Friday, August 30, 2019

Evolve Protein Shake, Classic Chocolate, 20g Protein, 11 Fl Oz, Pack of 12

Do not collect fat when I say muscle

Evolve Protein Shake, Classic Chocolate, 20g Protein, 11 Fl Oz, Pack of 12

Playing sports is one of the most meaningful qualities we add to our lives. A healthy life, a clear mind, fitness and flexibility that make life easier, and perhaps the best tool to make us feel good; sport When it comes to sports, the first thing that comes to mind is running, gymnastics, football, tennis, skiing, sailing, as well as bodybuilding and fitness-oriented sports. Regardless of the sport we are engaged in, the more and more easily we feel the sense of accomplishment, the more we are connected to the sport, we enjoy it and we want to continue.

To be successful in different sports, primarily depends on different body structure and ability. It is rare that a good marathoner is a great sprinter, and a runner should not be expected to be a successful weightlifter. In some sports, body size and structure are negligible, while talent gains more importance. However, many features of successful athletes come from birth. In this sense, length is the simplest example. A basketball player who is 220 cm tall is usually more successful than the 20 cm shorter. The most important feature is the high number of muscle fibers in the sprinters, which are short distance runners. The genetic structure of the person determines which sport will be successful. However, this is never a sufficient factor, of course, there are many conditions that determine the success of an athlete. In this article, we focus on nutrition, one of the most important factors that form the basis of success in sports.


- Maintaining optimal health, lean body weight and low fat tissue

- Adaptation to training

In addition, proper food and fluid consumption before and during training has a positive effect on performance. Food and fluid consumption after training accelerates recovery.

Although everyone is looking for an ideal diet definition, there is no perfect diet for sports people. Because each athlete needs to meet different requirements. It is a diet that provides the best diet hydration (sufficient fluid intake), and includes sufficient energy and nutrients.

Athletes and coaches are well aware of the impact of nutrition on health and performance. Indeed they consume enough food in quality and quantity; very effective in maximizing performance before, during and after exercise.


Athletes are constantly warned to consume high carbohydrates and low fat. In cases where the fat content of the diet is less than 20%, the athlete's body fat pattern and immune system are adversely affected. When the fat content of the diet is 30%, overall health and performance are positively affected. High carbohydrates, which are therefore constantly highlighted, can lead to misunderstanding of the low fat diet. In this sense, it is more accurate to suggest a high-carb, medium-fat diet because the 30% fat-containing diet means a medium-fat diet, useful for healthy eating.

For athletes, it is generally recommended to consume normal levels of fat (30% of daily energy intake). In regular and intensive exercise, this amount may increase to 50%.

In summary, it would not be right to suggest a high carbohydrate-based diet for overall health and long-term endurance performance. Fats play an important role, especially in endurance exercises.


Fats rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids should be preferred. It is necessary to meet at least 10% of the total energy requirement from polyunsaturated fats.

Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids should be selected. Omega-3 fatty acids intake should be 1 g per day. To achieve this, 30-60 g per day. greasy fish enough. In cases of deficiency in the body, fish oil capsules or enriched products should be consumed.

If you do sports regularly and seriously, you should add fish such as salmon, sardine, mackerel, tuna and oil seeds such as walnuts, hazelnuts and almonds to your daily diet.


According to recent research, 1 - 1.5 g protein consumption per kilogram of body weight per day is sufficient for many athletes. For endurance athletes like Crossfit, protein consumption of 1.5 g / kg / day is recommended. (So ​​for an athlete with a body weight of 68 kg, 68-102 g protein per day). However, it is a known fact that most athletes consume more than the recommended amount of protein. The most important problem is that athletes who do weight training do not consume enough carbohydrates. As a result, proteins are used for energy, and thus the function of maintaining muscle density is not sufficiently done.


