Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Herb Pharm Kids Certified-Organic Alcohol-Free Black Elderberry Glycerite Liquid Extract, 1 Ounce

Treatment of influenza with folk remedies

Herb Pharm Kids Certified-Organic Alcohol-Free Black Elderberry Glycerite Liquid Extract, 1 Ounce

Treatment with influenza folk methods

Treatment of influenza with folk remedies, especially if mild or moderate influenza, can replace powerful antiviral drugs. If a person spends at least a week in bed, drinks plenty of hot broth and tea, and combines these measures with folk remedies, a trip to the pharmacy may not usually be necessary. Moreover, there are no more environmentally friendly tools than crops and plants.

Garlic for the treatment of influenza

Garlic contains allicin, a special compound with antiviral properties. This has been proven in a new scientific study. This small study suggests that garlic can help prevent colds and flu, albeit mildly. Garlic also contains zinc and this element is revealed to be. It helps the immune system to cope with viruses.

Read also: 5 reasons to use zinc for colds

Fresh raw garlic is the most powerful folk remedy for influenza. Garlic only - not
It is preferable to suppress, thus allowing the garlic juice. Garlic essential oils will help perfectly in the fight against viruses. However, garlic supplements can increase the risk of bleeding, so people taking garlic to thin the blood should first ask their doctor's permission.

Onion to treat flu with folk remedies

There is almost no competition in preventing onions influenza and colds. And even if one person is sick with the flu. The doctors advise him to fight the viruses ... with onions. It was called golden apple and the bow was as expensive as gold. This is really priceless - at least according to the level of vitamin C that helps the human immune system.

To get the flu good, like garlic, you can not only eat, but also inhale. To do this, it is desirable to grate onions on a small grater, so that a very useful phytoester is well spread. Inhaling the onion several times - then the nose, then the mouth - a person contributes greatly to the treatment of influenza by folkloric methods. It is better that the virus primarily concentrates on the respiratory tract on mucous membranes, so it can be fully inhaled from it.
Echinacea as a folk remedy for influenza

Recent studies have shown that echinacea can be used effectively as folk remedies for colds or flu. However, doctors have different views on the strength of different parts of echinacea that affect the flu. A recent study has shown that it is more effective to use the roots, leaves and flowers, rather than the root.

But do not take onions or infusions of echinacea for more than eight weeks - using it for a long time can damage the immune system. system. People who are allergic to ragipids should never take echinacea.

This is how infusion of echinacea purpurea against influenza does. It is necessary to pour 1 tablespoon dried raw material with 1 liter of water and insist for up to two weeks in a dark place. The bank of Echinacea should be shaken periodically. The infusion should then be filtered and 30 drops should be taken three times a day for half an hour before meals. Duration of treatment is 10 days. Then you have to take a 10-day break and go back to treatment. Infusion strengthens the immune system, not only against influenza, but also treats the reproductive system.
Elderberry against flu

Like the elderly, such folk medicine is very effective against influenza. Some studies have shown that elderberry extract can help reduce flu symptoms when taken within the first 1-2 days after the onset of influenza symptoms.

True, some people may have side effects by taking the elderberry extract for the first five days. You should eat elderberry flowers and fruits for the treatment of influenza and other parts of this plant should be avoided because it may cause nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Inhalation with elderberry is also good.

In order to get a great immunity medicine, you need to mix it in one-to-one sugar and elderberry berry ratio. In the prevention of influenza and in the first days of the disease, you should eat this tea on a tablespoon 30 minutes before meals or consume it as tea jam.

There's another good recipe for old broth for inhalation. 3 tablespoons elderberry fruit, 2 tablespoons of flowers are mixed and poured into 1 liter of water. Boil on low heat for 2-3 minutes. Then put the plates in this boiling pan, cover them with a blanket and breathe the old couples as big as you can. This will clear the airways immediately. The main thing after that - do not enter the cold.
Ginger tea against flu

Ginger is an incredibly potent medicine for the flu. There is a great recipe for ginger tea, which can significantly shorten the duration of your illness. You should grate a teaspoon of ginger root and pour it in a glass of boiling water. It is necessary that ginger is as hot as tea as possible - and only where the flu symptoms disappear. Ginger destroys viruses very effectively. You should only think that this tea should not be drunk more than two times a day and that it is wrapped in people with diseases. The gastrointestinal tract is usually better to avoid, because the taste and taste is quite sharply exposed.

