Friday, August 30, 2019

MAXIMUM PROTEIN: BOOST Max protein provides 30g of protein, 160 calories, plus 24 vitamins & minerals to help you get complete & balanced nutrition. Perfect as a mini-meal or snack.

What to eat before and after sport

MAXIMUM PROTEIN: BOOST Max protein provides 30g of protein, 160 calories, plus 24 vitamins & minerals to help you get complete & balanced nutrition. Perfect as a mini-meal or snack.

You should pay attention to what you eat before or after the sport. Whether you are a professional or an amateur; The role of nutrients is very important for your exercises.

Energizing nutrients

With the right amount of calories, nutrients and liquids to be taken with a balanced diet, you can have the necessary energy and power.

Carbohydrates are one of the most important nutrients that provide energy for the body. The choice of complex carbohydrates is more important during sports. They are abundant in cereals, fruits, vegetables and dairy products.

Proteins are important for muscles, but there is a perception that high protein uptake enlarges muscles. However, this is only a rumor. Muscle growth is only possible with sports and weight training. Only adequate protein intake is sufficient for muscle formation.

Taking more protein than the body needs can cause:

• Can be stored as oil,
• Increases the risk of calcium loss,
• Causes the kidneys to over work,
• Carbohydrates can cause fatigue when taken in place.

Getting enough fluid

Adequate fluid consumption is necessary to perform well during and after sports. As important as preventing the body from dehydration, it is also important not to consume much water.

The easiest way to tell if you have enough fluids is to look at your urine color. A light yellow color indicates that sufficient liquid has been taken.

Before sport

You should get the nutrients your body needs before exercise. You should eat 2-3 hours before the sport. But if you are in a hurry, you can have a snack for 30-45 minutes before the sport.

Before sports, do not consume foods that are high in fat, protein and fiber. This kind of food slows down the digestive system and can cause cramps and weakness.

Before the sport, you can choose the following snacks:

• Oatmeal on a small plate,
•Skimmed milk,
• Fruit (apple) or juice,
• A slice of bread with honey or jam.

During sports

Carbohydrate-rich nutrients can be consumed during exercise for more than one hour. Such foods can prevent bowel problems.

After sport

If you have worked hard and long during sports, your need for energy and the necessary nutrients will increase. Try to consume something in the next 45 minutes after the sport. Because the blood pumping rate of the heart continues in this 45 minutes, the electrolytes are renewed to provide the necessary energy for the muscles and muscles are repaired.

Your meals may contain carbohydrates, proteins and small amounts of fat. For example, you can choose:

• Whole wheat bread, chicken and skim milk,
• Whole rye bread, brown rice and cheese,
• Vegetables, white meat and brown rice.

If you are not very hungry, you can also choose from balanced snacks. For example:

• Yogurt and fruit
• Banana and skim milk

MAXIMUM PROTEIN: BOOST Max protein provides 30g of protein, 160 calories, plus 24 vitamins & minerals to help you get complete & balanced nutrition. Perfect as a mini-meal or snack.