Saturday, August 31, 2019

SmartyPants Vegetarian Organic Kids Daily Gummy Vitamins: Multivitamin, Gluten Free, Non-GMO, Omega-3, Probiotic, Vitamin D3, Methylcobalamin B12, Zinc; 120 Count (30 Day Supply)

How to identify folic acid deficiency?

SmartyPants Vegetarian Organic Kids Daily Gummy Vitamins: Multivitamin, Gluten Free, Non-GMO, Omega-3, Probiotic, Vitamin D3, Methylcobalamin B12, Zinc; 120 Count (30 Day Supply)

Folic Acid has an important role in the formation and development of cell building blocks, blood cells and especially nervous system tissues and is part of the B complex vitamins.

Folic acid, which plays an important role in making DNA, which is the building blocks of our genetic code, is an indispensable vitamin for those who want to grow healthy. The main causes of folic acid deficiency in humans are malnutrition. Folic acid plays an important role in the production of red blood cells. Therefore it is also used in the treatment of anemia.

Folic acid deficiency is caused by anemia caused by a decrease in the number of red blood cells due to nutrition. This deficiency can be caused by chronic alcoholics, drug addicts, the elderly or people with low socioeconomic level, as well as diets that lack fresh fruit and vegetables and other foods rich in folic acid.

Benefits of folic acid

If the folic acid needed by the baby is not enough, neural tube defect, central nervous system diseases and many developmental problems may occur. With the simplest form, the baby's skull and brain cannot develop. Folic acid has an important role in metabolism and formation of nervous system tissues. Folic acid infant used before and during pregnancy; Protects against cleft lip and cleft palate, preterm labor, low-weight birth and miscarriage . Folic acid can also be prepared as follows; It also protects against pregnancy complications, heart disease, stroke, certain types of cancer, risk of Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease.

When to start using folic acid?

Those with digestive, kidney and liver disease may experience folic acid deficiency. It is recommended to use it together with vitamin B12 during treatment. In addition, taking folic acid more than the recommended amount regularly triggers vitamin B12 deficiency. To prevent this, you can take folic acid measurements and use the B12 supplement in consultation with your doctor.

How to identify folic acid deficiency? Folic acid-containing foods and benefits

folic acid deficiency Folic Acid has an important role in the formation and development of cell building blocks, blood cells and especially nervous system tissues and is part of the B complex vitamins. Folic acid, which plays an important role in making DNA, which is the building blocks of our genetic code, is an indispensable vitamin for those who want to grow healthy. The main causes of folic acid deficiency in humans are malnutrition. Folic acid plays an important role in the production of red blood cells. Therefore it is also used in the treatment of anemia. Folic acid deficiency is caused by anemia caused by a decrease in the number of red blood cells due to nutrition. This deficiency can be caused by chronic alcoholics, drug addicts, the elderly or people with low socioeconomic level, as well as diets that lack fresh fruit and vegetables and other foods rich in folic acid.


Benefits of folic acid
When to start using folic acid?
Symptoms of folic acid deficiency
Treatment of folic acid deficiency
Foods and foods containing folic acid
The amount of folic acid in foods;

Benefits of folic acid

If the folic acid needed by the baby is not enough, neural tube defect, central nervous system diseases and many developmental problems may occur. With the simplest form, the baby's skull and brain cannot develop. Folic acid has an important role in metabolism and formation of nervous system tissues. Folic acid infant used before and during pregnancy; Protects against cleft lip and cleft palate, preterm labor, low-weight birth and miscarriage . Folic acid can also be prepared as follows; It also protects against pregnancy complications, heart disease, stroke, certain types of cancer, risk of Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease.

When to start using folic acid?

Those with digestive, kidney and liver disease may experience folic acid deficiency. It is recommended to use it together with vitamin B12 during treatment. In addition, taking folic acid more than the recommended amount regularly triggers vitamin B12 deficiency. To prevent this, you can take folic acid measurements and use the B12 supplement in consultation with your doctor.

Folic acid, which is taken 400 mcg daily before and during pregnancy, is protective against birth injuries that may occur in the baby's spinal cord and brain. Birth defects in the first 3-4 of pregnancy. occurs during the week. For this reason, folic acid is needed in the early period when the baby's brain and spinal cord develops.