In general, when you have the flu, try to drink more hot infusions and still water. This will eliminate the poisoning of the body, which is inevitable in the event of influenza.

Folk remedies for influenza are an entire planet, and if you use these funds early in the treatment of influenza, you will perform very well. to
Flu treatment

Influenza treatment is mostly done at home.

Hospitalization is performed according to clinical, epidemiological and social indications.

Clinical indications:

severe and hypertoxic forms of influenza;
The complex course of influenza (meningitis, encephalitis, pneumonia, etc.);
whatever the disease of the newborn, the severity of the disease; Advising infants is also recommended.

Epidemiological indications:

The child stays in a closed institution or an organized collective (orphanage, a child's home, a health camp, etc.).
Social indications:
lack of opportunity to organize treatment and adequate care in outpatient settings for social, technical or other reasons;
Lack of opportunity to organize a “home hospital irse if necessary;
antisocial family;
homeless and neglected children.

Influenza patients should be hospitalized in a box or half-box.

All patients with influenza are shown:

curative and protective regimen (bed - poisoning during fever and with another transition to half the bed observed until recovery);
Milk-vegetable diet enriched with vitamins, hot tea, cranberry or blueberry walnut rich beverage, alkaline mineral water;
Indications for the appointment of anti-inflammatory and antipyretic agents at a lower temperature (if not) at a lower temperature at a body temperature of 38 ° C or higher - febrile convulsions in history, epilepsy and et al.). The safest antipyretic paracetamol for children (Pediatric Panadol, suspension or suppository). Single dose - 15 mg / kg daily - 60 mg / kg of the child's body weight;
"red fire" also uses physical cooling methods (wiping with water to half);
"Pale fever as a rule, reflects an infectious toxic shock and requires intensive treatment;
Flu is strictly prohibited from the use of acetylsalicylic acid due to the risk of Reye's syndrome having a very high mortality rate;
mucolytics A thick and viscous sputum (acetylcysteine ​​carbotsysteine), as expectorant mucolytics, - bromhexine, ambroxol;
with expectorants (Lycorine, marshmallow extract, termopsisa extract, etc.) leading to poor sputum. Coughing patients.

Local flu treatment

rhinitis nasal% sodium chloride, vasoconstrictive drops (oxymetazoline, xylometazoline); With prolonged rhinitis with pronounced nasal congestion And allergic component also topical antihistamines (desloratadine 2 years) - a glucocorticosteroid with a topical intranasal spray;
pharyngitis, tonsillitis with 2% proteinate or collargol silver solution; older children - bicarmint, chlorhexidine + tetracaine + ascorbic acid, etc.
Laryngotracheitis children more than 2 years to improve drainage steam inhalation with larynx, trachea (chamomile extract, narcissus, mint, sage, St. John's plant, 1-2% sodium bicarbonate solution); laryngotrachelitis in the hospital use paroingalyatsionnye room with bronchodilators (Croup syndrome) (berodual et al.), glucocorticosteroids, sodium bicarbonate;
vitamins: ascorbic acid, B vitamins, multivitamins;
antihistamines have been shown to children with allergic diseases (atopic dermatitis, respiratory allergies, etc.) in the acute stage. Clemastine, chloropyramine, loratadine, fexofenadine and the like.

