Friday, August 30, 2019

Premier Protein 30g Protein Shake, Cookies & Cream, 11.5 fl oz Shake, (12 count)

Relationship between Cardio and Muscle Building

Premier Protein 30g Protein Shake, Cookies & Cream, 11.5 fl oz Shake, (12 count)

Is it possible to build muscle with cardio?

Most bodybuilders endeavor to build muscle and gain volume. He is afraid that he will lose these muscles with cardio exercises. Doing these exercises is to keep your heartbeat at high rhythm for a long time and spend high calories. It is important how the energy required for calories consumed is provided. The body uses different methods. It meets the energy need by using the glucose , protein and fats it holds in its stores.

Glucose in the body is usually stored in the liver and muscles . It is at the forefront of energy production in case of sudden need. Fats with the highest energy potential are other sources that grow to help the body. The use of fat is very important for the body . It is valuable because it is high in adipose tissue and produces twice as much energy as glucose when evaluated on a molecular basis. Metabolism does not want to use fats as the first source. When it comes to protein, they are the proteins that make up the basic structure of muscles. Proteins are also used during energy requirements and the use of proteins means that muscles melt .

While athletes strive to build muscle, they look badly at cardio exercises not to be present. The main purpose of the cardio is to lose weight. The fact that it is recommended and fast results for overweight people has been perceived as special for those who want to lose weight. They are also preferred by athletes because they provide condition and endurance . Bodybuilders generally do not prefer for the reasons mentioned above. This is a false idea and has been proved by research.

Bodybuilders try to repair their bodies, which are forced to gain volume, with good nutrition and thus to build new muscles . Nutrition is considered the most important issue for muscle development. However, research shows that cardion is a must for the development of muscles. Cardio increases blood vessels in the body and enlarges them. It is useful for your heart to pump better blood. When you think that blood is what feeds the muscles , the development of the vessels means that more oxygen and more nutrients are transported to the muscles.

When and How to Do Cardio?

Strengthening the vascular network in the body increases the rate of renewal of the body . The faster and more comfortable the blood reaches, the faster it will carry the nutrients to the region and the faster it will repair. Considering that the basis of bodybuilding is training by shattering muscles and then repairing them, it can be said that those who are interested in this sport cannot call and find a blessing. The issue to be considered in this regard is to be restrained.

Measurement is important in cardio . Long-term high-paced cardio exercises are harmful to the body, not beneficial. This method, which is particularly harmful to the heart, is not recommended. Thinking of marathon athletes, their long runs require them to do challenging cardio processes . In order to increase the condition to such a high point, metabolism has to make some changes. For example, marathoners' heart muscles are shorter and contracted compared to other athletes. This is because it evolves to protect itself because it will pump blood at high tempo for 40 km.

According to the researches, the human body is programmed for short-term variable-paced movements instead of performing long-term movements at the same tempo . Experts on this issue since hunting time to avoid the danger of human beings are equipped to make short-term sudden runs. Sudden explosion movements always have a high impact on the body. Instead of 30 minutes of fast-paced running , completing this time as 3 minutes slow and 3 minutes fast will keep your metabolism alive. Even after the run, the metabolic rate will not decrease and perspiration will continue.

As we mentioned above, when doing cardio, the body will need energy and will try to obtain this energy from its stores. In order not to burn the valuable muscles in their stores, it should be provided with the necessary energy. Another important point to be considered at this point is nutrition . People who do cardio exercise to lose weight cannot prevent the body from meeting the energy needs of the muscles if they eat less. I mean, they lose weight, but they lose muscle . To prevent this, it is necessary to feed on protein.

Sports people should lose weight by eating to prevent muscle loss. A balanced carbohydrate and fat intake along with protein is required in cardio exercises. Metabolism, if not enough nutrients to become self-famine to survive longer instinctive response. The metabolism that goes into famine mode will tend to store the nutrients it receives as fat and prepare for difficult days. The first energy source for this will use the muscles and cause muscle loss.

As a result, cardio is important for those who want to build muscle. Cardio does not directly muscle, but indirect development. Short and variable-paced cardio will surprise your body and will help to renew both your veins and muscles. Combined with a good and balanced nutrition plan, it will prevent muscle loss, prevent injuries and at the same time accelerate muscle structuring.

Important note

The important point here is that the muscles in the same area should not be fatigued with cardio after the weight training. Cardio exercises should be performed on different days or on slightly brisk days. Otherwise it will not be of benefit.

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Premier Protein 30g Protein Shake, Cookies & Cream, 11.5 fl oz Shake, (12 count)