It is recommended that folic acid should be started one month before becoming pregnant and taken daily during pregnancy. Use of folic acid; 400 mcg when pregnancy is decided, 400 mcg in the first trimester of pregnancy, 4-9. 600mcg between months, 500 mcg during breastfeeding is recommended.

Symptoms of folic acid deficiency

Each type of anemia has its own symptoms, depending on the underlying cause. However, there are some more general symptoms associated with all types of anemia. These symptoms include fatigue, shortness of breath, dyspnea, fainting, and irregular heartbeat (palpitations). You may also have headaches, tinnitus and loss of appetite. If your anemia is caused by vitamin B12 deficiency, there may be other symptoms. These are yellowing on your skin (depending on the jaundice that occurs when a chemical called bilirubin accumulates in the blood).

Other symptoms include a painful, red tongue (glossitis), sores in your mouth, and altered or reduced touch. Other symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency include decreased pain, changes in walking and movement, blurred vision, irritability and depression. Folate deficiency can also cause symptoms of general anemia, loss of sensation, inability to control your muscles, and depression.

Causes of folic acid deficiency

Folate deficiency may also be caused by the absence of folate in the foods you take, or by another disease (such as restless bowel syndrome) that prevents your body from absorbing folate as effectively as necessary. You may also lose folate if you go to the toilet very often due to an underlying disease related to your kidney or liver. If your body needs more than normal folate, you may not meet this need, you may be weak. If you become pregnant or cancer, if you have a blood disorder or inflammation in your body, you will need more folates.

Treatment of folic acid deficiency

To treat anemia caused by folic acid deficiency, your doctor prescribes folic acid tablets, usually taken for four months. If you have anemia due to vitamin B12 or folate deficiency, it is important to include plenty of vitamin B12 and folate-rich foods in your daily diet. Rich sources of vitamin B12 include meat, eggs, dairy products, fortified breakfast cereals, and some soy products. Vegetables such as broccoli, brussels sprouts, asparagus , peas, chickpeas and brown rice also contain high levels of folate.

Health problems caused by folic acid deficiency

The incidence of congenital anomalies in a study conducted in Turkey goes on record as 3 thousand. The probability of congenital anomalies seen in the second children of couples who have children with anomalies is 2-3%.

Use of folic acid before and during pregnancy is a protective factor against complications. Complications are relatively rare, as most cases of vitamin B12 or folate insufficiency can be easily treated. In severe cases, any type of anemia can cause complications that may affect your heart and lungs and prevent them from working properly.

B12 or folate deficiency can sometimes cause temporary sterility (infertility, inability to conceive). However, this infertility is not permanent and can be removed by using vitamin supplements. If you are pregnant, if you do not take enough B12 or folate, your baby is at increased risk of developing a birth defect, such as spina bifida. Folate deficiency also increases your baby's risk of premature birth.

Folate deficiency increases your risk of developing a cardiovascular disease (causing your heart and circulatory system to malfunction). Research has shown that folate failure may also be associated with some cancers. Folate deficiency alone is not a cause of cancer, but may contribute to the development of the disease.

Alzheimer's and Folic Acid

The incidence of Alzheimer's disease has increased approximately four times in the last 40 years. People with Alzheimer's disease have generally been found to have low blood folic acid levels. In a study conducted over 65 years of age, folate, Vit B6 and VitB 12 patients were found to have no dementia problem. Folic acid intake is very useful in brain development, protection against Alzheimer's and other nervous system diseases

To prevent Alzheimer's, folate-rich foods should be taken care of and folic acid levels should be followed.

Folic acid in cancer prevention

Vitamin B12 or folate deficiency is most common in people over 75 years of age. Increasing the amount of folic acid added to the diet in the prevention of colon and breast cancer reduces the risk of colon cancer by reducing folic acid-rich diet and alcohol. Consuming more than 2 glasses of alcohol every day increases the risk of cancer 4 times. 400 mcg folic acid taken daily in addition to diet reduces the risk of colon cancer .

Foods and foods containing folic acid

Folate Rich Cereals; Cereals consumed daily are very rich sources of folic acid. Grain breads and oatmeal are foods with vitamin B group. Therefore, cereal breads and cereals should be preferred instead of white bread.

