake requires more nutrition and work. After that, if you continue to work without taking as much nutrients as necessary, you will start to take muscle and lose the muscles. Because what happens when you train is to create microscopic tears in the muscles. Muscle building is the process of repairing these microscopic tears with the necessary nutrients entering the body and making them stronger than before. When the necessary nutrients do not enter the body, the muscle remains only when it is torn and shrinks. For this reason, you should calculate your protein, complex carbohydrate and healthy fat ratio according to your body weight and get your daily nutrients at this rate. It is also vital that you understand more or less than cooking. Not every cook is an athlete, but every bodybuilder has to be a good, bad cook if you don't have special servants like celebrities. Because you do not eat the things you eat for 2 months, such as diet, you will consume constantly eat you need to satisfy you as a flavor. That's one of the main reasons why they quit, people can't manage to make good dishes that appeal to their palates and eyes. Naturally, after something, this is unbearable because the things they eat sound like straw. You should bring out the chef in you using different sources of protein and carbohydrates, different cooking options, vegetables and spices. Sleep : Obviously not a subject I can hardly stitch. Some say there's no substitute for going to bed around 10:00. Not necessarily, but I don't remember sleeping at those times except when I was sick. However, it is better not to exceed 12. Go to bed and sleep for 8 hours.

Benefits of bodybuilding:

These benefits are actually situations that allow you to go to the gym for a long time by making it a pleasant routine, not a grind. People who already do it for a long time never go to the gym by scuffing their feet, but they continue to do so because they enjoy it. Now I'm going to talk about some of the benefits that I have observed in myself.

It empties and relaxes: No matter how stressful you go to the gym, the six weights you lift are a place where you can't think of anything else. You can use your reset head at the end of the sport.
Keeps you away from bad habits: It is not a lifestyle compatible with alcohol and cigarettes. Alcohol is unnecessary, empty calories. Worse, both alcohol and cigarettes significantly undermine protein synthesis, a process that allows the body to use nutrients entering the body. In short, you can't.
It teaches patience and long-term gain: it makes you mature for life. Hard work doesn't put people.
You make good friendships in the beautiful gym: Although it is an individual sport, it is a shared sport in which solidarity exists intensively. It allows you to make many friends on this occasion.
It makes you look better: So…
It allows you to take precautions against muscle loss and bone resorption at later ages: People begin to lose muscle masses and experience bone resorption during old age. This sport will increase muscle tissue and will help you maintain your bone density, you will take precautions against this situation.
You have much less body pain than inactive people: If you have a variety of pain in your body, your muscles are strengthened and the load on your spine and joints decreases, so you can quickly get rid of them. I remember having used back pain because I was a tall person, now my back is the most painful place.

How we don't get hurt:

Injuries are an important problem in bodybuilding. However, if you take precaution, you minimize this risk. Not to be injured anatomically you need to know your body more or less and know which movement works where. Rotator cuff muscle is the most common injury in bodybuilding. This muscle allows you to turn your arm attached to your shoulder joint at different angles. One of the main reasons for the easy injury of this vital muscle is that over time, all the muscles around the shoulder are strengthened and not able to withstand stress as the weakest link when making movements. And once you're injured, you're unable to do almost all of the upper zone movements because it's in a critical zone. Moreover, the recovery process is very slow since there is not much circulation in that area and you do not have enough chance to isolate this muscle from the movements in your daily life. Therefore, you should attach the donkey to the stake and pay special attention to warming this muscle at the beginning of each workout. In fact, this muscle is very easy to heat. You can avoid rotator cuff injury by doing two exercises before I start training.
For the sake of simplicity, I will share these visuals and explain these movements. First, choose a very light dumbbell that will not exceed 1-2 pounds. And, as shown in picture 1, with the arms up, position them facing up and lift them back.

Then take the other action seen in the second picture, spread your shoulders sideways and close them back with the arms in the facing position. It is enough to make 2-3 sets of 10 repetitions.

