Friday, August 30, 2019

Atkins PLUS Protein & Fiber Shake, Chocolate, Keto Friendly, 11 oz., 4 Count (Pack of 3)

Meal Program To Lose Weight And Build Muscle At The Same Time

Atkins PLUS Protein & Fiber Shake, Chocolate, Keto Friendly, 11 oz., 4 Count (Pack of 3)

To lose weight, lose fat and build muscle on the one hand, you should carefully create and follow a healthy fitness diet plan. The muscle building process is very different from losing fat, but you can change both your meal schedule and your drinks to achieve both at the same time.

The basic principle of a fitness nutrition program is that the foods taken should be of good quality. This means that all foods taken are as close to nature as possible. Processed and refined foods, including sugars, wheat products and man-made trans fats, should be avoided as much as possible. In addition, a regular fitness training program to make lean muscle must be followed. In this program, training is done three days a week. A fitness nutrition program that is both fat loss and muscle building is also called the Clean Bulk Nutrition Program .

In order to implement this program in a healthy way, you should:
1.Protein Intake

Getting enough protein is vital for building muscle and has a positive effect on fat loss as well. Protein allows your muscles to heal and repair after fatigue during heavy exercise, which ultimately leads to muscle growth. The protein, which the body consumes a lot of energy for digestion, also allows you to stay full for longer after meals. This prevents you from turning to unhealthy snacks and getting too many calories.

The goal of daily protein intake per kilogram of body weight; should be 0.85 grams in men, and 0.75 grams in women.
2.Oil Consumption

If you want to make muscle and lose weight by losing body fat, it is very important to add healthy fats to your diet. Healthy oils such as nuts, seeds, avocado, coconut oil, olive oil, natural butter and a small amount of milk are excellent sources of energy and provide healthy nerve and muscle functions while you train hard to build lean muscle. Although it seems unreasonable to get fat while aiming to lose fat, consuming healthy fats is associated with lower body fats and easier fat loss when it comes to intensive exercise programs.
3. Carbohydrate Intake

If you plan to build muscle, carbohydrates should also be included in your diet in certain amounts. Carbohydrates give your muscles glycogen, which helps your muscles make enough effort during exercise, and so your muscles begin to develop. After eating high carbohydrate foods such as sweet potatoes, whole grains, rice, bulgur or fruit, you get enough energy to work at intense levels while having constant energy for the rest of the day. However, too much carbohydrate can lead to slow fat loss because any excess is stored as fat for later use. For the best results, aim to take a handful of carbohydrate food during meals on intense exercise days.
4. Correct Beverage Selection

If you want to burn body fat, your diet should contain only drinking water, sugar-free tea and coffee. Energy drinks, concentrated juices and alcohol are the wrong choices. Prefer not to drink the processed juice of the fruit, but to eat it as fruit. In addition, the inclusion of cow's milk products and protein drinks in your diet will be beneficial in ensuring adequate intake of protein on a regular basis when trying to build muscle.
5. How should vegetarians be fed?

To keep protein intake high, vegetarians can consume nuts, lentils, legumes, quinoa and dairy products. For example, yogurt is a source of protein used for breakfast or snacks. However, lentils and legumes also contain high amounts of carbohydrates, so they can replace some additional carbohydrate requirements on training days. Saturated fat without meat and eggs will also be low, so avocados and coconuts can be used as substitutes.
6. Nutrition on Days Out of Training

When you do not exercise, protein and fat consumption will be much higher than carbohydrates. At each meal (ideally in intermediate meals), protein should be taken along with the fat source and supplemented with starchy vegetables and leafy greens. Fruit can be consumed moderately.
7. Nutrition on Training Days

On the days you exercise, your meal program will contain a higher amount of carbohydrates than the days you don't. Protein and fat should continue to be consumed at every meal, but in addition to vegetables, your meals should contain a larger source of carbohydrates. Carbohydrate sources include potatoes, sweet potatoes, white / brown rice, bulgur, kinoa and oats. Fruits can be included as snacks if necessary.
Sample Clean Bulk Nutrition Program

All you need to burn fat and build muscle is to be disciplined to your fitness training and diet program and the necessary rest / regeneration times. All of these factors will work synergistically with each other to get you to your destination: a leaner and more muscular body.

