Friday, August 30, 2019

Muscle Milk Pro Series Protein Shake, Knockout Chocolate, 32g Protein, 11 Fl Oz, 12 Count

3 Basic Principles for Maximizing Muscle Growth

Muscle Milk Pro Series Protein Shake, Knockout Chocolate, 32g Protein, 11 Fl Oz, 12 Count

Muscle building, “ nutrition , training , sleep , repeat” can be a simple equation.

But most of the time one or more of these factors are overlooked, overworked or not done continuously.

If you ignore the importance of diet or work hard in the gym, you will not be able to achieve your goal as quickly or effectively as possible.

Many people with target hypertrophy ( muscle building ) think that the more time they spend in the gym, the easier and quicker it will be to achieve their goals.

In the gym I go to, I often see people running the same muscle group 6 days a week during the 2 hours that they do endless different exercises .

Although you can see the results in this way, you spend a lot of time. Instead of spending your whole life in the gym, you can reach your goal faster and more efficiently if you know the science behind building and preserving muscle mass.

In order to build muscle as well as the right diet and sleep, it is important to consider the weight and volume of the weight lifted to ensure that you are targeting all the mechanisms that awaken hypertrophy during each training session.

For workouts involving a large number of repetitions and sets, lifting as heavy as possible from time to time will do more harm than good.
Hypertrophy depends on three main mechanisms:

1. Mechanical Tension

2. Metabolic Stress

3 . Muscle Damage

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1. Mechanical Tension

Zaman Time under tension ifade refers to the mechanical tension to which the muscles are exposed during exercise. The mechanical tension may be active, ie the muscles are stretched isometric or passive, which means that the muscles are stretched without contraction . The creation of mechanical tension in a full range of motion in an exercise triggers the maximal hypertrophic response. This is due to the formation of both active and passive voltage.

Passive tension will help activate the connection of the mind with the muscle, which will act as a signal for the muscle to react to tension during exercise. However, passive tension alone will not lead to hypertrophy of a muscle. However, when this is combined with active tension over a full range of motion, the time under tension increases, the muscle is properly activated, and thus working at full capacity.

Your muscles don't know the size of the weights you use, they just know how much tension is created. Although weights often generate more tension as weights increase, it can have a damaging effect by preventing the completion of exercise in a full range of motion.

Slowly exercising with a weight that you can use with a pre-activated muscle and a full range of motion is the most effective way to create ”mechanical tension and growth triggering”.
2. Metabolic Stress

To trigger a hypertrophic response, the muscles must be put under metabolic stress. You may notice that your muscles are “pumped sırasında during a hard workout, which occurs when blood builds up in your muscle and oxygen deprivation (hypoxia) occurs. In this process, “ pump ” sensation is caused by metabolites such as phosphate , hydrogen , lactate and glucose metabolite .

This indicates that micro-muscle tears occur during training; this means that the muscle will need adaptation, repair and ultimately growth to protect against future micro tears. It is therefore important that you increase your weight at the gym so that you can stimulate muscle tears for more frequent repair and growth of the muscle and create enough metabolic stress.
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3. Muscle Injury

You may have difficulty walking when you get out of bed the day after a hard leg exercise, an example of what is called “delayed-onset muscle pain (DOM) .. Although not directly related, it is an indicator of muscle damage.

When mechanical tension and metabolic stress occur, micro tears and muscle damage occur, which help muscle fibers grow stronger and heal. This hypertrophic process depends on you to create enough time for yourself to correct muscle damage , eat properly and sleep, otherwise you may be injured or you can cause more harm than benefit.

For example, if you do muscle training once a week, the level of muscle damage you will be applying may be more severe (high load and density) because the muscles will have a week to heal themselves. However, if you do muscle training more than once a week, it is important to reduce the load and intensity to maximize recovery before the next exercise.
How to Maximize Hypertrophy?

Various scientific studies have shown that it is more effective to grow each muscle group with 4-5 different movements 4-5 times a week compared to intensive training once a week. It is important to ensure an effective and proportionate amount of mechanical tension, metabolic stress and muscle damage in each training session to trigger the maximum hypertrophic response and maintain muscle growth over time.
Is it necessary to use high density or high weight to build muscle?

If your goal is to build muscle, you must understand how to build muscle. The three mechanisms mentioned on this subject; how your muscles tear, repair, and grow. When you apply them all the time in training, and when combined with adequate repair time and proper nutrition, you will spend less time in the gym and see better, faster results.
Key Information:

Use a full range of motion during an exercise.
Gently complete your workout with a previously activated muscle.
Include low load high intensity exercises for the pump.
Give your body time to repair muscle damage.

If you want to get stronger faster, you need to work with the Super Set

It is important to differentiate and diversify the trainings in order to get stronger, get bigger and reach the goals faster. One of the best tactics is to work with super sets, but how? Discussion Working the same motion in series and in multiple sets raises motor-unit activation by exhausting the muscle. As the muscle gets tired, the brain DE activates more muscle fibers to compensate. Muscle activation occurs… Continue reading

Muscle Milk Pro Series Protein Shake, Knockout Chocolate, 32g Protein, 11 Fl Oz, 12 Count