In addition, you should always pay attention to the way certain movements are performed so as not to injure the same muscle. For example, the most open time bar for shoulder injury in the benchpress movement is when you get it back from the platform and put it back. This causes the stress on the chest pressure to be applied to the rotator cuff, which is completely on the shoulder for a short time. You should stick to the right technique in the bench press. This technique is performed by joining the shoulder blades and taking back the shoulder. If you do not take your shoulder back and leave it in front, you will be injured because you will give stress to the shoulder while applying the movement. When you lie on the bench, the platform will remain high and you will have to take the shoulder forward and take it out of the slot to get it back. In addition, the bar should move to the middle-lower part of your chest. As the bar down to the upper chest shoulder level gives the stress all over the shoulder, you have chosen a guaranteed way to crush the rotator cuff.
Another popular area of ​​injury is the neck. Too heavy. When you force yourself, there is no strength in the target muscle and the movement is disfigured and stress begins to spread unevenly to other muscle groups and joints. For example, you pushed the bar up to the bottom of the cable push down movement that works with the reel for the rear arm, but instead of removing it slowly when you lift it up, you released the reel quickly and in this case, the stress left in your position makes you feel up to your neck. In this case, you may notice that you have more neck than your back arm when you make the same movement on another day. Or z-bar with the biceps curl movement when you shake with acceleration neck and lumbar hernia is invited. If you feel a joint pain in any part of your body other than muscle pain, you should rest the area for a while by detecting the error that caused it.

Budget issue:

Turkey budget because of the expensive meat in a challenging side of this sport is available. But think about it, when you go out, you eat, 70 grams of meat made with a bad fat food will be half a kilo of meat. Moreover, these foods are not very healthy. Almost everything eaten outside was badly prepared with grease. It means more savings than cheap oil. Margarine, cotton oil, which you will not prefer in many kinds of kitchen oil is widely used.

Additional nutrients:

It says besin Helps you burn fat! ”Or alman Helps you get muscle! Ek It does not say ar Burn fat! ”Or“ Muscle! ”. In fact, the benefit of these products to do the job they claim is around 5-10% at most, often with virtually no effect. Supplementary foods have a large commercial market. Therefore, these products are marketed with the feeling that there will be a deficiency if not taken. At the same time, some popular doctors who speak very wrong about it cause misunderstanding. And even when there's no scientific equivalent to what they say. Canan Karatay is the most rotting one. Protein powder, the most popular supplement, is made from cheese. In addition, some amino acids (we can say the digested form of the protein) and sweetener are packaged with addition. However, while claiming that protein powder is harmful, the basis of these products is to enlarge the muscles while enlarging the heart and trans fat. However, these products do not have a substance that will increase the muscle effect nor trans fats. Protein powders do not enlarge muscle. What happens is that the muscle, which is fed better as protein, naturally has a faster recovery. Canan Karatay describes steroids when he talks about protein powders. Obviously, he mixed these two. And he continues to make these statements because he knows that he has attracted attention in the media. However, biscuits containing sweeteners, preservatives and sugar you buy from the market are more harmful than these products. While these products cannot be viewed from a different point of view than the chocolate sold in the market abroad, in our country these products are packaged and entered into the box and their prices are high due to the dollar exchange rate, thus creating great expectations.
The idea that protein powders are harmful has no place in the world. If you had asked anybody interested in sports abroad, your reaction would be something like, siz Brother, are you crazy, what are you doing? ” The scenario is that the man's son used uncontrolled steroids (I'll explain what this substance is) and of course the most striking thing in the house is not the tiny steroids, but the protein powder, which is sold in 2.5-pound canisters. Already because the name of the scapegoat is declared immediately. And it's said, "My son died of protein powder." If something is going to kill you, it is enough to kill you by disrupting your body and hormone system without even having to use pounds of weight. The problem in the media is that when steroid and protein powder users die for a steroid-related cause, which can be a lethal substance, the crime is attributed to protein dust. Steroids are actually used in medicine for purposes such as cancer and aids, such as excessive muscle and loss of strength in patients suffering from some fatal diseases, such as providing rapid muscle recovery. It is very harmful. It can permanently damage the internal organs, especially the liver, kidneys and heart, shortening your life and causing sudden death. However, just as one of the two ribs that will be broken when a heart attack is given to someone who has a heart attack is not calculated in a fatal situation. Although steroids do not kill, there are many damaging types of creep. A healthy male body regularly produces a certain amount of testosterone. But when you take too much testestesterone from the body through steroids, after a while, the body starts to stop its natural production because it gets too much ready from the outside. And because the testosterone is not produced when the medication is discontinued, the female hormone estrogen in the body begins to come in excess. This causes problems such as gynecomastia, long-term or permanent sexual dysfunction and infertility. There is no guarantee that you will get rid of these problems after you stop the medicine because you play with the body's hormone system. And it's up to him to start working right again. Finally, Turkey also probably fake version of passes made under these stairs to your hand if you want to reach these drugs. And you can't understand the difference.

Orgain Grass Fed Clean Protein Shake, Creamy Chocolate Fudge - Meal Replacement, Ready to Drink, Gluten Free, Soy Free, Kosher, Non-GMO, 11 oz, 12 Count