Saturday, August 31, 2019

One A Day Women’s Petites Multivitamin, Supplement with Vitamins A, C, E, Calcium, Biotin, and B-Vitamins, 160 count

Your Body Indicates Vitamin K Deficiency 9 Important Tips

One A Day Women’s Petites Multivitamin, Supplement with Vitamins A, C, E, Calcium, Biotin, and B-Vitamins, 160 count

We all know more or less how important vitamins are for our body, but we do not have enough vitamins in our body, how the symptoms of vitamin deficiency manifest themselves, we do not know much.

Just as you know for a while we've been trying to find out what effects a vitamin deficiency has on our body. Even those who will remember, we have previously studied the symptoms of vitamin D deficiency together, and discovered what happens in the body when vitamin B12 is missing.

Today's vitamin K!

You will be amazed to learn the symptoms of vitamin K deficiency and how it creates effects on our body.

If you have some or all of the following symptoms, you should go to your doctor in no time and find out if you have the necessary measurements and vitamin K deficiency.

If you're much more cold than before ...

One of the most obvious and known symptoms of vitamin K deficiency in our body is anemia. One of the most well-known signs of whether you suffer from anemia is that you start to feel much more cold than before.

Therefore, if you have started to get very cold even in the weather you have never been cold before, you may be faced with anemia and vitamin K deficiency.

If your skin has become more sensitive than before, and even bruises at the slightest stroke ...

One of the recognizable symptoms of vitamin K deficiency is that the skin becomes sensitive and easy to turn purple. Because vitamin K is one of the substances that play an important role in the coagulation of the blood, and in the event of deficiency, the blood does not clot easily and can therefore become bruised in the slightest stroke, for example when you accidentally slam your arm against the door or hit your leg.

If you feel that you have such a problem at this time, do not forget to consult your doctor and take the necessary measurements.

Bleeding does not stop when you are accidentally cut anywhere, if blood continues to flow for much longer than before

As you might expect, it takes longer to clot blood due to a lack of vitamin K, causing bleeding to stop late. If small knife cuts and even a paper cut your hand cause frequent bleeding in the kitchen, if you have noticed that these bleeds continue more intensively and for a long time than before, we say that you should take your doctor's way to make the necessary measurements without losing any time.

If you're brushing your teeth or bleeding into your gums ...

As we said from the beginning, the most significant effect of vitamin K on our body is on blood clotting. So if your teeth are bleeding from your brushes, even if you notice any blood leaks on your gums at any time you do not brush your teeth, consult your dentist immediately.

There may be many causes of bleeding gums, and one of the most common causes of vitamin K deficiency is to say from us.

If there's blood coming from your nose in a way you don't know why ...

Vitamin K deficiency does not only manifest itself in cuts and bleeding gums. Sometimes it manifests itself as nosebleeds, which may indicate that your vitamin K deficiency has reached a relatively more severe extent. If you do not experience the above-mentioned conditions, but if you experience occasional nosebleeds, you should have your blood measured immediately and have all the tests your doctor deems necessary.

If you notice more blood coming in your period than before ...

One of the ways women understand whether they have vitamin K deficiency in their body is that they regularly follow it during their period. If there is an increase in the amount of blood that goes in a certain order and arrives in certain amounts during this period, vitamin K deficiency may occur if the period of menstrual period is prolonged.

When you go to the bathroom, if you get blood in your urine or feces ...

Vitamin K deficiency can have effects such as bleeding gums, nosebleeds, bleeding more than small cuts, but in the case of further deprivation, this can cause serious effects such as blood in urine and feces, internal organs, especially in the digestive system. can.

In this case, a doctor should be consulted and necessary tests and examinations should be done immediately.

If your bones are aching or fragile than before ...

We have learned about the effects of vitamin K deficiency on blood clotting and the effects it may naturally have on our body, but this is not limited to that. Because vitamin K deficiency also causes a decrease in protein absorption. So if you don't have enough vitamin K in your body, you can't benefit from all the proteins you get from food.

If this condition becomes long-term, there may be conditions such as bone pain and even increased risk of fracture.

If your newborn baby has bleeding in the belly ...

It is not surprising that vitamin K deficiency is present in newborn babies. However, in some babies, this deficiency may manifest itself as bleeding in the belly, which is a condition that your baby's doctor must be aware of and intervene.

If you have a newborn baby and have seen a small amount of blood in your belly, if there is bleeding, go to your pediatrician without any fuss or loss of time and have your doctor see fit.

An important note: If you have one or more of these symptoms, do not hesitate to go to the doctor immediately and take the necessary measurements. If you are suffering from vitamin K deficiency, take care to eat according to the advice of your doctor and to use the medications to be given to you if your doctor deems necessary.

"What foods are rich in vitamin K?" Say them immediately: spinach, chard, kale, beet, broccoli, arugula, lettuce, cress, cauliflower, okra, blueberries, avocado, kiwi, onions, various spices, vegetable oils and so on.

One A Day Women’s Petites Multivitamin, Supplement with Vitamins A, C, E, Calcium, Biotin, and B-Vitamins, 160 count