Vegetables Containing Folic Acid; Dark green leafy vegetables are very rich in folic acid. Vegetables such as spinach, lettuce, parsley and black cabbage should be consumed to cover the daily amount of folate. Green vegetables such as asparagus, broccoli, peas and gumbo are also foods containing folic acid.
Source of Folic Acid Citrus; Citrus fruits, which are the healthiest foods of winter, contain abundant folic acid. Oranges, grapefruits, tangerines and lemons should be included in the daily diet. Especially these fruits should be consumed in abundance during pregnancy and lactation.
Legumes with Folic Acid; Lentils and dried beans are very important with the amount of folic acid in them. These foods, which also have other sources of vitamins, must be included in daily nutrition.
Other Foods Containing Folic Acid; Natural foods, such as avocado , cauliflower, celery, corn and beet, contain folate.

How to identify folic acid deficiency? Folic acid-containing foods and benefits
Category: Nutrition and Diet , Pregnancy , Vitamins Print
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folic acid deficiency Folic Acid has an important role in the formation and development of cell building blocks, blood cells and especially nervous system tissues and is part of the B complex vitamins. Folic acid, which plays an important role in making DNA, which is the building blocks of our genetic code, is an indispensable vitamin for those who want to grow healthy. The main causes of folic acid deficiency in humans are malnutrition. Folic acid plays an important role in the production of red blood cells. Therefore it is also used in the treatment of anemia. Folic acid deficiency is caused by anemia caused by a decrease in the number of red blood cells due to nutrition. This deficiency can be caused by chronic alcoholics, drug addicts, the elderly or people with low socioeconomic level, as well as diets that lack fresh fruit and vegetables and other foods rich in folic acid.


Benefits of folic acid
When to start using folic acid?
Symptoms of folic acid deficiency
Treatment of folic acid deficiency
Foods and foods containing folic acid
The amount of folic acid in foods;

Benefits of folic acid

If the folic acid needed by the baby is not enough, neural tube defect, central nervous system diseases and many developmental problems may occur. With the simplest form, the baby's skull and brain cannot develop. Folic acid has an important role in metabolism and formation of nervous system tissues. Folic acid infant used before and during pregnancy; Protects against cleft lip and cleft palate, preterm labor, low-weight birth and miscarriage . Folic acid can also be prepared as follows; It also protects against pregnancy complications, heart disease, stroke, certain types of cancer, risk of Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease.
When to start using folic acid?

Those with digestive, kidney and liver disease may experience folic acid deficiency. It is recommended to use it together with vitamin B12 during treatment. In addition, taking folic acid more than the recommended amount regularly triggers vitamin B12 deficiency. To prevent this, you can take folic acid measurements and use the B12 supplement in consultation with your doctor.

Folic acid, which is taken 400 mcg daily before and during pregnancy, is protective against birth injuries that may occur in the baby's spinal cord and brain. Birth defects in the first 3-4 of pregnancy. occurs during the week. For this reason, folic acid is needed in the early period when the baby's brain and spinal cord develops.

It is recommended that folic acid should be started one month before becoming pregnant and taken daily during pregnancy. Use of folic acid; 400 mcg when pregnancy is decided, 400 mcg in the first trimester of pregnancy, 4-9. 600mcg between months, 500 mcg during breastfeeding is recommended.
Symptoms of folic acid deficiency

Each type of anemia has its own symptoms, depending on the underlying cause. However, there are some more general symptoms associated with all types of anemia. These symptoms include fatigue, shortness of breath, dyspnea, fainting, and irregular heartbeat (palpitations). You may also have headaches, tinnitus and loss of appetite. If your anemia is caused by vitamin B12 deficiency, there may be other symptoms. These are yellowing on your skin (depending on the jaundice that occurs when a chemical called bilirubin accumulates in the blood).

Other symptoms include a painful, red tongue (glossitis), sores in your mouth, and altered or reduced touch. Other symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency include decreased pain, changes in walking and movement, blurred vision, irritability and depression. Folate deficiency can also cause symptoms of general anemia, loss of sensation, inability to control your muscles, and depression.
Causes of folic acid deficiency

Folate deficiency may also be caused by the absence of folate in the foods you take, or by another disease (such as restless bowel syndrome) that prevents your body from absorbing folate as effectively as necessary. You may also lose folate if you go to the toilet very often due to an underlying disease related to your kidney or liver. If your body needs more than normal folate, you may not meet this need, you may be weak. If you become pregnant or cancer, if you have a blood disorder or inflammation in your body, you will need more folates.
Treatment of folic acid deficiency

To treat anemia caused by folic acid deficiency, your doctor prescribes folic acid tablets, usually taken for four months. If you have anemia due to vitamin B12 or folate deficiency, it is important to include plenty of vitamin B12 and folate-rich foods in your daily diet. Rich sources of vitamin B12 include meat, eggs, dairy products, fortified breakfast cereals, and some soy products. Vegetables such as broccoli, brussels sprouts, asparagus , peas, chickpeas and brown rice also contain high levels of folate.

