Friday, August 30, 2019

Atkins Gluten Free Protein-Rich Shake, Dark Chocolate Royale, Keto Friendly, 8 Count


Atkins Gluten Free Protein-Rich Shake, Dark Chocolate Royale, Keto Friendly, 8 Count

What is protein powder? What are the benefits of using whey protein powder for your daily protein need? Are there any damages to the protein powder? How to use? How is it produced?

Why do you need to read this article specifically? (Finally got the summary!)

An ordinary day, an ordinary person:

Hey, heavy! I take 600 grams of chicken, 6 eggs, 2 cans of tuna, protein powder and BCAA per day. All of this makes me materially weary, but I only get 3 times my weight of protein. You think that's enough? But they're all…

An ordinary day, an ordinary news page:

Think again before drinking protein powder ! Protein powders especially used by bodybuilders cause many problems such as brain tumor, heart and kidney diseases!

Now you understand?


So read on, you'il be very surprised.

From the need for protein to the protein kills people, there are lots of superstitions and nonsense being spoken on TV, the Internet, gyms, family chats. As the heavyweight team, we would like to put all these to the final point with scientific facts in a single article.

Hundreds of thousands of followers, hundreds of athletes and many scientific articles we have read with the experience and information we have compiled this article, good readings to you. Please join us with your comments and, if you like, share our work with our friends!

What is Protein Powder?

Protein powder does not deserve to be the most popular supplement . The benefit of protein powder is that it contains protein. Voodoo is not a hocus-pocus product. You may need to take it when protein is missing in your diet. Whey Protein is made of milk and is not an unhealthy product. There are other ways of production (from eggs, rice, etc.)

We will examine all of this in detail now, and you will use your money wisely.

Maybe you won't take protein powder as it is unnecessary for you al
What is Protein?

Before we understand the dust, let's get a general overview.

Protein is a complex organic compound that is formed by the linking of amino acids in chains. There are many protein structures in the food we eat, just as we do in the mortal body.

Proteins contain 4 calories per gram, but are consumed at the last moment of hunger. Since they participate in many structures in the body, burning protein as an energy would bring a pretty big bill. For this, we use carbohydrates which are cheaper.

Since they are very important for tissue formation, it is also the most important component for muscle development. That's why all this popularity in the sports community.
What is Amino Acid?

Proteins are digested and used as amino acids. What is interesting here is that while there are 20 different amino acids, our body can produce only 12 of them. 8 amino acids are essential ”essential” amino acids.

For some amino acids, you may have heard that it is called el conditional essential,, which can be produced in beautiful days, but not in difficult situations. For example, glutamine is one of them.
What are the Benefits of Protein?

Protein has many benefits. A must for health, but for athletes:

Increases protein turnover and positive nitrogen balance: Our tissues must replace worn proteins by synthesizing new proteins. Protein intake increases it. Protein synthesis will be reduced if not taken enough.
The thermal effect of the protein is high: 2-3% for fat digestion, 6-8% for digestion of carbohydrates, 25-30% of the energy that proteins bring for digestion. So if we eat too much, eating it from protein will reduce unwanted weight gain. You think I bought 400 calories, but it's actually 300!
Increases glucagon: A hormone that plays a role in fat burning.
Increases growth factors: Increases hormones that help cells to grow.
It boosts the body's nutritional supplements: beneficial ingredients such as CLA , BCAA , creatine , 1-carnitine , 1-glutamine are found in protein-containing foods. When sufficient protein is taken, they do not need to be externally supported.
For these reasons, protein is an important food.

Daily Protein Need for Athletes How Much?

Protein Calculation
Weight (kg) *
Fat Ratio *
Daily Minimum Protein (weight gain, gram)
Daily Minimum Protein (grams when burning fat)

I don't know if you'il believe it; the protein is very hard to find, not much of a food we live lack of! Now let's see what's on this:

1988 - Walberg et al. ( 1 ): 1.6 grams of protein per kilogram is sufficient to maintain a positive nitrogen balance (muscle development takes place) in weightlifters on a hypocaloric diet (low calorie).