Etiotropic antiviral treatment of influenza

Adamantane derivatives: children aged 1 to 7 years% remantadine syrup 5 mg / (kg / day); In children older than 7 years - remantadine, mg / (kg / day);
Viral neuraminidase inhibitors: oseltamivir 2 mg / (kg / day) for children over 12 years;
Specific anti-immunoglobulin has indicated for normal and severe hypertoxic forms of human immunoglobulin influenza;
Interferons (interferon-alpha intranasal. Rectal interferon-alpha 2, interferon alpha-2a - intramuscularly in heavy forms) and endogenic interferon inductors (Arbidol, anaferon child Kagocel) and others. In the background of treatment with a new domesticated drug kagoceli in children with influenza and other acute respiratory infections, while poisoning, fever, discharge symptoms and stenosis in nosorotoglotke main symptoms of laryngotrachitis (Bronchitis). Kagocel helps to increase the -2 and y-interferon production -2-fold in patients who were initially at low levels. In clinical trials in children, side effects and side effects have been reported if this interferon inducer is not used. In the comparison group mentioned that while respiratory infection leads to atopic exacerbation, and dermatitis not to exacerbate allergy throughout the treatment. Kagocel is well tolerated by children, shortens the length of hospitalization and can be used in pediatric practice in children aged 6 years 1 tablet three times a day for the first two days, 1 tablet 2 times a day for the next 2 days. Analysis of clinical studies has shown that kagocel has a universal effect. The manifestations of infection in viral respiratory infections, regardless of etiology and clinics.

Antibiotic treatment of influenza

Antibiotics are not necessary with influenza, such as ARI, only suitable for bacterial origin of suspected inflammatory process in the respiratory tract.

Due to antibacterial drugs, it should be clearly understood that treatment of influenza with antibiotics has no positive effect. It is designed to treat infectious diseases caused by bacteria and develops under the influence of influenza viruses. Also, antibiotic therapy with the flu can harm your body uncontrolled. and inappropriate use increases the risk of developing resistant infections. antibiotics. Remember, bacteria and viruses have a completely different nature and the treatment of flu with antibiotics is absolutely useless. Antibiotics can only be prescribed by a doctor, because in the case of complications caused by the influenza virus, such complications can only be caused by bacteria entering a weakened disease. body. Antibacterial drugs prescribed for complications of lung inflammation, bacterial bronchitis, sore throat or respiratory system, conjunctivitis, influenza, etc.

Antibiotics for influenza are prescribed according to strict indications:

Bacterial complications (acute obstruction pyo-necrotic laryngotrachitis / larynx - independent semolina, II-IV grade of dehulled syndrome, pneumonia, otitis media, sinusitis, streptococci or other bacterial tonsilitis / pharyngitis, lymphadenitis, especially in fluctuations purulent sputum bronchitis, pneumonia and others );
Suspicion of bacterial infection in influenza patients (when the development of bacterial infections is difficult to exclude - severe toxicosis, severe sore throat, tonsil raids, ear pain, dispnoea without symptoms of bronchial obstruction, asymmetry in the auscultation of the lungs, asymmetry in the blood, leukocytosis 12-15x109 / p). In the case of suspected bacterial complications in children under 3 years old it is necessary to prescribe antibiotics early. However, if subsequent follow-up and examination do not confirm suspicion of a bacterial infection, antibiotics should be discontinued;
Flu and severe forms;
Chronic foci and particularly exacerbations of bacterial infection (recurrent otitis media, chronic sinusitis, chronic pyelonephritis, etc.);
Clinical manifestations of immune deficiency.

Home flu treatment

Treatment of influenza should be comprehensive at home. First of all, it should be noted that a patient with the flu needs bed rest, because any physical activity increases the risk of complications significantly. In order to fight infection effectively, the body needs an abundant and hot drink. This helps prevent poisoning, increases the excretion of phlegm and helps maintain water balance in the body. It is not recommended to reduce the temperature to below 38 degrees as it constitutes an obstacle to the spread of infectious agents. Reduce heat at home, you can use raspberries - leave two tablespoons half an hour, pour boiling water, add two spoons of mother and stepmother and thyme spoon raspberries and emptied. The resulting broth is taken in a quarter cup four times a day. Reducing the temperature can also be done with acetic compresses in the calves of the feet. When you cough, heat mineral water with stagnant milk. Vasoconstrictive drops and sprays (eukazoline, rhinazoline) as well as oil-based drops (pinosol) are used to facilitate nasal breathing with cold and nasal congestion. You can use herbal healing and furailin solution to wash your nose. To reduce the inflammation process in the throat, a chlorophyllpt for these purposes, furacilin, chamomile and sage juice is possible with the aid of rinsing, using an alcohol solution of soda-salt solution. At the beginning of the disease, arbidol, anaferon, amyzon, etc. antiviral drugs such as. You can make breeding onion juice with natural honey to facilitate conditions. Take this mixture you need every half hour for a teaspoon. It contains a lemon with a strong antioxidant effect - reduces the poisoning of the body and has a devastating effect on the virus.
Means for the treatment of influenza