Composite carbohydrates with long digestion are more favorable energy sources than simple sugars, which are fast energy sources. Refined sugars such as sugar and sugar cubes, jams, honey in fruit juices and carbonated beverages are called "empty energy" sources. There is a big difference between these refined simple carbohydrates and unrefined simple (fruit, milk) and complex (cereal and legumes) carbohydrates. When carbohydrate sources other than refined simple carbohydrates are consumed; protein, vitamins, minerals and pulp are also taken into the body. When you consume the same amount of refined simple sugars and other carbohydrate foods, you can see how big your energy level is. While simple sugar has hardly any effect on your energy level, complex carbohydrates provide a noticeable increase in your performance.


The most important thing that increases muscle strength is training. As weight training increases, strength increases. The type and intensity of the weight training determine the strength increase. It is widely believed that amino acid and protein supplements will be useful to increase muscle density and strength. In addition to protein, carbohydrates and various vitamins are required for strengthening and development of muscles. If the body does not get enough energy, proteins are used to provide energy instead of muscle building and repair.

Although athletes who limit food for weight loss and use vitamin-mineral tablets consume too much vitamin-mineral, they cannot increase muscle density as they wish. In order to develop muscles, increase endurance and strength, it is necessary to follow a diet that provides enough energy. There is no scientific evidence that excess protein consumption is necessary for muscle development. Remember that over-consumed protein is stored as fat in the body. In other words, you can collect fat when you say build muscle with plenty of protein.

In short, diets that increase muscle tissue should be rich in protein and complex, unrefined, high quality carbohydrates.


Yeah. When insufficient protein is consumed, the body uses its own tissue proteins. As a result, growth stops first, then body weight begins to decrease. The decrease in body resistance increases the likelihood of developing illnesses, and lasts longer and more severe. In addition, the blood protein hemoglobin can not be produced as a result of anemia occurs.

Since there is no protein store in the body, excess protein is converted into fat and stored. Proteins of animal origin contain saturated fats and cholesterol and may increase the risk of developing cardiovascular disease in older ages. In addition, residues formed as a result of the breakdown of proteins are excreted through the kidneys and urine. Overloading of the kidneys and loss of water and tissue may cause premature aging of this organ. Excess protein consumption increases urinary calcium excretion and increases the risk of kidney stones.

In short, excessive protein consumption; dehydration, kidney and liver burden, increased urinary calcium excretion, and gout in the joints.


In order to increase muscle tissue, it is important to remember the importance of exercising as well as increasing the right food intake. If nutrient consumption increases, but not exercised, fat tissue increases. In order to stimulate the development of muscle cells, intensive muscle training and strength training is required. Weighing instruments are often used for muscle increase, but if the scale does not have such a feature, it is unclear whether the weight increase is muscle weight or fat weight. To determine this, body fat percentage should be measured before weight training. If adipose tissue is increased, body fat percentage increases. If muscle tissue increases, body fat percentage does not change or decrease.


A person who does sports should not do sports on an empty stomach or on a full stomach. We recommend that you take the main meals at least 3-4 hours before the exercise and at least 1-2 hours before the meals. Your food choices should be easily digestible and absorbable. High glycemic index and sugary foods should not be taken before exercise. Foods with a high glycemic index (high sugar content) increase insulin levels and prevent fat burning. Therefore, you should prefer low-fat, complex carbohydrate foods before exercise.


- Oats or muesli with low sugar content and half-fat milk

- 3-4 yogurt with whole wheat rusks

- Half-fat yogurt with fruit

- 2-3 pieces of walnut or almond with fruit milk

- Fruit yogurt and almonds

- Whole grain bread, lean triangular cheese and skim milk


The rule of principle for the exercisers is the discipline of the meal. Apart from the main meals, which are regularly eaten, additional snacks provide the body with the necessary energy level and keep the glycogen store full. In this way, it is easier to protect the muscles and burn fat. Nutritional choices after exercise are very important in terms of the efficiency you will get from the exercise.

In order to meet the repair and need of our tired body and worn muscles after sports, we should prefer a protein-based meal. We should turn to meat, chicken, fish, eggs, cheese and especially curd cheese because of its low fat content. Milk and yogurt can also be preferred. Of course, after exercise, milk, yogurt and buttermilk consumption can give you a feeling of fatigue, drowsiness and sleep.

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Evolve Protein Shake, Classic Chocolate, 20g Protein, 11 Fl Oz, Pack of 12