1992 - Lemon et al. ( 2 ): Inexperienced bodybuilders, there is no difference between 1.3 grams and 2.6 grams per kilogram, ideal for a positive nitrogen balance of 1.65 gr / kg.

• 1992 - Tarnopolsky et al. ( 3 ): No difference was found between 1.4 grams and 2.45 grams per kilogram in terms of protein synthesis, lean mass increase or increase in strength, protein oxidation was high in the over-receiving group (indicating excessive intake).

• 2006 - Hoffman et al. ( 4 ): No difference was found between 1.7 grams and 2 grams per kilogram for 3 months in terms of body composition, strength and hormone concentration.

As these researches, we can add dozens more daha ( 5 )

If there's one thing I've learned from tens of thousands of emails, it's going to be very underestimated . Alı There must be a mistake, it should be more and more important than that, bilir you can say.

Well, let's examine the question marks one by one.
Protein Need for Intense Sports

If you think that you should take more than these studies say because you are training very hard, more than 1.65 grams of weight per body weight did not make an extra contribution for bodybuilders who worked 6 days a week for 1.5 hours a day. ( 2 )

But I am an advanced athlete…

If you think that you are an experienced and advanced bodybuilder and therefore need more than usual ( do you even lift bro? ), You need to know that elite bodybuilders need less protein than novice bodybuilders.

Even long-term endurance athletes need more protein than elite bodybuilders. This is because the more advanced you are, the less tissue you can refresh. The less tissue you wear and renew, the less protein you will need. Endurance athletes will need more due to their long-term catabolic training ( 6 , 7 , 8 ).

Likewise , people injecting steroid hormones do not need much. In this study, even those who received 1.2 times protein per kg per day for 20 weeks managed to add 8 kg muscle mass without any exercise ( 9 ). This is because the drugs used in the body by reducing protein breakdown makes nitrogen balance positive.
Protein Need for Burning Fat

While some researchers say that over-protein would help nitrogen balance when creating a calorie deficit, so people who want to burn fat will need up to 3 times their mass needs ( 10 ), but this has never been proven. In fact, according to some researchers, nitrogen balance does not always indicate protein deficiency ( 11 ). Taking too much does not guarantee the positive nitrogen balance and 1.6 grams per kilogram is enough for those who want to burn fat ( 12 ).

In other words, people who want to burn fat need not have high protein, but the high intake of both calorie deficit and helps to feel full, to increase protein intake from healthy sources, it will not be a bad idea.

Daily Protein Needs Özet

According to the research, the protein taken between 1.2 grams and 2.2 grams of lean mass is sufficient to maintain and increase muscle mass, even in the calorie deficit.

The lower the fat ratio and the more calorie deficit we create, the better it is for us to consume the upper limit. What you get above this amount will affect what performance, what appearance. If we take too much, at best we will get expensive glucose (sugar); because the body converts excess protein to glucose and uses it for energy (see gluconeogenesis ). Or if we get more calories than we need, these calories are stored as fat in the body.

It is a myth that is not based on a scientific background that we should take 2, 3, 4 grams per kilo.

What happens if we don't get enough protein?

Protein deficiency does not cause a big problem for a short time.

Continuous deficiency may interrupt your muscle development first and may cause serious health problems.

We share this not for fear and panic, but for your conscious approach. You should check your daily protein intake.
Is There a Benefit to Excess Protein?

So far, we need to realize that we don't really need a lot of protein to improve the body. But the industry has made so many advertisements and discourses to convince you; You won't believe a few vitamins-free researchers! And science can't answer everything, for example, what is love? Is this real or a fantasy?

While we still have a lot of unanswered questions!

First of all, there are psychological benefits to making sure that we don't consume protein to ensure “guarantee“. My personal experience is that I saw dozens of pure young people attacking the training with the determination of people on the metrobus tail just because they drank protein powder. If these people are going to do their training a little harder with this belief, let them do it .