Drugs for the treatment of influenza are prescribed depending on the accompanying symptoms. Antihistamines, colds, often sneezing, are indicated in watery eyes. Decongestants are used to squeeze the head, discomfort in the nose, use the ears. Analgesics and various localization are anti-inflammatory drugs that reduce the flu and reduce body temperature. Flu interferon preparations, interferon inducers, immune system, mucolytics, antitussives, expectorants, anti-inflammatory and anti-viral drugs can be administered.

Antiviral drugs are capable of destroying viruses and are represented by etiotropic agents. The use of etiotropic drugs alone is not sufficient in influenza epidemic. Immunomodulating drugs rebuild the body's defense mechanisms. The main indicator for the use of this group of drugs is the infectious inflammatory process, which is difficult to treat. Medications for the treatment of influenza include:
my Adapro

The drug is taken orally after eating. The first symptoms of the disease appoint r, g once a day for four days.
the Deytifor

It is taken orally before a meal. On the first day of the disease, g times - g three times, the second and third day - g twice a day, on the fourth day. On the first day of the disease, the daily dose can be consumed in one session.

The drug is effective at the beginning of the disease. On the first day, take two tablets (100 mg) three times a day. You can drink a daily dose at a time (six tablets) or for two meals (twice a day for three tablets). On the second and third day of the disease - two tablets (100 mg) twice. On the fourth and fifth day - two tablets (100 mg) once a day. The duration of treatment is five days.
the Ingavir

Take one capsule a day.

The drug is taken 200 mg four times a day. The interval between receptions should be six hours. The average duration of treatment is three to five days.

Po, g (2 tablets) four times a day before meals. The drug is taken within three days.
the Anafero

One tablet under the tongue three to six times a day depending on the severity of the disease. After the onset of recovery, a single dose is recommended for eight to ten days.
the Amizo

The maximum single dose is 1 g, the daily dose is 2 g. The drug is taken by 5 g (one or two tablets) two to four times a day. The course of treatment is five to seven days.
you Amika

Take after eating 125 or 250 mg (one or two tablets) per day for two days, then one tablet with a break in two days. All drug doses are indicated per adult.
Treatment of influenza in pregnancy

Treatment of influenza in pregnancy has its own nuances, as many anti-influenza pregnancy is contraindicated. These include aspirin, cough suppressants, antivirals and a variety of vasoconstrictor drugs. Therefore, treatment of pregnancy during pregnancy should be combined with plenty of hot drinks. Honey and lemon, milk, broth hip tea, Raspberry - fluid, which helps to eliminate toxins. You can take one tablet paracetamol to reduce the temperature. When you cough (Dr Anne, gedeliks) you can drink breast fees and expectorants that are allowed for reception during pregnancy. Oil-based drops "Pinosol" can be used to reduce inflammation of the nasal mucosa. Use a marimer of aquamaris, housewife, to wash the nose. As part of complex therapy, the use of vitamin-mineral complexes is mandatory.
Effective treatment of influenza

Anti-influenza therapy began within the first thirty-six hours after the onset of symptoms, the disease can significantly reduce the duration of the disease and reduce the risk of developing complications. Effective treatment of influenza disease is the combination of chemotherapy with non-specific drugs or is achieved. Only when using interferons and antiviral inducers and immunomodulating agents have activity. Effective treatment of influenza should be comprehensive. If you are sick, consume plenty of hot liquid (tea, milk, cranberry juice, herbal decoction). If there is a runny nose and nose, use disposable paper napkins, then wash your hands with soap and water. Generally ventilate the room. Take antiviral medications and keep bed rest.
Influenza treatment in adults