The first thing you'll notice about the sample cooking program below is that it's spread all day. This is necessary to ensure the continuous nutrition of your body. This reduces the likelihood that your body will enter hunger mode. You may also notice that there is too much protein in this diet. Eggs, chicken breasts, salmon and tuna take up more space in this program.

Protein drinks are also necessary because they can spread your protein absorption over a longer period of time. Fats and carbohydrates are also required, but do not take up as much space as proteins.

1st Meal - 9:00
80gr cooked oats with three scrambled eggs + a slice of rye bread + mixed dried or fresh fruits

2nd Meal - 11:00
Protein shake

3rd Meal - 13:00
Two chicken breasts + 150 g broccoli + 225 g brown rice

4th Meal - 15:00
Mixed raw nuts (almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts) + mixed dried or fresh fruits 200 g natural yogurt

5. Meal - 17:00
A baked sweet potato + a soup bowl of spinach + a salmon fillet

6. Meal - 19:00
Canned tuna + a slice of cottage cheese + a handful of almonds

7. Meal - 21:00
Protein drink
How to Create a Clean Bulk Nutrition Program?

First you need to calculate how many calories you need. You must have a baseline to add your additional calories. You can find various calorie counter applications or programs to help you. Basically, you should find out how many calories you spend per day. This is calculated based on your weight, body fat and how much activity you do each day. For example, the larger your body and the more active you are, the higher your daily calorie consumption. After you get your daily calorie requirement, you need to add 500 calories for your exercises.

Once you know how many calories to work with, you'll need to calculate your macros. Macros are abbreviations of macronutrients and refer to the various food groups you will consume. As mentioned above, your main choices in the clean bulk nutrition program are proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

For example, a man who weighs 80 kilos will have the daily calorie and macronutrient needs: 2800 calories, 175 g protein, 75 g fat and 350 g carbohydrates.

As can be seen from the above example, all the remaining calories should go to carbohydrates. You will need all these carbohydrates to do your workouts and to ensure continuous muscle growth.

When you know the exact amount of calories you need, you can start creating your meal program. Apart from the basic red meats for protein sources, salmon and chicken are lean protein sources that can be as delicious as red meat. However, do not hesitate to add beef to your meals as it also provides fat. Oil sources should be from unsaturated oils. You can get them from oils and fruits. For example, avocado or coconut oil is a delicious source of fat that you can add to your meals.

Finally, your carbohydrates should come from cereals and oats. Try to avoid simple carbohydrates, such as sugars, because they are easily converted to fat during the digestion process.

Also note that you will need to change your carbohydrate consumption on days when you are not exercising. Since you don't need this much energy, you should reduce the amount of carbohydrates.

You should eat more strongly on the days when you are exercising a tight exercise program, so that you can have the resources you need for your body to build muscle.
Fat Burning and Muscular Foods

1. Eggs. A cheap and rich source of protein: 1 egg has 7 g protein. Egg yolk contains most nutrients: half of the total protein content and cholesterol that naturally increases A, D, E vitamins and testosterone levels. Don't worry about cholesterol in the egg. If you have bad cholesterol, reduce your body fat rather than discard the yolk.

2. Fish Oil. It reduces inflammation in joints and skin, reduces body fat and increases testosterone levels. If you cannot provide enough oil in your nutrition program, you can take fish oil supplements.

3. Salmon. It takes 20 grams of protein in 100 grams of salmon, one of the best sources of omega-3 fatty acids. However, omega-3 is lacking as the farm-grown salmon feeds on corn and cereals.

4. Cranberry, Raspberry, Strawberry, Blackberries, Blueberries, such as succulent and dice-free fruits. They are powerful antioxidants that prevent cancer, heart and eye diseases. You can mix fresh or frozen fruits with oatmeal.

5. Yogurt. It contains bacteria that improve your digestive health, it is a good source of protein. Do not buy frozen yogurt or fruit-added yogurt with sugar. Get plain, low-fat yogurt. Strawberries, blackberries, blueberries, etc. and can be enjoyed with flax seeds.

6. Flax Seed. Source of fiber, protein and omega-3. Grind flaxseed to get the most out of them. Take 1 tablespoon of yogurt and berries before bedtime. Avoid flax oil: it is unstable and contains no fibers.