In addition to the psychological benefits, as we have written above, the thermal effect of the protein is high: that if we eat too much, eating it from the protein will reduce unwanted weight gain. In addition, protein consumption has a more saturation effect than other foods.

Useful ingredients such as CLA, BCAA, Creatine, L-Carnitine, L-Glutamine are found in protein-containing foods. When you take too much protein, you get them too much and it can have some positive effect, maybe.
Which Foods Most Contain Protein?

protein-containing foods

You should take your daily protein needs as you calculate above every day for optimal growth. From time to time it falls below the minimum value is not a problem, from time to time over the benefits may be.

What we're wondering right now is; What foods does protein contain?

Foods Containing Protein

• Animal sources: Red meat, fish, poultry, eggs, dairy products, animal protein powders (usually derived from whey).

• Vegetable sources: Nuts, pulses, cereals, vegetable protein powders (usually derived from soy, peas or rice).

In general, these food groups contain a significant amount of protein to meet our needs.
Do Vegetable Proteins Make Muscles?

It is not known which foods contain protein, but the biggest concern of people is whether vegetable proteins are counted. And unfortunately, too many legends are circulating around this. One of them is the absence of vegetable proteins .

Almost every protein source in nature carries all the necessary amino acids. That is, plant proteins also have the full amino acid content; but the amount of these amino acids may vary from food to food. So it carries, but maybe less.

The concern here is whether missing amino acid intake is a problem. However, when we examine it, in fact, the protein sources that we call incomplete are not very incomplete, or they can easily be completed together with other foods we eat ( 12 , 13 , 14 ).

If we had to eat a limited amount of food for the rest of your life; maybe then animal protein could be a little more important; but cereals with pulses, dried fruits and cereals, etc. We can compensate. In fact, it is much easier to eat abundant from vegetable sources, it is much easier than eating from animal sources, there is no serious situation to worry about.

There is no particular interference with the source of protein in the researches on the amount of protein mentioned above, so you do not have to take all those amounts from animal proteins. If you meet your calorie needs with some milk and cheese in the morning, some chickpeas with meat at noon, dry beans and rice in the evening, you probably meet your protein needs easily.

Why are these legends spreading?

People once believed that the world was flat. However, while we have such abundance of information, making these suggestions is more than innocent ignorance; either unsuccessful advice from inadequate people, or excuses from secret steroids “I eat a lot of meat, you eat and you develop…” ; or greed of people who make money from protein trading.

You no longer have such concerns. Since you are in Ağrı Saglam , you will get better results by spending your energy and effort correctly.

What is Protein Powder? What are the benefits?

The purpose of protein powders is to add extra protein to the diet and meet the amount of protein required for the protein synthesis of muscles.

If the protein you get from meals is sufficient, taking extra protein powder will in most cases not have an extra benefit to muscle development.

So far we have already studied the benefits of protein, but let's see if there is a separate event of protein powder.

Protein Powder Prevents Muscle Destruction!

Our goal after sports is to destroy muscle tissue. In fact, there is some muscle destruction. Just as there is chaos in the cell as the cell divides, as we stretch the spring back to throw the arrow away, we sometimes need destruction in life, and this is beautiful !

Protein powder does not prevent this destruction, but prevents it from lasting. If you feed quickly after training, you can support muscle development.

Of course, if you ate a protein or amino acid source close to your training time, you don't need protein powder.

In addition, the main benefit of protein powder is that when you are on a fat-burning diet , you get something with low calories and high protein, since you already have fewer calories. So it helps you to secure your macros. Most things you eat can't do it as easily as protein shake.
Protein Powder Makes Muscle! (Even Bone Even!)

In fact, protein or amino acid makes muscle. But as we have already mentioned, protein powder provides convenience if your body does not have that moment of nutrients.

How it does this helps you maintain a positive nitrogen balance after training because whey is digested quickly. Positive nitrogen balance is essential for new tissue formation.

On the other hand, calcium is very important for the skeletal muscle system and its deficiency can be compensated by whey protein consumption. A scale of powder addresses the need for about 20% calcium.
Protein Powder Burns Fat!