In adults, influenza treatment is performed at home, strictly linked to bed rest. Hospitalization is indicated for hyperthermia, convulsions, blurred consciousness, severe arterial hypotension, cardiac disorders, and complications. Symptomatic treatment at home is the regular use of a large number of hot drinks, antiviral, antihistamines and antipyretics. If the temperature decreases, you can do herbal inhalation with chamomile, calendula, sage. Remantadine is used at the beginning of the disease, nasal passages are washed with furacilin and lubricated with oxalic ointment. Antibacterial drugs and sulfonamides are indicated not only in the case of bacterial complications and also to prevent the development of chronic purulent inflammatory diseases.
Flu virus treatment

Treatment of influenza virus consists in conducting specific therapy depending on the type of virus. Influenza A virus can form a moderate to severe epidemiological condition, such as swine and chicken flu. Influenza B type usually does not cause epidemics and has local outbreaks of the disease. Influenza type C virus has not been adequately investigated. Signs are often neglected or completely absent, such viruses can be associated with type A virus. Treatment of influenza virus should, above all, aim at the destruction of viral cells. The influenza A virus is, for example, susceptible to oseltamivir and zanamivir. The main influenza virus types are A and B. Type A is more frequent, M2 inhibitors are used to control it. Neuraminidase inhibitors are effective against group A and B viruses. Antiviral drugs using flu therapy can suppress viral enzymes and stimulate interferon formation. The first group of drugs suppresses the virus itself, the second - reduces the sensitivity of cells to viral agents. Treatment of influenza virus should begin with the first symptoms of the disease.
Flu treatment

The treatment regimen for influenza includes sequential procedures to eliminate the existing symptoms of the disease and to neutralize the viral cells.

Antiviral drugs are taken to directly neutralize the virus (arbidol, amixin, rimantadine, groprinosin).
High temperature (above 3 degrees) is accompanied by severe tremors, headaches, muscle aches, antipyretics (aspirin, acetaminophen, ibuprofen) / can be brought down
Primary symptoms of the disease may also be dry cough and sore throat. In such cases, expectorant tablets and syrups (bronchial, doctor Mother, herb, lazolvan) are shown - three to four times a day, antiseptic tablets for absorption and sugars (septefril, faringosept, decatylene, septothete, stalactites) - three to six times daily
To eliminate nasal congestion, locally used vasoconstrictive drugs - naphthyrene, rhinazoline, tizine, eukazoline - an injection in each nasal passage three times a day. With plenty of nasal wash is shown in the mucus compartment such as Salina Humor, Marimer, chistonos Nasal saline and drugs.
As part of complex therapy, they receive funds to strengthen immunity (Echinacea purpurea, immune, tincture of vitamin-mineral complexes). The immunal is taken as follows: twenty drops three times a day, a small amount of liquid. The primary dose may drop once forty times, then take twenty drops every hour or twice for two days, then proceed to the recommended average dose.
Herbal decompression of the throat, soda-salt solutions, regular hot drinks, rest and bed rest and periodic rinsing are also shown.
High body temperature, any physical activity, antibacterial drugs as well as thermal procedures are contraindicated.

Treatment of influenza in lactation

As with pregnancy, lactation should be treated with extreme caution. Without the use of drugs can not make a serious course of the disease, but of course, not all drugs are allowed during breastfeeding. According to the doctor's prescription, interferon-based antiviral drugs may be taken. You can drink paracetamol to reduce the temperature. With flu you should always drink hot tea with honey, raspberries, lemon or milk. The throat can be rinsed with an aqueous soda and salt solution, a chamomile source. Ventilate the room regularly to remove air from accumulated viruses. Influenza also needed rest and bed rest. In severe cases, drug treatment in influenza lactation is an indication of interruption of the feeding process.
Modern treatment of influenza

