Saturday, August 31, 2019

Nuun Active Hydration Variety Pack New & Improved (6 Flavors - 60 Tabs)

What is ferritin? Why is ferritin testing important? What does low ferrite mean?

Nuun Active Hydration Variety Pack New & Improved (6 Flavors - 60 Tabs)

Why is ferritin testing important? Ferritin is a protein produced in the body and is responsible for storing iron. The ferritin test is therefore important because the amount of ferritin in the blood determines the amount of iron. What is ferritin, why ferritin test is done and normal values ​​of ferritin, ferritin deficiency and low causes of what we have examined in detail in our news.

Ferritin is the iron stores of our body. Ferritin content is determined by a special blood test. And the amount of ferritin in our blood is also important because it reveals iron deficiency. The lack of ferritin due to the lack of iron in the body is wondering what kind of disease leads. There are some reasons for the low amount of ferritin. There are also some symptoms of ferritin deficiency. What is ferritin, why ferritin test is done, the causes of deficiency or low levels of ferritin, and what are the causes of diseases such as the details in our news.

For ferritin, the body can be called the iron store. Ferritin, a protein, is produced in the body. Normally, 70 percent of the iron taken into the body goes to hemoglobin and the rest is stored in ferrite. Ferritin is mostly found in the liver, but is also found in the bone marrow, spleen and skeletal muscles. The amount of ferritin in the blood is mixed with the amount of hemoglobin. But the tests for counting two are different.

Lack of ferritin or low ferritin in the blood is the major symptom of iron deficiency. The amount of ferritin is determined by special blood test. Ferritin test is important to show the amount of iron in the body. Iron deficiency in the body may manifest itself with some symptoms. For example, you may be constantly tired because of low ferritin.

The low level of ferrite, which is the iron depot of the body, is directly proportional to the iron deficiency. Thus, low ferritin indicates that there is not enough iron in the body. When iron is insufficient to meet the needs of the body, iron depots are depleted and ferritin levels decrease. Inadequate iron uptake and absorption, during pregnancy or in diseases caused by chronic blood loss, ferritin deficiency may occur. Before any signs of iron deficiency develop, iron depots may occur consumed significantly. In this case, some diseases occur.

Due to the low level of ferritin, the body's iron depot, some disturbances occur. If the amount of ferritin in our body is well below normal values, it may cause symptoms such as shortness of breath, weakness, dizziness, fading of the skin and palpitations. Persons with low ferritin fatigue more quickly and find it difficult to perform a small amount of physical activity. And because of the sudden loss of energy, these people are exhausted even when doing their daily work.

One of the symptoms of low ferritin hair loss problem. The reason for this is that hair follicles do not get enough iron. Low ferritic thyroid gland to work less, which leads to hypothyroidism.

Low ferritin causes dryness and discoloration of the skin. This is because ferritin is just below the epidermis. Iron deficiency, ie low ferritin, affects nail health. With the lack of ferritin, the nails become more brittle.

The amount of iron that is inadequate due to low ferritin influences the transport of the oxygen the body needs. Inadequate oxygen supply causes breathing difficulties.

As iron stores run out, shortness of breath, ringing in the ears, drowsiness and restlessness may occur. If anemia becomes more severe, chest pain, headaches, leg pain, shock, or even heart failure may occur. Children's learning abilities may be impaired. In addition to the general disease symptoms of anemia, there are also findings specific to iron deficiency.

If you have any of the substances listed above, you should consult an internal medicine doctor. Your doctor may ask you for a ferritin blood test if needed. Early diagnosis for any disease is very important for treatment.

Blood loss is the main cause of ferritin deficiency. Blood loss can be caused not only by bleeding injuries but also by internal bleeding or menstrual bleeding. For example, ferritin levels may decrease as a result of menstrual periods with heavy bleeding. In addition to this, uncontrolled bleeding, such as food tube ulcers, stomach and colon ulcers, chronic infections, gastrointestinal bleeding, inflammatory bowel diseases, may result in low ferritin. The main causes of low ferritin are;

iron deficiency

Gastric and intestinal diseases

Vitamin C deficiency

Alcohol consumption

Prolonged digestive tract bleeding (blood loss due to ulcers)

Thyroid diseases

Stomach bleeding due to excessive drug use, such as aspirin, steroids or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

Inflammation of the intestine

Liver diseases such as hepatitis

Serious diseases such as esophageal stomach or colon cancer

Excessive menstrual bleeding

Internal bleeding

Blood loss for various reasons

Not enought feeding

Iron absorption problems

Iron deficiency anemia


Adult men: 12 to 300 ng / ml

Adult women: 10 to 150 ng / ml

In newborns: 25 to 200 ng / ml

1 month old infants: 200 to 600 ng / ml

2-5 months old infants: 50 to 200 ng / ml

Children between 6 months and 15 years: 7 to 142 ng / ml

Following the ferritin test, it is below the normal values ​​given above, indicating the body's iron deficiency. In this case, the body needs to replace the iron. Blood syrups, iron tablets and pills containing vitamin c are the simplest treatments for low ferritin. Further blood and bone marrow transplants may be required. Apart from these treatments, the application of the following substances will help the healing process.

If the iron deficiency is found to be low in ferritin by your doctor, the above-mentioned treatments can be applied. In addition, you have to follow the rules of nutrition. For example, you prefer foods that are rich in iron. Thus, you will meet the iron you need naturally. For example, meat, chicken, fish, molasses, milk and dairy products, green leafy vegetables and enriched cereals are foods with high iron content.

Low ferritin is not only iron deficiency. Sometimes the low iron absorption also reduces the value of ferritin. For this, you should eat foods that contain vitamin C. Because vitamin C increases the absorption of iron in the intestines. Orange, kiwi, grapefruit and blueberries are examples of foods rich in vitamin C.

Vitamin C increases iron absorption and alcoholic and caffeinated drinks have the opposite effect. It is important to avoid these beverages as much as possible in terms of increasing iron absorption.

It is harmful to be high as well as low ferrite. The high levels of ferritin, which are manifested by abdominal pain and blackening, can be reduced to normal with some medications and diet.

Symptoms of elevated ferritin may include palpitations, joint pain, weakness, chest pressure and sexuality.

Rheumatism, type 2 diabetes, blood cancer, lymph cancer, excess iron intake, blood diseases, hepatitis, cirrhosis, and blood transfusions are the causes of high ferritin.

Nuun Active Hydration Variety Pack New & Improved (6 Flavors - 60 Tabs)