Of course not directly, you have to understand that now. But when sports meet the right diet, you'll burn fat.

The major contribution of the protein supplement is that it contains high amino acids despite low calories. It is of course possible to achieve this with diet but it is difficult.
Protein Powder Makes Nutrition, Life Easier!

In fact, this is the biggest difference, everything else fish, chicken, barbunya can not do things.

Lives are very busy now, so sectors such as diet food service have grown and now we want to make every job easier and focus on our own business. This is essential for us to become a better athlete, which is the subject of another conversation.

If you don't like to cook yourself, if you can't get protein in an easy and delicious way, is it as good as meeting the need with a delicious shake?

You can also make simple recipes with powder, it becomes easy to gain weight quickly with high calories.

On the other hand, protein powders can help for relatively difficult disciplines such as the ketogenic diet and the vegetarian diet. There are even herbal powders for vegans.

Our source is's Researchers and Doctors , claiming all these benefits, because it can be a bit heavy for coaches and dieticians to interpret individual research. You can even learn how hundreds of research has been obtained and who pays for it. Not that we can't, but our heads are broken; but they are doing better than us 

How is Protein Powder Produced?

There are many types of protein powders. The most common are whey and casein protein. They both consist of milk, of animal origin. The less common egg protein is also of animal origin. In addition, soybean, pea and hemp protein powder is produced from vegetable origin.

Now let's examine the protein powder types one by one.
Whey Protein Powder

What is Whey? Whey is a product of cheese making. So it comes from milk. The protein portion is isolated from whey to form the powder. It is therefore of animal origin and contains lactose.

For those who are allergic to lactose, it would be reasonable to use products with lactase. The added lactase enzyme digests the lactose, thus more easily digested.

Fat is separated from the whey and used in different foods. The processing can be done by simply drying or removing protein-free materials such as oil. Whey protein is a fast digestible protein.

whey protein powder
Casein Protein

Casein is a phosphoprotein. Milk is the main protein. Produced from milk. It has adhesion. It contains all the amino acids required for growth and survival.

A person who is not allergic to milk may be allergic to casein, so it is best to consult a doctor if it causes discomfort in use.

The casein protein forms a gel structure when it comes into contact with gastric acid. It slows the emptying of the stomach and the mixing of amino acids into the blood. Therefore it is digested more slowly than whey protein.

According to research, muscle protein synthesis is not as effective as whey protein, but it is more effective than vegetable-derived proteins.
Egg Protein

Eggs are a great source of protein. When calculating the digestion rate of the protein, 100% is used as the reference. Like other animal-derived proteins, it is a complete protein source. It contains all the necessary amino acids.

Since egg yolk is not used when making egg protein, it may be a bit weak in saturation. It will also be a useful source of animal protein for allergy to milk.

Whey protein, although not as good as it contains leucine. Leucine is a very important amino acid for muscle protein synthesis.
Herbal Protein Powders

There are protein powders made from many plant sources separately. These include peas, soy, brown rice and even hemp. There are also protein powders produced using multiple plant sources.

Protein powder of vegetable origin is not always a complete source of protein, such as animal proteins, if it is of poor quality. However, protein powders produced from mixed plant sources can be supplemented with relatively missing amino acids. Therefore, when buying vegetable protein powder, we need to pay attention to its contents.

A benefit of vegetable-derived protein powders may be more beneficial in suppressing appetite than whey and casein. It will also be digested more slowly than animal sources because it has a higher fiber content.

Vegetable protein powders will be useful for vegan athletes to make it easier to get protein. Vegetable protein with full amino acid content can be consumed thanks to reinforced protein powders.
Types of Protein Powder on the Market
Concentrated protein

The concentrated protein is extracted from foods using heat, acid or enzyme. About 70% protein. The remaining calories come from carbohydrates and fat. So it contains some carbohydrates and fat.
Isolated protein

Unlike concentrated proteins, isolated proteins undergo a filtration process. In this way, even more carbohydrates and fats are separated. Isolated protein powders contain up to 90% protein.
Hydrolyzed protein

The hydrolyzed protein breaks the bonds of amino acids with the use of even more heat and acid. Thus, amino acids are more easily digested. This is the extra efficiency of hydrolyzed proteins.
How to Use Protein Powder

The amount of protein powder you need to complete your daily needs, the more you can get. There is no harm in getting too much protein.