Modern treatment of influenza involves a variety of procedures for eradicating viruses and eliminating the symptoms of the disease. When influenza occurs, the patient necessarily shows a bed rest, abundant drinking, mouthwash and nasal passage for infection erosion. Modern treatment of influenza treatment requires the appointment of foods rich in vitamin C in the diet of milk and vegetables. In recent years, influenza therapy has been combined with the use of immunomodulators that help the body cope more quickly with the disease. Natural immunostimulants of buttocks, Eleutherococcus roots, Chinese lemon grass, echinacea purpurea, etc. However, it should be noted that their uncontrolled use may, on the contrary, worsen the functioning of the immune system. In the case of influenza, a drug such as remantadine having antiviral activity is well known. At the very beginning of the disease, you can dig three or five drops of human leukocytes or recombinant interferon at each nasal passage for one to two hours apart for two to three days. The nasal passages can also be lubricated with oxalic ointment. Vasoconstrictive drops and sprays are used with nasal obstruction. The temperature only falls if it exceeds thirty-eight and a half degrees because it promotes endogenous interferon production (the organism fights infection). When influenza suggests taking vitamins and minerals as well as immunomodulating drugs. Detoxification treatment is carried out with the help of drugs such as polyglucin, reopoliglucin, five percent glucose solution, hemodesis, ascorin.
Rapid treatment of influenza

Rapid treatment of influenza depends on the combination of various factors that influence the course of the disease. First, it should be clearly understood that the flu should be shown at bed rest. This is one of the necessary conditions for the successful and rapid treatment of the disease. Naturally, if you take antiviral medications and enter physical activity at the same time, you should not expect a rapid effect, this can only aggravate the situation. So, the first rule - complete rest and bed rest. The second mandatory condition is the active consumption of all kinds of warm liquids - can be green or black tea with honey, lemon, milk, juice, raspberry compote. The fluid helps remove toxins from the body and, as a result, helps in the rapid treatment of influenza. Remember to ventilate rooms regularly and use disposable wipes during coughing and sneezing to prevent the proliferation of viruses. Antiviral drugs for the elimination of viruses - arbidol, anaferon, amixin, remantidin, etc. Use antiseptic tablets and sprays (anginal, chlorofililpt, orasept, septefril, lysobakt, pharyngosept, etc.) to eliminate the present symptoms of the disease, expectorant drugs (mucaltin, ambroxol, herb) and vasoconstrictors (galazoline, tizine, rhinazole, rhinazole, galinoline, thizine, rhinazole, rhinazole, rhinazole).
Treatment of influenza with folk remedies

Among the folk remedies for influenza, the dog has proven to be well established. Dry rose hips should be crushed and poured into cold water (1 L), then boiled for ten minutes. The resulting broth insists for eight to ten hours in a hot place, and then it strains. Take a ready medicine you need a glass 5 to 6 times a day, you can add honey.

A similar substance can be prepared by mixing dogrose with honey and adding berries of currants or raspberries. Take half a glass three times a day before eating. A good effect of treatment has a snowball. The fruits of this plant are mixed with the mother-and-stepmother and poured with boiling water, then filtered and taken in a heated state for one night. Another popular medicine for influenza is onion. A medium-sized bulb should be applied on a grater, then spread over the gauze and folded into several layers. Place the resulting mixture on the side surfaces of the nose for ten to fifteen minutes. Repeat the procedure three to four times a day. Before the procedure, it is recommended to lubricate the skin caps, oil-free oil or cosmetic face cream. Rinse nasal passages can be saline. You can also dig the nasal passages of colds and a drop of vegetable oil mixed with garlic. Garlic crushed, add a spoon of lean oil, insist twelve hours and strain. At a temperature, rose hips mixed with mountain ash, poured hot water, insisted for four hours and filtered. The taken infusion is taken three times a day for half a glass. Also, to remove heat, dilute 1 tablespoon of vinegar per liter of lightly boiled water, moisten the vinegar solution with a towel and rub the flares, arms, armpits. When the temperature drops, you can pour dry mustard powder into your socks and put your feet warm all night. At normal body temperature, you can inhalation with sage, eucalyptus, chamomile. You can also cook unrefined potatoes, drain water, crush, add two or three drops of oil, and breathe the steam pre-coated with a towel for five to seven minutes. Inhalation is contraindicated in people with cardiovascular system diseases. to
How to get rid of influenza by folk remedies

Influenza is the most common disease and can cause several serious complications. Influenza, an acute viral disease, affects the upper and lower airways, accompanied by poisoning. Every year, new strains of viruses emerge that our bodies need to fight again. It is therefore important to know where it comes from and how to protect our immunity.
How can you get rid of the flu with folk remedies?