Health problems caused by folic acid deficiency

The incidence of congenital anomalies in a study conducted in Turkey goes on record as 3 thousand. The probability of congenital anomalies seen in the second children of couples who have children with anomalies is 2-3%.

Use of folic acid before and during pregnancy is a protective factor against complications. Complications are relatively rare, as most cases of vitamin B12 or folate insufficiency can be easily treated. In severe cases, any type of anemia can cause complications that may affect your heart and lungs and prevent them from working properly.

B12 or folate deficiency can sometimes cause temporary sterility (infertility, inability to conceive). However, this infertility is not permanent and can be removed by using vitamin supplements. If you are pregnant, if you do not take enough B12 or folate, your baby is at increased risk of developing a birth defect, such as spina bifida. Folate deficiency also increases your baby's risk of premature birth.

Folate deficiency increases your risk of developing a cardiovascular disease (causing your heart and circulatory system to malfunction). Research has shown that folate failure may also be associated with some cancers. Folate deficiency alone is not a cause of cancer, but may contribute to the development of the disease.
Alzheimer's and Folic Acid

The incidence of Alzheimer's disease has increased approximately four times in the last 40 years. People with Alzheimer's disease have generally been found to have low blood folic acid levels. In a study conducted over 65 years of age, folate, Vit B6 and VitB 12 patients were found to have no dementia problem. Folic acid intake is very useful in brain development, protection against Alzheimer's and other nervous system diseases

To prevent Alzheimer's, folate-rich foods should be taken care of and folic acid levels should be followed.

Folic acid in cancer prevention

Vitamin B12 or folate deficiency is most common in people over 75 years of age. Increasing the amount of folic acid added to the diet in the prevention of colon and breast cancer reduces the risk of colon cancer by reducing folic acid-rich diet and alcohol. Consuming more than 2 glasses of alcohol every day increases the risk of cancer 4 times. 400 mcg folic acid taken daily in addition to diet reduces the risk of colon cancer .
Foods and foods containing folic acid

Folate Rich Cereals; Cereals consumed daily are very rich sources of folic acid. Grain breads and oatmeal are foods with vitamin B group. Therefore, cereal breads and cereals should be preferred instead of white bread.

Vegetables Containing Folic Acid; Dark green leafy vegetables are very rich in folic acid. Vegetables such as spinach, lettuce, parsley and black cabbage should be consumed to cover the daily amount of folate. Green vegetables such as asparagus, broccoli, peas and gumbo are also foods containing folic acid.
Source of Folic Acid Citrus; Citrus fruits, which are the healthiest foods of winter, contain abundant folic acid. Oranges, grapefruits, tangerines and lemons should be included in the daily diet. Especially these fruits should be consumed in abundance during pregnancy and lactation.
Legumes with Folic Acid; Lentils and dried beans are very important with the amount of folic acid in them. These foods, which also have other sources of vitamins, must be included in daily nutrition.
Other Foods Containing Folic Acid; Natural foods, such as avocado , cauliflower, celery, corn and beet, contain folate.

The amount of folic acid in foods;

It is of great importance that foods containing folic acid are included in daily nutrition. By consuming these foods, daily folate needs can be met.

3/4 Cup Cereals; 400 mcg
Cooked Beef Livers; 215 mcg2
Bowl of Boiled or Cooked Spinach; 218 mcg1 / 2
Cup of Boiled Lentils; 179 mcg1 / 2
Cup Boiled Haricot Beans; 90 mcg1
Pieces Egg; 25 mcg1
Handful Sunflower Seeds; 82 mcg1
Bowl of Asparagus; 79 mcg1
Pieces Orange; 55 mcg1
Squeezed Orange Juice In A Glass; Contains 80 mcg folic acid.

SmartyPants Vegetarian Organic Kids Daily Gummy Vitamins: Multivitamin, Gluten Free, Non-GMO, Omega-3, Probiotic, Vitamin D3, Methylcobalamin B12, Zinc; 120 Count (30 Day Supply)