7. Extra Virgin Olive Oil. It contains more polyphenols. It is a 70% monounsaturated fat that protects against heart diseases and cancer. Add 1-2 tablespoons of olive oil to your salads.

8. Mixed Nuts. Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, proteins, fiber, vitamin E, zinc, potassium, magnesium, etc. It contains. Mixed nuts are ideal for those who want to gain weight because it is calorie intensive. You can eat almonds, walnuts, cashews, hazelnuts and pistachios. Natural peanut butter without salt / sugar addition is also suitable.

9. Red Meat. You can get protein, vitamin B12, iron, zinc, creatine, carnosine and even omega-3.

10. Broccoli. Broccoli, which has a high content of cancer-fighting phytochemicals and anti-estrogenic indoles, is also soluble fiber and low calorie. Helps fat loss. You can consume white cabbage, black cabbage and cauliflower for similar benefits.

11. Spinach. Spinach, one of the most alkaline foods, prevents muscle and bone loss due to its high nutritional profile and also prevents cancer and heart diseases.

12. Turkey. If you feel that saturated fat is not good for you, try the white turkey. The white meat which has the most lean meat has about 4.5 grams of saturated fat per 100 grams. This is almost close to 0 grams, so it is very dry. You can eat with spinach and kinoa.

13. Kinoa. He is the “grain king Güney of South America. Kinoa has higher values ​​in terms of fiber and protein than rice or oats, is much more delicious and gluten-free. White quinoa is of better quality. You can eat after exercise with meat and spinach.

14. Oats. It is a very good example of low glycemic index carbohydrate and high soluble fiber intake to lower cholesterol. It is a food with high content of potassium, magnesium, vitamin E, B complex vitamins and folic acid. You can try a mixture of whey and oatmeal.

15. Tomatoes. Cancer prevention contains high lycopene. Lycopene is 4 times more biologically present in tomato paste than fresh tomatoes. Tomato sauce and olive oil can be eaten with pizza or pasta after strength training.

16. Citrus fruits. They contain vitamin C, which strengthens the immune system, magnesium that lowers blood pressure, and beta-carotene, an anti-oxidant. Avoid drinking processed orange juice with sugar added. Eat orange or make your own pulp orange juice.

17. Apple. Pectin in apple helps weight loss by increasing toughness. Apple (especially peel) is the most powerful antioxidant after blueberries. Unfortunately, apples are one of the most insecticidal fruits. If you can find organic apples, try to eat with shells.

18. Carrot. A large amount of vitamin A content protects eye health. Carrots are also rich in fiber, low in calories and delicious even when raw.

19. Water. If you don't drink enough, your body holds water. Drinking water prevents water retention, helps muscle healing and prevents dehydration from strength training. Drink 2 glasses of water between meals. Drinking water after the last meal may increase the need for toilets at night, so you may not choose to do so.

20. Green Tea. Powerful antioxidant and natural diuretic. Green tea also accelerates fat loss, prevents cancer and regulates blood sugar and circulation. You can drink green tea instead of coffee in the morning. Instead of tea bags, you should take care to drink the green tea you received from the importer.

21. Wheat germ. Wheat germ, germ is the richest part of protein, B vitamins, vitamin E and mineral content. Two tablespoons of wheat germ 4 grams of protein, 2 grams of fiber and 9 grams of carbohydrate you get only 60 calories. You can consume 2 tablespoons wheat germ with milk, yogurt, freshly squeezed orange juice and salads. You can even make a delicious omelette with wheat germ.

22. Bulgur. A plate of bulgur provides about 15% of the daily iron need. It contains about 11 grams of protein per 100 grams, is low calorie, high fiber and provides you with the carbohydrate you need, especially during intensive training days. It is a good alternative to rice and pasta because it has a relatively low glycemic index despite its high carbohydrate content and keeps it full for longer.

23. Chia Seed. As one of the highest plant-based protein sources, chia seeds are ideal for burning fat, running muscles and balancing blood sugar levels. You can consume milk, yogurt, fresh squeezing orange with orange juice and salads. Chia seed is a powerful antioxidant store to help replace some of the lost nutrients while exercising.

Atkins PLUS Protein & Fiber Shake, Chocolate, Keto Friendly, 11 oz., 4 Count (Pack of 3)