It is important to consult a doctor for treatment and to comply with the following prescriptions:

1. 5-day quiet bed rest. To get rid of influenza by folk remedies, relax more without straining your eyesight. Depletion of a weakened organism is fraught with a complication of the disease.

2. Drink flu for at least two liters of warm drinking a day. Enrich with vitamin C - lemon tea, roses, infusion of rose hips. With a large amount of liquid, the body quickly releases toxins from the life of bacteria.

3. If your body is not contraindicated to get rid of the flu, you can use anti-inflammatory drugs such as paracetamol, diclofenac, ibuprofen, Coldrex, Tera-influenza. Thus, if the temperature is above 38 degrees, you can reduce the temperature and reduce the pain. At a temperature below 38 degrees, it is not necessary to receive mitigation funds, except for children and those prone to seizures. At this time in the body, anti-infectious mechanisms work.

4. Wash your throat with flu disinfectants - chamomile, sage, furacil. Repeat every 2 hours.

5. To avoid coughing during flu, you need to dilute the accumulated phlegm. Take mucaltin, ATSTS or bronchotin - thick and gooseberries depending on the drinking regimen. Do not take the drug - consult a doctor.
Effective ways to get rid of influenza by folk recipes

It can be treated at home using the following recommendations.

1. During the treatment of influenza, you can take advantage of these folk recipes. 3 tablespoons chamomile flowers, three-leaf leaves, one hundred thousandth of grass and elderberry grass mix. 700 ml of the prepared mixture pour 4 tablespoons of boiling water. Insist the night. In the morning, take a 15-minute water bath. Take the drug 3 times a day for a glass. Adults who are not contraindicated in alcohol, can drink 100 grams of hot vodka flavored with honey before bedtime, this remedy heats up well and relieves influenza.

2. You need milk - 1 cup, dried figs - 2 tbsp. spoon. Materials should be mixed and boiled, then left for half an hour. Then rub the mixture until smooth and take three to four times a day.

3. You need: the third part of the banana leaves, the third part of licorice, the four parts of the leaves of the mother and stepmother. It is necessary to mix these components and apply the breast to the patient.

4. To get rid of influenza by folk remedies, you need: two sheets of mother and stepmother. Two parts of Marshmallow. Portion of thyme. A mixture of herbs should form a tablespoon, pour with boiling water and allow to cool for about four hours. Then take half a glass during the day.

5. What you need: Unsalted butter - 1 hour. spoon, honey - 200 g, Milk - 1 cup. All components must be mixed and boiled, then drunk hot.

How to get rid of cough with flu folk remedies?

Influenza can be a big problem for any person because it is not only a discomfort but also a serious test for your health. the use of cough to get rid of fluid, infection or other irritants in the mucosa, which is quite painful for a person experiencing constant experience. This is normal if you encounter a flu with physiological cough that you can cough twice a day. Physiological cough helps the body recover from accumulated mucus and cleanse the airways. If the flu with a strong cough worries you during the week, or even for months, you need to get rid of it urgently.

I would like to remind you that a strong cough should be treated extensively during the flu, which means it is necessary:

Drink as much liquid as possible,
Apply by inhalation,
Use healthy, fortified vitamins.

If the flu persists for a long time, then it is advisable to consult a doctor in which you prescribe antitussive drugs, because you can not correctly connect drugs that can cause serious side effects, because it can not be taken without a prescription. actions.

If you notice that the cough starts when it comes into contact with animals or dust, it may be a result of your allergic reaction, not the flu. In this case, try to avoid contact with irritants.

To get rid of the disease, you should do self-spray when the disease arrives, and do not forget to do prevention to prevent the virus.

In case of emergency prevention, immunity should be strengthened before the onset of annual influenza outbreaks. This will take at least 1-2 weeks. If not vaccinated, you can take prophylactic antiviral drugs Rimantadin, Oseltamivir, Immunoglobulin (before consulting a doctor).

Herb Pharm Kids Certified-Organic Alcohol-Free Black Elderberry Glycerite Liquid Extract, 1 Ounce