Saturday, August 31, 2019

Garden of Life Iron Complex - Vitamin Code Raw Iron Whole Food Vitamin Supplement, Vegan, 30 Capsules

What are the symptoms of B12 deficiency? How to fix B12 deficiency

Garden of Life Iron Complex - Vitamin Code Raw Iron Whole Food Vitamin Supplement, Vegan, 30 Capsules

Exp. Dr. Osman Cimenci "Vitamin B12 is most often found in animal foods, but due to the absorption of the disorder to a lesser extent, for example, long-term boiling of meat with excessive intake of vitamin C vitamin B12 can be destroyed in foodstuffs," he said. So what are the symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency? How to eliminate vitamin B12 deficiency Here are the answers from the expert ...

Exp. Dr. Osman Cimenci "Vitamin B12 is most often found in animal foods, but due to the absorption of the disorder to a lesser extent, for example, long-term boiling of meat with excessive intake of vitamin C vitamin B12 can be destroyed in foodstuffs," he said. So what are the symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency? How to eliminate vitamin B12 deficiency Here are the answers from the expert ...

Internal Medicine Specialist Osman Cimenci, vitamin B12 deficiency in humans leads to important and neuropsychiatric disorders, he said.
Exp. Dr. Osman Cimenci related to vitamin B12 found. Exp. Dr. Cimenci, "vitamin B12 is most often found in animal foods, but due to the absorption of the disorder to a lesser extent, for example, long-term boiling of meat with excessive intake of vitamin C vitamin B12 can be destroyed," he said.


Exp. Dr. "Vitamin B12 deficiency causes symptoms of anemia (anemia), such as palpitations, weakness, fatigue, decreased exercise capacity. psychosis, ataxia, abnormal gait, neuropathic complaints that paresthesia, numbness, burning and vertigo are complaints such as "he said.


Cimeci, "Laboratory tests are given as the lower limit of 190. Although there is a high serum level of B12 deficiency disease (active liver disease, lymphoma, autoimmune diseases), although there is a low serum level of B12 deficiency. (Excessive vitamin C intake, pregnancy , folate deficiency) Rising homocysteine ​​in the blood of B12 deficiency is an independent risk factor for cardiovascular disease and cerebrovascular disease is not associated with age. B12 deficiency often occurs because of the absorption disorder should be used in the treatment of injections.

Garden of Life Iron Complex - Vitamin Code Raw Iron Whole Food Vitamin Supplement, Vegan, 30 Capsules