The need for protein will not be different from the other days because the muscles are renewed the day you do not do sports. The account is already done accordingly.

Powder in the box, as written in the package water or milk if you want some high calories can mix and drink. Quite simply 

If you need to take it before training, we recommend taking it with water. Milk is not something to recommend especially before training, for many reasons. We can say the same for the whey made of milk. We recommend that you are already hungry before training, a separate chat.
When to Use Protein Powder

Whey protein is a fast digestible protein. Casein protein is digested a little more slowly. The timing of the protein or protein powder is said to be very important, but this proposition is often not valid.

If you take your meals at regular intervals during the day and you can meet your protein needs at the end of the day, fast or slow digestion of the protein makes no difference. That is why you do not have to buy before the training - after the training! You can have it at a meal that contains less protein or a snack!

However, if you do not meet your protein needs during the day, or when you are fasting with an intermittent fasting diet, it may make a difference to take the protein quickly after digestion.

In addition, some studies suggest that more digestible protein should be preferred as age progresses.

If you have just started sports, get the right training program and nutrition program before protein powder. However, after 3 months, 6 months later, such as no time limit, if you want to do sports without the protein you can meet. You don't have to qualify for a time, use dust.
Is Protein Powder Harmful?

Protein powder is made of milk, not synthetic, but natural. The healthier the milk is produced, the healthier the powder. This is the determining factor among the products. It is healthier than bread at the table of millions. But when examined in depth, milk-related problems carry many protein powders.

In some people, milk can cause allergies, acne, and gas & bloating problems. Those with lactose allergy may prefer isolated whey.

Protein powders or protein do not harm the kidneys. However, people with problems in their kidneys should consume careful protein and therefore consume careful protein powder. Since consuming protein in general will make the body's pH balance acidic, drinking plenty of water will be beneficial for people who want to develop muscle.

About protein powder, heart attacks, artificial muscles, sagging muscle to form the hold; superstition to very fast muscle building, abnormal growth. However, the benefits and losses of the product are as summarized, not as much as an actionable supplement.

Now we come to the exciting part of the article. Let's say we eat a lot of protein, do we encounter any negative?

First, none of the aforementioned studies showed that those receiving excess protein experienced a drawback. These studies were conducted on active, healthy young people.
Is Protein Harmful to the Kidneys?

In humans with healthy kidneys, it was tested up to 2.8 times the mass and no adverse events were encountered ( 1 ). For people with healthy kidneys, there is little concern about protein intake, but it is recommended to increase protein intake slowly and consume plenty of water ( 2 ).

However, protein is definitely a nuisance for unhealthy kidneys. Therefore, limitation of intake may slow the increase of renal problems ( 3 ). 0.6 grams per kilogram is recommended ( 4 ). However, you should consult your doctor about your specific circumstances.

In fact, this is the point where things get confused, because it is not easy to see if our kidneys are healthy.

Kidney problems don't show up early. Therefore, it is very important that especially those who consume excess protein do research on kidney health and those who see any abnormality in urine should consult a specialist physician immediately.

Kidney problems are a serious issue, ranked 9th among the causes of death. In particular, animal proteins are much more distressed than vegetable proteins at the point of creating kidney problems ( 5 , 6 , 7 ).

If you experience an abnormal condition, it is normal to investigate. Not to panic or blame something.

Is Protein Harmful to the Heart?

There is no negative relationship between protein and heart. TV, newspapers and families concerned about protein; especially if they claim that grew the heart of whey protein powder, these allegations are known only within the borders of Turkey.

On the other hand, according to the American Heart Association, saturated fat-containing protein sources may adversely affect heart health ( 8 ), but these claims seem to be rebutted in the recent meta-analysis ( 9 ).

So you don't have to worry about your heart when consuming protein.

If you are taking steroids, or if you intend to take them, you may have many potential problems with heart health. This isn't about protein, it's about dust.

Is meat harmful?

Recently, there have been publications showing the cancer-related risks of meat consumption ( 10 ). In fact, research on this issue can not produce a very clear result. We still don't know exactly what it is, because it's hard to investigate.

There are still serious risks. This is related to the type of meat and the way it is cooked. As this topic is not as simple as our previous bets, and probably because the reader doesn't care about the details, I find it sufficient to summarize the researchers' comments on Examine:

• Consuming red meat every day involves a serious risk of cancer, especially bowel cancer. Organic meat 1-2 times a week does not look problematic.

• High consumption of processed meat (sausage, salami) is to play with fire.

• Playing with fire (overcooking, frying) is playing with fire. Therefore, different cooking methods should be preferred.

Is Whey Protein Harmful?

Okay, protein is probably not harmful to healthy people; but protein powder? Because they say “not natural“? Look, Professor. Dr. wrote an article in the newspaper, under no research or anything like you put under, but we should stay away from protein powder. He doesn't say why, but there is one he knows ne What do you say, Heavyweight?

Obviously, this interesting question in the face of my hand entangled my foot. Protein powder is a food, just like anything you buy at the market. Hormone is not a pharmaceutical, chemical, synthetic product. Whatever it is, it's protein powder. If you do not have a milk problem (such as lactose allergy), you will have no problems with protein powder. In fact, if you have problems with milk, milk whey protein powder and milk protein to benefit, you do not trigger allergies ( 11 ).

For God's sake, is there any academic work the world accepts? There are teams that have meticulously interpreted the works mentioned above. We've never seen anything like this in any of these teams. Somehow these problems are only in Turkey, hmmm ...

Everything discussed in the media on this subject is the product of ignorance, with no scientific background. Just like the ministry-approved cheese you go to the market, you get the protein powder approved by the ministry from pharmacies, stores, the Internet, your friend, your gym and so on. You can take.
Then Do You Know Why Doctors Say Harmful?

We heard this statement in abundance, and we respect that.

If you think this way, you should understand that being a doctor, or even being a direct kidney doctor, does not guarantee that you know anything about protein powder.

Yahu in the world is constantly coming up with something new, will I know everything about sports forever? Of course not. That's why people become specialized in their expertise, become experts in limited areas, even those areas are constantly changing.

What do they know about the production of powder that we and the experts we follow don't know? If they know, why are they telling this in the media?

The place to do science is academic studies, creating media speculation is not science! Let them work out, let them teach the world.

E, these Protein Milks?

We see that whey-based ready-made protein shakes, protein milks, have become widespread in the market.

As a matter of fact, the sportsmen proliferated, and as the sportsmen increased, the big milk brands and not the small protein powder brands awoke to this situation. They made protein milk.

What's the difference from this dust box? Why doesn't anyone say anything to milk?

We leave it to you.
Summary: Practical Tips on Protein Powder

To sum up, you've read a lot:

1- The protein we need to improve the body is not much. Many of us go into material and moral trouble to buy unnecessary “expensive candies!! We can meet this need without much difficulty from plant and animal sources.

2- If we cannot meet this, especially during the fat burning period, this will be necessary, protein powder will help us meet our needs. So dust makes life easier.

3- It may be beneficial to consume more protein or need. Excessive consumption does not cause any health problems in healthy people; but if you have any health problems, it is more appropriate to eat according to the advice of your doctor.

5- Excessive meat consumption can be harmful as well as unnecessary! Protein is not only found in meat, or just animal sources. Vegan nutrition can also be developed to complete muscle .

6- If we need to use protein powder, we can use it at any time. It does not have an age, it does not need a sports experience, there is no pre - post condition.

7- Protein powder can be used as written on the package. No hokey!

8- There is no such thing as every expert will be right every time he says it. You must use your mind, no one will think of you more than you!

Atkins Gluten Free Protein-Rich Shake, Dark Chocolate Royale, Keto Friendly, 8 Count